Northamptonshire County Federation of Young Farmers Clubs
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Sunday 18th May 2014
After the Rally Stockjudging
To be held at
Denford Ash Farm, Denford Ash, Kettering, NN14 4EW by kind permission of Mrs Emma Bletsoe CLASS SCHEDULE
Class 11 Team of 3, one aged 21 or under and 2 aged 26 or under on 1st September 2014. As per National Rules. Clubs may enter up to two teams.
HEALTH & SAFETY – ESSENTIAL READING/ACTION FOR ALL COMPETITORS It is essential that all competitors read the Health and Safety Executive’s guidance paper concerning fencing and note is taken of the safe working practices and protective clothing equipment that is recommended. The HSE guidance paper ‘Fencing’ (AFAG104) can be downloaded from the NFYFC website.
The team will be required to erect a stock proof boundary fence, using the materials provided (as illustrated in the diagram). The boundary is 15metres in a straight line. The team are required to prepare a written risk assessment/method statement which is to be handed to the judge on the day of the competition - prior to the competition start. Failure to provide a written risk assessment/method statement may result in disqualification and failure to comply with the risk assessments or working unsafely will result in immediate disqualification. Please see NFYFC Fence Erecting Risk Assessment Template. This may be used and completed as teams wish (Risk 1 already entered as an example). A join in the netting should be made by hand (no gripples) where shown on the diagram. A join in the top strand of plain wire must be made using a large inline radisseur and a join in the lower strand of plain wire must be made using a hand tied knot, where diagram illustrates. All joints to be made during the competition. At one end of the fence there should be a strainer with diagonal strut. The strut must have a thrust plate at the end to prevent movement. At the opposite end of the fence there should be a box-strainer with a diagonal tie between posts as per diagram. Diagram is not to scale and is for illustrative purposes only. All spacings to be determined by the competitors Only hand tools will be allowed and the teams themselves must provide these. No powered tools or chain saws are allowed. All tools and equipment used must be fit for purpose and be in good condition, well maintained and safely operated by members of the team at all times. Judges may stop the use of tool/piece of equipment if, in their view, it is not safe to use or is being handled/used in an unsafe manner. Competitors are not allowed to shorten any of the vertical posts. The Judge reserves the right to inspect any strut following completion of the task. All teams are required to dismantle their fence after the Rally (The thrust plate must be out of the ground). Any team not complying with this ruling may be disqualified. Clearing the ground – teams are required to clear away all debris at the end of the competition, and any off-cuts of wire etc should not be put down the postholes. Receptacles will be provided for this purpose. Soil will be available to make the ground good. The Judge’s decision will be final.
Items to be provided:- 2 x 7’ round posts, 5” – 6” diameter (strainers) 2 x 8’ round posts, 3” – 4” diameter (horizontal strut, diagonal strut and thrust plate) 5 x 5’6” round posts, 3” – 4” diameter (intermediates) 16m x mild steel stock netting C8/80/15 40m x mild steel plain wire 1 x large inline radisseur staples
Two and a half (2.5) hours will be allowed for the county round, depending on the ground condition. Time penalties – teams will be encouraged to complete the task but will lose one (1) point per minute over the allocated time.
SCALE OF MARKS Straining post & diagonal strut 50 Box strainer 50 Intermediate posts 40 Join in netting 40 Fixing and tensioning of netting 30 Hand tied knot in plane wire 20 Radisseur join in plain wire 20 Fixing and tensioning of plain wires 20 Overall neatness of finished job 25 (only if teams finish within the time limit) Written risk assessment 5 TOTAL 300