Split up of Syllabus 2008-09
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S. No. Subject Pages
1. English 2-27
2. Hindi 28-50
3. Mathematics 51-61
4. EVS 62-74
Class V • Page 1 SPLIT UP OF SYLLABUS 2008-09 ENGLISH TEXT BOOK — MARIGOLD FOR CLASS V Month Unit or Competency Expected Learning Suggested Activities Integrated Value Lesson Outcome Learning APRIL Unit – I Reading Learns to read and Children’ll recite the poem with Environmental Sharing Ice- recite the poem proper action, voice modulation, studies – and Cream with proper rhyme and rhythm. Activities we enjoying man gestures, rhyme Recitation of similar poems like enjoy different activities (Poem) and rhythm. ‘Scissor Man’. seasons. together in different Listening Develops Find out 10 words having ‘Z’ seasons. and imagination and sound. Speaking creativity Color the boxes having Rhyming Help them speak words. effectively To be able to speak and describe their, DREAM ICE-CREAM
Writing To be able to Team game of framing questions comprehend based on the poem to be To identify the answered by the other team. describing words Describing words in the poem for To write report in the following – e. g. Cart. Visit to short and simple any place of interest and write a sentences short report in simple sentence. Guided activity (TAL) two members of each group will post Class V • Page 2 it on their (Think comk) pages.
Spelling Improves Mark the correct spellings vocabulary Spelling game use in flash card
Handwriting To write well using Put the statements in right order the ink pen and write in cursive way
Stress on cursive way of writing words AHPL Utility of To develop waste recreation material
Wonder Reading Learns to read Loud reading by the students Skills in ful with proper monitored by the teachers children. waste Pronounciation Flash cards with new words Able to written to be showed. comprehend the Students will pronounce the story words (Groupwise) Use of phrases Give correct phrases for the clues given Silent reading by the students Read the steps of the recipe – put them in proper sequence.
Listening Learns to speak Discuss in groups of 4/6 how you AHPL and with confidence made utility items out of waste Environment Class V • Page 3 speaking and clarity materials like – old news paper friendly etc. Products
Writing To write the Students will be involved in answers of the framing questions and write their questions based answers (team activities). on the content of Complete the given table with the the lesson new words (root words given in To know the use of book) same words as Writing of recipe stepwise with nouns and verbs suitable picture of the dish both e. g. ground prepared. To know many TAL-post it on your think.com new words made Pages to share with others from the rout words
Spelling Improves Words to shown to be flash vocabulary cards. Locate the words in the dictionary and know their meaning as well.
Bam- Reading Silent reading Read with understanding EVS food habits Appreciate boo Learns to of people living and know curry pronounce given Individual activity in different about words correctly. regions others’s food choices
Writing To be able to Refer to the help box and Class V • Page 4 complete the given complete the sentences. sentences based on the story
June- Team Reading To recite well with Group Wise recitation along with July work proper rhyme and the teacher (poem) rhythm. Recitation of the similar poems e. g. For Want of a Mail (with actions) AHPL Joys of Listening To be able to Group of 4/6 will interact with working and express what each other together Speaking activity they enjoy Importance doing of team work Writing Learns rhyming Completes the steps of rhyming words words Self compose Creative writing : teachers will similar poems provide some ideas Picture Word clues given write answer of composition the question on the flash card
Spelling To form a word by Solve the puzzle joining two words Write short forms for the word Contractions given
Flying Reading Reading with Loud reading after the teacher EVS Punctuality Toge- understanding followed by silent reading Cleanliness of and doing ther Framing of short questions from surroundings work on the story by students time Class V • Page 5 Team game : each team will ask questions and give answers in turns Give one word for the clues given Read a loud the proverbs and discuss the meanings through sentences
Listening and To be able to follow the Word game : Speaking instructions given by the teacher clap as per the To be able to frame questions sound of the beginning with ‘when; where’ each syllable why__’ Make pairs and have Question Answer session CDs on panchtantra stories
Writing Use of Describing words Activities they Develops Pictures comprehensions enjoy doing in imagination Use of prepositions groups and and alone creativity Make sentences of describing words given Writing in short simple sentences Language Class V • Page 6 games : Pick up suitable preposition for the blank spaces.
Unit – 3 Reading and Learn to read and Children read and recite poem My recitation recite poem with with suitable action and shadow correct intonation, along with the teacher (Poem) pronunciation, Recitation of similar poem ‘when rhyme and rhythm the sunshine…’. EVS AHPL MUSIC
Listening Learns the Children are encouraged discuss and importance of various questions group wise and Speaking working together in answer these with the help of the pairs through teacher general discussion
Develops a sense Outdoor activity teacher will take of creativity, them in sunlight to identify their wonder, curiously shadow and imagination
Writing Learns to ------GUIDED ACTIVITY------comprehended Children will write some true statements from the poem (step wise)
Class V • Page 7 Picture Write few short sentences after composition seeing the pictures – illustration
Rhyming words Rhyming word card to be shown. They will match and write
Use of interro- Pick up the right option words to gative pronouns complete the statements.
Spelling Improves Making words from the jumbled vocabulary up letters.
August Robin- Reading Learns to red with Reading of the story by the To be son proper teacher allowed with approparite coura- Crusoe pronunciation and gestures and expressions geous and understanding brave
Pronunciation drill of new words Geography Over- through word cards (EVS) coming fears by Scientific analysis
Learns to read and Multiple choice given to choose choose correct from. answer Encourage to read adventure fiction. E. g. Famous five by Enid Blyton.
Class V • Page 8 Listening To be able to Discussion followed by framing of and express questions and answer (team Speaking themselves in game) short simple sentences ROLE PLAY; Speak about their unknown fears Pose as animal character use mask
Use of dictionary Guess the meaning of the given words. Find out the same in the dictionary
Karadi tales cassettes by times music. Real life narration by the teacher about discovery voyages taken in the past.
Writing Learn to Questions based on the story comprehend given. Students will find out the correct answer and write. Develop writing skills by making Rewrite the jumble words to form meaningful meaningful sentences sentences
Conjunction Combine the sentence using proper joining words given in the box. Class V • Page 9 Creative writing Write a short passage with the help of given clues about (treasure hunt gain)
Spelling Enrichment of Complete the word pyramid with vocabulary the help of clues given. Happiness is contiguous
Unit – 4 Listening Listen and enjoy Listening to the song cassette of Crying and the poem lotus (Poem) Speaking Recite the poem Singing in chorus other songs How to with proper like, “Happy Boys and Happy copup. intension stress & Girls” – (aqua) With pronunciation Ppt showing different different intonation expressions of people; dumb moods of Creative dramatics charade games. people Children can be asked to enact different emotions like joy, anger, excitement, sadness Etc.
Writing Writing creativity Narrate an incident when you have experienced happiness, excitement, surprise with the help of clues given. Use correct feeling words for the Class V • Page 10 blanks.
My Reading Learns to read Reading of lesson aloud with Respecting Elder with correct pause correct pronunciation elder and Brother and pronunciation their expe- Expression and gestures, rience. Enhance their reading habit Encourage children to read classics in English and other Practice in languages. comprehension Silent reading of the lesson and Use of dictionary finding answers of the given questions
Locate the meanings of new words from the dictionary.
Listening Learns to study Framing questions based on the Social Science and the information table e. g How many periods do Speaking given in graphs or you have in English in a week ? tables Speak few sentences and intact Dialogue delivery as per the situation given.
Writing Learns to Encourage them to write answer comprehend and of the given questions based on write the topic.
Use of correct Complete the paragraph Class V • Page 11 form of words. choosing the correct form of word. Letter writing following the Write a letter to your friend/family correct format. member telling him/her about the activities or event in your school.
Spelling Learns correct Spellings game through flash spellings. cards, words having double letters e. g. poor, door (vowels) Improves vocabulary. Words ending with ly, our, ment, tion …… (suffix)
Handwriting To be able to Transparency shown of a sample appreciate good handwriting in cursive way. OHP. handwriting of others.
To improve their Value of own handwriting. time. Social behaviours and dixou- raging laziness.
Sep- Unit – 5 Reading and Learns to read and Children read and recite poem tember The recitation recite with proper with proper action and intonation. Lazy voice modulation, Class V • Page 12 Frog rhyme etc. Teachers asks questions to (Poem) introduce them and the mood of Learns to known the poem. the gist of the poem.
Listening Develop listening Listen to We can achieve and skill to motivate to cassettes from Pauline books Speaking work and achieve and cassettes’.
Learns to know the Matching words through team EVS word game (talking game session) Talking about some lazy animals Music and their habits on (powerpoint presentation)
Writing Learns to frame Encourage them to frame simple sentences sentences about people you like, Develop creative a game you play writing Write a poem about your activity you enjoy
Spellings Learns new Write the correct word out of vocabulary jumbled words (Extended activity) quiz (vocabulary based)
Rip Van Reading To read with Reading of the story by the EVS Encoura- Winkle correct pause and teacher. AHPL ging hard pronunciation Students will read with the P. edu work Class V • Page 13 To develop correct teacher Discou- reading habit with Framing of simple questions from raging understanding the story laziness Word meaning through flash Characters cards building Use of dictionary
Listening Develops self- CDs/cassettes of similar stories and Spelling expression to be listened. Eg. – Sleeping Enhances the Beauty vocabulary
ELO Pick out names of games mentioned in the story dramatising scenes of the story
Writing Use the describing Write about Rip Van Winkle words highlighting the describing words used in your sentences
Recapitulation of Outdoor activity, e. g., skip, hop the verbs or jump To be able to know silent letters in Shade the silent letters in the words given words. Use of always, often, etc. Frame sentences using the (adverbs) following expressing in question forms.
Class V • Page 14 Allowing children Sentences about their to think and likes/dislikes, etc., Paper posters express with value based proverbs. themselves in writing
Understanding the Match these with the meaning proverbs cards and write CD’s, Aesob’s Fables.
Unit – 6 Listening To develop the Recitation of the poem by the Group Healthy Class and skill of the keen teachers and the students so discussion on discus- Discus- Speaking listening well. general topic (e. sions sion g.) Hygiene and should be (Poem) Cleanliness. encoura- ged.
Recite the poem Short questions will be asked to It will with proper test the power of comprehension. develop intonation stress self confi- and pronunciation. dence among children.
Comprehend the Lesson should begin with the Each child written text. discussion on some general is special topic. Each child should be with a encouraged to come forward to special say few sentences. quality.
Class V • Page 15 Rhyming Words. The use of a dictionary while To be civil doing all the vocabulary exercise and should be encouraged to help courteous. students gain confidence when they come across new challenging words.
Writing Students will Each student will describe few develop skill of sentences about their partners. writing sentences with describing words.
Children should be Let the children organize any able to write a competition/exhibition in the notice on a given cross and write a notice about it. topic. (e. g.) Craft exhibition, Book exhibition, Found and Lost properties etc.
Octo- The Reading Learns to read Model reading by the teachers. To read more Learning to ber Talka- Listening comprehend And stories (e. g.) plan and tive Speaking enjoy the text The Arabian organize Barber Nights Series, events. Akbar Birbal.
Teacher reads the play aloud with expressions and gestures. Pronunciation drill of new words. Class V • Page 16 Unseen passage could also be given from the Arabian Nights and Akbar Birbal story books.
Learns to finds out Children will find out word We must the meaning of meaning through situation and also learn new words of the from the dictionary. to laugh at lesson ourselves Putting the words in a same Importance category e. g. feast-drink, eat of wit and Encourage the children to talk humour in about wit and humour and our life understand their importance in life The teacher can help the children gain confidence by carrying out group activity like singing, dancing, acting and when the child discovers he is good at somethingl, it shall boost self confidence
Writing Learn the correct Use the joining word e. g. if, or, use of conjunction till, where Before starting on the writing exercise the teacher could do guided writing piece step by step e. g. How to switch on/off the computer.
Class V • Page 17 Handwriting Improves Teacher will guide the students handwriting to write new evoids in a cursive way.
Octo- Unit of Listening Learns to read and Model recitation of the poem by ber Topsy Speaking recite the poem the teacher. Emphasis on correct turvy Reading with proper pronunciation of words. Pleasure, Neat and Land gestures, rhyme. measure, leisure, treasure etc. Clean habits to systematic Answering short act out Topsy stay healthy work/ turvy things e. g. socks on their rooms are hands, selts as their ties, ties as always their selts etc. appre- ciated
Spelling Finding out rhyming words, words having double letters e. g. door, feet, planned. Words having ea e. g. wear, tear, swear
Writing Students will learn Recapitulation of punctuation how to unjumble rules. words to form a Group discussions on how to meaningful keep neat and clean. Sorting out sentence. sentences into the two stories/pictures. Draw and write few sentences on your dreamland
Handwriting Development and Teacher guides the students to cursive writing write new words in cursive Class V • Page 18 skills.
Novem Gulli- Reading Improves Model reading by the teacher Helping To enjoy ber ver’s Speaking pronunciation special emphasis to correct students to form and read Travels Listening pronunciation of words, gestures groups on with and actions so that the children similarities complete enjoy the story under- standing
Learns to Answer simple questions on the Thinking power Comprehend text of students is awakened so that they give reasons on their own
Spelling Improve Pick out new words from the vocabulary lesson and find their meaning from the dictionary
Writing Learn to use Telling the children to compare similies appro- things that are similar to form priately similes Situations in class to be developed. E. g. a student falls in Learn to give class. Why ? His shoe lace was reasons for a open. Rahul was late to school. particular event Why ? He got up late and missed his bus.
Class V • Page 19 Learn the use of Children will be made to answer present continous the questions on situations to – tense and past (a) What was happening ? tense (b) What happened ?
Learn to form the Classroom situations Learning to three degrees of Pictures will be used to explain compare two adjectives by the degrees of adjectives and two or more adding er, est, objects/things. more, most.
More practice in Recapitulation of rules and punctuation of punctuations sentences and a letter
Developing the Showing the children a movie of Extra reading of habit of creative Gulliver and Lilliput similar ‘Fantasy writing Writing a paragraph if you find Story’. yourself in the land of dwarfs.
Handwriting To develop cursive The teacher guides the student writing to write the new words in cursive way in their handwriting note- book.
Decem Nobody Speaking Learns to read and Model recitation Encouraging Friendship ber ’s friend Learning recite gestures, Emphasis on correct. children to read is a Reading rhymes, rhythm. Pronunciation of words. more stories by beautiful Answering short questions on the Enid Blyton relationship Class V • Page 20 poem. The secret we must seven noddy co-operate series with others The famous help others five. to become friends
Spelling Picking out rhyming words and contractions from the poem
Word building-forming words by adding suffixes less
Word web-words that mean no.
Writing Learns to write Initiating group discussion – how creative sentences to become a good friend ? By on their own. sharing, lending, helping, loving etc.
Handwriting Learn to write in a The teacher guides the student cursive way. to write cursive.
Dec. The Speaking Learn to read with Model reading by the teachers Recognising Little Listening proper and naming of Bully Reading pronunciation Dramatization of the study by the some sea (Poem) understanding and children animals enjoyment Silent reading by the students
Class V • Page 21 Answering short questions on the lesson
Spelling Increase and Finding opposite of the evolves Instilling an improve given from the lesson advertise- vocabulary ment spirit Adding the suffix to form new in the words children, Writing rhyming words must think of doing things
Writing Student will learn Teachers will make a member of Increasing their they have the use of : practice assignments for the use knowledge neverdone (a) articles of articles is/are/ing/forms of verb about sea earlier (b) is/are animals (c) forms of the word
Develop creative Showing the children pictures of writing skill sea animals and writing a paragraph on sea animals
Suppose you are Hari and you went for a picnic and write a report
Janu- Sing a Listening Learn to read and Model recitation of the poem by Comparison of Our ary song of Speaking write the poem the teachers life of a city and country is people Reading with proper a life of a loud of Class V • Page 22 (Poem) gestures, Emphasis on the correct village. diverse Rhyme, rhythm pronunciation of words people but enjoyment and there is comprehension Answering questions on the unity in poem diversity
Group discussion of city life and Introducing village life the 4 r’s Which is better and why ? concept REFUSE Poster making competition on REUSE save our earth with suitable REDUCE captions. RE-CYCLE
Collect information about ten families in your neighbourhood and write a report about it.
Interview your teacher (HM) principal and write a paragraph about them with the information you have gathered.
Writing They will revise, how to make a report To develop creative writing
Around Speaking Learn to ead with Model reading by the teachers Various means To install Class V • Page 23 the Listening proper Silent reading by the children of transports the spirit of world Reading pronunciation and Answering simple questions used in ancient adventure enjoys and based on the lesson and modern and travel understands the Group discussion with your time understandings partner the mame in which you adventure of Mr. conduct yourself while interacting How to read Phileas Fogg with other. maps signs & understands the landmarks understandings
Spelling Improve/ Increrase Will find the meaning of difficult Conducting their vocabulary words from the dictionary. ourselves Find words ending with : properly (a) cd while (b) Describing words interacting (c) Opposite words with others (d) Sounds words e. g. Whistling (e) Make new words by adding (f) e. g. can cane mat mate
Reading Will learn how to Children will be shown a map of read maps the world and will find the names of different countries on it. Small maps of cities, parks, class rooms to be given to the groups will read the map and will answer the questions on it.
Writing To develop Write five sentences on how Class V • Page 24 creative writing messages were sent in olden among the days and now-a-days. students Write a paragraph on an excursion you went for Correct usage of collective nouns
Handwriting Learns to read and The teacher guides the students to develop neat to write the new words in cursive and cursive writing way in their handwriting notebook
Februa Unit–10 Listening Learns to read and Group discussion on animals and To know more Learns to ry Malu & Speaking recite the poem birds living in the polar region, about the birds be cou- Bhalu Reading with voice children will read and recite the and animals rageous modulation, rhyme poem with proper action and living in the and brave. and rhythm. intonation with the teacher. polar region.
The teacher will ask the questions to introduce the theme and mood of the poem.
Writing To develop Write a character sketch of Malu Growing up creative writing Bhalu after a discussion on the is fun. nature, feature of Malu Bhalu.
Correct use of pronouns, practice Eager to through class assignment. learn new things.
Write a paragraph on your ownself using clues, name, place Class V • Page 25 you live in, physical features, habits likes/dislikes etc.
Spelling Usage of To find out the meaning of new dictionary. words from the dictionary.
To find out the pairs of rhyming words.
Handwriting To develop neat The teacher guides the student and cursive to write a passage in a neat writing. cursive hand.
Who Listening Learns to read The teacher reads the story Sensitivity to the Boys and will be Speaking with proper aloud with expressions and environment Girls Ning- Reading pronunciation, gestures. should be thou ? enjoyment and Pronunciation drill of new words treated with Word cards are displayed in the equally understanding. class. Silent reading by the children Developing Children will answer simple leadership questions based on the story qualities Speaking activity where children will speak the words for king, queen, people, tree, future, wondeful in their mother tongue.
Writing Learn the use of Adding ed to form the past tense two tense and past of the verb. tense, two verbs. Deleting ed to form the present Class V • Page 26 tense of the verb. Completing the story with the correct form of the verb Making a list of irregular action words.
Spelling Improving/ Finding out meaning of difficult increasing the words from the dictionary writing vocabulary words for different sound and actions e. g. Click-Clock Crip-bird
Handwriting To develop neat The teacher guides the students hand writing to write a passage in a neat cursive handwriting
Class V • Page 27