Newspaper Report Rubric

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Newspaper Report Rubric

Holocaust - Fact or Fiction? Subject: Social Studies Grade Level: 6th

Purpose Provide an objective analysis of the history of the Holocaust with references to how it relates to our current situation. NCSCS Goals 12.2 Associate an event or a phenomenon in the history of societies and Objectives in Europe and former Soviet Republics with the current situation or practice. To research and analyze whether the Holocaust actually occurred in history. Problem Summary Their have been a flood of letters to the editor of the Laurinburg Exchange suggesting that the Holocaust is a figment of someone’s imagination. Your task is to refute these claims. Authentic Task Your task is to produce a special series of stories on the Holocaust, with reference to the “Denialists,” and their arguments that the Holocaust did not occur. The series will include photos, interviews, and extensive documentation. The series will address the major issues in this controversy, and provide an objective analysis- not only of the history of the Holocaust, but with references to how it relates to our current situation. The final group report is a 10-15 minute presentation to the Series Editor (the teacher). The report may take the form of a newspaper style layout, modeled on an actual newspaper. You will need to use technology to support your research, including resource references, pictures, maps, charts, models, and other acceptable means that reflects serious research has been done. Time Frame Two (2) to Three (3) weeks Materials/Resources Access to the library and to the internet Suggested websites to use:

Process Before you get started, the following three questions will be brainstormed with the class, to set up the problem, familiarize students with terminology and historical background. The Series Editor (teacher) will facilitate, making notes, concept-mapping at the chalkboard. The results will be saved, for reference by the class, to remind students of the various aspects of the problem. 1. What do we know? 2. What do we need to know? 3. Where can we find out what we need to know? Students will be grouped and begin work on their research and

Holocaust, Scotland County Schools 1 products. Due to the complexity of the events related to the Holocaust, you will be assigned to one of the following groups. Each of the groups will focus on various aspects of the problem. A. Krystallancht (The Night of Broken Glass) B. The Nazi death camps C. Mass psychology of the Nazis D. Theory of Aryan Superiority and the “Final Solution” E. Reaction of the U.S. and others to Holocaust reports at the time Regular briefings of the groups by your Series Editor (teacher) will be reviewed, making sure that all students are contributing; that they are making use of the resources, and are focused on the solution of the problem. Evaluation The newspaper will be evaluated based on the rubrics presented to the students when the assignment was given. (Newspaper Report Rubric and Collaboration Rubric) Teacher Comment The class is broken into different groups which will allow them to contribute something special to the total learning experience, and allow the students to teach each other, while the teacher guides and coaches from the side. The groups should contain 4-5 and be assigned various roles as reporters, writers, researchers, or other related roles. All teammates need to contribute to the project work, and your individual contributions highlighted during the regular briefing sessions. Contact Information Linden Cummings & Jennifer Eastman Spring Hill Middle School (369-0590)

Holocaust, Scotland County Schools 2 Memo


Recently our newspaper, The Laurinburg Exchange, has received a lot of extremist calls and letters, related to an article we ran about events in the Middle East and Israel. These calls and letters include derogatory references to various minority groups and religions, and deny that the Nazi Holocaust- the extermination of Jews, Catholics, Gypsies and other minorities occurred. Recently there has been an increase in the number of physical attacks (i.e., smashed windows, arson, bombings) on synagogues, churches and homes of minority groups in our state and elsewhere.

Due to these events, we have decided to produce a series of stories on the Holocaust, with reference to the “Denialists” and their arguments that the Holocaust did not occur. The series will include photos, interviews, and extensive documentation. The series will address the major issues in this controversy, and provide an objective analysis – not only of the history of the Holocaust, but with references to how it relates to our current situation.

Holocaust, Scotland County Schools 3 NEWSPAPER REPORT RUBRIC

Outcom 1 2 3 4 Weig Mark e ht


Final product 4 Contains only Contains a Contains a good Contains all and is a good copy good copy and copy and two presented well one draft drafts

* editing 1, 4 Contains little Contains Contains Contains evidence of satisfactory satisfactory satisfactory teacher editing evidence of evidence of evidence of teacher teacher editing teacher editing editing and solid and student student editing editing

* level of difficulty 4 Story chosen to Story chosen Story chosen to Story chosen to base news to base news base news report base news report report on was report on was on was very on was very slightly challenging challenging challenging and challenging handled well

* maintaining 1, 4 News report News report News report News report is interest maintains some maintains maintains very interesting interest interest interest consistently


* headline 1, 3 Headline is Headline is Headline is present attention original and grabbing attention grabbing

* difficulty of 3, 5 Student chose Student chose Student chose Student chose the headline type the factual type the confusing the alliterative cliched type chosen type type

* who 3, 5 Addresses this Addresses this Addresses this question question question clearly clearly and well

* what 3, 5 Addresses this Addresses this Addresses this question question question clearly clearly and well

*where 3, 5 Addresses this Addresses this Addresses this question question question clearly clearly and well

* why 3, 5 Addresses this Addresses this Addresses this Holocaust, Scotland County Schools 4 question question question clearly clearly and well

* how 3, 5 Addresses this Addresses this Addresses this question question question clearly clearly and well

* elaboration of 3, 5 Elaborates on Elaborates on Elaborates on all Elaborates on all details some details all details details clearly details with flair

* quotes and 3, 5 Uses 1 quote Uses 2 - 3 Uses 4 or more Uses 4 or more witness testimony quotes quotes as quotes as appropriate appropriate with no error in format

Holocaust, Scotland County Schools 5 * incidental 3, 5 Contains Contains information at end incidental incidental information information and is related to topic

*Language and 3 uses correct uses correct Is consistent in Consistent in using X 2 grammar grammar and grammar and using correct correct grammar vocabulary vocabulary grammar and and vocabulary sparingly correctly vocabulary

* target audience 1 Content is Content is X 2 appropriate for appropriate for News paper News paper readers for the readers for most part throughout

* length 4 Report is 1 Report is more X 3 page in length than one page


* comprehension of 1 News report News report News report X 2 original text demonstrates a demonstrates a demonstrates an sound good excellent comprehension comprehensio comprehension of original text n of original of original text text

* adaption of 1 Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper report X 2 original text to report makes report makes report makes makes much news report format little reference satisfactory much reference reference to to original text reference to to original text original text and original text demonstrates own originality

Please Note: The numbers in the Outcome column refer to the following Outcomes

1. Students recognize when and what information is needed, locate and obtain it from a range of sources and evaluate, use and share it with others. 2. Students value and implement Christian practices that promote the well being of self and others in a safe environment. 3. Students use a variety of verbal and written skills to understand, develop and communicate ideas and information to others. 4. Students are motivated and confident in their learning and are able to work individually and in various sized groups. 5. Students describe and reason about patterns, structures and relationships in order to make decisions, predict and visualise consequences, and test a range of options and possible solution

Holocaust, Scotland County Schools 6 Collaboration Rubric

Beginning Developing Accomplished Exemplary Score 1 2 3 4


Collects a great Does not collect any Collects very little Collects some basic deal of Research & Gather information that information--some information--most information--all Information relates to the topic. relates to the topic. relates to the topic. relates to the topic.

Relays a great Does not relay any Relays very little Relays some basic deal of Share Information information to information--some information--most information--all teammates. relates to the topic. relates to the topic. relates to the topic.

Hands in all Does not hand in Hands in most Hands in most Be Punctual assignments on any assignments. assignments late. assignments on time. time.

Take Responsibility

Does not perform Performs all Fulfill Team Role's Performs very little Performs nearly all any duties of duties of assigned Duties duties. duties. assigned team role. team role.

Rarely does the Usually does the Always does the Always relys on assigned work-- assigned work-- assigned work Share Equally others to do the often needs rarely needs without having to work. reminding. reminding. be reminded.

Value Others' Viewpoints

Usually doing most Is always talking-- Listens, but Listens and Listen to Other of the talking-- never allows anyone sometimes talks too speaks a fair Teammates rarely allows others else to speak. much. amount. to speak.

Cooperate with Usually argues with Never argues with Sometimes argues. Rarely argues. Teammates teammates. teammates.

Often sides with Usually wants to Always helps friends instead of Usually considers all Make Fair Decisions have things their team to reach a considering all views. way. fair decision. views.


Holocaust, Scotland County Schools 7 Holocaust, Scotland County Schools 8

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