1. Energy Storage for the Integration of Renewable Energy Production 4

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1. Energy Storage for the Integration of Renewable Energy Production 4

iInnoEnergy – Thematic Field “Sustainable Nuclear and Renewable Energy Convergence” - Strategy Pageand Roadmap 1 of 39 v1 iInnoEnergy – Thematic Field “Sustainable Nuclear and Renewable Energy Convergence” - Strategy Pageand Roadmap 2 of 39 v1

A. Contents iInnoEnergy – Thematic Field “Sustainable Nuclear and Renewable Energy Convergence” - Strategy Pageand Roadmap 3 of 39 v1


CC France’s thematic field is a wide, multipolar thematic. The strategy of KIC InnoEnergy France is to focus on three promising and impacting topics: 1. “Energy Storage for the integration of renewables” addresses the difficult challenge of integrating intermittent renewable energy sources into a centralized, programmable energy production mix. Among the wide portfolio of energy storage technologies, technologies that are best suited to the integration of renewables have been identified:  Batteries (Li-ion, redox flow batteries…)  Cross-Cutting Battery topics: BMS, safety, recycling  Power to Gas Priorities for Energy Storage  Hydrogen Storage for Renewables integration  Pumped Hydro  Supercapacitors  Flywheels  Compressed Air

2. Energy Efficiency is a cross-cutting challenge that applies to all sectors of the economy and impacts the entire energy landscape, from the management of energy resources to the daily life of citizens. CC France is focused on the “Energy Efficiency in the Industry” segment. Priorities have been identified as:  Energy management sensors and solutions for the industry  Heat recovery and heat valorization in Priorities for Energy Efficiency in industrial processes the Industry  Heat pumps and heat exchangers  Electric motors, pumps and compressors  HVAC systems

3. CC France is responsible for the nuclear roadmap of KIC InnoEnergy. Taking into account the KIC objective of short to medium term product commercialization and the post-Fukushima priorities for the nuclear industry, the choice was made to focus on Nuclear Instrumentation.  Innovative Instrumentation and Measurement Priorities for Nuclear  Innovative Control / Command systems iInnoEnergy – Thematic Field “Sustainable Nuclear and Renewable Energy Convergence” - Strategy Pageand Roadmap 4 of 39 v1

1. Energy Storage for the integration of renewable energy production

C. Market challenges and business drivers

Energy Storage: Strong momentum in Europe and worldwide

Europe has set itself ambitious goals in terms of penetration of renewable energies in the production mix, reduction of CO2 emissions, and increase of energy efficiency. Energy storage is identified in the SET Plan as a key technology priority in order to bring more flexibility and security to the European Energy System1. Key economic industrial sectors (energy, transportation, buildings…) are involved in innovative energy storage solutions, worldwide. All major research organizations have put a lot of efforts on storage technologies. Based on the large technology portfolio, various energy storage business models can be developed, and many are still to be invented. A widespread study by Fraunhofer Institute and EPRI, carried out in 2010, provided an estimation of the worldwide installed capacity for electric energy storage2. This estimation emphasized the overwhelming importance of pumped hydro energy storage (PHES), representing more than 99% of the total storage capacity. Some recent studies have since reported interesting evaluations of electricity storage value and potential market forecasts for other energy storage technologies3,4,5. All attempts at storage valuation require making assumptions on storage regulation, and most studies conclude that electricity storage is not viable under current regulatory frameworks. It remains however that energy storage will be a key pillar in the transition of the energy system towards a low-carbon mix, and Europe should keep a leading position in energy storage6. Taking this into account, the EU recently started a number of initiatives in order to maintain its industrial excellence in large-scale storage and to recover a leadership in other small-scale storage technologies:  The EERA Joint Programme on Energy Storage was launched at the SET Plan Conference in Warsaw on Nov. 28th, 2011, with the goal to coordinate “research and development on next generation energy storage technologies […] to support the SET plan objectives and priorities and establish technological leadership in energy storage.  In September 2011, the European Association for Storage of Energy (EASE) was created with the objective to support “the deployment of energy storage as an indispensable instrument in order to improve the flexibility of and to deliver services to the energy system with respect to EU energy and climate policy”7.  EASE and EERA issued a joint roadmap8 in 2013 Energy storage roadmaps and strategic areas are also integrated in the SET-Plan at different levels, of which:  The SET-Plan Materials Roadmap Enabling Low Carbon Energy Technologies9 (as described in the first part of this document), which includes a part on materials for energy storage,  The EERA Joint Programme on Energy Storage iInnoEnergy – Thematic Field “Sustainable Nuclear and Renewable Energy Convergence” - Strategy Pageand Roadmap 5 of 39 v1

 The European Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Technology Initiative, aiming to accelerate R&D of hydrogen-based technologies in a cost effective way,  The EERA Joint Programme on Smart Grids, whose sub-programme SP4 is focused on electrical energy storage10,  The EERA Joint Programme on Smart Cities which considers further integration of storage in support to sustainable, low-carbon cities concepts.

Energy storage applications and the convergence Nuclear - Renewables

The wide potential of applications of energy storage technologies has been explored in depth16,11,12,13,14. As described in Figure 1, energy storage applications can be classified in four main categories:

1 2 3 4 Transmission & Energy services Renewable integration Customer services distribution  Electric energy time-  Intermittent energy  Transmission upgrade  Uninterruptible power shift (arbitrage) time-shift and firming deferral supply  Electric supply  Limitation of  Distribution upgrade  Time-of-use energy capacity upstream deferral cost management  Black start perturbations  Voltage support  Demand charge  Frequency regulation (smoothing &  Frequency regulation management  Spinning, non- shaping)  Transmission  Power quality spinning and  Minimization or congestion relief supplemental avoidance of reserves curtailment  Voltage support Figure 1: Main- and sub-categories of energy storage applications In the framework of the roadmaps for the KIC InnoEnergy France’s thematic field (“Convergence Nuclear/Renewables”), the focus in the following will be on category N°2, i.e. energy storage for RES integration. The storage topic is also shared with the KIC InnoEnergy offices in Sweden (Smart Grids and Electric Storage), and in Benelux (Smart Cities and Smart Buildings). iInnoEnergy – Thematic Field “Sustainable Nuclear and Renewable Energy Convergence” - Strategy Pageand Roadmap 6 of 39 v1

D. Technologies to address those challenges

The methodology adopted for the energy storage roadmaps was in six steps: 1. Draw a complete picture of energy storage applications (see previous paragraph) 2. Understand their requirements 3. Draw a complete picture of storage technologies 4. Understand their features (performances & cost) 5. Determine which technology is best suited for which application 6. Determine technologies to be inserted in the roadmaps

Understanding the requirements of energy applications also allows classifying the applications into two large types:  Power related applications: need high power output for short periods of time (typically, seconds to less than an hour)  Energy related applications: need large amount of stored energy, for discharge durations of up to several hours.

Step 1: Complete picture of energy storage applications

The complete picture of energy storage applications is sketched in Figure 1. It relies on a compilation of several widely referenced reports (in particular by EPRI, Sandia Labs, IEA, EASE, ENEA Consulting, SLB Consulting).

Step 2: Understanding the requirements of energy storage applications

The requirements of all energy storage applications, based on a compilation of the above mentioned widely referenced reports, are listed in Table 1.

The requirements for the application “Renewable Integration” are highlighted in orange color.

Category Application Power Discharge Time

Arbitrage 1 MW - 500 MW < 1 hour

Electric supply capacity 1 MW - 500 MW 2 hours – 6 hours

Energy services Black start 5 MW – 50 MW 15 min – 1 hour Frequency regulation 10 MW – 40 MW 15 min to 1 hour

Power reserves 10 MW – 100 MW 15 min – 1 hour (spinning, non-spinning, supplemental) Intermittent energy time-shift and firming 1 MW – 400 MW 2 – 10 hours

Renewable Limitation of upstream perturbations (smoothing & shaping) 1 MW - 500 MW Min - 2 hours integration Curtailment minimization 1MW – 400 MW 2 – 10 hours iInnoEnergy – Thematic Field “Sustainable Nuclear and Renewable Energy Convergence” - Strategy Pageand Roadmap 7 of 39 v1

Transmission upgrade deferral 10 MW – 100 MW 2 – 8 hours

Distribution upgrade deferral 500 kW – 10 MW 1 – 4 hours

Transmission & Voltage support 500 kW – 10 MW 1 – 4 hours distribution Frequency regulation 10 MW – 40 MW 15 min to 1 hour

Transmission congestion relief 1 – 100 MW 1 – 4 hours

Uninterruptible power supply 1 – 60 kW Min to 4 hours

Time-of-use energy cost management 1 kW – 1 MW 1 – 6 hours Customer energy management services Demand charge management 50 kW – 10 MW 1 – 4 hours

Power quality 100 kW – 10 MW 10 s – 15 min

Table 1: Technical requirements for each energy storage application iInnoEnergy – Thematic Field “Sustainable Nuclear and Renewable Energy Convergence” - Strategy and Roadmap v1

Step 3: Complete picture of storage technologies The portfolio of energy storage technologies is depicted in Figure 2, where all energy storage technologies have been placed along a horizontal Technology Readiness Level (TRL) scale, and vertically positioned depending on their “energy” or “power” type.

Figure 2: the portfolio of energy storage technologies [after ref. 15 & 1]

Step 4: Understanding the features of each technology (performances and costs) The features of all technologies depicted in Figure 2 are listed in Table 2 and 3. The features considered are Power rating, Energy rating, Round-trip Efficiency, Lifetime (number of cycles), power cost in €/kW and energy cost in €/kWh. For thermal storage technologies, figures are extracted from IEA 16. iInnoEnergy – Thematic Field “Sustainable Nuclear and Renewable Energy Convergence” - Strategy and Roadmap v1

Power Rating Energy Rating Power Capex Energy Capex Round Trip Number of (€/kW) (€/kWh) Efficiency cycles / (%) Lifetime 25,000 cycles Pumped Hydro 100 MW – 1 GW 10 GWh 350 - 1500 70 - 150 70 - 85 50 – 60 years 25,000 cycles CAES 10 – 300 MW 200 MWh – 1GWh 400 - 2000 50 – 200 50 30 years Fly wheels 100 kW – 20 MW 0,5 – 10 kWh 500 - 2000 1000 - 3500 70 - 95 100,000 cycles 103 cycles / 5– H2 + FCell 1 KW – 10 MW 10 kWh – 10 GWh 6,000 < 500 25 – 35 10 years SMES 10 kW – 5 MW 1 – 10 kWh 100-400 7000 - 10 000 95 1,000,000 cycles Super Cap 10 kW – 5 MW 1 – 5 kWh 1000 – 2000 10,000+ 90 - 95 500,000 cycles 800 – 3,000 Li – ion 1 kW – 10 MW 1 – 20 MWh 1000 – 3000 500 – 1000 90 - 95 cycles NaS < 10 MW < 10 MWh 2000 – 3000 300 - 500 75 4,500 cycles 2,500 – 3,000 NaNiCl2 ZEBRA 50 kW – 1 MW 120 kWh – 5 MWh 100-200 70-150 90 cycles VRB Flow Cell 50 kW – 1 MW < 10 MWh 2500 100-1000 85 10,000 cycles ZnBr Flow Cell 5 kW – 1 MW < 50 MWh 1200-1500 250 -1000 65 10,000 cycles Zn/air 1 MW 5.4 MWh 1300 – 1400 240 – 260 75 4500 cycles 200 – 1,500 Lead Acid 1 kW – 20 MW < 40 MWh 200-650 50-300 75 – 90 cycles Table 2: Main features of energy storage technologies [see references below] References for Table 2:  Joint EASE/EERA recommendations for a European Energy Storage Technology Development Roadmap Towards 2030.  “ Le Stockage d'Energie : Enjeux, Solutions techniques et opportunités de valorisation ”. ENEA- Consulting (March 2012)  “DOE/EPRI 2013 Electricity Storage Handbook in Collaboration with NRECA”, Sandia report (July 2013)  “DTU International Energy Report 2013 - ENERGY STORAGE OPTIONS FOR FUTURE SUSTAINABLE ENERGY SYSTEMS”, (November 2013). iInnoEnergy – Thematic Field “Sustainable Nuclear and Renewable Energy Convergence” - Strategy and Roadmap v1

Table 3: Main features of thermal energy storage technologies [after ref. 17]

Step 5: Which technology for the “RES integration” application? The determination of which technology is best suited for the “RES Integration” application is performed by crossing the technical requirements of “RES integration” (Step 2) and the technology features (Step 4). Results are summarized in Table 4. For each technology, the compliance with the application requirement is appreciated along a scale from „very adequate” (++) to „inadequate” (--).

From this analysis, the following conclusions can be drawn: 1. Technologies such as Pumped hydro, CAES, batteries, hydrogen storage, and Power to Gas are very well adapted to energy applications like time shifting, capacity firming, and avoidance of curtailment: 2. Flywheels, SMEs and Super Capacitors are very well adapted to the power applications like the limitation of upstream perturbations. 3. Batteries technologies such as Li-ion and Lead Acid are adapted to both power and energy applications. 4. Thermal storage is adapted to time shifting for example in the case of solar CSP Renewable integration Application segment inIntermittent energy time- Limitation of upstream Renewable integrationshift and firming perturbations (smoothing & →Avoidance or minimization shaping) of curtailment Technology [Energy application] [Power application] ↓ Pumped Hydro + + - - Mechanical StorageCAES + + - Flywheel - - + + Electrochemical & Li ion + + Electromagnetic NaS Storage + - ZEBRA (NaNiCl2) + - VRB Flow Cell + - iInnoEnergy – Thematic Field “Sustainable Nuclear and Renewable Energy Convergence” - Strategy and Roadmap v1

ZnBr Flow Cell + - Lead Acid + + Zn / Air + - Super Capacitors - - + + SMEs - - + + H2 + - Chemical storage Power to Gas ++ - - Thermal storage + (for CSP) Table 4 : Adequacy of each technology to the technical requirements of the integration of renewables, from inadequate (--) to very adequate (++) Step 6: Determining priority developments Steps 1 to 6 allow assessing the technical compliance of technologies versus application’s requirement specifications. In accordance with the other KIC InnoEnergy key impact assessment factors, two other parameters are to be taken into account: technology maturity and costs.  Technology maturity: as shown in Figure 2, most of the technologies selected in Step 5 are characterized by a TRL greater than 5. Only SMEs have low maturity and will be left aside the roadmap. Some technologies are even fully commercial (TRL 8-9). The selected technologies are therefore compliant with the KIC InnoEnergy target of ensuring the shortest time to market.

 Investment cost: Pumped Hydro and CAES are known for high capital investment, but low cost of output energy. Other technologies, such as Flywheels and Supercapacitors, are today rather low performing in terms of power cost (€/kW). However, these two technologies are very well designed for voltage and frequency regulation and small scale renewable integration. Future systems based on these technologies may become less costly when products become more standardized and engineering costs have been removed7. Eventual KIC InnoEnergy projects involving these technologies should therefore target dramatic cost reduction.

Technologies to be included in the roadmaps “Energy Storage for RES integration”

Relying on the six steps methodology applied above, the selected set of technologies to be included in the roadmap “Energy Storage for RES integration” is the following:

Application in RES Technology integration iInnoEnergy – Thematic Field “Sustainable Nuclear and Renewable Energy Convergence” - Strategy and Roadmap v1

Pumped Hydro Storage (PHS) Capacity firming Compressed Air energy Storage (CAES) Curtailment minimization Power-to-Gas (energy applications) Hydrogen Batteries Cross-cutting battery topics (BMS, safety, recycling)

Limitation of upstream perturbations Flywheels (smoothing & shaping) Supercapacitors (power applications) iInnoEnergy – Thematic Field “Sustainable Nuclear and Renewable Energy Convergence” - Strategy and Roadmap v1 A. Roadmap Energy Storage for RES integration: Overview iInnoEnergy – Thematic Field “Sustainable Nuclear and Renewable Energy Convergence” - Strategy and Roadmap v1 iInnoEnergy – Thematic Field “Sustainable Nuclear and Renewable Energy Convergence” - Strategy and Roadmap v1 ccccc iInnoEnergy – Thematic Field “Sustainable Nuclear and Renewable Energy Convergence” - Strategy and Roadmap v1

E. iInnoEnergy – Thematic Field “Sustainable Nuclear and Renewable Energy Convergence” - Strategy and Roadmap v1

F. Roadmap Energy Storage for RES integration: Details per topic selected

Details and impact assessment per selected technologies are presented in Table 5.


Topic I Economic and social impact

Impact in y ) K r

t l y o n a

t comments t b r e e s a l e c n e ) m i u v r n t 9 a g e s a e s - t h t s e n e e 1 e c r s ) p n ( s s v o n y r t i i

i e l t a a e e c n e t i l c y I t e l e e u a

a r n c i r l b c r v t t c p d a c c b a a a i r

s e l e l e a v e a e p L m u r r p a i - i d f d p e t d

L e m p s u o t I e n a R p G i i s e q s e T r c H o O e s g C o o I C R G o a F S ( r r K ( v C e v n v n I I o C 2. Energy storage for RES integration


Lithium Batteries are a fast developing technology, driven by automotive applications. Redox Flow batteries show 8 7 7 8 8 8 7 8 8 9 promising performances. Targets now are to decrease costs, Energy Storage is a key element increase energy density and safety. for the energy transition Cross-cutting topics on batteries worldwide and a major potential Whatever the chemistry involved, safety is a major issue for source of jobs in the European batteries, as well as recycling. Battery management systems 9 7 8 8 7 9 6 8 9 9 industry. have a strong impact on the battery lifetime. The wide portfolio of technologies available allows Power To Gas - Hydrogen production

This technology is particularly well adapted to a flexible Lithium batteries are also driven management of excess decarbonized electricity from either 5 6 7 8 8 8 8 6 8 7 by the Electric Vehicle, therefore wind or solar. Easy storage in gas grids. high cost reduction potential exists.

Pumped Hydro Power to Gas is a very promising Mature technology; still high potential in northern Europe route for storage by conversion (Norway), and oustside Europe. 9 8 8 8 6 5 6 2 4 7 of excess electricity from renewables, relying on gas grids for storage and opening the way for new business models. Compressed Air

In CAES systems the energy is stored mechanically, usually in Pumped hydro still has potential underground caverns, by compressing air from the 6 6 7 7 4 4 5 4 4 6 in Europe but more importantly, atmosphere. Future dvpts deal with adiabatic CAES represents a huge market for European companies particularly in Asia and South America. Hydrogen Storage

Hydrogen Storage is driven by both stationnary and mobile Hydrogen storage is gaining more applications. Interest for renewables integration lies in 7 6 7 8 8 8 5 6 7 6 and more interest in the industry stationnary storage, with hydrides as the most promising. and is also linked to the fuel cells market. Flywheels Technologies suitable to power Relies on storage of rotating kinetic energy. High cyclability, applications (flywheels, high energy efficiency and fast response time: well adapted 6 7 7 7 4 3 8 7 5 7 supercap) will allow a faster to power applications, i.e. voltage and frequency regulation. penetration of renewables by addressing power quality issues of non-programmable energy Supercapacitors sources. Store electricity in the form of an electrostatic field between two electrodes. Well adapted to voltage & frequency 6 6 6 6 7 5 8 7 5 8 Thermal storage is an important regulation, VAR support and harmonic correction. factor for thepenetration of Solar CSP into the energy mix and Thermal Storage therefore also contributes to lower GHG emission. Within the scope of renewables integration, thermal storage has a direct application in Concentrated Solar Power. R&D 8 6 7 7 8 6 8 7 5 8 efforts are on new materials and innovative systems for CSP.

Table 5: Technologies for energy storage for RES integration - Details and Impact Assessment iInnoEnergy – Thematic Field “Sustainable Nuclear and Renewable Energy Convergence” - Strategy and Roadmap v1

Assessment on “Impactability” of selected topic:

The scores attributed to each energy storage technology, listed in Table 8, are plotted in the radar graphs below: Energy Storage for RES integration (1/2)

TRL-Level (1-9) 10

Societal acceptance 8 Cost decrease


4 Batteries Cross Impact in several applications Operability 2 Cross-cutting topics on batteries Power To Gas - Hydrogen production 0 Pumped Hydro

Inv(Required Investment) GHG decrease Hydrogen Storage

Inv(Foreseeable regulatory impact) Coverage of value chain by KIC partners

KIC industry interest

Figure 3: Radar graph of impact attributes for Energy Storage for RES integration

Energy Storage for RES integration (2/2)

TRL-Level (1-9) 10

Societal acceptance 8 Cost decrease


Cross Impact in several 4 Operability applications Flywheels 2 Supercapacitors 0 Thermal Storage Compressed Air Inv(Required Investment) GHG decrease

Inv(Foreseeable regulatory Coverage of value chain by KIC impact) partners

KIC industry interest

Figure 4: Radar graph of impact attributes for Energy Storage for RES integration Comments and conclusions:  The scores for the various parameters are quite scattered, indicating that each technology has its specificity. This reflects the versatility of the energy storage technologies portfolio. A iInnoEnergy – Thematic Field “Sustainable Nuclear and Renewable Energy Convergence” - Strategy and Roadmap v1

consequence of this is the absence of “golden technology” that would comply with all requirements.

 Priority topics with the widest areas are:  Batteries (Li-ion, redox flow batteries…)  Cross-Cutting Battery topics: BMS, safety, recycling  Power to Gas  Hydrogen Storage  Pumped Hydro  Supercapacitors  Flywheels  Compressed Air

Industry value chain necessary

The value chain for batteries, power to gas, and hydrogen storage, are taken into account in the management of the current energy storage innovation projects mentioned on the roadmaps. Major European companies are onboard regarding these technologies. Taking into account the results of the KIC InnoEnergy Competence Mapping V2, in the next coming years new partners should jump into new storage projects, in order to reinforce KIC InnoEnergy’s position in storage; possible partners include :  Siemens (PHES, CAES, Flywheels, Supercapacitors, Phase Change Materials for thermal storage)  Alstom (PHES, CAES)  Bosch, SAFT (batteries)  Air Liquide (Hydrogen)  Material companies involved in thermal storage (see section 1)

3. Energy Efficiency in the Industry

A. Market challenges and business drivers

Energy Efficiency: a cross-cutting area at the convergence of KIC InnoEnergy’s objectives

“ Energy efficiency is the most cost effective way to reduce emissions, improve energy security and competitiveness, make energy consumption more affordable for consumers as well as create employment, including in export industries” (European Commission, COM (2010) 639 final) iInnoEnergy – Thematic Field “Sustainable Nuclear and Renewable Energy Convergence” - Strategy and Roadmap v1

“ Energy efficiency is the winning strategy to simultaneously address a variety of policy objectives, including security of supply, climate change, competitiveness, balance of trade, reduced investment need and environmental protection” (Energy Efficiency: A Recipe for Success, World Energy Council, 2010) Improving energy efficiency in all sectors of the economy is fundamental and urgent. It has the greatest potential for CO2 savings and the lowest cost (in most cases negative costs).Energy efficiency can deliver results quickly. But our analysis of recent efficiency trends shows that the past ten years’ performance in IEA member countries has declined to about half the rate of improvement in previous decades. A fundamental turn-around is needed. (« Towards a Sustainable Energy Future », IEA in support of the G8, 2008) Energy Efficiency (EE) has now become a major pillar of the energy policy in many countries worldwide. The reason for this interest is that EE is not only about energy savings. As well depicted in Figure 5, energy efficiency finally results in increasing competitiveness, ensuring security of supply and reducing environmental impacts of our activities.

Energy Efficiency and the European Union

In the past recent years, as shown in Figure 6, projections of the primary energy consumption in the EU indicated that the EU was not on track to meet its 20% energy saving target by 2020. Most recent projections indicate that we are approaching the target, but projections are very sensitive to the time range considered for their calculation. A gap is still to be filled between the projected consumption for 2020 and the “3x20” target (1474 Mtoe). To cope with this gap, the EU initiated a number of actions17, among which:  The Energy Efficiency Plan, adopted in 2011,  The Energy Efficiency Fund (EEF)18, launched in 2011,  The new Energy Efficiency Directive, entered into force on 4 December 2012. Most of its provisions will have to be implemented by the Member States by 5 June 2014. iInnoEnergy – Thematic Field “Sustainable Nuclear and Renewable Energy Convergence” - Strategy and Roadmap v1

Figure 5: Energy Efficiency: benefits for the society, the economy and the environment19

Figure 6: EU’s projections20 on primary energy consumption as compared with the 20% European EE target These EU initiatives globally tackle the most consuming sectors of the economy, which are often the most important sources of CO2 emissions as shown in Figure 7. Accordingly, the recently adopted European Directive on Energy Efficiency especially targets four main sectors: buildings, transports, industry, and energy. iInnoEnergy – Thematic Field “Sustainable Nuclear and Renewable Energy Convergence” - Strategy and Roadmap v1

Final energy consumption inFinal EU -energy27, 2010 consumption in EU-27, 2010



32% Agriculture Final energy consumption in EU-27, 2010 Services Households 2% Industry 27% Transport 14%

32% Agriculture 25% Services Source: Eurostat Households Industry 27% Transport

Source: Eurostat, 2011 Source: Eurostat, 2010 25%

Source: Eurostat Figure 7: EU final energy consumption and CO2 emissions by sector

The main new measures in the new Energy Efficiency Directive include21:  The obligation on Member States to achieve certain amount of final energy savings over the obligation period (01 January 2014 – 31 December 2020) by using energy efficiency obligations schemes or other targeted policy measures to drive energy efficiency improvements in households, industries and transport sectors.  The obligation for large enterprises to carry out an energy audit at least every four years, with a first energy audit at the latest by 5 December 2015. Incentives for SMEs to undergo energy audits to help them identify the potential for reduced energy consumption.  Efficiency in energy generation: monitoring of efficiency levels of new energy generation capacities, national assessments for co-generation and district heating potential and measures for its uptake to be developed by 31 December 2015, including recovery of waste heat, demand side resources to be encouraged. More globally, Energy Efficiency is a typical cross-cutting domain that also encompasses important applications sectors such as agriculture and the emblematic data centers. The potential scope of applications of Energy Efficiency is therefore very large:  Manufacturing industry  Power plants  Data centers  Buildings  Transport  Agriculture The technologies involved in these application sectors are also very diverse. In order to efficiently tackle the energy efficiency roadmaps, focus is necessary. Energy Efficiency in Buildings is addressed by the thematic field “Intelligent, Energy Efficient Buildings and Cities”. iInnoEnergy – Thematic Field “Sustainable Nuclear and Renewable Energy Convergence” - Strategy and Roadmap v1

The roadmaps in the next section will focus on energy efficiency in the industry. The industrial sector accounts for a third of world energy consumption and nearly 40% of CO2 emissions. According to the

International Energy Agency (IEA), energy efficiency would allow 57% of the global CO 2 savings to be achieved by 2030 and represents nearly 40% of the savings available in the industrial sector22.

With this focus on buildings and manufacturing industry, KIC InnoEnergy roadmaps in Energy Efficiency will take into account these two sectors which, in the EU, cover more than half the final energy consumption, as well as at least one third of CO2 emissions.

A. Technologies to address those challenges

As shown in Figure 7, in 2010 the industrial sector consumed a quarter of the final energy in the EU. In 2011 in France, final energy consumption amounted to 155.6 Mtoe, of which 21.1% in industry. At national level, the most consuming industries are chemicals, iron and steel and food processing.

Energy efficiency in the industry addresses two main issues:  the industrial processes themselves, and  the transverse operations Process technologies include all industrial processes in place in high energy-intensive industries such as cement, iron & steel, pulp and paper industries. Manufacturers in these sectors have developed a deep understanding of their processes, firstly driven by costs optimization targets. It is challenging to explore to what extent their specific improvements can be adapted to other industrial areas and to open channels for a transversal flow of knowledge23. Transverse operations in the industry include all equipment commonly used in many industries, such as:  Electric motors, pumps, and compressed air  Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC)  Heat pumps & heat exchangers  Lighting Transverse operations are a major part of energy consumption in the industry. This part was estimated in in France at the amount of 64 TWh with more than 40 TWh in electricity.24 Figure 8 shows the share of each type of transverse operations for various industrial sectors. In a number of sectors (food, automotive…) the share of process technology is effectively very low compared transverse operations. Moreover, even in sectors where processes are highly energy intensive (metals), the weight of transverse operations is never negligible. iInnoEnergy – Thematic Field “Sustainable Nuclear and Renewable Energy Convergence” - Strategy and Roadmap v1

Source: Ademe, 2009

KIC InnoEnergy | Boosting InnovationFigure for Sustainable 8: ShareEnergy of electricity| CCAV | Laurent demand Thibaudeau in various industrial sectors 10 *CCTs = Cross-Cutting Technologies A comprehensive study performed by Fraunhofer ISI (2012) has evaluated the total energy saving potentials in the EU27 in the industry sector (see figure next slide): final energy consumption could be reduced by 26% in 2030 and 52% in 2050, with a major contribution coming from CCTs. Based on these results, the following topics are identified for the roadmap “Energy Efficiency in the Industry”: Electric motors, pumps and compressed air; energy management sensors and solutions, heat pumps and heat exchangers, HVAC; heat recovery and heat valorization in industrial processes. iInnoEnergy – Thematic Field “Sustainable Nuclear and Renewable Energy Convergence” - Strategy and Roadmap v1

A. Roadmap Energy Efficiency in the Industry: Overview iInnoEnergy – Thematic Field “Sustainable Nuclear and Renewable Energy Convergence” - Strategy and Roadmap v1 KIC InnoEnergy – Thematic Field “Sustainable Nuclear and Renewable Energy Convergence” - StrategyPage and 27 of 39 Roadmap v1

G. Roadmap energy efficiency in the Industry: Details per topics selected

Details per application selected: Details and impact assessment per selected technologies are presented in Table 6.


Topic I Economic and social impact

Impact in y ) K r

t l y o n a

t comments t b r e e

s a l e c n e ) m i v u r n t 9 a g e a s s e - t s t h e n e e 1 e c s r p ) n ( s s v o y n r

i t i i e

l t a a e e c n e t i c l y I t e l e e u a a c n r i c r l b r v t c t d p a c c b a i a a

r s e l e l a e v e p a e L m r u r a p i - i d f d p e t d

L e m p u s o t I e n a R p G i q s i e s

e T c r H e o O s g C o o I R C o G a S F ( r r K ( v C e v n v I n I o C 3. Energy Efficiency in the Industry

Electric Motors, Pumps and Compressed Air

Includes highly efficient motors and pumps (decrease all physical sources of energy losses). Variable Speed Drive has a 7 9 7 8 7 6 8 7 8 8 very high potential - up to 50% energy savings. “Energy efficiency is the most cost effective way to reduce emissions, improve energy HVAC security and competitiveness, Optimization of HVAC systems allows reducing energy make energy consumption more affordable for consumers as well consumption by 30% with short ROI. Main measures include 6 7 6 7 5 6 8 6 8 9 decreasing losses and optimizing control. as create employment, including in export industries” (COM(2010) 639 final) Energy Management Sensors and Solutions Energy efficiency is a major topic Relying on sensors and actuators networks, integrated in the SET-Plan, as witnessed by the recent approval of the Energy solutions bring high benefit to industrial utilities. Efforts are 7 8 8 7 8 8 7 7 8 9 put on the development of monitoring protocols. Efficiency Directive by the European Parliament.

With 24% of the final energy Heat Recovery and Heat Valorization in Industrial Processes consumption and 60% of CO2 emissions, the European industry Includes recycling energy back into the process, recovering represents a huge area for the 6 8 6 8 6 7 8 5 8 8 energy for other on-site uses, or using it to generate emergence of new products and electricity in CHP systems or by thermoelectricity. solutions; this is particularly true in transverse operations as the solutions can apply in several Heat Pumps and Heat Exchangers industrial sectors. Opportunities for improvement include improved heat transfer coefficients, choice and distribution of fluids, 7 7 6 8 5 6 8 6 8 8 improvement of reliability (cleaning, corrosion resistance)

Table 6: Technologies and applications of Energy Efficiency in the Industry - Details and Impact Assessment KIC InnoEnergy – Thematic Field “Sustainable Nuclear and Renewable Energy Convergence” - StrategyPage and 28 of 39 Roadmap v1

Assessment on “Impactability” of selected topic: The scores attributed to each energy storage technology, listed in Table 6, are plotted in the radar graph below: Energy Efficiency in the transverse operations in industry

TRL-Level (1-9) 10 Societal Cost decrease acceptance 8 Electric Motors, Pumps and 6 Compressed Air

Cross Impact in 4 HVAC several Operability applications 2 Energy Management Sensors and 0 Solutions Heat Recovery and Heat Inv(Required GHG decrease Valorization in Industrial Processes Investment) Heat Pumps and Heat Exchangers

Inv(Foreseeable Coverage of regulatory value chain by impact) KIC partners KIC industry interest

Comments and conclusions:  The scores for the various parameters are high and not much scattered, indicating the great importance of each of these energy efficiency technologies.

 Prioritization for Energy Efficiency in the Industry from scoring is as follows (all 5 topics retained for next future activities) 1. Energy Management Sensors and Solutions 2. Heat Recovery and Valorization in Industrial Processes 3. Heat Pumps and Heat Exchangers 4. Electric Motors, Pumps and Compressors 5. HVAC systems

Industry value chain necessary Some partners of KIC InnoEnergy (ABB, Schneider Electric) are known as leaders in the Energy Management systems for the industry. KIC level partners (TOTAL, EDF) are also very much involved in Energy Efficiency. Other OEMs involved in electric motors, pumps, compressors, heat exchangers and heat pumps, and waste heat recovery, should be put onboard new innovation projects. A recent study25 by ENEA Consulting with ADEME and TOTAL has highlighted the difficulties for the interested parties to organize collaborative projects and to obtain funding for innovation in EE in the KIC InnoEnergy – Thematic Field “Sustainable Nuclear and Renewable Energy Convergence” - StrategyPage and 29 of 39 Roadmap v1 industry. KIC InnoEnergy should bridge this gap in the next years and allow the emergence of new products and services for EE in the industry. Based on the KIC InnoEnergy Competence Mapping V2, discussions with KIC InnoEnergy partners, and literature review, the following companies are identified as major players in the field (this list may not be exhaustive):  Energy Management sensors and solutions o Large groups : Schneider Electric, ABB, Siemens o Start-ups: Energiency, Efficiencia, Qualisteo o Other: PS2E (Institute for Energy Transition), CEA, KU Leuven

 Heat Recovery and heat Valorization in Industrial Processes o ORC manufacturers26: Enertime (FR), Aqylon (FR), Ereie (FR), Cryostar (FR), Turboden (It), Adoratec/Maxxtec (DE), Opcon (SE), GMK (DE), Bosh KWK (DE), Tri-o-gen (NL) o Engineering, consultancy: Outotec o Research: CEA, Fraunhofer

 Heat Pumps and Heat Exchangers, HVAC o Industrials: Daikin, Hitachi, Uniflair, CIAT, Atlantic, Trianon, Thermofin, Astra, Valeo, Behr gmbh & Co o Research: TNO, CEA, CETIAT

 Electric Motors, Pumps, Compressed Air o Motors: Emerson – Leroy Somer (FR), ABM Greiffenberger (DE), Baldor (ABB group), Ecofit (FR), Emit (PL), Lafert (It), Lenze (FR), Sew Usocome (DE), Bosch, Siemens, GE, Hitachi. o Pumps: Grundfos o Compressed air : COVAL (FR), PCM (FR) KIC InnoEnergy – Thematic Field “Sustainable Nuclear and Renewable Energy Convergence” - StrategyPage and 30 of 39 Roadmap v1

4. Nuclear Instrumentation

A. Market challenges and business drivers

Post Fukushima priorities

Although international organizations are anticipating slower long term global increase in worldwide nuclear power output than they were before the Fukushima accident, nuclear growth is still expected to occur in a number of countries. More than 60 nuclear reactors are under construction in the world. However, the Fukushima nuclear accident has revealed the strong necessity to deepen research and developments in nuclear safety and radiation management. Post Fukushima nuclear roadmaps put a strong emphasis on these topics27,28,29: “ Nuclear instrumentation is still mainly based on safe but conservative technologies. Present and future competitiveness with the other power sources depends also on accurate and predictive knowledge of core behaviour. Advanced instrumentation and measurement methods, and efficient signal analysis can increase reliability, performance and competitiveness” (NUGENIA Roadmap) The main topics to be developed by KIC InnoEnergy in nuclear, in relation with the philosophy of KIC InnoEnergy innovation projects (short or medium time to market) are:  Innovative Instrumentation and Measurement systems for the monitoring of materials and structures under severe conditions (high temperature, high neutron flux, high pressure…):

 Innovative control / command systems: Increasingly demanding post-Fukushima regulations are generating high requirements on automation systems. Due to the development time cycles, R&D on next nuclear reactors (generation IV, Small and Medium Reactors, fusion) is excluded from the scope of KIC InnoEnergy roadmap.

A. Technologies to address those challenges

Due to the post Fukushima challenges, present and future reactors need a complete new generation of on-line instrumentation and innovative advanced measurement methodologies:  Experimental benchmarks have to be more instrumented than in the past, especially with real-time analysis devices.  The large technological breakthroughs which appeared in the past recent years give opportunity to design and implement high performances sensors in a very harsh environment such as in the core of a nuclear reactor.  A more efficient instrumentation will allow an optimization of the reactor operation and efficiency In 2013, SNETP30 and NUGENIA both issued their roadmaps. The NUGENIA roadmap includes R&D challenges in the instrumentation & measurement area: • Technical Area 3 « Improved Reactor Operation » KIC InnoEnergy – Thematic Field “Sustainable Nuclear and Renewable Energy Convergence” - StrategyPage and 31 of 39 Roadmap v1

 Advanced and integrated approaches to maintenance and lifetime management of components and systems  Implementation of advanced digital technologies and diagnostics • Technical Area 8  Non destructive testing – ultrasonic testing

Based on these roadmaps and on discussions with KIC InnoEnergy partners involved in nuclear, the roadmap on innovative instrumentation and measurement methods will address the following topics:  New systems for radiation monitoring at elevated temperatures.  Innovative technologies for non-destructive testing  Wireless sensors  Fiber Optic sensors  New simulation tools meant to help decision making for life prolongation Instrumentation and Measurement techniques are a cross-cutting area that also impacts the entire energy chain from generation to consumption. Applications of advanced instrumentation and measurement techniques will be found in fossil fuel powered systems, in renewable energy, in energy transmission and distribution, and in energy use (demand responsive systems, smart buildings). KIC InnoEnergy has today 2 innovation projects running:  I_SMART, Integrated Sensor System for material ageing and radiation testing  HOBAN , Hard Optical Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors Control-command systems consist of all systems in nuclear installations, which automatically perform actions and ensure regulatory functions or protection. The complexity of these systems has grown considerably in recent decades. They meet the growing needs of industrial piloting safer installation. They must also allow enhanced surveillance facilities, and encourage feedback from operations31. KIC InnoEnergy – Thematic Field “Sustainable Nuclear and Renewable Energy Convergence” - Strategy and Roadmap v1 H. Roadmap for Nuclear: Overview KIC InnoEnergy – Thematic Field “Sustainable Nuclear and Renewable Energy Convergence” - StrategyPage and 33 of 39 Roadmap v1

I. Roadmap for Nuclear: Details per topic selected

Details and impact assessment per selected technology


Topic I Economic and social impact

Impact in y ) K r

t l y o n a

t comments t b r e

e s a l e c n e ) m i u v r n t 9 a g e s a e s - t h t s e n e e 1 e c s r ) p n

( s v o s y r n i t i i e l t a e e a c n e t i l c y I t l e e u e a a n r c i l r b c r v t t c p d a c b a a c a i r s e l e l a e v e e a p m L

u r r p a i - i d f p e d t d

e L m p s u o I t e n a p G R i i e q s s e r T c H O o e s g C o o I C R G o a F S ( r r K ( v C e v n v n I I o C 4. Instrumentation and Measurement and Control/Command for Nuclear

Innovative Instrumentation & Measurement The price of nucle a r electricity is competitive a nd predictable. C02 This area includes techniques and products for non- e miss ions from nucl ea r energy a re destructive testing and structural condition monitoring as 7 8 9 8 8 8 8 7 9 8 very low. well as radiation monitoring. The Europea n nuclea r indus try e mploys a round 400,000 people in Europe [source Fora tom]. Innovative Control / Command Systems Instrume nta ti on, Mea surement and control-command systems consist of all systems which Control a re essentia l for the Europea n industry to ma inta in a 6 8 9 8 7 7 8 7 7 7 automatically perform actions and ensure regulatory lea ding competitive posi tion and to functions or protection. e nsure sa fe production of electricity.

Table 7: Instrumentation, Measurement, Control/Command for nuclear: Details and impact assessment

Assessment on “impactability”Instrumentation, of Measurement selected topics and Control/Command for nuclear

TRL-Level (1-9) 10

Societal acceptance 8 Cost decrease


Cross Impact in 4 Operability Innovative Instrumentation & several applications 2 Measurement

0 Innovative Control / Command Systems Inv(Required GHG decrease Investment)

Coverage of value Inv(Foreseeable chain by KIC regulatory impact) partners KIC industry interest

Figure 9: Radar Graph of impact attributes for nuclear instrumentation KIC InnoEnergy – Thematic Field “Sustainable Nuclear and Renewable Energy Convergence” - StrategyPage and 34 of 39 Roadmap v1

Comments and conclusions:  The scores for the various parameters are high and not much scattered, indicating the great importance of each of these topics in the post-Fukushima situation. Both topics are considered equally important for the next 5 to 10 years activity of KIC InnoEnergy in nuclear.

 Framing the next Calls for Innovation Projects: o Two innovation projects are currently running in nuclear: I_SMART and HOBAN o A new project will be proposed in one of the 2015 Calls for Innovation Projects

Industry value chain necessary

As confirmed by the Innovation Capacity Mapping, all major European players in nuclear are already KIC InnoEnergy partners. The visibility of KIC InnoEnergy in the nuclear sector has been extended in 2014 with meetings and presentations at the 3rd NUGENIA FORUM and contacts with the competitiveness cluster PNB (“Partners in Nuclear Business”). New high-tech, specialized SMEs are now joining KIC InnoEnergy as partners in the nuclear innovation projects HOBAN and I_SMART. The participation of European SMEs positioned at different levels of the value chain must be strengthened. KIC InnoEnergy – Thematic Field “Sustainable Nuclear and Renewable Energy Convergence” - StrategyPage and 35 of 39 Roadmap v1

5. Annexes A.1 Dropped / modified / new topics vs V1

Topic : dropped or modified Roadmap area or new versus V1 roadmap Rationale / comment priorities Advanced material projects are most often not in the scope of InnoEnergy projects, due to Advanced Materials Dropped low TRLs.

These topics are now taken Lithium batteries into account in a generic group NaS batteries “batteries”, including redox (modified) flow and Lead acid. These topics are extremely Energy Storage important for the security, Batteries : cross-cutting topics performance, lifetime, and life (safety / recycling / BMS) cycle assessment of all battery (new) technologies. KIC InnoEnergy partners have strong competences there. *with some precisions in the Energy Efficiency in the Same topics as V1* detailed subtopics, in Industry particular for WHR.

**with addition of two new subtopics (wireless sensors and Nuclear Same topics as V1** FO sensors) in Instrumentation. KIC InnoEnergy – Thematic Field “Sustainable Nuclear and Renewable Energy Convergence” - StrategyPage and 36 of 39 Roadmap v1

A.2 List of participants in the Working Group

Name type of organization Name of organization

N. Mermilliod Research CEA

B. Fillon Research CEA

Y. Bultel University G-INP

N. Collignon Industry AREVA

J.P. Reich Industry GDF-SUEZ

S. Paineau Industry Schneider Electric

A. Mantovan Competitiveness cluster Partners in Nuclear Business

J.P. Gourlia Industry TOTAL

J.R. Morante Research IREC

E. Devers Competitiveness cluster AXELERA

A. Al-Mazouzi Indus EDF KIC InnoEnergy – Thematic Field “Sustainable Nuclear and Renewable Energy Convergence” - StrategyPage and 37 of 39 Roadmap v1

J. References 1 2011 Technology Map of the European Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET-Plan), V. Tzimas, JRC 67097, European Union, 2011.

2 Electricity Energy Storage Technology Options – a White Paper Primer on Applications, Costs and Benefits, Technical Update, EPRI, Palo Alto, 2010, 1020676.

3 “Electricity Storage” Factbook, Schlumberger Business Consulting Energy Institute, 2013, http://www.sbc.slb.com/SBCInstitute/Publications/~/media/Files/SBC%20Energy%20Institute/SBC %20Energy%20Institute_Electricity_Storage%20Factbook_vf.ashx

4 Étude sur le potentiel du stockage d’énergies, ATEE, 2013. http://atee.fr/sites/default/files/peps_- _rapport_public1.pdf

5 « Assessing Storage Value in Electricity Markets”, JRC Scientific and Policy Reports, 2013. http://setis.ec.europa.eu/system/files/edf%20jrc%20power%20storage%20report.pdf

6 DG ENER Working Paper “The future role and challenges of Energy Storage”, http://ec.europa.eu/energy/infrastructure/doc/energy-storage/2013/energy_storage.pdf

7 http://www.ease-storage.eu

8 “European Energy Storage Technology Development Roadmap Towards 2030”, EASE, 2013. http://www.ease-storage.eu/tl_files/ease-documents/Events/2013.04.17%20Launch%20EASE_EERA %20Roadmap/Roadmap%20&%20Annex/EASE%20EERA-recommendations-Roadmap-LR.pdf

9 http://setis.ec.europa.eu/system/files/Materials_Roadmap_EN.pdf

10 EERA Joint Programme « Smart Grids », Sub-progam 4, Deliverable D4.1 « Electric Energy Storage »

11 “DOE/EPRI 2013 Electricity Storage Handbook in Collaboration with NRECA”, SANDIA REPORT, Sandia National Laboratories (2013)

12 “Moving Energy Storage from Concept to Reality”. Southern California Edison (2011)

13 “Prospects for Large-Scale Energy Storage in Decarbonised Power Grids”. International Energy Agency (2009)

14 “ Le Stockage d'Energie : Enjeux, Solutions techniques et opportunités de valorisation ”. ENEA- Consulting (2012)

15 Facts & Figures, « Le stockage d’énergie », ENEA Consulting, March 2012

16 IEA Technology Roadmap: “Energy-efficient Buildings: Heating and Cooling Equipment”, 2011

17 http://ec.europa.eu/energy/efficiency/index_en.htm

18 http://www.eeef.eu/

19 « New EU energy efficiency policies & how to measure the progress ? » by G. Miladinova, DG Energy, European Commission, 11 June 2013

20 EU energy efficiency policies & How to measure the progress?, DG Energy, European Commission, 11 June 2013

21 See http://ec.europa.eu/energy/efficiency/eed/eed_en.htm 22 ADEME: French know-how in the field of energy efficiency in industry, July 2013

23 InnoEnergy Lighthouse Innodriver Project « Processes and Living lab for industry Energy Efficiency”

24 Journal official de la république française: efficacité énergétique : un gisement d’économies ; un objectif prioritaire (15 janvier 2013)

25 “L’Efficacité Energétique dans l’Industrie: Verrous et Besoins en R&D”, ENEA / ADEME / TOTAL, may 2012

26 Techno-economic survey of Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) systems (Quoilin et al., 2013)

27 Energy 2050 roadmap, Contribution of Nuclear Energy, Post Fukushima update, October 2011

28 Nuclear Sector Roadmaps, EPRI, August 2012

29 NUGENIA Roadmap, 2013, http://www.nugenia.org/

30 SNETP Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda, http://www.snetp.eu/

31 Technology Roadmap on Instrumentation, Control, and Human-Machine Interface to Support DOE Advanced Nuclear Energy Programs. Idaho National Laboratory, March 2007

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