Illini Emergency Medical Services

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Illini Emergency Medical Services

Illini Emergency Medical Services Constitution and Organizational Charter Last Reviewed March 7th, 2017

ARTICLE I: Nature, Function, and Purpose A. This Organization shall be known as Illini Emergency Medical Services (IEMS). IEMS is a program of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (ILLINOIS) through the Illinois Fire Service Institute. In addition, IEMS shall be affiliated with Presence Regional EMS System (PREMSS), the Illinois Fire Service Institute (IFSI), as well as be an operational partner with University of Illinois Police (UIPD). B. IEMS shall function at a level consistent with that of a non-transport basic life support (BLS) service as defined by the standards of the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) Emergency Medical Services and Trauma Center Code (77 Ill. Adm. Code 515) and the Emergency Medical Service (EMS) Systems Act (210 ILCS 50/3.10c). C. IEMS operates with the following purposes: 1. To administer prompt, efficient, effective, and responsible pre-hospital basic life support care to the public. This specifically includes ILLINOIS students, faculty, staff, and their guests at ILLINOIS events where IEMS is officially represented. 2. To promote and to create educational programs to familiarize its members and the community with pre-hospital medical care. These programs include, but are not limited to, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), first aid, CPR Instructor (CPR-I), Emergency Medical Technician-Basic (EMT-B), and continuing education (CE) courses. 3. To encourage the maintenance and advancement of the skills and abilities of all IEMS members. 4. Serve as a responding agency as part of the emergency response for a campus disaster. Coordination to be done with other responding agencies and the Office of Emergency Planning.

ARTICLE II: Membership A. Employed faculty, staff, and currently registered students of ILLINOIS shall be eligible for membership. B. All members must sign a volunteer agreement form before the start of their duties. The form authorizes IEMS and ILLINOIS to perform a background check on the candidate for a fee of $45. The $45 deposit can be reimbursed upon request after the member has completed two full semesters meeting minimum membership requirements. Candidates who do not pass the background check will not be allowed to join IEMS. C. All CPR, Emergency Medical Responder, and EMT members are required to staff the minimum operational hour requirement per their certification. The set number of hours may be changed if needed by the current Officer Corps. The hour requirement will be determined by the Operations Department and then voted on at the following Officer meeting. There will be a separate hour requirement for fall and spring semesters based on changes in staffing needs. 1. Staffing EMT practicals, EMR practicals, critical skills, and general meetings do not qualify for a member’s operational hour requirement. 2. Members unable to complete this requirement are subject to probation. 3. Members working under observation status – with no valid CPR certification -- may not count events observed towards their events. D. All members shall possess a valid CPR certification at the level of the American Heart Association (AHA) Basic Life Support (BLS) Provider. It is strongly encouraged that all members also obtain first aid certification. E. All members will attend at least 1 non-operational event per semester. This includes continuing education nights and practicals. F. All members are expected to comply with the personal conduct guidelines as stated in Section D., Item 6 of our Standard Operating Guidelines and Article 1, Section 1-302, Item A of the ILLINOIS Student Code. Members are expected to respect the professional responsibility that being part of this organization entails. Members are expected to not abuse the authority given to members of this organization, as well as access to both patient and membership information. The organization’s Executive Board has the responsibility to review membership status and conduct as stated in Article XI of this constitution. G. Membership Status 1. Probation 1.a.Members will be subject to probation for failure to meet the minimum membership requirements as stated in Article II, sections B - E. 1.b. Members who violate the personal conduct guidelines of the Standard Operating Guidelines or the ILLINOIS Student Code as stated in Article II, section F will be subject to probation. 1.c.Members who have failed to meet the minimum requirements for their Officer position as outlined in Article V and Appendix I, supervisor position as outlined in Article VII, or CPR-I position as outlined in Article VIII will be subject to probation. 1.d. Members will be suggested for probationary status to the Executive Board by the department head supervising the appropriate requirement (e.g., Director of Operations for any member who fails to work the required number of operational hours in a semester) or the President for all other requirements. 1.e.A simple majority of the Executive Board is needed for a member to be put on probation. 1.f. Probationary status will be reviewed at the end of each semester. All members currently on probation who have made the appropriate changes to correct membership violations will be recommended for full status. 1.g. A simple majority of the Executive Board is needed for a member to have their probationary status revoked. 1.h. Members who have been on probation for more than two consecutive semesters will be removed from the organization, but have the opportunity to rejoin the organization after one full semester has passed. 1.i. Probationary members may participate in all IEMS activities unless otherwise stated by the Executive Board. 1.j. Probationary members may not run for any Officer positions or be considered for supervisor or CPR-I positions, although they may continue to carry out the duties of their position while on probation until the end of their term or when they are removed from the organization, whichever is first. 2. Ban 2.a.Members with severe infractions of the Standard Operating Guidelines or the ILLINOIS Student Code will be recommended by the supervising department head to the Executive Board for an immediate ban from the organization with no opportunity to rejoin. 2.b. A simple majority of the Executive Board is needed for a member to be banned. 2.c.Banned members will no longer be considered members of IEMS, may no longer participate in any IEMS activities, and may not wear the IEMS uniform or ID badge. 3. Appeal process 3.a.Members who feel they have been wrongfully banned or put on probation may appeal to the Executive Board for reconsideration. 3.b. The Executive Board has one week to respond to all membership appeals, and appealing members must meet with the Executive Board in person within one month of appealing. Appealing members will have an opportunity to provide a statement, followed by a question and answer session, and will then be asked to leave the room for private deliberation among the Executive Board members. Final decisions must be unanimous and be supported by the Faculty Advisor.

ARTICLE III: Finances A. All funds shall be managed solely by the Accounting Department with oversight from IFSI. B. All funds shall be deposited into the appropriate ILLINOIS account according to the event or program. C. All members must formally request reimbursement of funds used under the auspices of IEMS from the Director of Accounting in advance so that purchases can be made through the IFSI Purchasing Officer. The Director of Accounting must have the payment in process within two weeks of receiving the reimbursement request. Unbudgeted requests in excess of $100 must be approved by the Officer Corps. D. Any member found committing any fraudulent or questionable action with IEMS funds shall be brought before the Executive Board and suspended until the situation can be resolved. The Executive Board will inform UIPD of any fraudulent behavior. E. In exchange for a 10% Indirect Recovery Fee from the IEMS CPR profit, IFSI agrees to provide database, registration, and resource management system access and services to IEMS.

ARTICLE IV: Advisor A. IEMS will be advised by the Associate Director of IFSI. The Associate Director will regularly attend Executive Board meetings and Officer Corps meetings as necessary. He will be in communication with the President regarding new policies and organization news, and will serve as a liaison to all other campus entities.

ARTICLE V: Officers A. A list of individual Officer duties can be found in Appendix I. B. All elected Officers serve for a term of one year, beginning and ending on the ILLINOIS spring semester Reading Day, with the exception of the Officers in the Operations department whose terms start and end on May 1st. 1. Following elections in February, each candidate voted to office holds a position as an "Officer-Elect." After elections, the “Officers-Elect” begin training and shadowing their respective positions. The transition period ends on Reading Day of the spring semester, unless otherwise stated below. 2. Officers may be removed prior to the end of their term for any of the following conditions: 1.a.Violation of any item under Article II. 1.b. Unexcused absence from three or more Officer meetings. 1.c.Unexcused absence from three or more scheduled office hours. 1.d. Failure to comply with assigned duties outlined in Appendix I of this constitution. 3. Any case for dismissal must be presented before the Executive Board and a decision to dismiss must be supported by a simple majority of the Executive Board. A.a. In the event of a dismissal of any member of the Officer Corps at any time before the start of the spring semester, the President shall appoint another Officer (preferably of the same department) to carry out the duties until another member is appointed by a simple majority of the Executive Board to the position through an application process. If a member of the Officer Corps is dismissed at any time after the start of the spring semester, the responsibilities of this Officer will be given to another Officer or his or her duties will be split among the remaining Officers (if possible within the same department) as decided by the President and department director. At the discretion of the President and department director, another member may be appointed by a simple majority of the Executive Board to the position through an application process if deemed necessary. A.b. In the event that the President is removed from office or is unable to carry out the duties of the office for any reason, the following order of succession shall be implemented: A.b.1. President — Director of Accounting — Director of Public Relations — Director of Operations — Director of Education C. All Executive Board members must hold three office hours a week. All other Officers must hold two a week. D. All prerequisites for Officer positions must be completed by the first day of classes in the fall semester. Prerequisites may be waived by a majority vote of the Executive Board. E. President: Elected. Prerequisites- The President must have served as an Officer for at least one year and hold a current and valid State of Illinois EMT license. Must be approved to run by the current Executive Board. F. The Education Department is responsible for all educational needs of IEMS. This department shall consist of the following offices: 1. Director of Education: Elected. Prerequisites- The Director of Education must have served at least one year as an Officer, hold a current and valid State of Illinois EMT license, and an AHA BLS Instructor certification. Must be practical evaluator trained. Must also be approved to run by the current Executive Board. 2. Assistant Director of Education: Elected. Prerequisites- The Assistant Director of Education must hold a current and valid State of Illinois EMT license and an AHA BLS Instructor certification. Must have at least one year of experience as an IEMS CPR Instructor. Must also be approved to run by the current Executive Board. 3. EMT Lead Instructor: Appointed. Prerequisites- The EMT Lead Instructor must hold a current and valid State of Illinois EMT license and an AHA BLS Instructor certification. The Instructor must also be approved to teach by the local training center and is highly encouraged to obtain an EMS-Instructor license. 4. EMT Class Coordinator: Elected. Prerequisites- The Class Coordinator must hold a current and valid State of Illinois EMT license and an AHA BLS Instructor certification. Must be approved to run by the current Executive Board. 5. EMT Practical Coordinator: Elected. Prerequisites- The Practical Coordinator must hold a current and valid State of Illinois EMT license and an AHA BLS Instructor certification. Must be approved to run by the current Executive Board. 6. BLS Class Coordinator: Elected. Prerequisites- The BLS Class Coordinator must hold a current and valid State of Illinois EMT-Basic license and an AHA BLS Instructor certification. Must also be approved to run by the current Executive Board. 7. Heartsaver Class Coordinator: The Heartsaver Class Coordinator must hold a current and valid State of Illinois EMT-Basic license and an AHA BLS Instructor certification. Must also be approved to run by the current Executive Board. 8. Education Equipment Officer: Elected. Prerequisites- The Education Equipment Officer must hold a current and valid State of Illinois EMT license and is strongly encouraged to obtain an AHA BLS Instructor certification. Must also be approved to run by the current Executive Board. G. In the event that a member of the Executive Board runs for the EMT-B Lead Instructor position, said Executive Board member may not participate in the appointment procedure (interviews, voting, etc.). The current Lead Instructor will take the place of the vacant Executive Board spot for the interviews and subsequent discussion of the possible candidates. The current Lead Instructor may only vote to break a tie among the remaining 4 Executive Board members. H. The Accounting Department is responsible for the management of all funds, merchandise, and records of IEMS. This department shall consist of three offices: 1. Director of Accounting: Elected. Prerequisites- The Director of Accounting must have served as an Officer for at least one year and hold a current and valid State of Illinois EMT license. Must be approved to run by the current Executive Board. 2. Assistant Director of Accounting: Elected. Prerequisites- None. 3. Records Officer: Elected. Prerequisites- None. I. The Public Relations Department is responsible for the administrative duties of IEMS. This department shall consist of three offices: 1. Director of Public Relations: Elected. Prerequisites- Must have been a member of IEMS for at least one year and hold a current and valid State of Illinois EMT license. Must be approved to run by the current Executive Board. 2. NCEMSF Officer: Elected. Prerequisites- The NCEMSF Officer is strongly encouraged to have previously attended the annual National Collegiate Emergency Medical Services Foundation (NCEMSF) conference. 3. Social Officer: Elected. Prerequisites- None. 4. Historian: Elected. Prerequisites- None. J. The Operations Department is responsible for all aspects of IEMS as a non-transport BLS provider. This department shall strictly follow Illinois EMS Region VI protocols, system regulations as outlined by Presence Regional EMS System, and the EMS Act (210 ILCS 50). The transition period for this department ends on May 1. This department shall consist of four offices: 1. Director of Operations: Elected. Prerequisites- The Director of Operations must hold a current and valid State of Illinois EMT license and must have been a Supervisor for at least the previous year. Any exceptions to the Supervisor requirement must gain Executive Board approval one week before elections. Must also be a member of IEMS for at least one year. Must complete NIMS 300 and 400 by end of the summer. Must be approved to run by the current Executive Board. 2. Assistant Director of Operations: Elected. Prerequisites- Must hold a current and valid State of Illinois EMT license and be a weekly supervisor. Must complete NIMS 300 and 400 by end of the summer. Must be approved to run by the current Executive Board. 3. Operations Equipment Officer: Elected. Prerequisites- Must hold a current and valid State of Illinois EMT license. Must be approved to run by the current Executive Board. 4. Training Officer: Elected. Prerequisites- Must hold a EMT current and valid State of Illinois EMT license as well as an AHA BLS Instructor certification. The Training Officer reports to both the Director of Operations and Director of Education for duties as outlined in Appendix I, although he or she is principally a member of the Operations Department.

ARTICLE VI: Officers-Elect A. Officers-Elect are subject to a probationary training period, under the supervision of the current Officer holding said position, henceforth referred to as “Trainer.” This probationary period lasts from the time the Officer-Elect is elected until they assume their position as acting Officer (May 1st for Operations department members and Reading Day for all others). B. Expectations 1. Upon election, Officers-Elect are held to the same professional standards and level of integrity as the active Officer Corps. 2. Executive Board Officers-Elect must meet with their respective Trainers at least once a week for the duration of the training period. All other Officers-Elect must meet with their Trainers as often as needed until the Trainer feels their successor has been fully trained. 3. Officers-Elect must demonstrate to their Trainer and the acting Executive Board, their ability to fulfill their roles and responsibilities as outlined in Appendix I of this Constitution. C. Dismissal 1. If at any time, an Officer-Elect breaches any of the items outlined in Article VI, Section B; violates any of the membership requirements and expectations as outlined in Article II; or acts in a manner which makes their Trainer or the acting Executive Board question the Officer-Elect’s ability to hold their respective office, the Officer- Elect is subject to immediate removal from the position 2. Removal of an Officer-Elect is at the discretion of the acting Executive Board. A majority vote is required.

ARTICLE VII: Supervisors A. Supervisor Appointment 1. The Supervisors of the Operations Department shall appoint weekly Supervisors on a biannual basis. There will be an application period at the beginning of both the fall and spring semesters. 2. Football Supervisors will be chosen during the spring semester after elections. All members of the Operations Department will become Football Supervisors. Other Football Supervisors will be chosen through the application process. 3. All candidates must fill out an application and be interviewed by the current Supervisors. 4. The Operations Department will appoint the necessary number of Supervisors and they shall each become a “Supervisor-Elect.” 5. Before the “Supervisor-Elect” becomes a Supervisor they must be approved by a simple majority of the Executive Board. 6. If chosen, Supervisors must complete NIMS 200 and 800. They must also shadow a current Supervisor for one super week and then they will be evaluated during their first Supervisor week to determine if they have been sufficiently trained. 7. The Assistant Director of Operations (or the Supervisor Coordinator if elected) must hold an informational meeting for all new Supervisors. B. Supervisor Coordinator Appointment 1. This position will be filled at the discretion of the Executive Board. 2. Prerequisites- Must be an EMT as well as a Supervisor. This position does not get to vote at Officer meetings and is not an Officer, but rather an extension of the Director of Operations, working under the Director’s guidelines. 3. Must be interviewed and elected by the current Supervisors. Before the “Supervisor Coordinator-Elect” takes term, they must obtain a simple majority of Executive Board approval. 4. If a Supervisor Coordinator position is not warranted or filled, the duties will fall on the Assistant Director of Operations. C. Supervisor Term Length 1. The Operations Department will maintain a minimum of 8 Supervisors. 2. A “No Confidence” motion by the Director of Operations can remove any Supervisor or the Supervisor Coordinator. For final removal a simple majority of the Executive Board is needed. 3. Supervisors will hold their office as long as they are an IEMS member or until removed as described in Article VII, Section C, Item 2. The Supervisor Coordinator will be appointed (see Article VII, Section B) yearly if needed.

ARTICLE VIII: CPR Instructors A. CPR Instructor Appointment 1. Prerequisites - Must hold a current and valid American Heart Association BLS for Healthcare Providers certification. Strongly encouraged to hold a current and valid State of Illinois EMT license. 2. The Assistant Director of Education and CPR Class Coordinators shall appoint CPR Instructors on an annual basis. There will be an application period at the beginning of each spring semester. 3. All candidates must fill out an application and be interviewed by the current Education Department. 4. The Education Department will appoint the necessary number of CPR Instructors and they shall each become a “CPR Instructor-Elect.” 5. Before the “CPR Instructor-Elect” becomes a CPR Instructor, the candidate must become a certified BLS Instructor and undergo subsequent training. 6. After the IEMS application is accepted, candidates must complete any other paperwork requested by training center. 7. IEMS reserves the right to grant CPR Instructor positions to Education Officer-Elects. B. CPR Instructor Training 1. Applicants must hold a current and valid American Heart Association BLS for Healthcare Providers certification before the BLS Instructor class. If the certification expires after taking the class, the newly obtained BLS Instructor certificate will supersede the BLS for Healthcare Providers certificate.. 2. After acceptance, prospective CPR Instructors must become certified through the local training center and become BLS Instructor certified, which willqualify instructors to teach American Heart Association BLS for Healthcare Providers courses and Heartsaver CPR, AED, and First Aid courses. 3. CPR Instructor-Elects must be hired through the university, undergo a background check, and submit proof of identification in order to be hired. 4. IEMS will cover the cost of becoming certified, which includes a $150 course fee (subject to change). The instructor must then pay off this debt by teaching 15 hours worth of classes. Once the debt is paid off, the instructor may begin receiving $10.00 per hour for a maximum of $50.00 per class. 5. CPR Instructors must first observe both BLS for Healthcare Providers and Heartsaver CPR/AED/First Aid and then be monitored teaching both classes before being able to teach on their own. C. CPR Instructor Requirements 1. The Education Department will maintain a minimum of 15 CPR Instructors as long as 5 classes per week are being held. If there are only 3 classes per week being held, a minimum of 6-8 instructors are required. . 2. CPR Instructors must teach a minimum of the amount of classes divided by the number of instructors per semester. 3. CPR Instructors must teach for a minimum of 1 year. 4. CPR Instructors must represent the university and IEMS and must maintain professionalism at all times. As such, instructors will be required to wear a uniform, which simply includes an IEMS polo or quarter-zip and a badge. 5. CPR Instructors may undergo random quality checks performed by the Director of Education or CPR Class Coordinators. 6. CPR Instructors must complete availability forms as they are sent out to ensure proper staffing for each class per month. 7. CPR Instructor status will be reviewed at the end of each semester. Those who fail to meet the minimum requirements will be suggested for removal to the Executive Board. 8. A “No Confidence” motion by the Director of Education can remove any CPR Instructor. For final removal a simple majority of the Executive Board is needed. 9. CPR Instructors may hold their office as long as they are an IEMS member or until removed as described in Article VIII, Section C, Item 5. CPR Instructors will be appointed (see Article VIII, Section A) yearly. 10. Suspended CPR Instructors can appeal their removal by requesting a meeting with the Executive Board. D. CPR Instructor Responsibilities 1. Deliver content that is consistent with American Heart Association BLS for Healthcare Provider or Heartsaver CPR/AED/First Aid course agenda. 2. Ensure equipment is in working order and available in sufficient quantity as recommended for specific student to instructor ratios. 3. Provide timely and appropriate feedback to students. 4. Secure and protect testing materials. 5. Decontaminate equipment according to the manufacturer’s instructions. 6. Measure students’ skills and knowledge against performance guidelines. 7. Remediate by directing students to reference material and by providing additional practice opportunities. 8. Complete post-course records, including an accurate roster, grade report, and summary evaluation.

ARTICLE IX: Executive Board A. The Executive Board shall consist of the President and all Directors. B. The Executive Board shall preside over all sensitive subject matter including, but not limited to: 1. Revision of membership status. 2. Discussion of appeals. 3. Investigation of issues of personal misconduct. 4. Communication of policies and procedures to the IEMS Advisor. 5. The approval and appointment of Supervisors, CPR Instructors, and all appointed Officers. C. The Executive Board shall meet twice a month and additionally as needed. D. Items to be considered by the Executive Board may be submitted by any member. 1. All submissions to be considered by the Executive Board shall be presented to the President in writing. 2. All submissions shall be reviewed by the Executive Board within two weeks of submission and a decision must be rendered within three weeks of submission. 3. All Executive Board decisions are passed with a simple majority. 4. Any Executive Board directive can be reversed by a 2/3 majority of active members present at the next scheduled general meeting if attendance at that meeting is at least 25% of the active membership. Decisions to remove Officers, students of IEMS classes, or IEMS members may not be overturned by the general assembly. Additionally other decisions on certain situations, dealt with on an individual basis, may not be overturned by the general assembly. Instead, they can be overturned by a 2/3 majority vote of the elected Officers.

ARTICLE X: Officer Meetings A. The quorum required for the conduct of business at Officer meetings is 50% of all Officers. B. All general members wishing to attend Officer meetings must contact the President 24 hours before the meeting. The President has the right to deny access of the member if sensitive information is being discussed. C. Officer meetings shall be conducted twice a month during the academic year or at the President’s discretion. 1. Meetings begin with a Presidential call to order and a second. 1.a.If the President is unable to preside over the meeting, the next member of the Executive Board in the line of succession will preside. 1.b. Old items of business are reviewed and resolved as needed. 1.c.New items of business must be brought to the President’s attention within three days of the meeting date. 1.d. Standing committees shall be established as necessary. 1.e.Reports from existing standing committees shall be presented if applicable. 1.f. If permitting new items of business not previously brought to the President’s attention may be brought up if a simple majority of the Officers vote to continue. 1.g. All votes will take place as open votes. Secret ballot may be requested by any office and approved by the President or requested by the President. 1.h. Officer meetings end when a motion to close is seconded and approved by the presiding Officer. 1.i. All items discussed at Officer meetings shall be made available to the general membership through minutes recorded by the Director of Public Relations both on paper and on the website. 1.j. Additional meetings shall be scheduled by the President as necessary.

ARTICLE XI: General Meetings A. General Meetings 1. The President shall preside over all general meetings. If the President is unable to preside over the meeting, the next member of the Executive Board in the line of succession will preside. 2. General business and updates from each department are given. B. General meetings will be scheduled monthly or more as necessary. IEMS must have at least one general meeting at the beginning of each semester and elections in the spring semester. More general meetings shall be scheduled as necessary. C. Any IEMS member may be removed from a general meeting by a motion from another member followed by a second. After a second, a 2/3 vote of the active membership present must be obtained for removal. Reasons a member may be removed include, but are not limited to: 1. Inappropriate behavior. 2. Impeding the flow of the meeting.

ARTICLE XII: Election Procedures A. Only active members may attend and vote in elections as determined by the Records Officer based on the eligibility list. The eligibility list is final and will not be changed the day of elections. Anyone in question of being eligible to vote in an election must take care of this before the day of elections. B. To be eligible for elections, a member must be an IEMS member from the previous semester, be in good standing, or have signed a volunteer agreement form as well as worked one event that semester. C. The President shall preside over all election processes and does not have the opportunity to vote. 1. If the President cannot preside, an Officer will be appointed to preside over elections by the President. 2. If the President is running for a position, he may not preside over the elections during that election. The Officer highest in the order of succession not a candidate for the position shall take over. D. The “President-Elect” is responsible for verifying the votes. If the current President retains the office, the “Director of Accounting -Elect” will verify the votes. They also do not receive a vote in the elections. E. All candidates for the office being elected will be asked to leave the room and, one at a time, come back in to give a maximum three minute speech and receive questions. Candidates for a position cannot cast a ballot for their position. F. Active members shall cast iclicker votes for the candidate of their choice. Each active member shall have one vote per office. G. A simple majority (50% plus one of the active membership present) must be obtained for a candidate to become “Officer-Elect” for that office. H. If a simple majority of members present at elections cannot be obtained, the candidate with the lowest number of votes shall be dropped from consideration and the members will vote again. I. In the event the only two candidates for a position tie: 1. A maximum of three minutes will be given to each candidate to speak and receive questions before a revote will be held. 2. If a tie occurs again, all incumbent Officers will vote and whichever candidate receives a simple majority is the winner. 2.a.If a current Officer is either of these two candidates they do not get to vote in the incumbent Officer vote. 2.b. If the number of Officers in the incumbent Officer vote is even, the highest ranking Officer in the order of succession described in Article V will not vote. J. If any candidate is running unopposed at the time the nominations are closed, there will be no vote held and the single candidate will be elected into that office. K. The order of elections shall be as follows: L. President — Director of Operations — Director of Education — Director of Accounting — Director of Public Relations — Assistant Director of Operations — Operation Equipment Officer — Training Officer — Assistant Director of Education — BLS Class Coordinator — Heartsaver Class Coordinator — Education Equipment Officer — EMT Class Coordinator — EMT Practical Coordinator — Assistant Director of Accounting — Records Officer —NCEMSF Officer — Historian — Social Officer M. This above described procedure shall be followed for electing all new Officers and vacant Officer positions. N. New Officer elections: 1. Elections shall take place at a scheduled general meeting during the spring semester. The exact date shall be decided by the Officers at the first Officer meeting of the spring semester, but must occur before March 1st. 2. All candidates for elected positions must be nominated prior to voting for the individual office. 3. Nominations for all offices shall be opened at least 2 weeks prior to elections and close at 5pm on Election Day. Nominations will open and then close before the office is elected on election night. 3.a.Nominations may be declined at any time during the election proceedings. 3.b. All candidates must be an active member in the organization at the time of nomination. Any exceptions will be reviewed at the discretion of the Executive Board and must be presented one week before elections. 3.c.Self-nominations are allowed. 4. Members running for positions that require an application as noted in Article V must complete the application by the deadline set by the Executive Board. No members may run for positions in which an application is required if they are not approved or did not fill out an application. 5. Prior to voting, each candidate shall be allotted a maximum of three minutes to present a speech and receive questions. All questions asked must be relevant to the position or IEMS. Members asking inappropriate questions are subject to Article X section C. 5.a.If a candidate is not voted into an office, the candidate may run for another office. 5.b. Candidates with the simple majority of votes shall become the "Officer- Elect" for said office until the end of the transition period. 5.c.Candidates for the EMT Lead Instructor position shall submit a résumé, statement of intent and completed application to the Executive Board no later than February 10 of the semester prior to the intended term of service.

ARTICLE XIII: Amendments A. Any active member may introduce a constitutional amendment at an Executive Board meeting. If an amendment receives a simple majority of approval by the Executive Board, it will go to the Officers for a 2/3 approval at the next Officer meeting. The general membership must be notified of the amendment and have access to the changes no less than 72 hours before the time of the vote. B. The Executive Board may, with a simple majority vote, add additional Officer Corps positions as necessary without amending the constitution if it would benefit IEMS to be added as quickly as possible. The constitution must be amended by vote at the next possible Officer Corps meeting. D. All amendments must be relayed to the IEMS Advisor for final approval.

ARTICLE XIV: Parliamentary Authority A. Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised, by Sarah Corbin Robert shall be used in all cases not covered by this constitution1.

ARTICLE XV: Constitution Rights A. Copies of the constitution shall be made available upon request.

1 Robert III, H. M. Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised and in Brief. Da Capo Press, United States of American 2004. Appendix I: Appointed/Elected Position Duties President Main Responsibilities:  Oversee the four other IEMS departments: Operations, Education, Accounting, and Public Relations  Plan and lead Officer Corps meetings, Executive Board meetings, general meetings, standing committee meetings, and elections  Be the driving force and vision of the organization  Assist in problem-solving issues between departments/members  Be the main spokesperson of the organization  Work alongside the Director of Public Relations for Quad Day and other large PR events  Purchase all appreciation gifts  Check-in with each department head bi-weekly for goals and progress  Be the co-signer on the IEMS checking account  Be the main contact between the IEMS Advisor and IEMS  Respond to all emails to the IEMS email account ([email protected]) in a timely manner as appropriate Director of Operations Main Responsibilities:  Coordinate and plan all events of the Operations Department (especially football, but including all other events) with the help of the entire Operations Department  Serve as coordinator of IEMS medical response with Police, Fire, EMS, and event staff during football games  Communicate with PREMSS, Arrow Ambulance, Department of Intercollegiate Athletics (DIA), Pro Ambulance, Carle Foundation Hospital, and Presence Covenant Medical Center, as well as other agencies regarding to operational events  Organize Operations Department to accomplish goals  Look for financial opportunities for the organization in operational areas  Be the main representative of the Operations Department and the organization for operational issues  Enforce Standard Operating Guidelines (SOGs) for all members for operational events  Resolve problems in operations and relating to members and events  Attend Athletic Department meetings pertaining to events, specifically football  Make decisions regarding spending of the Operations Department and budget  Assist all members of the Operations Department with duties when needed  Be available for all Illini Home Football games  Designate major events for the Operations Department Assistant Director of Operations Main Responsibilities:  Schedule Events for the Operations Department  Assist Director of Operations with communication to other organizations  Organize exchanges with other collegiate EMS organizations  Coordinate with Records Officer regular checks of the education and eligibility of members  Ensure that all members have ID Badges and the ID printer is in working condition at all times  Educate all Officers in ID issuing procedures  Assist all members of the Operations Department with duties when needed  Be available for all Illini Home Football games  Create monthly and bi-annual call statistics for DIA, Supervising Regional EMS System, System Medical Director, and IEMS members  Review call paperwork for errors and submit call statistics to the necessary hospital and training center  Attend all major events as designated by the Director of Operations  Assume all of the responsibilities of the Supervisor Coordinator if one is not appointed Operations Equipment Officer Main Responsibilities:  Organize the equipment of the Operations Department  Coordinate operations equipment with Weekly Supervisors  Coordinate equipment for events with Supervisors, Assistant Director of Operations, and the Education Equipment Officer  Attend all major events as determined by the Director of Operations  Assist all members of the Operations Department with duties when needed  Be available for all Illini Home Football games  Take inventory of operations equipment on a regular basis and order more supplies if necessary  Service all equipment as necessary  Coordinate with Director of Operations to make sure all equipment satisfies what is required by updated protocols Training Officer Main Responsibilities:  Reports to the Director of Operations for organizing and facilitating critical skills testing and bike team training, major operational events, and all other unassigned duties  Reports to the Director of Education for organizing and facilitating continuing education seminars and CPR member training sessions monthly  Provide information to members about how to renew their certifications and licensure  Be available for all Illini Home Football games  Attend all major events as determined by the Director of Operations  Plan critical skills  Plan Bike Team training Supervisor Coordinator (Appointed only if necessary) Main Responsibilities:  Coordinate Weekly Supervisor activities under the supervision and direction of the Director of Operations  Schedule supervisor weeks for each semester  Coordinate with Records Officer for members’ operational hours and events  Address Weekly Supervisor issues and occurrences  Ensure that all Supervisors are current on education and progressing on ride time  Schedule Supervisor meetings for equipment updates and continuing education  Enforce SOGs for all members for operational events  Assist Assistant Director of Operations with paperwork review and submission to Records Officer  Be available for all Illini Home Football games  Attend all major events as determined by the Director of Operations Director of Education Main Responsibilities:  Oversee/facilitate the planning of EMT classes and continuing education events  Hold regular meetings or receive regular updates about EMT classes and the progression of its students (esp. EMT student grades and practical skill development)  Direct the Training Officer in planning continuing education (CE) seminars.Act as the primary liaison to Presence Regional EMS System (PREMSS) for EMS education  Collaborate with the Director of Public Relations to advertise the availability of EMT classes to the public  Communicate with the Director of Accounting to organize the EMT class budget  Coordinate with the Education Equipment Officer to assess education equipment status and the Director of Accounting to purchase equipment, as needed  Draft agreements and contracts with the help of the President for Lead Instructors and other parties seeking Illini EMS educational services  Mediate any intra-departmental disputes or issues with students  Attend biweekly executive board meetings regularly and provide regular updates to the IEMS Advisor  Develop agenda for each officer meeting, tracking progress and developing goals  Identify financial opportunities for EMT classes Assistant Director of Education Main Responsibilities:  Oversee/facilitate the planning of BLS for HCP, Heartsaver, First Aid, and BLS Instructor classes and CPR training events  Hold regular meetings or receive regular updates about CPR and First Aid classes and the progression of its students  Direct the Training Officer in planning CPR training sessions  Keep all members, students, officers, and instructors up-to-date with new American Heart Association (AHA) materials  Act as the primary liaison to Presence Regional EMS System (PREMSS) for BLS education  Collaborate with the Director of Public Relations to advertise the availability of CPR and First Aid classes to the public  Communicate with the Director of Accounting to organize the departmental budget  Coordinate with the Education Equipment Officer to assess education equipment status and the Director of Accounting to purchase equipment, as needed  Draft agreements and contracts with the help of the President for CPR Instructors and other parties seeking Illini EMS educational services  Mediate any intra-departmental disputes or issues with students  Attend biweekly executive board meetings regularly and provide regular updates to the IEMS Advisor  Develop agenda for each officer meeting, tracking progress and developing goals  Identify financial opportunities for CPR and First Aid classes EMT Lead Instructor Main Responsibilities:  Accountable for all aspects of the EMT course  Communicate and meet with the EMS Education Coordinator at PREMSS to ensure correct preparation for teaching the EMT course to the current national standards and guidelines  Prepare for each lecture in advance of teaching the lecture  Attend EMT class and practicals regularly with a minimum of 80% of both lectures and practicals, unless special circumstances preclude attendance such as major exams, illness or family emergency. If absent the Lead Instructor must provide reasonable warning to the EMT Class and Practical Coordinators  Coordinate with EMT Class Coordinator and EMT Practical Coordinator to accomplish goals of the EMT class  Ensure the EMT students learn the necessary material and promote retention of the EMT students within IEMS through creating an exciting environment beyond the course  Administer disciplinary action to students of the EMT course per the protocols of the EMT course application  Organize and administer weekly meetings of the EMT Department to discuss the progress of the class and coordinate with the Class and Practical Coordinators regarding pertinent aspects of the course. The Lead Instructor should also relay these discussions to the Director of Education  Notify the Director of EMS Education and the IEMS Executive Board of any changes in the EMT course administration and obtain approval with a majority Executive Board vote  Expected to attend a budget meeting with the Director of Accounting and adhere to the budget created for the EMT class throughout their term as Lead Instructor  Responsible for filing national and state paperwork EMT Class Coordinator Main Responsibilities:  Attend all classes and practicals, unless there are extenuating circumstances, and assist with any equipment demonstrations, lectures, etc.  Collaborate with the EMT Lead Instructor for regular class materials and updates on each student relating to grades  Keep track of student attendance and grades, ensuring that each student is maintaining above an 80% in the class  Provide students with timely reviews of their progress  Compose or revise quizzes for each class as necessary  Provide exam conflict forms to students as needed  Ensure that each student completes his or her required events EMT Practical Coordinator Main Responsibilities:  Attend all EMT classes and practicals, unless there are extenuating circumstances, and assist with any equipment demonstrations, lectures, etc.  Collaborate with the EMT Lead Instructor for regular class materials and updates on each student relating to practical skills  Organize all EMT practicals with the EMT Lead Instructor, ensuring scene accuracy  Plan need for equipment for practicals and course demonstrations, including printing paperwork, communicating with Ops the need for cots, and ordering pizza  Provide students with timely feedback on practical performance  Coordinate with other members of the EMT department to schedule additional equipment practice and skills review Education Equipment Officer Main Responsibilities:  Take regular inventory of the education equipment and update accordingly in the designated spreadsheet  Determine the need for additional equipment and/or supplies with the Director of EMS/BLS Education, EMT Lead Instructor, and BLS/Heartsaver Class Coordinators  Organize and assist setting up education equipment with the EMT Practical Coordinator for all EMT practicals  Organize education equipment with the BLS/Heartsaver Class Coordinators for IEMS BLS for HCP, First Aid, and Heartsaver classes  Organize and assist setting up equipment with the Training Officer for critical skills sessions and training events  Coordinate interdepartmental equipment usage with Operations Equipment Officer  Decontaminate and sterilize all equipment BLS Class Coordinator Main Responsibilities:  Schedule all BLS for Healthcare Provider and Heartsaver First Aid only classes for IEMS and ensure that they are staffed with an instructor  Manage CPR class rosters and additional course paperwork, including instructor evaluations, with the PREMSS Training Center Coordinator in a timely manner  Assume responsibility for teaching unstaffed classes  Cancel classes that do not meet minimum student enrollment  Ensure there are an adequate number of copies of all necessary paperwork for the class  Maintain, organize, and decontaminate all equipment, and report damage of equipment to the Director of BLS Education  Coordinate with the Records Officer to identify members needing CPR certification  Recruit CPR Instructors and manage their instructor status  Identify financial opportunities for BLS for HCP and First Aid education Heartsaver Class Coordinator Main Responsibilities:  Schedule all Heartsaver CPR classes and ensure that they are staffed with an instructor  Maintain, organize, and decontaminate all equipment, and report damage of equipment to the Director of BLS Education  Assume responsibility for teaching unstaffed classes  Cancel classes that do not meet minimum student enrollment  Ensure there are an adequate number of copies of all necessary paperwork for the class  Coordinate with Campus Recreation to identify employees needing CPR certification  Identify financial opportunities for Heartsaver CPR education Education Department - All  Attend Education Department meetings to update the Director of EMS or BLS Education and/or EMT Lead Instructor, ensure progress, and develop goals  Answer all current and prospective student and IEMS member emails in a timely and accurate manner  Assist all other EMT department members in duties as needed Director of Accounting (Treasurer) Main Responsibilities:  Be in charge of all financial records for IEMS  Organize and approve budgets each semester  File reimbursement forms.  Ensure that money is spent accordingly by their fiduciary responsibility  Investigate grant opportunities  Regularly request IEMS account balances for both the RSO and outside accounts  Oversee all major purchases for IEMS  Ensure all parties requesting the services of IEMS complete payment to the organization as promised in a timely fashion.  If in any event the President is unable to attend a meeting of IEMS function due to illness, emergency, or other hindrance, the Director of Accounting becomes the ranking Officer in charge Assistant Director of Accounting Main Responsibilities:  Assist Director of Accounting with any fiduciary responsibilities as needed  Organize and re-order all clothing and other merchandise as needed  Purchase all new merchandise  Streamline the ordering process for the Operations and Education Departments, as necessary Records Officer Main Responsibilities:  Manage and organize member files, including certifications, critical skills records, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) records, Hepatitis B form records, and any other records pertaining to membership of the organization  Document and update member eligibility on a weekly basis for the Operations Department and specifically for the Weekly Supervisor.  Notify members of expiring certification or missing necessary paperwork  Manage continuing education hours for EMTs  Archive membership files from year to year  Organize and manage the mass influx of paperwork produced in the general meetings at the beginning of the year Director of Public Relations Main Responsibilities:  Recruit new members for the organization  Assist President with Quad Day, RSO Involvement Fair, and Health-Related RSO fair  Look for public advertising opportunities for IEMS  Assist Social Officer and Historian with duties as needed  Help design and maintain the recruiting aspect of website with the Historian  Coordinate information sessions with lecture classes at the beginning of each semester  Take notes to be posted in the office and on the web page at all Officer Corps and Executive Board meetings  Keep office organized and office supplies stocked (coordinate with Merchandise Officer for purchasing)  Assign office hours for all Officers each semester NCEMSF Officer Main Responsibilities:  Plan activities to celebrate NCEMSF week in the fall with the Director of PR and President  Contact local media (e.g., Daily Illini, News Gazette) to promote these activities  Plan CPR day activities (part of NCEMSF week) with the CPR Education Officer  Work with the appropriate Officers to work towards the Striving for Excellence in Campus EMS award  Work with the appropriate Officers to work towards the HEARTSafe Campus award  Work with the appropriate Officers to work towards the EMS Ready Campus award  Arrange travel plans for NCEMSF conference with the Director of Accounting and President  Assist Brian with planning the North Central/Midwest regional skills weekend  Maintain communication with our regional coordinator, Dr. Katie Egan, and other members of the North Central/Midwest region Social Officer Main Responsibilities:  Schedule and plan Welcome Back Picnic in August  Schedule and plan at least one general member social event every two months  Schedule and plan Spring formal  Schedule and plan intramural sports  Schedule and plan Officer picnic  Assist Director of Public Relations in scheduling and planning the banquet  Schedule and plan any other social events  Assist Director of Public Relations in recruiting members Historian Main Responsibilities:  Maintain website  Coordinate with all departments to keep all information up to date  Continually search for new ways to improve website or add useful content  Maintain online eligibility list with Records Officer  Maintain online member event signups and event hours  Maintain the office technology devices  Send out weekly Listserv digests  Take photos at major IEMS events, including, but not limited to, football games and class practicals  Upload photos onto the IEMS website  Archive IEMS history year-to-year in a novel way

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