Belleville Fire Station Tuesday, June 14th, 2011

Due to eh Wisconsin Supreme Court decision on January 20, 1993, Badke v. Greendale Village Board, this meeting will be noticed as a possible gathering of quorum of the Village of Belleville, Town of Montrose, Town of Exeter, Town of Brooklyn and Town of Oregon Boards due to the possible attendance of Trustees not appointed to the Association Board. ACTIONS REQUIRING A VOTE MAY BE TAKEN ON ANY OF THE FOLLOWING ITEMS:

1. Call to order by Chair Hodel at 8:20 PM. 2. Roll Call: Members present: Ted Fahey, Exeter; Mark Gundlach, Exeter; Roger Hodel, Montrose; Dan Palmer, Montrose; Deb Kazmar, Belleville; Phil Van Kampen – Oregon. (Others present): Chief Tom Adams; Rob Babler; Gary Ziegler – EMS Association 3. Posting of Meeting – Chair verified Meeting was Posted properly 4. Minutes from Assoc Meeting of March 8th, 2011. MMS to approve by Palmer/Kazmar – Carried 6-0

5. GENERAL ASSOCIATION BUSINESS a. Election of President. - MMS Kazmar/Van Kampen to nominate Roger Hodel – Carried. MMS to close nominations Fahey/Palmer – Carried. MMS to elect Roger Hodel – Carried 6-0 b. Election of Vice -President. - MMS Van Kampen/Kazmar to nominate Ted Fahey – Carried. MMS to close nominations Van Kampen/Palmer – Carried. MMS to elect Ted Fahey – Carried 6-0 c. Election of Secretary. – Discussion: Association President will seek out an individual to act as Assn. Secretary to take Minutes, etc. Position will pay $25.00 per meeting. d. Appointment of Treasurer: MMS Palmer/Kazmar to Appoint Village of Belleville as Treasurer. Carried 6-0.

6. EMS

a. Treasurer’s Report – Gary Ziegler: i. No major unexpected expenses ii. Some minor expense for building repairs as it is now 10 years old. MMS to accept Treasurer’s Report Gundlach/Kazmar. Carried 6-0

b. Department Update – Gary Ziegler: i. The Open House was successful ii. Call Volume remains the same as last year iii. 2 Member resignations (W. Brown & J. Ennis) iv. 10 new Applications on hand v. No problems to report with new Ambulance vi. Officer Elections: G. Ziegler – Director; L. Losenegger – Asst. Director; S. Luchsinger – Secretary – Treasurer.

c. Old Business – None d. New Business i. Radio Update 1. System is being tweaked and engineering in process 2. Still in limbo – Operation/Maintence details 3. System should be live mid 2012 4. Grant update (no notes - pvk) 5. EMS Annual Meeting – October 11th, 2011. Discussion of location – undetermined.

7. Fire a. Treasurer’s Report i. No major unexpected expenses. MMS to accept Treasurer’s Report D. Palmer/M.Gundlach. Carried 6-0 b. Department Update – Chief Adams i. Fish Boil Successful ii. Participated in Bicycle Rodeo and EMS Open House iii. 3 Members have passed FF1 c. Old Business i. Grant Update – no awards on $106,000 grant application. Department faces potential $100,000 cost to replace radios in 2012 ii. 100th Anniversary Celebration planning underway for June 23rd, 2012. Cost expected to be $3,000 – 4,000 total (to be split with Fire Association) d. Jaws of Life Equipment Status/Upgrade i. Current situation: Hurst unit 30+ years old. TNT unit 8 years old. Cost of new unit options: $16,000 from TNT with trade or $22,000 from Jefferson Fire. Discussion - potential purchase of the above with 2% dues. No action at this time.

Adjournment: MMS to adjourn P.Van Kampen/T. Fahey. Carried 6-0

Next Meeting: September 26th at Sugar River Lanes