STEP-IN (Industry) Evaluation Forms

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STEP-IN (Industry) Evaluation Forms

Appendix C STEP-IN (Industry) Evaluation Forms

Table of Contents

2. Pre-STEP-In evaluation form for business/industry 3. Post-Step-In evaluation form for business/industry 4-4.STEP-In evaluation form for business/industry 6. Pre-STEP-In evaluation form for students 7. Post-STEP-In evaluation form for students 8-8.STEP-In Evaluation Form for Students 10. Pre-STEP-In Evaluation Form for Mentors 11. Post-STEP-In Evaluation Form for Mentors 12. STEP-In Evaluation Form for Mentors 13. Step-In Evaluation Form for Liaisons . Pre- Summer Research in Industry (STEP-IN) Evaluation /Consent Form Business/Industry


Dear ______(Company Contact Name):

We are very pleased that you have agreed to participate in the CBAS STEPMT Summer Research in Industry project (STEP-IN). We hope that this program will strengthen the partnership between your business and MTSU. We will make every effort to provide you with knowledgeable and eager students who are ready for real-world experiences in a career that uses a Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics (STEM) degree.

As one component of assessing the effectiveness of this project, we ask that you send an email to Mr. Brad Rudnik at [email protected] giving your consent for participation in the project and the evaluation process. At the completion of the project, you will be asked to complete a short questionnaire about the student’s performance and also to submit an executive summary of the activities and results. Any documents sent to STEPMT will be kept confidential and data used confidentially.

Thank you again for your participation in the STEPMT project. Please let us know how the STEPMT management team can help.


Dr. Thomas Cheatham, Dean STEPMT Principal Investigator

2 Post- Summer Research in Industry (STEP-IN) Evaluation Business/Industry


Dear ______(Company Contact Name):

Thank you so much for allowing MTSU student(s) to participate in a STEPMT summer research experience at your business. We hope you have found the experience to be both enjoyable and productive.

Now that the STEPMT Summer Research Internship project is completed, your assessment of the project and participants is needed to help the STEPMT investigators to evaluate the effectiveness of the project. Please return this form to Mr. Brad Rudnik by email [email protected], by FAX (615) 898- 2615, or by mail Box 83, College of Basic and Applied Sciences, Murfreesboro, TN 37132. Your responses will be kept confidential and data used confidentially. Thank you in advance for your honesty and cooperation in this evaluation process. Your responses are important for maintaining the quality of the program.


Dr. Thomas Cheatham, Dean STEPMT Principal Investigator

3 STEP-IN Evaluation Form to be Completed by the Business/Industry Partner at the end of the Research Experience This form is also available online at

Student’s Name Supervisor’s Name Company Summer of Participation The student will not receive a copy of this evaluation, only a general statement regarding his/her performance.

Please rate the student’s abilities and attitudes while performing his/her research duties. Use a scale of 0-10 where 0 is unacceptable and 10 is excellent. Please write N/A if the question does not apply to your situation.

1. Maintains a professional attitude 2. Shows initiative in learning new ideas and tasks 3. Shows initiative in performing tasks 4. Cooperates well with others 5. Works well in a team atmosphere 6. Follows directions 7. Completes tasks in an appropriate amount of time 8. Works when scheduled 9. Knowledge level, relative to others at an “entry” level 10. Uses problem-solving skills 11. Understands scientific explanations of internship duties 12. Shows ability to plan scientifically sound experiments/activities Overall rating of student’s abilities and attitudes Hypothetically, if a job were available would you hire this person? ____ yes ____ no

Please make any additional comments regarding the student’s best or poorest qualities.

4 Role of STEPMT: Please rate the STEPMT infrastructure in supporting the project. Use a scale of 0-10 where 0 is unacceptable and 10 is excellent. Please write N/A if the question does not apply to your situation.

1. The MTSU faculty mentor provided appropriate support to the student 2. The MTSU faculty mentor maintained an appropriate distance from the project. 3. The STEPMT liaison was helpful in initiating the project. 4. The STEPMT liaison maintained an appropriate distance from the project.

Please comment upon the positive and negative aspects of the MTSU mentor support role.

Please comment upon the support provided by the MTSU STEPMT liaison.

Please provide suggestions for improvement of the STEP-IN program.

Supervisor’s Signature Date

Please return this form to Mr. Brad Rudnik by email [email protected], by FAX (615) 898- 2615, or by mail Box 83, College of Basic and Applied Sciences, Murfreesboro, TN 37132. Thank you for your assistance with this evaluation.

5 Pre-Summer Research in Industry (STEP-IN) Evaluation/Consent Form Student


Dear ______:

We are very pleased to inform you that you have been chosen to participate in the STEPMT Summer Research in Industry (STEP-IN) project. During this summer you will be working with ______, a local industry, to build connections and partnerships between MTSU and the community. Our goal is to provide you with a real- world experience in a career that uses the STEM degree you are pursuing. The project description for your position is enclosed.

In order to assess the effectiveness of this project, we need you to send an email to Mr. Brad Rudnik at [email protected] answering the following question:

What benefits do you expect from your work on this particular project? This could include academic or career goals.

This document, as well as any other documents you submit to STEPMT, will be kept confidential. They will be used by the STEPMT project leaders only and reported without the use of your name or other identifiers. By submitting this email, you are giving us your consent to participate in the project and the evaluation process.

Thank you again for your involvement in the STEPMT project. At the completion of the semester, you will be asked to complete a short questionnaire about the work and to submit a short report of your activities and results. Please let us know how the STEPMT management team can be of help.


Dr. Thomas Cheatham, Dean STEPMT Principal Investigator

6 Post- Summer Research in Industry (STEP-IN) Evaluation Student


Dear ______:

Thank you so much for participating in a STEPMT Summer Research Internship at ______(Fill in the Industry here). We hope you have found the experience to be both fruitful and productive.

Now that you have completed a STEPMT Summer Research Internship project, your thoughts and opinions are needed to help the STEPMT team evaluate the effectiveness of the project. Please return this form to Mr. Brad Rudnik by email [email protected], by FAX (615) 898- 2615, or by mail Box 83, College of Basic and Applied Sciences, Murfreesboro, TN 37132. Thank you in advance for your honesty and cooperation in this evaluation process.


Dr. Thomas Cheatham, Dean STEPMT Principal Investigator

7 STEP-IN Evaluation Form –Student to be completed at the end of the summer research internship This form is also available online at

Student’s name Internship Location Summer of participation Your supervisor’s name

1. Give a brief description of the company or agency in which you interned.

2. Give a brief description of the daily activities you and your supervisor performed.

3. What was the attitude of your supervisor towards you as an intern?

4. Was your supervisor available to answer your questions?____ yes _____no

5. Was your faculty mentor helpful? In what ways was this a positive or negative relationship?

6. Were you involved in some meaningful activities in the company or agency? (not just repetitive tasks) What were some of these activities?

7. What did you learn in your research experience about science or work, in general?

8 8. What courses were helpful to you in your research?

9. Would you recommend this research experience to another student? Why or why not?

10. Write any suggestions you have for improvements in the STEP-IN program.

11. Please make any additional comments regarding your research experience.

Please return this form to Mr. Brad Rudnik by email [email protected], by FAX (615) 898- 2615, or by mail Box 83, College of Basic and Applied Sciences, Murfreesboro, TN 37132. Thank you for your assistance with this evaluation.

9 Pre- Summer Research in Industry (STEP-IN) Evaluation/Consent Form Mentor


Dear ______(MTSU Discipline Faculty Mentor Name):

We are very pleased that you have agreed to participate as a mentor in the CBAS STEPMT Summer Research in Industry project (STEP-IN). We hope that this program will strengthen the partnership between the MTSU and businesses involved.

As one component of assessing the effectiveness of this project, we ask that you send an email to Mr. Brad Rudnik at [email protected] giving your consent for participation in the project and the evaluation process. Any documents that you submit to STEPMT will be kept confidential and the data used confidentially. At the completion of the project, you will be asked to complete a short questionnaire about the participant performance.

Thank you again for your participation in the STEPMT project. Please let us know how the STEPMT management team can help.


Dr. Thomas Cheatham, Dean STEPMT Principal Investigator

10 Post- Summer Research in Industry (STEP-IN) Evaluation Mentor


Dear ______(MTSU Discipline Faculty Mentor Name):

Thank you so much for participating as a mentor in a STEPMT Summer Research Internship at ______(Fill in the Industry here). We hope you have found the experience to be both fruitful and productive.

Now that you have finished mentoring a student for a STEPMT Summer Research Internship project, your thoughts and opinions are needed to help the STEPMT investigators to evaluate the effectiveness of the project. Please send a completed evaluation form (attached) to Please return this form to Mr. Brad Rudnik by email [email protected], by FAX (615) 898- 2615, or by mail Box 83, College of Basic and Applied Sciences, Murfreesboro, TN 37132. Thank you in advance for your honesty and cooperation in this evaluation process.


Dr. Thomas Cheatham, Dean STEPMT Principal Investigator

11 STEP-IN MTSU Mentor Evaluation Form to be completed at the end of the Summer Research Internship This form is also available online at

Mentor’s Name______Student’s Name Company Summer of Participation

Student will not receive a copy of this evaluation, only a general statement regarding his/her performance.

1. What sort of questions did the student ask?

2. Comment on whether the student required extra support from you and, if so, the reason for that need.

3. Did the student receive adequate guidance on the job?

4. From your perspective, was this a successful student/industry partnership? Why or why not?

5. Would you like to act as a mentor again?

MTSU Mentor’s Signature Date

Please return this form to Mr. Brad Rudnik by email [email protected], by FAX (615) 898- 2615, or by mail Box 83, College of Basic and Applied Sciences, Murfreesboro, TN 37132. Thank you for your assistance with this evaluation.

12 STEP-IN Liaison Evaluation Form This form is also available online at

Liaison’s Name______Student’s Name Company Summer of Participation

Student will not receive a copy of this evaluation, only a general statement regarding his/her performance.

1. From your perspective, was this a successful student/industry partnership? Why or why not?

2. Did the student receive adequate guidance from his/her faculty mentor?

3. Did the student receive adequate guidance from his/her industry supervisor?

MTSU Liaison’s Signature Date

Please return this form to Mr. Brad Rudnik by email [email protected], by FAX (615) 898- 2615, or by mail Box 83, College of Basic and Applied Sciences, Murfreesboro, TN 37132. Thank you for your assistance with this evaluation.


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