Management of Breeding Bulls
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that the smallness is not due to MANAGEMENT OF inheritance and the animal is looked upon with disfavour by those who do BREEDING not know his history. For this reason the bull should be well fed from birth. BULLS. For the first 6 months of his life the Less is known about the feed and young bull should receive the same care of the herd sire than of the dairy care and feed as that of heifer. He cow or the calves and heifers, should be fed in such a way that he probably because in the past there will be thrifty and grows well. At this was usually only one bull on a farm, time he should be fed a good so that the number of them to be concentrate ration containing 12 - cared for and fed was small as 15% protein and good legume hay. compared to cows and heifers. Almost any combination of green is Further more since the bulls were not satisfactory. If non-legume hays are productive, the means of knowing fed as ration, high protein is when they were being properly fed necessary in his ration. were not so reliable. Most breeders use the same grain Recent studies, however, have mixture, which is fed to the dairy subsequently been made on the heifers. The young bull should be fed nutrition of breeding bulls. With 4 - 8 pounds of grain daily depending breeding studs a large number of upon his size and the amount of bulls are maintained at one place, services allowed. The amount of and is possible to feed various types legume hay, which a bull will of rations and various levels of consume, depends upon his size. A feeding to bulls maintained under the matured bull will consume as much same conditions. Also the study of as 1 pound of hay for 100 pounds of the semen both in laboratory and in body weight daily. the field furnishes the measures of results obtained. The most important effect of T.D.N. level on the young bull is the age at which he reaches puberty. Bulls fed Feeding Bull During Growing at 70% N.R.C. recommended Period. allowances averaged at 61 weeks of age at puberty while those fed at 100%, 115% or 130% averaged only Since the bull is going to be used on 41 - 45 weeks. At 3 years of age the a herd when he is matured, it is 115% and 130% groups had necessary that he should be given significantly slowed down in their every possible chance to develop in reaction time to ejaculation. (The size to the full extent of his bulls should be fed at 100% - 115% inheritance. A stunted bull that never for better performance). Reaction reaches its maximum size may be time were less than 1.5 minutes for just as good a breeder as a well 70% and 100% groups but were 3.7 grown one, but there is no way to tell Prepared bY TSHEWANG DORJI
1 ANIMAL PRODUCTION - I NRTI, LOBESA minutes for 115% group and 9.2 minutes for 130 group. (If bulls are overfed, reaction time will be prolonged and hence bulls become Teaching The Bull to Lead. inefficient. Therefore, bulls must be fed to their optimum). When bull calf is about 5 - 6 months Once the low group reached the of age, he should be separated from maturity, there was no difference heifer calves. At that age or even in semen volume or quality due to before he should be taught to lead so T.D.N level. Young bulls grown on that he may be more easily handled rations deficient in vitamin A have when older. It is best to lead the bull been found to produce poor at intervals to keep him used to being quality semen or failed to fertilize. handled (epithelium of the sperm to be healthy, vitamin A is needed. If Staff - Bull Staff. vitamin A is deficient, quality of semen will be poor). After the bull has ring in his nose, he should be trained to lead with a staff. Feeding Service Bull One should never take chances with a large bull because he may become vicious at any time. The staff should A bull in service should not be fat but always be used on all bulls as it is should be fed to its optimum so that usually the “gentle” bull that causes he is in good breeding condition. On trouble. the other hand a bull should not be allowed to become too thin. Some dairymen feed the bull the Service. same grain mixture that they fed the herd. If the bulls are not on pasture, the importance of feeding good A young bull should not be used quality legume hay need not be over regularly at 12 - 15 months of age. If emphasized. Legume hay contains well grown, and vigorous, he may be abundance of protein, minerals and used occasionally after 10 months of vitamins. The general age. The amount of service should be recommendation for feeding a bull limited to not more than 2 services used for artificial breeding is as per week until the bull is 18 months follows: old. As he grows older, however, he can be given more frequent services. 1 pound of hay or 1/2 Kg of hay - hay In artificial breeding, stud bulls are equivalent to 0.4 -0.5 pounds of usually bred only once or twice per concentrate for each 100 pounds of week. It requires careful service to body weight, 10% total protein preserve the bull’s breeding qualities concentrate mixture was found to be until old age. Often when a bull sufficient when legume hay was fed reaches at the age of 8 - 10 years, he or 12% when mixed hay was fed. becomes slow in breeding.
Ringing The Bull. There are also special nose punches on the market.
The ring is a safeguard in handling, Occasionally a bull pulls the ring out, and every bull should have one in his tearing out the septum of his nose. nose, even if he is regarded as gentle This is usually caused by sudden and easy to handle. jerking on a tight rope, being tied too short, or getting the ring caught on When he is 8 to 12 months of age a something. An accident of this kind is bull should have ring put in his nose. rather serious, as there is not entirely A copper ring 2 to 21/2 inches in satisfactory way to remedy the diameter is satisfactory at this time, condition. In some cases, the ring is but a larger and stronger gunmetal placed higher up, or the cartilage is ring should replace it when he pierced the opposite way and the ring reaches 2 years of age. Rings are placed in vertical position. If this is likely to wear and develop sharp done, it isn’t advisable to tie the bull edges, which may cut through the by the ring, as it may be torn out septum. Each ring should be again. Smaller rings may be placed replaced. It is well to place two rings on either side of the torn place, with a in the nose of an especially unruly larger ring through them. Then this bull. may work all right in some cases, but isn’t always successful, as the three The ringing operation is not difficult rings may give the animal and can be done with but little trouble considerable trouble in eating and if it is gone about in the right way. Tie may get caught on objects. the bull’s head so that he cannot jerk. Grasp his nose firmly, with the If the nose is torn out, the bull should fingers. Push a trocar, with cannula be confined in a stall and the pen so through the cartilage that separates arranged that it will not be necessary the nostril. Then pull the trocar, but to handle him a great deal. If handling leave the cannula. Put one end of the is necessary, it should be done only opened ring in the cannula, then with a strong chain or leather halter, withdraw the cannula leaving the ring which tightens across the nose when in the nose. Close the ring and the lead rope is pulled. There are replace the screw in it. File or special halters in the market designed sandpaper the joint until it is smooth. for cases of this kind. Rings should Do not tie the bull or lead him by the be changed before they become too ring until the nose is healed and badly worn out because a weak ring soreness gone, which will be from a is hazardous week to 10 days. Instead of a trocar and cannula, some Exercise. breeders use a sharp pocketknife with good results. Some rings are provided with a sharp point which There is some difference of opinion when opened can be used to pierce as to whether dairy bull should be the cartilage in the nose. forced to take exercise. Many breeders have thought that bulls
3 ANIMAL PRODUCTION - I NRTI, LOBESA could keep in better physical swollen joints resulting from too close condition and produce more and confinement may prevent a bull from better semen if they were forced to giving normal service even though his take exercise regularly. Many types of semen may be normal. exercising devices have been constructed to force the bull to exercise. Housing The Bull.
On the other hand since the Too often bull is kept in a dark, dirty development of artificial breeding, stall and is kept tied most of the time. where large numbers of bulls are kept Since the bull has so much influence together in one stall, the importance on the success of the herd, he should of forced exercise has not been found be given comfortable quarter. so necessary as formerly believed. In Although many dairymen keep the fact many of the studs have bull in the loose stall in the same discontinued the use of forced shed with the milking herd, most of exercise and bulls are given only the them prefer to keep the bull in a exercise they secure when turned separate place away from the other into a roomy yard. Bulls should dairy animals. The stall should be probably be allowed out in a roomy about 12 square feet. It should open yard daily or at least two or three into a strongly fenced paddock into times per week. When bulls are which the bull has free access daily. managed an open yard for the bulls The stalls and fence should be to move about becomes essential strongly built. The pen should have a from the two of the following: stanchion to tie the bull during cleaning time. A minimum exercise that the bull would get by moving about the A good roof and a wall to keep the yard wind and rain off the animal are all that is necessary. A certain amount of Constant standing in yard ground will exposure will not harm the bull, lead to irregular growth of hooves provided that he has a dry, well- with consequent problems of hoof. bedded stall free from drafts into When bull develops hoof problem it which to go during cold, windy or becomes more or less useless as a rainy weather. Feeding and watering stud bull because of the pain in the arrangements should be such that the foot. To prevent such type of bull can be fed and watered without problems an going into the pen. open yard and bull moving about for some time every day will help in Throwing or Casting Bull. preventing hoof problems as well as providing some little exercise. If animals are confined in poor quarters It may be necessary at times to throw they may have trouble with their feet and tie a bull for certain minor and legs. Over grown hooves and operations. This can be done with a rope, preferably of cotton, which is Prepared bY TSHEWANG DORJI
cannot be got at in this way. In that event it may be necessary to throw and tie the animal.
Care must be taken not to cut too far back or too deep as there is danger of cutting into the quick, which may result in lameness and foot infection. Considerable practice is required to Half hitches used for casting cattle. become a proficient hoof trimmer. It is unlikely that one can learn all softer and more pliable than hemp. techniques by only reading a book. The rope should be 40 to 50 feet Better ways include practicing on long, depending upon the size of the small heifers under the supervision of animal. One end is looped around the a competent and experienced neck and tied with a rigid knot that will person. not slip. A half hitch is then taken around the chest and one around the flank. The hitch must be well down on the side of the body. By pulling Caution in Handling Bull steadily on the free end of the rope, the animal falls to the ground, usually Always handle a bull in a firm manner on the opposite side from the way the and never trust him. Many accidents head is turned. The animal should have resulted from trusting the so- always be cast (heavily pregnant called gentle bull. It often happens animal should never be cast) on a that a man is injured or killed as a large well strawed yard or grassed result of taking chances. area. Have plenty of help at hand. Bulls have an unpredictable viciousness of disposition probably unequaled by any of our domestic Trimming of Feet animals. They easily qualify as the most dangerous beast on the farm. Bulls kept in close quarters with little Their enormous strength and killing exercise frequently develop long instinct when aroused should never hooves. This condition is not only be discounted, even in the face of a unsightly, but becomes so painful that docile life history. the bull cannot stand or walk squarely. Then it brings on various Never take a bull on a public highway other troubles, such as sore feet, etc. unless he can be kept under absolute The hooves should be trimmed, or control. Many serious accidents have they will break off or disfigure the occurred as a result of allowing so animal’s feet. Hooves of young called gentle bulls to graze along animals often can be trimmed with a community roads or when driving long handled chisel, pincers or hoof them to and from pasture with cows knife while the animal is standing on on public highways a hard dirt or plank floor. The sole and the cleft between the claws
MANAGEMENT OF Disease control : BULLOCKS. Should be done as in other animals. Bullock power becomes necessary in Bhutan because agriculture farming is not mechanized. For cultivation of fodder crops and agricultural fields bullocks are needed to plough the land. For the above purpose, well- grown or vigorously growing male calves are selected to become bullocks. The male animals are castrated and they become bullocks. Bulls are castrated with Burdizzo’s castrator. Males are castrated between 8 months to 1 year of age. Best season for castration is in winter. Precautions after castration. Painting with tincture of iodine should be carried on the scar for about a week is essential. During this period of healing, animals must not be washed.
Feeding of Bullocks. lqiYh,l In addition to maintenance quota there is schedule for feeding bullocks. He should get his maintenance ration. kU,gUj Shoeing
Periodically shoeing should be done. Over grown hooves and improper shoes will bring down the efficiency of bullocks.