Delaware Deparement of Correction s1
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Committee Members Present: Carl Danberg, Commissioner; Tom Carroll, Deputy Commissioner; Ed Synoski, Deputy Principal Assistant, Management Services; Gail Stallings-Minor, Chief Community Relations; John Painter, Chief Media Relations; Joe Dudlek, Chief of Inspections; Debbie Lindell, Chief Information Officer; Jim Welch, Medical Director; Rick Kearney, Chief Bureau of Prisons; Janet Durkee, Deputy H.R. Director; Roy Lawler, Diversity Program Coordinator; Kim Wheatley, Chief Bureau of Management Services; Kate Bailey, Deputy Principal Assistant to the Commissioner; Karl Hines, Chief Bureau of Community Corrections; Alan Machtinger, Director, H.R. & Development; Rich Seifert, Deputy Principal Assistant; Bureau of Prisons; Ron Drake, IA Director; Debbi Craig, Planner V; Dan Cox, Director, Emergency Preparedness
GUEST: Dr. Kramer
CALL TO ORDER Commissioner Danberg called the meeting to order at 9:09 a.m.
Bureau of Prisons: Bureau Chief Rick Kearney: Count is staying steady with the exception of BWCI, which has a slight increase. Emergency Preparedness (EP) training is underway up north. Training is scheduled for the next couple of months. Suicide training is finished with 85-90% of employees trained at all facilities except BWCI with 79-80% trained. These numbers include contractual staff.
Bureau of Community Corrections: Bureau Chief Karl Hines: Losing two more P& P Officers: one is being deployed, the other was hospitalized. LSIR training starts tomorrow, June 3rd and will last 2 days. When training ends Thursday hope to have 90 plus staff trained. Most current loss to retirement is long time office manager. Warden named at KCC is Jim Hutchins. Official announcement will go out in the next day, waiting for notices to be received by other candidates. Home confinement is moving back to Dover P&P. Bureau of Health Services: Bureau Chief Jim Welch: Department of Justice (DOJ) was at SCI last month, report was fair. DOJ will be visiting Baylor this month. Internal evaluations were done this past month. Findings: problems seem to be mostly documentation errors. Procedures are being done but without a signature they can not be considered complete. Need to address this area. Interviews have been done and turned in to HR on: Quality Control, Treatment Services Administrator & Compliance Coordinator. Mental Health working with MCI/CVOP on move.
Bureau of Management Services: Bureau Chief Kim Wheatley: Bureau-wide: Prepared written timeline for FY11 budget process. Working with Tom C to get all DOC policies up on the website, so they are easily accessed by all employees. Continuing to work on performance reviews and plans … Food Services and Records are 100% complete. Business Office: Linda Riddagh and Linda York will be retiring effective 8/1. Matt Crouch will be leaving DOC in July for a fed job at Aberdeen. Bullet proof vest grant will no longer be under the management of DOC. DSP has a higher number of officers using vests, and have therefore become the owners of the new grant. Support Services: Deadline for fleet turn in is 6/30 – still have 5 cars out that will be returned to Fleet. Verizon analysis – updating plans based on actual usage = savings of $1,100/month. OMB is starting initiative to place GPS units in all department-owned vehicles, not sure of timeframe at this point. They will be monitoring to try to reduce agency fleets statewide. Food Service: Vacancy rate still 14% as of today, 5 in class; however 3 are having difficulty passing physical tests. Completed corrective action plans for all unannounced inspections of kitchens; staff have done a nice job following up and resolving issues. Exploring use of existing capability in DACS to have all central supply orders go through system. Central Records: BWCI scheduled to transition this weekend. Cathy and several staff will be making the move. The 2 records clerks that will remain at the facility have agreed to work 3 days a week in Dover for 4 months. In process of getting costs to reconfigure records space to consolidate all folks together. Maintenance: Masonry Phase IV – Jerry will be talking to Warden Morgan to determine how we structure this phase in terms of timing. As part of Phase III, Jerry is awaiting cost estimate on water controls for showers (per CCD suggestion). JTVCC – T building AC will not be operational for this summer … bids have been delayed, and are currently being reviewed by OMB. It seems the earliest start time is mid-September. Medical expansion bids for SCI are due 6/4. DCC sewer plant was being run on a back up plan for one week without disruption to facility. System has been repaired and is 100% operational again.
Debbie Lindell: CMS access to DACS – Medical had requested that CMS management be granted access to DACS from their offices on College Rd. SSL-VPN account requests for 13 CMS staff were created. DACS – Memory has been increased to 12GB on each of two database servers, the BI server and the server running Oracle's Enterprise Manager. Initial results are as expected, with less paging and improved response times. EOC – DTI will be providing us with a specially configured router solution to give IA the ability to access and download voice data from inmate phone system vendor's website. They will access the system from a location within the EOC here in the Admin. Bldg. Food Service – Conducted a demonstration of the Programs module to be implemented for Kitchen Workers. Configuration of a program is underway for their use for record and time-keeping purposes, to begin this month. Medical – Electronic Medical Records Project Three requirements sessions have been held - Nursing, Miscellaneous and Mental Health. Participation by CMS nursing staff has been very good. After names were received, an invitation was sent out on 5/22 to other state agencies, inviting their participation in our EMR requirements effort. A requirements session for external agencies is scheduled for June 10th. Training - Microsoft Office training sessions (6 over three days) are now complete and were very well-received. There are some items we'd like to obtain for the training room as budget permits, primarily to improve ergonomics (better projection, etc.). Classification –A design walk-through was held on May 14th. DACS - Steering Committee met on 5/14 to determine the high priority tickets for each bureau. A total of 12 tickets were identified. Guard server – The new equipment is being installed this week by DTI. This will allow P&P officers from NCC and Sussex to access the system from their desktops, and will reduce monthly expenditures by over $2,000 per month. – This effort has been delayed due to the pending possible move of Home Confinement to the Maple Lane P&P offices from MCCC. Training program for the State – July 13-17 – Statewide ISO (Information Security Officer) training will be conducted here in rooms 760/762 (through DTI) Joe Dudlek: Delaware State Fire Marshalls to perform inspections in Sussex County this month.
John Painter: Attended Governor PIO meeting last Friday. Reminded everyone to forward any positive activity or function within DOC.
Ed Synoski: NO
Deb Craig: PREA: Valarie informed me that the Feds have approved the spending of funds. Moss group was the only responding group to our RFP and their price went up $7000.
Alan: Hiring: vacancies number at the end of last week was 57 with current class that number should drop below the target number. Right now we have 24 retirements in the works with 4 additional pending. P&P has 26 vacancies including 5 supervisors.. My take on yesterdays meeting is DOC will be allowed to fill some positions but not all. Mostly medical, institutional and records. Need to re-address the hiring approval for the IRM.
Dan Cox: EP is alive and doing well. We have eight new instructors with 2 potential in the wing. EP training is almost complete at JTVCC. Crisis negotiation training is coming along great.
Ron Drake: NO
Roy Lawler: Sexual harassment refresher training is complete for New Castle County. Plan to start training in Kent County next. Submitted draft report on Diversity to Commissioner for review. Attending Partner’s in Progress as DOC representative. Recently completed five additional exit interviews.
Gail Stallings-Minor: Attended Women’s Healing and Empowerment Retreat with women from WWRC on Saturday, May 30th. Another retreat is scheduled for August 7th at WWRC. Centers that have helped P&P and offenders by providing hotel vouchers have put a hold on the program due to funding.
Kate Bailey: NO
Janet Durkee: NO Rich Seifert: NO
Tom Carroll: Reminder only 3 more weeks of this legislative session. Any questions that may come up please run them through Tom before responding. Reminder: Debbi will be working on DOC’s annual report so keep sending your updates to her.
Minutes are approved as written.
Motion to adjourn meeting Rick, 2nd Tom 10:07 a.m.
The next Executive meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 7, 2009, 9 a.m., conference room 300.