52 Lições De Homeopatia GEHSH 23

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52 Lições De Homeopatia GEHSH 23

HELLEBORUS NIGER Borage and hellebore fill two scenes, Sovereign plants to purge the veins Of melancholy, and cheer the heart Of those black fume which make it smart. Burton, Anatomy of melancholy.

Família Ranunculaceae – Miasma Tifóide] Sua percepção é: minha sobrevivência depende em embotar a sensibilidade ou morrerei. (my survival depends on blunting out the irritation or will die". Sua aversão a ser perturbado é o seu afastamento (shutting out) devido à sua extrema excitabilidade; este último aspecto não tem sido conhecido. Em Helleborus ocorre a excitibalidade de uma forma muito rápida ed intensa (miasma tifóide) e logo resultando em embotamento, insensibilidade.

GUY LOUTAN Não aceita não ter todos os valores em si mesmo. Não vê o significado ou valor e se desespera da falta de valor em tudo. Não vê também o próprio valor. Perde o interesse de si mesmo. Sente-se como um autômato, indiferente a todo prazer, como num pesadelo. Tudo parece superficial e sem interesse. Tudo é vaidade em comparação com o fim transcendente: a contemplação da Divindade. È obrigado na vida temporal a uma alegria meramente reflexa. Nostálgico da alegria perdida quando vê os outros felizes. Regredido como um animal, grunhe, coordena mal os movimentos, perde as relações sociais. Sonha que avança para uma grande luz. Recusando o valor real humano, se transforma em animal e qualquer um pode lhe fazer amor. Sente-se abandonado e defende-se pela indiferença. Na egotrofia: dá valor a tudo e a si mesmo. Sente-se capaz de fazer grandes coisas. Veste-se bizarramente. Estado hipomaníaco. Helleborus: flor branca de raiz negra que eclode no inverno na solidão e indiferença: acredita-se divino, não adora senão ele mesmo, ele é o seu próprio sol. Helleborus acredita poder se apropriar da luz (talvez pelas drogas: quando usa LSD ou queima as etapas). [avant qu´elle lui soit communiquée par l´amour, il se trouve prive d´amour. Ayant volu come Dieu avoir de la valeur indépendamment de sour entourage, il perd sa valeur en ne voit plus celle de l´entourage].

FLOWER DESCRIPTION Flowers: Winter to Spring Height: 12 inches Position: Sun or Partial Shade Hardiness Rating: 4 5 6 7 8 Germination: Challenging Aftercare: Care Required Description: Surprise your friends and neighbours with an arrangement of Christmas roses for the festive season! Beautiful blooms at a time when little else is available. From seed you can have a group quite close together in a way which would cost you a great deal if you bought the plants. They flower in about three years from seed and invariably produce stronger, healthier plants. Sowing Instructions: Sow any time of year in a 7.5cm (3in) pot of seed compost or a free draining peat/sand mix. Sow the seed on the surface of the compost and cover with a little well rotted leaf mould or fine peat. Cover the pot with glass and place in a coldframe or sheltered position with the pot sunk up to its rim in soil. Germination is very slow and can take up to 18 months. Growing Instructions: Prick out into individual pots when the seedlings are large enough to handle, grow on for a season and plant out the following autumn or spring in a rich, moist well drained soil and part shade. They take 3-4 years to commence flowering. 52 Lições de Homeopatia – GEHSH 2

Caution: Harmful if eaten 52 Lições de Homeopatia – GEHSH 3


Kingdom Plantae – Plants Subkingdom Tracheobionta – Vascular plants Superdivision Spermatophyta – Seed plants Division Magnoliophyta – Flowering plants Class Magnoliopsida – Dicotyledons Subclass Magnoliidae – Order Ranunculales – Family Ranunculaceae – Buttercup family Genus Helleborus L. – hellebore Species Helleborus niger L. – black hellebore A SUBSTÂNCIA · Planta da família das Ranunculáceas, cuja raiz é negra. O Heléboro negro, também chamado de Christmas Rose, é uma planta perene que cresce nas montanhas pedregosas cobertas de árvores Floresce de dezembro a março, daí seu nome de Rosa de Natal. É de grande beleza e elegância. Tem como distribuição geográfica a Europa: especialmente Áustria, Suiça, França, Espanha, Itália e Grécia (Alpes, Vosgues, Pirineus, Cárpatos e Bálcãs). Em tempos primitivos era usado em Mania e Hidropsia, devido às suas propriedades drásticas. Paracelsus exaltou suas virtudes no intestino, doenças de pele, epilepsia e icterícia. Para o preparo do medicamento homeopático usamos o suco da raiz fresca, misturado em partes iguais de álcool. FONTES [Autoridades]: Hahnemann foi assistido em suas experiências por HARTMANN, HORNBURG, KUMMER, LANGHAMMER, MOSSDORF, E.F. RUCKERT, STAPF, WISLICENUS. Na 1ª edição da Matéria Médica Pura Heleboro tem 198 sintomas e nesta 2ª. edição há 288 sintomas.[Número de sintomas]: há 662 sintomas na Matéria Médica de Allen. 2.044 rubricas no repertório do Gehsh. AÇÃO GERAL Segundo Hahnemann, é muito característico de Helleborus "uma espécie de estupor, um embotamento sensorial, um estado no qual, com a visão intacta, nada se vê muito nitidamente, e o paciente não presta nenhuma atenção à nada; com a audição perfeitamente sã, nada é ouvido claramente; com os órgãos gustatórios perfeitamente constituídos, tudo parece haver perdido o seu sabor; donde a mente está sempre sem idéias; donde o passado é esquecido ou levemente recordado; no qual nada lhe produz nenhum prazer; no qual o sono é muito leve e nunca há um verdadeiro sono reparador; e no qual deseja trabalhar sem ter as forças necessárias ou atenção requerida para fazê-lo". Há uma lentidão das percepções sensitivo-sensoriais, da compreensão e das respostas; a mente parece haver perdido o comando do seu corpo, e os músculos recusam obedecer apenas a mente se distrai desse objetivo, ou não é fixada fortemente para obter uma resposta muscular ( se fala, cai o que tem na mão); não pode trabalhar. Está como ausente, distraído, ou como absorto em seus pensamentos. Se concentra com grande dificuldade; pensa muito tempo antes de contestar, ou contesta muito lentamente, ou confusamente, ou recusa contestar pelo esforço mental que exige. Afetivamente, este estado mental se traduz por uma indiferença ou apatia a tudo: os seus seres queridos, a seus parentes ou amigos, a toda diversão ou prazer, a toda impressão externa, às coisas. Não pede nada, não pergunta nada, não exige nada, não diz nada. Situações agudas com obnubilação da consciência: TCE, nefropatias, meningoencefalites, apoplexia, 52 Lições de Homeopatia – GEHSH 4 cefaléias, hidrocefalias. Convulsões, e espasmos de músculos; atos automáticos; movimento automático de um braço ou perna. O aparecimento da doença é gradual com fraqueza progressiva. Epilepsia com consciência, seguido de sono profundo. Convulsões com extremo frio.

SINTOMAS MENTAIS  Ele se torna melancólico ao observar uma pessoa alegre, e então, pela primeira vez, sente-se muito infeliz.  Humor triste, devido a sua condição presente, tudo parece estúpido e sem incentivo para ele.  Muita ansiedade, náusea, e desconforto se pensa que morrerá.  Medo da morte.( em um sofredor de melancolia religiosa)  Ele está incerto por sua própria vida.  Saudade.  Tendência extrema a se irritar, o assunto mais trivial que contraria seus desejos o enraivece.  Despreocupação alegre em tudo; sente indiferença em relação à família.  Pensa estar prestar a morrer por ter muita ansiedade, náusea e sofrimentos.  Inquieto e ansioso, como se antecipasse uma desgraça.  Ele está desesperado por sua vida.  Envolto em seus próprios pensamentos, humor silencioso, à tarde.  Ele não podia sentar, estar de pé nem deitar, e sempre apontava para seu coração.  Suas condições psíquicas estão entre melancolia e mania, e no caso de depressão e fraqueza estarem presentes o paciente está governado por uma idéia fixa.  Sente desamparo como uma criança.  Uma velha tinha sido acusada de roubo pelas mulheres da comunidade, e tomou tão profundamente a acusação em seu coração que se enforcou. Este suicídio produziu um efeito profundo nas mulheres da aldeia. Uma após outra se acusaram de provocar a morte da velha por suas insinuações; elas choraram e gritaram, correram dia e noite torcendo suas mãos, desesperadas por sua salvação devido aos seus pecados, elas se tornaram totalmente descontroladas e insanas.... (Mania histérica)  Ilusões que é perseguida por inimigos; fantasia que está falando com pessoas mortas.  Medo de morrer; se sente infeliz na presença de rostos alegres.  Mania demoníaca; vê maus espíritos à noite.  Após febre tifóide,...senta quieta na cama e parece perdida em reflexões;...constantemente tenta fugir,...; sem uma palavra sobe calmamente a janela, e se tem sucesso em escapar vai em direção do rio; finalmente se joga na latrina, da qual é salva. Suspiros involuntários.  Bica lábios e roupas, pontas dos dedos.  Crê que ela está agindo errado, pensa que ela vai morrer num certo dia; apenas senta e não diz nada, faz nada.  Tristeza antes da puberdade em meninas; tristeza durante as primeiras menstruações.  SONHOS: ·Confusos, ansiosos, caindo, voando.

DORES E SENSAÇÕES.  Dor pressiva de fora para dentro com pesadez na cabeça.  Nevralgia facial esquerda.  Intensa queimação no estômago, extendendo-se para o esôfago; dor pressiva e arranhando.  Cólica apertando; beliscando, em volta do umbigo, com sudorese, face pálida e fria.  Dores agudas na região das costelas verdadeiras de dentro para fora, < inspiração.  Constricção no peito  Caimbra nos músculos espinhais.  · Embotamento e peso na cabeça. 52 Lições de Homeopatia – GEHSH 5

 · Sente o cérebro grande demais e o occipital vazio.  · Choques elétricos passam através do cérebro.  · Como se as pálpebras fossem pressionadas para baixo.  · Frio no abdomen.  · Ansiedade em torno do coração, impedindo-o de descansar em qualquer lugar

SINTOMAS FUNCIONAIS.  [Desejos alimentares]: bebidas alcoólicas, pão, pão com manteiga, bebidas frias. [Aversões]: maçãs, chucrute, gorduras, carne gorda, verduras, água.  Ausência de sede em todas as queixas.  Vertigem ao agachar-se, com náusea.  Olhar vazio, fixo. Arreflexia pupilar à luz. Fotofobia diurna. Cegueira noturna. Olhos semi-abertos.  Movimentos de mastigação involuntária nos quadros agudos.  Convulsões com frio extremo de todo o corpo, exceto cabeça e região occipital que estão quentes.  Range os dentes no sono.  Sintomas cerebrais durante a dentição.  Diarréia com catarro e fezes aquosas, durante a hidrocefalia, dentição, gravidez.  Fezes involuntárias. Constipação paralítica.  Hiperdistensão da bexiga. A criança não pode urinar (Caust). Anúria em quadros cerebrais.  Amenorréia por amor não correspondido ou por molhar os pés.  Fraqueza das pernas; joelhos cambaleantes; só pode andar devagar.  Sonolência com olhos semi cerrados.  Febre com calafrio interno, com aversão a beber, com mãos frias.

SINTOMAS LESIONAIS.  Paralisia de um lado com movimentos automáticos do outro.  Tumores no lobo frontal. Hidrocefalia.  Meningite, encefalite com estupefação, balançando a cabeça de um lado para o outro, movimentos de mastigação da boca, move os lábis sem falar, afunda a cabeça no travesseiro, com grito encefálico (Apis,Zinc).  Câncer do cólon; colite ulcerativa.  Ulceração periungueal. Caem as unhas dos pés e mãos.

CIRCUNSTÂNCIAS  Local: S.N.C.  Modalidades: [Causalidades]: transtornos após meningite, encefalite, concussão, apoplexia, susto, pesar. Anestesia geral (Foubister) Amor desapontado. [Agrava]: pelo ar frio; ao descobrir- se; pelos esforços; pelo movimento; puberdade; dentição; toque. [Melhora]: ar livre, ar quente, agasalhando . [Horário]: marcada agravação entre 16 e 20 h.  Concomitantes: Sudorese fria.  Comparações: Zincum, Opium, Apis. 52 Lições de Homeopatia – GEHSH 6


An enchanting evergreen perennial plant, treasured for its striking white winter blooms. Sometimes blushed in delicate pink shades, with a crown of rich golden stamens in the centre. Its leathery dark- green leaves contrast sharply with frosted or snow-covered earth in the depth of winter. Can be used in floral arrangements over the Christmas period. Caution: Harmful if eaten. Foliage may irritate skin.

HELLEBORUS NIGER – ROSA DO NATAL  Ranunculaceae. Common names: Black Hellebore; Schwarz-Christwurzel; La rose d’hiver. Preparation: Tincture of the root. Em doses grandes atua por várias semanas. Camphora é o antídoto para os efeitos primários intensos, os efeitos secundários cedem melhor à China. (Hahnemann). Muitos dos sintomas serão compreendidos se atentarmos para a abreviatura HELL e BLACK [inferno e preto] (Vermeulen).


1.1 O ESTADO MENTAL  Estupor; indiferença; suspiros involuntários. Melhora por concentração intensa; Pensar nas queixas melhora; Os músculos recusam obedecer se a atenção é afastada. Percepção sensorial embotada; o que vê, ouve ou degusta, não causa nenhuma impressão na mente. Transtornos cerebrais após concussão; após cirurgia cerebral; durante a febre; COM supressão da urina. Sentimento de desamparo: por favor me ajudem. Indiferença aos familiares. Fantasia de falar com os mortos. Tristeza em garotas antes da primeira menstruação ou quando vem a menarca e depois cessa. Condições psicológicas entre a depressão e a mania e em situações onde uma verdadeira depressão está presente e o paciente é dominado por uma idéia fixa. Silêncio obstinado.

DINÂMICA MENTAL Pré-psora [o desacordo entre o entendimento, a vontade e o amor (inteligência ativa)].  Disposição triste com respeito à sua condição presente, tudo lhe parece tão insípido e nada o interessa.  ilusão que pode fazer grandes feitos (great deeds). OBS. Insípido = sem gosto (391), falta de espírito (843). [Dicionário analógico]. Sem gosto = Sem graça, pífio, reles, chulé. Falta de espírito: Vulgaridade, trivialidade, banalidade. Vulgaridade, estupidez, falta de originalidade, dessabor, desencanto, etc. Psora primária e secundária  Ansiedade com medo; como se prevesse uma desgraça; vai morrer; medo do infortúnio. Culpa religiosa; cometeu o pecado imperdoável; agiu mal; ilusão que está perdido. Perseguido por inimigos. Transtornos por nostalgia. Ilusão que tudo é Novo. Abandono; Desamparo. Ao ser acordado fala sobre espíritos e diz que vê demônios. Sensibilidade 52 Lições de Homeopatia – GEHSH 7

 Ao ver uma pessoa feliz torna-se melancólico e somente então sente-se muito infeliz. Coléra quando consolado; interrompido; quando lhe falam. Piora pelo consolo. Transtornos por amor desapontado. Atitudes reativas  A mente parece perder o poder sobre o corpo. Mania histérica, por auto-acusação. Contrariedade o exaspera. Indiferença à alegria e ao sofrimento; indiferença aos amados. Tristeza quieta; Não pede nada; Embotamento, não diz nada. Não expressa desejo por nada. Embotamento do sensorium. Não participita da vida material. Parece ter nostalgia da vida astral que é lembrada de [forma perturbada: fala sobre espíritos e vê demônios]. Equilíbrio e cura  Disposição sempre alegre e ativa. Hah.14

1.2 AS SENSAÇÕES , DISFUNÇÕES E LESÕES  Raramente tem sido prescrito como medicamento constitucional. Indicações agudas: Idiotia aguda; traumatismos cranianos; meningoencefalites; septicemias; nefropatias; diarréias agudas. Com estupor e embotamento do sensório.  Embotamento do sensorium: ouve o som perfeitamente mas nada é ouvido distintamente, a visão não está comprometida mas nada é visto claramente, os órgãos gustativos perfeitos mas tudo parece ter perdido seu sabor.  Meningite ou encefalite COM alternância de convusões com estupefação.  Convulsões COM extrema frialdade do corpo, exceto a cabeça e occiput que podem estar quentes. [Mathur].  Distúrbios cerebrais COM narinas dilatadas, fronte franzida e supressão de urina.  Concussão cerebral depois de Arnica e quando permanece a sonolência e estupefação (por edema cerebral).  Grito encefálico, meningite, urina escura e escassa, movendo a cabeça ou enterrando a cabeça no travesseiro. Olhar vazio; inconsciência.  Movimentos automáticos de um braço ou uma perna. Movimentos mastigatórios com a boca.  Hidropsia: cerebral, abdominal, toráxica...  Diarréia durante hidrocefalia aguda, dentição ou gravidez.

1.3 LOCALIZAÇÕES PREFERENCIAIS, A LATERALIDADE  Mente. Cérebro. Sensorium. Nervos. Membranas (serosas e mucosas). Rins. Músculos. Exsudatos. Lateralidade esquerda. Direita.

1.4 CONCOMITANTES  Distúrbios cerebrais; após concussão; cirurgia cerebral; durante a febre; COM supressão da urina. Quando a urina começa a fluir é um bom sinal de recuperação [Nash].

1.5 CAUSALIDADES  Amor desapontado. Traumatismos. Supressão de exantema.

1.6 MODALIDADES DE AGRAVAÇÃO E MELHORIA  Piora por: Ar livre. Puberdade. Dentição. Supressão. Esforço. 16h às 20h. Anoitecer até o amanhecer. Descobrir-se.  Melhora por: Concentração ativa; ar livre.

1.7 HORÁRIO  16h-20h. (Hell: ->especialmente o embotamento, a febre). [aegl alum Apis bov buth-a Caust chin-s coloc Hell hyos LYC mag-m med nux.m phos plat Puls Rhus.t sabad Sep sulph zinc].  Do anoitecer até o amanhecer. 52 Lições de Homeopatia – GEHSH 8

2. A TEMÁTICA  Insípido. Sem graça. Indiferença. Abandono. Opaco. Felicidade. Alegria. Feitos. Espíritos. Demônios. Pecado. Imperdoável. Culpa religiosa. Novo. 52 Lições de Homeopatia – GEHSH 9


1. A SUBSTÂNCIA  Helleborus niger. Sinonímias: Helleborus altifolius, Helleborus grandiflorus, Helleborus micranthus. Uso terapêutico não homeopático: usada para provocar o “Heleborismo dos antigos”, objeto de famoso ensaio de Hahnemann (“Disertacion histórico-médica sobre el eleborismo de los antiguos”, Leipzig 1812, dissertação acadêmica de habilitação de doutor). Fontes patogenéticas, tóxicas e clínicas: Matéria Médica Pura de S. Hahnemann, Enciclopédia de Matéria Médica de Allen, Guia de Sintomas Homeopáticos de Hering.


2.1 O ESTADO MENTAL  Embotamento sensorial, lentidão das percepções sensitivo-sensoriais, da compreensão e das respostas, delírio murmurante.  Mente perde o comando sobre o corpo e os músculos recusam a obedecer mediante uma distração x melhor por distrair-se.  Apatia, melancolia silenciosa, absorto em pensamentos, olhar fixo em um ponto.  Nostalgia.  Inveja da felicidade dos outros.  Culpa como se cometido um mal, medo da má sorte, da desgraça.  Aversão a companhia, consolo agrava.  Idéias suicidas x medo da morte.  Fraqueza de memória, não pode pensar. Inconsciência completa.  Aversão a responder x gritos encefálicos.  Alucinação de que tudo é novo, vê diabos.  Medo de coisas imaginárias, agarra os lábios e as roupas.

2.2 AS SENSAÇÕES , DISFUNÇÕES E LESÕES  Rola a cabeça de um lado para o outro, com gemidos, afunda a cabeça no travesseiro, leva as mãos à cabeça ou bate nela com as mãos.  Sensação de água borrifando dentro do occipúcio.  Sensação como se o conteúdo da cabeça fosse projetado para a testa e para os olhos.  Palidez, suor frio, aparência fuliginosa, pele mixedemadosa, miliária, descamação, queda de cabelo e unhas.  Movimentos de mastigação involuntários, nos quadros agudos.  Desejos freqüentes de urinar, urina escassa, negra com sedimento em borra de café.  Fezes gelatinosas e vômitos esverdeados.  Movimentos involuntários e automáticos de um lado, enquanto os do outro lado estão completamente paralisados. Falta de força nas mãos, falta de estabilidade nas pernas.  Sonolência com olhos semi-abertos e voltados para cima. Cegueira noturna.  Calafrios nos braços e frio no corpo todo, sobretudo nas extremidades. Suor noturno.  Hidropisia de partes externas e internas, partes comumente brancas tornam-se vermelhas. 52 Lições de Homeopatia – GEHSH 10

2.3 AS LOCALIZAÇÕES PREFERENCIAIS, A LATERALIDADE  Organotropismo preferencial – Segundo Kent, é útil em afecções cerebrais, medula espinhal, sistema nervoso geral e mente, mas especialmente nas doenças inflamatórias agudas do cérebro e da medula espinhal e suas membranas e em problemas que beiram a insanidade.

2.4 OS CONCOMITANTES  Estupefação da cabeça com uma sensação de contusão durante coriza fluente.

2.5 CAUSALIDADES  Os transtornos por: supressão de exantemas, golpes, desapontamento amoroso, conseqüências ou efeitos de uma anestesias geral ou de traumas cefálicos.

2.6 MODALIDADES DE AGRAVAÇÃO E MELHORIA  Piora por: ar frio, por descobrir-se, pelo esforço, pelo movimento, por inclinar-se para frente, pelo toque, por pensar em seus sintomas, pelo consolo.  Melhora por: ao ar quente, pelo calor, por cobrir-se, por distrair-se, ao ar livre.  Desejo de bebidas alcoólicas, pão, bebidas frias e carne. Aversão às gorduras, carne gorda, verduras, água, chucrute.

2.7 HORÁRIO  Agravação dos sintomas de 16 às 20 h, ao anoitecer e à noite.

3. A TEMÁTICA  H = Hahnemann. Al = Allen. He = Hering. 1) Embotamento do sensório / Lentidão / Desajeitado / Inabilidade para pensar ou memorizar x Inquietude, disposição ativa: H.6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 279, 285. H. 242, 277, 288 (ação curativa) 2) Figuras negras, fantasias históricas, maus espíritos/Idéia fixa:H.242, 243. He.9,11,12, 3) Morte /Antecipação de uma desgraça / Desespero pela vida / Desinteresse / Suicídio /Tristeza x Alegria: H. 276, 277, 278, 281, 286. Al. 15, 16. He. 12, 20.: H. 288 (Ação curativa) 4) Nostalgia x Indiferença à família / Negligência: H. 283. Al.51. He. 12. 5) Inveja H. 284 6) Humor silencioso / Meditação / Deseja escapar: H. 287. He. 20 7) Raiva/Contradição: Al. 17. 8) Desespero salvação/Religião:Al.19. He12

4. OS CARACTERÍSTICOS Grau de especificidade. Keynotes,(raridade)  Ciúme – felicidade dos outros, da (E) Tristeza pensando em sua posição (E) O paciente deita de costas, olhos parcialmente abertos, girando a cabeça, boca aberta, língua seca, olhos sem brilho, olhar fixo no espaço. Grau de Indicação. Rubricas com pontuação acima de 3 pontos (confirmações)  Desespero (188) Distraído – absorto, sumido em pensamentos (127) Estupefação (261) Indiferença, apatia (315) Pensamentos persistentes, idéias fixas (105) Prostração mental (255) Anoitecer agr. (18 – 21 h.) (234) Calafrio em geral (324) Febre, anoitecer (140) Febre, com, sede, aversão a beber e com (17) Febre, crises, curtas e repetidas (47) Febre, sede, sem Fotofobia (194) Frio, ar agr. (194) Hidrocefalia (79) Hidropisia, abdome = ascite (100) Hidropisia, externa = anasarca (215) Inchação na língua (116) Menstruação suprimida (183) Sede, sem (141) 52 Lições de Homeopatia – GEHSH 11


Despite the white of the H. niger flowers, the latin name, from two Greek words, hellin, to kill and bora, food, actually refers to its hidden black roots.  Veja as imagens da flor de Helleborus. Perceba como ela é branca e está voltada para baixo, para a terra. (no natal, enquanto os outros estão confraternizando-se em harmonia alegre, ela está infeliz e solitária na noite fria de inverno. Dái nossa hipótese de que Helleborus acha o mundo material insípido, está embotado e indiferente ao mundo terreno. [Aldo]. Família: Ranunculaceae: Sinônimos: Christe herbe, Christmas Rose, Melampode. Parte utilizada: Tintura da raiz. Habitat: Nativa das regiões montanhosas do centro e sul da Europa, Grécia. Nome deriva do grego elein ( ferir ) e bora ( alimento ), o que indica sua natureza venenosa. Niger pela cor de sua raiz. Constituintes: Dois glicosídeos Helleborin (narcótico) e Helleborcin (veneno cardíaco), ambos poderosos venenos. Foi usada por um médico chamado Melampus 1.400 anos antes de Cristo, como purgativo.  Desconsiderando ostensivamente o ritmo anual das plantas de morrer e recomeçar, esta bonita planta no meio das neves do inverno. Além disso ela mostra nenhuma pressa, nenhum pânico de crescimento, e usualmente leva de 5 a 7 anos antes de florescer totalmente.  O ritmo vital dessa planta se rebela contra o ritmo dinâmico do ano terrestre. Ela florece quando a vida vegetal, presente na paisagem que a circunda, se refugiou nas sementes e nas raízes, ou seja, sua grande flor, de uma cor branca e pura, desabrocha em pleno inverno, quando o Astral cósmico exerce a sua menor ação sobre a Terra. O impulso astral do Helleborus niger está, pois, em contraste absoluto com as forças astrais normais que reinam no meio do verão. Esta planta não floresce na época de S. João, que é o ponto máximo do verão Europeu, mas durante o Natal, em meio ao frio do inverno.  Em relação a essa anomalia na época da floração, podemos notar que o elemento Astral nesta planta tem uma atividade menos desvitalizante do que habitualmente ocorre nas outras plantas. A flor, branca como a neve que a circunda, graciosamente inclinada, não morre, mas sobrevive através de suas pétalas que não caem, e sobrevivem até a primavera como um verdadeiro complexo de folhas.

MENTE:  Hahnemann: “Eu concluí de várias observações que um dos primeiros efeitos do Helleborus niger é um tipo de estupor, embotamento sensorial, estado em que, com boa visão, nada é visto com clareza e não presta atenção em nada; em que com audição sadia, não ouve claramente; com seus órgãos do paladar bem constituídos, todas as coisas parecem ter perdido seu sabor; em que está sempre ou quase sempre sem pensamentos, lembra de pouco ou quase nada do que recentemente ocorreu; onde nada produz algum prazer; não faz mais que cochilar ligeiramente; não pode gozar um sono verdadeiro e reparador; em que se deseja trabalhar sem ter a força ou a atenção necessária.”  Estupefação e lentidão;  Apatia, inconsciência e colapso, com hipotermia.  Deitado de costas, com os olhos entreabertos, girando a cabeça, com a boca aberta, a língua seca, os olhos opacos, olhando para cima. Olha para quem lhe fala. Demora a responder, ou absolutamente não responde. 52 Lições de Homeopatia – GEHSH 12

 Um tipo de diminuição do poder da mente sobre o corpo, assim que deixa de exercer sua vontade e atenção, os músculos se recusam a fazer o seu trabalho, se conversando enquanto bebendo, ele inconscientemente deixa o copo cair.  Suspiros involuntários.  Saudade  Mania demoníaca, vê espíritos à noite.  Medo de morrer.  Inquieto e ansioso, como se antecipando um infortúnio.  Forte sentimento de isolamento  Ele está duvidoso a respeito de sua própria vida.  Ao ver uma pessoa feliz ele se torna melancólico, e então pela primeira vez, sente-se muito infeliz.  Grande pesar, humor desesperado.  Indiferente; aos familiares.  Irresoluto. Perda da vontade  Ele se veste de maneira não apropriada.  Humor triste, por conta de sua presente condição, tudo parece muito tedioso e nada lhe interessa.

SENSAÇÕES – DISFUNÇÕES – LESÕES  Dores em pontada.  Narinas secas e sujas.  Diarréia, vômito com apatia e colapso. Palidez.  Movendo a cabeça ou enterrando a cabeça no travesseiro.  Pulso fraco e lento, respiração é lenta e a temperatura é baixa, a cabeça pode estar quente.  Sedimento urinário como pó de café. Supressão da urina.  Indicações clínicas:Traumatismos cranianos, encefalites, convulsões, septicemias, pós escarlatina, diarréias agudas.  Evolução gradual, fraqueza progressiva.

LOCAL E LADOS DO CORPO  Mente, cérebro, sensório, rins. Lado esquerdo.

CONCOMITANTES  Cabeça rolando de um lado para o outro do travesseiro com gritos  Testa franzida com suor frio  Debilidade, febre, dor nos membros, diarréia, urina suprimida.

CAUSALIDADES  Puberdade, dentição ( sintomas cerebrais ), amor desapontado, supressões.

AGRAVAÇÃO E MELHORIA  Melhora: Ar livre, com forte atenção, ar quente, agasalhado  Piora: Ar frio, exercício, toque, durante o sono, descobrindo.

HORÁRIO  Entardecer, 16 às 20 horas. 52 Lições de Homeopatia – GEHSH 13

DINÂMICA MIASMÁTICA Psora Ele está duvidoso a respeito de sua própria vida. Saudade. Medo de morrer. Inquieto e ansioso como antecipando um infortúnio. Forte sentimento de isolamento. Culpa religiosa, cometeu o pecado imperdoável. Pensa estar prestes a morrer pelo seu sofrimento. Sempre apontava para seu coração. Vê maus espíritos à noite. Reatividade Irritabilidade, consolo agrava. Inveja da felicidade. Raiva por contradição, interrompido. Idéias fixas. Disposição triste por conta de sua posição presente, tristeza silenciosa, tédio, nada lhe interessa. Tenta fugir, suicidio, se jogar no rio. Entendimento Helleborus parece sofrer pela culpa de ter se rebelado contra o ritmo normal da natureza, floresce solitária, isolada, no inverno, triste com sua condição, carregando nas suas profundezas, o peso – niger – do seu pecado. Se entristece quando vê pessoas felizes, não acha graça em nada, nenhuma situação lhe produz prazer, às vezes se irrita, mas como intoxicada pela sua própria constituição vai progressivamente entrando em um processo de embotamento e estupefação. 52 Lições de Homeopatia – GEHSH 14


Valerie Sadovsky http://www.marlev.com/homeo/ HELLEBORUS Helleborus (Hell = black) is prepared from a tincture of fresh root of Black Hellebore, which inhabits the sub-alpine woodland regions in the middle and southern parts of Europe, flowering between December and February. It belongs to the Ranunculaceæ family, which also includes Aconite, Cimicifuga, Pulsatilla, and Staphysagria. The prominent feature of chronic poisoning is related to disturbance in the sphere of the body fluids. The tendency is for displacement of fluid to the upper pole of the body as evidenced by hydrocephalus and meningo-encephalitis; such disturbances tend to produce stupor and sluggishness of responses. ESSENCE: State of stupefaction. Hahnemann described it is a state "where with sight unimpaired, nothing is seen very clearly; with hearing perfectly sound nothing is heard distinctly." The patient seems cut off from the world and from his own thoughts and perceptions. He answers slowly and with great difficulty. Memory and concentration are almost paralyzed. At times he feels almost no emotion; indifferent to the surroundings. At other times this state may be terrifying and the patient feels as if something indescribable and catastrophic is happening to him. They struggle to come out of that stuporous state. Val’s analogy is the state right after awakening from a long afternoon nap: dull, groggy, like hung over, but oversensitive at the same time (anything can set you off). MENTAL SYMPTOMS: - STUPEFACTION AND MENTAL DULLNESS: mind slow, answers slowly and with great effort … memory weak, can hardly remember what was said to him ... mind is completely blank with almost no thoughts passing ... concentration difficult … delirium of the low muttering variety - Depression … apathy and indifference … despair - Anguished state; cannot comprehend what is happening; begs for help … wild, whirling sensation in the brain. - Feeling of HELPLESSNESS: "Please help me". - Feeling of guilt (get stuck with wrong ideas, e.g. if someone accused them of stealing, they become sure they did steal, even if they didn’t) … fixed and obsessive odd ideas … jealous when other are happy - Has to CONCENTRATE on EVERYTHING HE DOES, e.g. must think where he puts his foot when walking GENERAL SYMPTOMS: - STUPEFACTION in greater or lesser degree is the hall-mark of Hell. - Onset of the disease is gradual with progressive weakness. - CHILLINESS and coldness. < COLD AIR. - Fluid retention: dropsy of brain, chest, face, abdomen; with fever, albuminous (or suppressed) urine (esp. in meningitis). PHYSICAL SYMPTOMS: Most of the physical symptoms apply to unconscious/stuporous states.  Head: HEAD INJURY with mental dullness and confusion … BRAIN AFFECTIONS (coma, concussion, encephalitis, meningitis, stroke, etc.) … occipital HA with mental dullness … wild, whirling, hazy sensation … shakes the heads (to dispel the wild sensation inside) … rolls head from side to side … bores head into the pillow … wrinkled forehead … brows furrowed … vacant or fearful, pleading or questioning look in the eyes  Mouth: chewing motion of the mouth (Bell, Bry, Calc-c, Nat-mur) ... grinding the teeth … greedily swallows cold water … bites on spoon  Chest: involuntary sighing  GI: Chron’s disease … ulcerative colitis … any kind of bowl symptoms after a head injury (diarrhea, constipation, etc.)  Extremities: awkwardness, esp. if he takes his mind from what he is doing, even to speak … automatic, involuntary gestures (e.g. picking lips and/or bedcovers) … muscles do not obey 52 Lições de Homeopatia – GEHSH 15

the will (staggers, drops things) … muscular weakness ending in complete paralysis … continual motion of one arm and one leg, the other lying perfectly still as if paralyzed … lies on back with knees drawn up or with legs spread apart ETIOLOGIES: CONCUSSION OF THE BRAIN from blow on the head (after Arnica has failed) … cerebro-vascular accident and BRAIN AFFECTIONS (encephalitis, meningitis, stroke, etc.) … checked exanthemata … disappointed love AFFINITIES: MIND … BRAIN … nerves: motor, sensory … serous and mucous membranes … kidneys … muscles. Exudations. *Left side. Right side. MODALITIES: <: 4 to 8 p.m. (Lyc.) … exertion … COLD AIR >: from being shocked (since it arouses from stuporous state) … arousal (e.g. scary movie) … strong attention SENSATIONS: Extreme dullness of all senses PAINS: Sharp, shooting in brain affections (causing cri encephalique, Apis) … boring CLINICAL: Acute inflammatory conditions of the brain and spinal cord and their membranes. A further indication is in dropsical states of sluggish type. NOTES by Morrison: - Clarke frequently cured with Hell. headache which the patient can only describe as a "stupid headache." - Indication of curative action: passing of urine (= resolving of dropsy) - Hell. has been used in typhoid fever with the characteristic mental condition, feeble pulse, coldness of the body and cold sweat. Sankaran puts it in typhoid miasm. DIFFERENTIALS:  Opium: The cerebral congestion of Op. is more profound. The breathing is loud and stertorous, a symptom not marked in Hell. The face of Op. is dark, brownish-red, or often blue and often covered with hot sweat; of Hell. it is pale, and often cold or at least cooler than natural, and at times livid and covered with a cold sweat. The pulse of Op. is full and slow, and of Hell. small, weak, and almost imperceptible. Pupils of Op. are usually contracted, of Hell. dilated. It’s almost impossible to wake up Op., Hell. can be waken up, but slips into stupor again. Op. doesn’t feel anything and doesn’t care, Hell. is struggling to get out of his state.  Phos-ac: just sit there staring, but will get angry if you try to get them out of this state  Arn: Use Hell. in concussion of brain where after Arn. the stupefaction, dullness or sleepiness remains (from dropsy of brain).  Apis: Apis has more of the cri encephalique and more excitement and irritability then Hell., which has, characteristically, sensorial depression. In Apis we often find spasms of the flexors, so that the big toes are drawn upward. This symptom has not been noticed under Hell. PRIME INDICATIONS: 1. Stupor; indifference; sluggishness; better strong concentration. 2. Blunted sensory perception; what he sees, hears or tastes makes no impression on the mind. 3. Chilliness and coldness. 4. Worse 4 - 8 PM 5. Brain troubles; after concussion; after brain surgery; during fever; and suppressed urine. SOURCES: Farrington, Clinical MM Murphy, Homeopathic Remedy Guide Gunavante, Genius (RW) Gibson, Studies of Remedies Vermeulen, Prisma 52 Lições de Homeopatia – GEHSH 16


Jo Evans http://www.likecureslike.org/ Keywords: black, white, invisible, no feeling, death, enlightenment CLINICAL- Albuminuria. Amenorrhea. Apathy. Aphthae. Brain disorders. Cholera. Coma. Concussion. Convulsions. Cystitis. Depression. Diarrhea. Dropsical swellings. Dullness. Epilepsy. Fevers. Headaches. Head injury. Hernia. Home-sickness. Hydrocele. Hydrocephalus. Kidneys, congestion. Melancholy. Meningitis. Night-blindness. Post-partum convulsions. Scarlatina. Strokes. Stupor. Tetanus. Typhoid fever. Ulcers. Wounds. Suggestion for addition: autism with suspected link to vaccination syndrome (MMR) CAUSATION - Ill effects of suppressed skin eruptions from eruptive fevers like scarlet fever and measles, blows/injuries especially to the head, disappointed love

BLACK AND WHITE 'Helleborus niger, the Christmas rose, is probably the most ancient member of that primitive family of plants, the Ranunculaceae. Disregarding blatantly the normal annual plant rhythm of dying and becoming, this beautiful plant blooms amid the snows of winter. Moreover it shows no unseemly haste, no panic of growth, but usually takes from five to seven years before it blooms at all.' This description of the plant is from Douglas Gibson, one of homeopathy's most poetic and perceptive writers of Materia Medica. Though its botanical name is Hellborus Niger (Niger/Black: from the black root) it is also known as the ‘snow rose’ and is usually white, though can become streaked with purple or pink. It feels appropriate to start with this description of the beautiful white flower in the purity of the snow, because to further explore the Black Hellebore (Helleborus' common name) involves a metaphorical journey into darkness. Culpeper in his famous ‘Herbal’ is quoted at the head of this page on the ‘sullen’ nature of this plant. In herbal medicine, as well as for epilepsy, worms and vertigo, Helleborus was used for black and yellow jaundice, and ‘ beaten to a powder and strewn upon foul ulcers, it eats away the dead flesh and instantly heals them. It helps gangrenes in the beginning.’ Helleborus is deadly poisonous in its crude form. The colour black is usually associated with death: necrosis, a dark place, and dark feelings - a place where there is no sensation of light or joy. At the same time, people from many different cultures report 'near death experiences' involving an amazing journey towards a white light and a sensation of pure bliss. In the dark is the seed of light, and in the light the seed of the dark: this is the process of eternal change and becoming. This is represented in the black and white symbol of yin and yang, the circle of eternal beginning and ending, living and dying, good and evil, and all polarities. The German word 'hell', means 'light'. So while we look at Helleborus and it's associations with darkness and death, it's worth bearing in mind the plant's ability to restore health in some extreme situations such as deep depression, after head injuries, in coma, and pathology of the brain in general. The black and white theme is also an indication of the theme of ‘polarities’, which is found in most remedies, but is particularly marked in the study of Helleborus. One piece of folklore about Helleborus tells how if you scatter powdered black hellebore root at your feet as you walk, you will become invisible. Desai writes how French prisoners suffering from an epidemic of night blindness took powdered Black Hellebore and were cured within few days, able to 52 Lições de Homeopatia – GEHSH 17 see in the dark1. Again, the image of the white flower in powdery snow comes back to the mind's eye, white on white, almost invisible. Nestling in the snow, cold and numb: no colour and no feeling. Yet there is in the story of Helleborus, the ability to see in the dark. . In this place between dark and light, death and life, we have the essence of Helleborus as a homeopathic remedy. This leads us towards the next theme of Hellborus, enlightenment. All the 'black and white' related rubrics of Helleborus collected for reference : The remedy Helleborus, as we shall see in the following pages, is characterised by its lack of emotional ‘colour’ - they get to the stage where they don’t feel anything any more for their loved ones, or for anyone. Is it not interesting then, that we call Helleborus the Christmas Rose? Why rose? It doesn’t look much like a rose, nor is it botanically rose-like. In homeopathy, as well as in life, the Rosacea are the family of ‘love’ and ‘the heart’: The red rose, the opposite of our emotionally ‘dead’ white Christmas Rose, is a symbol of passionate love. Calling Helleborus a ‘rose’, emphasises the remedy’s lack of love even further. 1. Desai's Magnificent Plants

WHITE AND LIGHT RUBRICS IN HELLEBORUS NIGER KEY: ll references are from the Complete Millennium repertory using MacRepertory software. Numbers in brackets represent the number of remedies appearing in the rubric. *= low type emphasis in repertory ** = italics *** = bold Head; BOENNINGHAUSEN; internal; agg.; face; pale (7) * Face; DISCOLORATION; pale (316) ** Face; DISCOLORATION; pale; headache, with (36) ** Face; DISCOLORATION; pale; heat, during (21) * Face; DISCOLORATION; pale; heat, during; head, of (2) * Face; DISCOLORATION; red; alternating with paleness (62) ** Face; ERUPTIONS; vesicles; white (8) * Face; SWELLING; general; pale (7) * Mouth; DISCOLORATION; white (252) * Mouth; DISCOLORATION; white; tongue (246) * Mouth; DISCOLORATION; white; tongue; morning (20) ** Stool; COLOR; white (135) ** Stool; COLOR; white; jelly, like (1) ** Stool; COLOR; white; milk or chyle, like (38) * Stool; MUCOUS, slimy; white (37) ** Urine; CLOUDY; white clouds (17) * Urine; CLOUDY; white clouds; turbid, which becomes more so as the emission continues so that the last drops look like flocks (8) * Urine; COLOR; pale (163) * Female; MENSES; pale, watery (95) * Skin; DISCOLORATION; pale (83) ** Skin; ERUPTIONS; sudamina; white (27) * Skin; SWELLING; general; pale (35) * Skin; ULCERS; discharges; whitish (13) * Generalities; ABSCESSES, suppurations; general; pus; whitish (11) * Generalities; DISCOLORATION; redness; white, becoming (4) * Generalities; DISCOLORATION; whiteness of parts usually red (59) *** Generalities; MUCOUS secretions; white (26) * Mind; LIGHT; agg.; daylight (23) * Head; BOENNINGHAUSEN; internal; agg.; erect; sitting (4) * Eyes; PAIN; general; light; agg. (88) * Eyes; PAIN; general; light; agg.; daylight (9) * 52 Lições de Homeopatia – GEHSH 18

Eyes; PUPILS; contracted; alternating with dilation in the same light (33) ** Eyes; PUPILS; insensible to light (82) ** Vision; BOENNINGHAUSEN; agg.; light; day, of (16) ** Generalities; COMPLEXION, color of eyes, face, hair; fair, blonde, light (81) * Generalities; LIGHT; agg. (115) * Generalities; LIGHT; agg.; daylight Mirilli's Themes; LIGHT (131) *

BLACK RUBRICS IN HELLEBORUS NIGER KEY: All references are from the Complete Millennium repertory using MacRepertory software. Numbers in brackets represent the number of remedies appearing in the rubric. *= low type emphasis in repertory ** = italics *** = bold Several of the Materia Medica texts quote this passage from Boger, to sum up Helleborus: "It is a remedy for low states of vitality & serious diseases, when everything around the patient looks dark. Patient's face, lips, hands etc. become dark, nostrils become sooty, hence dark & dusky remedy." Phatak: "Parts usually red turn white." Mind; DARKNESS; agg. (27) * Mind; DELUSIONS, imaginations; dark; of (7) * Mind; DELUSIONS, imaginations; images, phantoms, sees; dark, in the (6) * Mind; DELUSIONS, imaginations; visions, has; horrible; dark, in the (6) * Vision; COLORS before the eyes; black (144) * Vision; COLORS before the eyes; black; rings, circles (7) * Vision; COLORS before the eyes; black; spots (104) * Vision; COLORS before the eyes; dark (95) * Vision; COLORS before the eyes; dark; circles (4) * Vision; COLORS before the eyes; dark; spots (39) * Nose; DISCHARGE; dark (10) * Nose; DISCHARGE; dark; nostrils (5) * Face; DISCOLORATION; dark, dusky (58) * Stomach; VOMITING; black (60) * Stomach; VOMITING; green; blackish (15) * Urine; COLOR; black (30) ** Urine; COLOR; dark (185) *** Urine; COLOR; dark; flecks, in (1) * Urine; SEDIMENT; dark (7) ** Generalities; COMPLEXION, color of eyes, face, hair; dark, brunette (88) * Generalities; DARKNESS; amel. (82) ** Generalities; DISCOLORATION; blackness of external parts, gangrene (109) * Mirilli's Themes; DARK (132) * NECROSIS AND GANGRENE RUBRICS Female; GANGRENE (20) * Female; GANGRENE; uterus (15) * Extremities; GANGRENE (68) * Extremities; GANGRENE; moist (4) * Skin; GANGRENE, from burns or gangrenous sores (78) * Skin; GANGRENE, from burns or gangrenous sores; moist (9) ** Generalities; CARIES, necrosis; bones (103) * Generalities; CARIES, necrosis; bones; periosteum (19) * Generalities; DISCOLORATION; blackness of external parts, gangrene (109) * 52 Lições de Homeopatia – GEHSH 19

STILLNESS OF THE MIND; DEATH OR ENLIGHTENMENT? I THINK THEREFORE I AM? Not all patients who present with the symptoms requiring this remedy will be literally close to death. The remedy has also proven clinically useful in chronic depression, after ECT treatment (electroconvulsive shocks to the brain) or heavy anti-psychotic drugs, and after head injuries. David Mundy (FSHom.) prescribed the remedy to a woman who, after ECT treatment and anti-psychotic drugs, hadlost all feeling for her once cherished family, and became almost completely disinterested in and disconnected from life. After homeopathic treatment with Helleborus, she was able to come off all allopathic medicine, returned to a stable state, regained her sense of love and was able to have a good family life. Ancient philosophers used the tincture of Helleborus in order to go into a state of deep meditation. Helleborus is the only 'bold type' remedy listed in the rubric, staring, thoughtless. Interestingly Pulsatilla, another Ranunculaceae is one of only 3 other remedies listed strongly in this rubric (merc-c and hydr-ac being the other two in italics). The primary action of Helleborus is to stupefy the brain, causing stillness of the mind, with no sensation or emotion. Those who meditate seek this state: where the mind stops chattering. The conditions described for deep meditation are seen as a path towards enlightenment. Can enlightenment be a place where we are for a time in a place between the human and the godlike*? Is it perhaps a place between life and death, where there is only pure spirit/energy and oneness? In that moment of meditation, one is no longer a human ego, or soul in a body, but whole: connected to oneness. This brings us back to the point about near death experiences, which have these qualities, as well as always having a journey towards an exquisite white light.

ENLIGHTENMENT HOLDS THE LIGHT? *interpreting ‘godlike’ here as: pure spirit, pure love, pure universal energy, pure light. Rubrics: Mind; ABSORBED, buried in thought; general (101) *** Mind; MEDITATION; general (63) * Mind; MUTTERING; unintelligible; alternating with sensorial apathy and staring at one spot (1) ** Mind; THOUGHTS; vanishing, loss of (175) * Mind; STARING, thoughtless (23) ***

HEAR NO EVIL, SEE NO EVIL, SPEAK NO EVIL. Phatak says, think of the word ‘Hell’ (as in heaven and hell) and you will understand Helleborus. The remedy suggests a state between life and death, where the patient predicts the time they are going to die Mind; DEATH; presentiment of; predicts the time (9) *. The main remedy we associate with this rubric is Aconite, another ranunculacea. Helleborus is slowly losing control over their senses and ability to do anything, including move. Their conscience troubles them as they face death: Mind; ANXIETY; conscience, of (99) * Mind; INSANITY, madness; females, in; self accusation, from (1) * Mind; INSANITY, madness; self accusation, from (1) * Mind; DELUSIONS, imaginations; crime; committed, he had (32) * Mind; DELUSIONS, imaginations; lost; salvation, for(10) * Mind; DELUSIONS, imaginations; neglected; duty, his (15) * Mind; DELUSIONS, imaginations; sinned away his day of grace, unpardonable (12) * Mind; DELUSIONS, imaginations; wrong; he has done(30) ** Mind; DESPAIR; religious (32) * Mind; REPROACHES; himself (45) * Hear: Helleborus gets angry when spoken to, preferring to sit silently. They want to be left alone. See: Helleborus has horrible visions/delusions on closing their eyes, seeing dark visions of devils and dead people. In the Vision section of the repertory: they see dark colours in front of their eyes, and experience blindness and diminishing of their sight as well as night blindness (night blindness is shared with other ranunculacea pulsatilla and ran-b). In the Eyes section Helleborus is listed for photophobia. They have delusions of devils, dark phantoms and images, ghosts and evil spirits. 52 Lições de Homeopatia – GEHSH 20

Speak: When they speak they mutter, or they think for what seems like far too much time, before answering…or they don't answer at all. Or they may speak and then fall back into a stupor. What they say is unlikely to make sense. They don’t wish to speak and they don’t want others to talk either. Mind; ANSWER, answering, answers; general; reflects long (13) *** Mind; ANSWER, answering, answers; general; stupor returns quickly after (18) ** Mind; ANSWER, answering, answers; confusedly as if thinking of something else (4) ** Mind; ANSWER, answering, answers; refuses to (33) ** Mind; TALK, talking, talks; general; others agg., of (50) ** Mind; TALK, talking, talks; general; sleep; in (103) ** They are shutting down all their lines of communication: sight, hearing, feeling emotionally, touching, thinking, talking, even their sense of smell: Smell; DIMINISHED (70) **

THE HELLEBORUS PICTURE: LOCKED INSIDE OF NOWHERE Invisible has been suggested as a word to describe this remedy. In the extreme stage of this remedy there will be a sense of the patient not really being present - as if there is a blank space inside them. In the end stage, the Helleborus patient gets cut off from life. They lose their will and lose the ability to feel, move or function. Mind, will, loss of Mind, will loss of muscles Mind; SENSES; confused Mind; SENSES; dullness of, blunted Mind; SENSES; vanishing of Mind; INDIFFERENCE, apathy; desires, has no, no action of the will (Only two remedies are listed in that last rubric: verat., hell.) Veratrum-alb. is commonly called white hellebore, even though it is not in the family of Helleborus, but the Lily family.

AUTISM Many of the symptoms of Helleborus would indicate its usefulness in certain cases of autism. These are just a few examples: Mind; AUTOMATIC behavior, acts (14) * Mind; BITING; spoons, other things (9) * Mind; GESTURES, makes; automatic (9) * Mind; GESTURES, makes; grasping or reaching at something (85) * Mind; MOANING, groaning; general; involuntary(4) * Mind; TALK, talking, talks; indisposed to, desire to be silent, taciturn (288) ** These rubrics may not be wholly representative of all cases of autism, but are familiar to me from the cases I have treated where the condition has been suspected to be linked to vaccine damage. Note on post-vaccine MMR/autism link: In the old Materia Medica texts, one of the 'causations' of this remedy is 'ailments from checked exanthemata' which means ailments from suppressing the skin eruptions of eruptive fevers like measles and scarlet fever. This theoretically strengthens the link between the triple vaccine: measles, mumps rubella (MMR), autism and helleborus as a remedy for cases where the autism is linked to vaccine damage, although we need some cured or substantially improved cases to prove this theory. Moreover, another ranunculacea, Pulsatilla, is one of the commonest remedies indicated for measles symptoms and on close study Pulsatilla and Helleborus have many surprising links.

ORPHAN/REFUGEE Another image that comes up on reading the rubrics of Helleborus in the mind section, is that of the orphan or refugee child, sitting alone in an orphanage cot, avoiding contact after the shock of abandonment and neglect, rolling their head back and forth on the mattress, moaning. This combines the causations: disappointed love and homesickness. Head; MOTIONS; of; general; rolling head; moaning, with Mind; FORSAKEN feeling 52 Lições de Homeopatia – GEHSH 21

Mind; AILMENTS from; Homesickness Mind; AILMENTS from; looked at, being Mind; AVERSION; approached, of being Mind; AVERSION; everything, to Mind; HELPLESSNESS, feeling of; infant, feels like a Mind; INDIFFERENCE, apathy; joy, to; suffering, and Mind; SITS; still, silent

THE HELLEBORUS POLARITY Though the deadened sensation and invisibility of presence are most charcteristic of Helleborus Niger, the initial stage involves acute perception and functioning of the senses (e.g. the rubric Vision; ACUTE and see below for the mental polarities). In this remedy of life and death, and back and white, it is not surprising that there are marked polarities. Before they get to the‘absent’ stage, the Helleborus patient is unlikely to come across as a bland or 'average' type (if there is such a thing), indeed they are far from invisible, drawing attention to themselves particularly by their clothing. These rubrics provide some examples: Mind; DELUSIONS, everything is new Mind; DEEDS; he could do great, as if Mind; DELUSIONS, imaginations; body, body parts; greatness of, as to Mind; DELUSIONS, imaginations; walk; cannot; run or hop, must Mind; DRESS, dresses; indecently Mind; ECCENTRICITY; dressing Mind; FOOLISH behavior Mind; STRANGE; crank Mind; TASTELESSNESS in dressing And at the extreme end: MANIA, madness; demoniacal (10) ** Hahnemann describes how Helleborus is saddest when seeing a happy person, which is the stage where they are able to at least recognise joy in others, if not actually feel it for themselves. Mind; ENVY; happy, to see others (2) * Mind; HAPPY; seeing others, agg. (2) * And at this stage they will probably be talkative, but may not make a lot of sense. Eventually the brain can't process anything; there is no communication, the senses fail, and instructions from the brain to move muscles go unheard by the body: Mind; AUTOMATIC behavior, acts (14) * Mind; SENSES; vanishing of (94) ** Mind; AVERSION; everything, to (51) ** Mind; DESIRES; nothing (19) *

THE WILL OF HELLEBORUS A comparison of the relative states of the 'will' of homeopathy's most commonly prescribed Ranunculaceae remedies: Aconite, Pulsatilla, Staphysagria with Helleborous. Aconite's will is in an intense state, reacting suddenly, acute state, demanding and feeling with intensity. Staphysagria has suppressed their will, often out of false politeness or to save their dignity. They are aware of the suppression and suffer for it - internalising their objections. Pulsatilla patients are usually known for their weak will, yielding to anyone stronger or more opinionated. They may not be aware how easily others are manipulating them. (Pulsatilla can also be a highly manipulative person, using their apparently ‘weak’ will to their own ends - but that's another story). At the extreme end of the spectrum, Helleborous has no will, it is a chronic state, in which Helleborus desires nothing. For example, Puls, Staph and Acon, are all low type in the rubric 'desire death', but 52 Lições de Homeopatia – GEHSH 22

Helleborus is not listed; the remedy does not even have the will for that. Under the rubric 'Desires Nothing': Puls. and Hell. are listed (low type). Under the rubric: Mind will weakness of : Puls 2, Staph 1. Helleborous doesn't have a weak will, it has no will. The repertory is quite specific about this. In the remedy Helleborus there is Mind; WILL; loss of (45) ** Mind; WILL; loss of; muscles refuse to obey the will when attention is turned away (2) ** Mind; WRONG; doing things (2) Mind; INDIFFERENCE, apathy; desires, has no, no action of the will (2) *: verat., hell. When the word desire appears in relation to this remedy, then surely it needs special attention. What do they desire? A word search of the Complete Millennium Repertory in relation to Helleborus finds the following rubrics. Most of the rubrics, with the odd exception, are about negation of desire rather than pure desire: not feeling something, rather than feeling it.

HELLEBORUS RUBRICS CONTAINING THE WORD ‘DESIRE’ Mind; CLIMB, desire to (8) * Mind; CLIMB, desire to; window, out of, to go to river (1) ** Mind; DESIRES; nothing (19) * Mind; HIDE, desire to (33) ** Mind; HIDE, desire to; delirium, in (8) * Mind; HOME; desires to; go (39) * Mind; INDIFFERENCE, apathy; desires, has no, no action of the will (2) * Mind; SYMPATHY, compassion; desire for (30) *** Mind; TALK, talking, talks; indisposed to, desire to be silent, taciturn (288) ** Mind; TALK, talking, talks; indisposed to, desire to be silent, taciturn; afternoon (8) * Mind; TALK, talking, talks; indisposed to, desire to be silent, taciturn; typhoid, after (1) ** Nose; PICKING nose; constant desire for (10) * Nose; PICKING nose; constant desire for; brain complaints, in (4) ** Rectum; URGING, desire; general (319) ** Rectum; URGING, desire; general; rising; amel., from seat (28) * Rectum; URGING, desire; general; stool; agg.; before (52) * Rectum; URGING, desire; general; stool; amel. after (28) * Bladder; FULLNESS; urinate, without desire to (18) * Bladder; URGING to urinate, morbid desire; general (348) ** Bladder; URGING to urinate, morbid desire; general; apyrexia (8) * Bladder; URGING to urinate, morbid desire; general; fever, during (22) * Bladder; URGING to urinate, morbid desire; general; perspiration, during (22) * Bladder; URGING to urinate, morbid desire; general; thinking of it, when (4) * Bladder; URGING to urinate, morbid desire; general; constant (131) ** Bladder; URGING to urinate, morbid desire; general; frequent (241) *** Bladder; URGING to urinate, morbid desire; general; ineffectual, fruitless (137) *** Bladder; URGING to urinate, morbid desire; general; painful (66) * Bladder; URGING to urinate, morbid desire; absent (20) * Bladder; URGING to urinate, morbid desire; absent; distended bladder, with (13) * 52 Lições de Homeopatia – GEHSH 23


Dr.Satheesh Kumar .P.K http://www.similima.com/

MEDICINES  Aconitum cammarum 2. Aconitum ferox 3. Aconitum lycoctonum 4. Aconitum napellus 5. Actea racemosa 6. Actea spicata 7. Adonis vernalis 8. Aquilegia vulgaris 9. Caltha palustris 10.Clematis erecta 11.Clematis vitalba 12. Helleborus foetidus 13. Helleborus niger 14. Helleborus orientalis 15. Helleborus viridis 16. Hepatica 17. Hydrastis Canadensis 18. Paeonia officianalis 19. Pulsatilla nigricans 20. Pulsatilla nuttaliana 21. Rununculus acris 22. Rununculus bulbosus 23. Rununculus ficaria 24. Rununculus flamula 25. Rununculus glacialis 26. Rununculus repens 27. Rununculus scleratus 28. Staphysagria All most all plants of the “ Ranunculi” are poisonous and some of its members are slightly narcotic. Aconite is one of the deadliest and most rapidly acting poison. Aconitum ferox is the most poisonous species known, containing greatest proportion of ‘aconitine.’ Aconitum lycotonum is the only aconite, which does not contain ‘aconitine’. Aconitum napellus is much more poisonous to carnivorous animals than to the herbivores (Teste). It has been used throughout history as an arrow poison. The root contains nine times more poison than the leave. Hunter dipped their arrows in to the plants before hunting wolves and hence the common name “wolf’s bane”. Helleborus foetidus—is a violent narcotico-acrid poison and in fatal poisoning cases death has taken place in convulsion. Pulsatilla- the fresh plant has a bitter and acrid taste and it chewed causes burning in the throat and on the tongue. Many of the “Ranunculi” are direct irritant to the skin and producing inflammation and vesication. NON-HOMOEOPATHIC USES  Aconite -used as an arrow poison  Actea racemosa – root of the plant was used by Native American as a medicine for rattlesnake bite (hence the common name “rattle root”) and for menstrual and labor pain. The root was also chewed as a sedative and alleviates depression. In herbalism the root is still used as a diuretic, a cough suppressant and to reduce inflammation and rheumatic pain.  Staphysagria – was taken internally to cause vomiting and purge the bowels and used externally in the form of an ointment as an antidote to stings and bite.  Hydrastis – the yellow juice extracted from the root was once used as a dye. The yellow root of this herb was used by the Native American tribe as a tonic for indigestion and the treatment of cancer, liver disorder, fever and heart problems.  Pulsatilla – in 18th century it was used to treat catarrh, ulcers, tooth decay and depression. COMMON FEATURES OF ‘RANUNCULI’ MENTAL FEATURES 1. Hypersensitiveness to all external impression (Ranunculies are hypersensitive both mentally and physically)  Aconite – to music, noise, touch, pain etc.  Clematis— to touch.  Pulsatilla— to heat and noise.  Ranun. bulb— to touch.  Staphysagria-- to rudness, to touch. Punishment from, violence from and sexual abusement from. (Because of this hypersensitiveness staphysagria subjected to ailments from being abused or ailments after humiliation.) 52 Lições de Homeopatia – GEHSH 24

Violent anger and ailments after anger  Violent anger – Aconite, Pulsatilla and Staphysagria.  Ailments from anger-- Aconite, Cimicifuga, Pulsatilla and Staphysagria  Anger vexation from -- Aconite, Cimicifuga, Ranunculus bulb and Staphysagria (Vexation –long continued mental trauma) Absent minded  Aconite Actea spic Clematis  Hellibores Hydrastis Pulsatilla  Ranunculus bulb Ranunculus spicata. Aversion to company  Aconite Actea racimosa Clematis  Hellibores Pulsatilla Staphysagria  (Amelioration when alone – Hellibores and Staphysagria)  Staphysagria is the only Ranunculi, which have desire for, company i.e. both desire and aversion to company. Ailments after fright  Aconite Actea racimosa Actea spicata Capriciousness  Aconite Actea racimosa Pulsatilla  Staphysagria PHYSICAL FEATURES: Thermal reaction—Most of them are chilly. According to Gibson Miller Side affinity –Complaints more on right side  Miasm – Psora is the predominant miasm  Psora-- Aconite Actea racimosa Hellebores  Psora and sycosis-- Pulsatilla Ranunculus bul Staphysagria  Hydrastis covers all three miasm- psora, syphilis and sycosis. Dipsomania or Alcoholism  Aconite Actea racemosa Hellibores  Hydrastis Pulsatilla Ranunculus bulb  Staphysagria Delirium tremens  Aconite Actea racemosa Hellibores  Pulsatilla Ranunculus bulb Aggravation from tobacco  Aconite Clematis Hellibores  Pulsatilla Ranunculus bulb Staphysagria Aversion to milk or aggravation from milk Aversion milk-- Aconite Pulsatilla Staphysagria Aggravation from milk— Aconite Hellibores Pulsatilla Staphysagria Aggravation from sour or acid Aconite Pulsatilla Staphysagria Dreams  Amorous Aconite Clematis Hydrastis Pulsatilla Staphysagria  Amorous dreams with pollution—Pulsatilla and Staphysagria  Of animal Hydrastis Pulsatilla Staphysagria  Frightful Aconite Actea racemosa Hellibores Hydrastis Pulsatilla Ranunculus bulb Ranunc. spicata Staphysagria 52 Lições de Homeopatia – GEHSH 25

 Snakes Ranunculus ac. Ranunculus bulb Ranunc. spicata Perspiration on single part or one sided  One sided—Aconite Pulsatilla Ranunculus bulb  Single parts—Aconite Hellebores Pulsatilla  Lower part of the body— Ranunculus bulb  Perspiration unilaterally— Pulsatilla  Upper part—Aconite Pulsatilla  Lain on part— Pulsatilla Aggravation or ailments from suppression of sexual desire: Hellibores Pulsatilla Staphysagria Shocks after injury or shocks from injury Aconite Ranunculus bulb Staphysagria All types of menstrual irregularities –  Amenorrhea Aconite Actea racemosa Hellibores Pulsatilla Staphysagria  Too early too soon Aconite Actea racemosa Clematis Hellibores Hydrastis Pulsatilla Staphysagria  Too late Aconite Actea racemosa Hellibores Hydrastis Pulsatilla Staphysagria  Profuse- long lasting or scanty and short duration Many of them are anti cancerous  Caltha palustris: uterine cancer  Clematis: Cancer of breast and womb  Hydrastis: Cancer of stomach  Actea spicata: Cancer of stomach Great dryness of the tongue and mouth  Aconite Hellibores Hydrastis Pulsatilla Staphysagria  Dryness morning on waking without thirst -- Pulsatilla  Dryness on center -- Aconite Many of them are anti convulsant  Aconite Cimicifuga Hellibores Pulsatilla Ranunculus bulb Ranunculus spic Staphysagria  Convulsion after anger – Staphysagria General aggravation during or after sleep Aconite Clematis Hellibores Pulsatilla Staphysagria General aggravation from motion Aconite Cimicifuga Clematis Hellibores Pulsatilla Ranunculus bulb Ranunculus spic Staphysagria General aggravation evening and night Aconite Cimicifuga Clematis Hellibores Pulsatilla Ranunculus bulb Ranunculus spic Staphysagria Tendency to take cold easily Aconite Cimicifuga Clematis Pulsatilla Staphysagria Emaciation rather than obesity  Emaciation-- Clematis Hellibores Hydrastis Pulsatilla Staphysagria Prominent action on breast  Aconite lyco  Actea raci Inflammation of breast.  Paeonia—Breast ulceration.  Pulsatilla -- swelling of breast with tensive pain, as if the milk rushed in to them and caused pressure while nursing. Lumbs of breast on girls before puberty.  Ranunculus – Acute pain principally in axilla and breast, so severe in breast she dreaded cancer.  Clematis – cancer of breast. 52 Lições de Homeopatia – GEHSH 26


The rhizome and rootlets of Helleborus niger, Linné. Nat. Ord.—Ranunculaceae. COMMON NAMES: Black hellebore, Christmas rose. ILLUSTRATIONS: Bentley and Trimen, Med. Plants, 2; Woodville, Med. Bot., 169. Botanical Source.—Black hellebore has a black, perennial, tuberculated, horizontal, scaly root or rhizome, whitish internally, and sending off numerous, long, fleshy, brownish-yellow fibers, which become darker upon drying. Its leaves are large, radical, on cylindrical stalks from 4 to 8 inches long, pedate, of a deep-green color above, and paler and strongly reticulated beneath; leaflets 5 or more, 1 terminal, cuneate-obovate, entire and unequal at the base, and coarsely serrated near the point. The scape is shorter than the petiole, 1 or 2-flowered, with ovate lacerated bracts immediately beneath the calyx, and 5 or 10 inches high. The flowers are large and rose-like. The calyx consists of 5 large, ovate or roundish, spreading sepals, at first white, then rose-red, eventually becoming green. The petals are yellowish-green, tubular, shorter than the stamens, and narrowed to the base; stamens numerous; anthers yellow; capsules leathery; seeds many, arranged in 2 rows, elliptical, umbilicated, black, and glossy (L.). History and Description.—Black hellebore inhabits the subalpine woodland regions in the middle and southern parts of Europe, flowering between December and February; it is also called Christmas rose. It is not the Melampodium of the ancients, so celebrated in mental diseases, which is now shown to be a distinct species, the Helleborus orientalis, and which probably possesses similar medicinal virtues as well as do the roots of some other species of the same genus. Another species should be mentioned here on account of its rhizome having a commercial name liable to become confused with Veratrum viride (green hellebore). It is the Helleborus viridis, Linné. The commercial name of the drug (rhizome and rootlets), is Radix hellebori viridis, or green hellebore root. This species is regarded by some as more useful than the black hellebore, and has consequently obtained official recognition in Europe. The medicinal parts of hellebore are the radicles or root fibers, which are generally met with the rhizome attached. It is a many-headed root with a caudex or body seldom over 1/2 inch in thickness, and several inches long, horizontal, sometimes contorted, uneven, knotty, with transverse ridges, slightly striated longitudinally, its upper surface having the remains of the leaf and flower-stalks, and thickly beset upon the sides and under surface with fibers, which, when uninjured, are from 3 inches to a foot in length, 2 or 3 lines in diameter, dark brownish-black externally, whitish within, spongy, not woody, brittle, with a feeble odor, and a faint, bitter taste (C.). When fresh they are said to be very acrid and nauseous, occasioning, when chewed for a short time a pungent, numb sensation, resembling that which accompanies the eating or drinking of anything hot. Desiccation, as well as age, gradually lessens this acridity. Its properties are taken up by water or alcohol; long-continued heat diminishes its activity. The rhizomes of Adonis vernalis, Linné, and Actaea spicata, Linné, of Europe, have been employed as adulterants of black hellebore. Chemical Composition.—The root and the root-leaves of the various species of Helleborus contain two glucosids, helleborein, which is a cardiac poison, also having drastic powers, and helleborin, a narcotic poison; also fatty oil, acrid resins, etc., but no tannin. Helleborus viridis is stated to yield a more active helleborein than H. niger; the same plant yields the largest amount of helleborin (0.04 per cent). Helleborein was discovered in 1864 by Husemann and Marmé (Ann. Chem. Pharm., Vol. CXXXV, p. 55). These authors also studied more closely the helleborin discovered in 1853 by Bastick (Pharm. Jour. Trans.). Both substances were carefully investigated quite recently by K. Thaeter (Archiv der Pharm., 1898, pp. 414-424). The isolation of the two substances from the root was effected by means of their opposite behavior toward water and ether, helleborein being freely soluble in water, but insoluble in ether, while helleborin is insoluble in water and soluble in ether. HELLEBOREIN crystallizes from absolute alcohol in fine needles, which are not hygroscopic when pure; it is of a sweetish taste, and in powder form bag sternutatory properties. Its aqueous solution is precipitated by mercurous nitrate, tannic acid, etc. On boiling with diluted acids, it is decomposed into sugar and dark blue flakes of helleboretin, which are insoluble in water and ether, but soluble in alcohol with violet color (Husemann and Marmé). K. Thaeter has quantitatively established the mechanism of this reaction, in which 2 molecules of dextrose and 3 molecules of acetic acid are formed, the equation being as follows: C37H56O18 (helleborein) +5H2O=C19H30O5 (helleboretin) 52 Lições de Homeopatia – GEHSH 27

+2C6H12O6+3C2H4O2. Helleboretin is permanent toward hot diluted acids, and is a member of the fatty series of organic compounds. Concentrated nitric acid produces with helleboretin a characteristic deep-violet color which, on dilution with water, is permanent for some time. Thus the formation of blue flakes upon boiling with acids, and the subsequent color reaction with nitric acid may serve as a characteristic test for helleborein. HELLEBORIN.—K. Thaeter confirmed all the properties found by Husemann and Marmé for this substance, except its formula, for which he finds (C6H10O)n, while his predecessors arrived at the formula C36H42O6. This substance forms white, odorless, and tasteless needles, but in alcoholic solution they impart an acrid taste. It is insoluble in cold water, quite soluble in alcohol and chloroform. Prolonged boiling with diluted acids decomposes it into sugar and helleboresin (C30H38O4). Helleborin gives a characteristic violet-red color with concentrated sulphuric acid; when poured into water white flakes are precipitated.

Action, Medical Uses, and Dosage.—Black hellebore is a drastic cathartic, and is reputed to possess emmenagogue powers, but the latter is probably due to its purgative effects. In smaller doses it is a cardiac stimulant, and diuretic and anthelmintic properties are also ascribed to it. In large doses, it is a powerful poison, causing gastro-intestinal inflammation, dizziness, painful spasms, severe emesis, catharsis, heart failure, dilatation of the pupils, thirst with abdominal heat, cold sweats, convulsions, and even death. Death occurs from spasms and exhaustion. The recent root produces rubefaction, and sometimes blisters, when held in contact with the skin. Hellebore was formerly used in palsy, insanity, apoplexy, dropsy, epilepsy, etc., but is seldom used at present; occasionally it is found useful in chlorosis, amenorrhoea, etc. In nervous disorders it might still be used, if properly employed, in cases of melancholia and mania when due to gastro-hepatic disturbances, or in acute forms of mental aberrations due to menstrual wrongs. Hysteria and hypochondria may be benefited by it, especially when dependent upon abdominal wrongs. As an agent for dropsy, it is regarded as less useful than apocynum. It has been used to reduce dropsy through its purgative action, but since it has been found that small doses of the drug tend to stimulate the heart and increase diuresis, there is reason to believe that we have not yet fully appreciated the power of the drug. Dropsies due to atonic states of the bowels, serous effusion after inflammations, with deficient absorption, and hydro-thorax and anasarca following the specific eruptive diseases, are specially mentioned as coming within its curative power. The dose for this purpose should be from a fraction of a drop to 5 drops of specific hellebore. Bryonia, apocynum, and digitalis act well with it. The drug in small doses increases the force of the heart's contraction, slows the pulse, and increases arterial tension. Renal activity is increased under its action, and non-compensatory symptoms in heart affections have rapidly disappeared under the use of this drug. Prof. Scudder (Spec. Med.) suggests it as an emmenagogue when the patient is annoyed by heat flashes, burning of the surface of the thighs and nates, and sensitiveness of the pelvic and perineal tissues. It has been used in bowel disorders with jelly-like passages. The agent requires and deserves restudy. For the specific uses the minute dose is preferable. Rx Specific helleborus niger gtt. v, aqua fliv. Mix. Sig. Dose, a teaspoonful every 1, 2, or 3 hours. For its old uses as a drastic purgative, etc., the dose of the powder is from 5 to 10 grains; of the tincture, from 1 to 2 fluid drachms; of the extract, 2 to 5 grains. Helleborein, besides possessing similar properties, has been found to be a depressant of the nervous functions, and to possess decided anaesthetic properties. From the fact that it has no apparent effect upon the pupil, nor affects the intra-ocular tension, it has been preferred by some over cocaine as a local anaesthetic in eye diseases, and is reputed more permanent in its effects than the latter. From 3 to 4 drops of a solution, representing in all from 1/55 to 1/40 grain, is thus employed. Owing to its powerful action upon the heart, it is not used subcutaneously to produce local anaesthesia. Specific Indications and Uses.—(The minute doses only.) Dropsy; heavy feeling in head, with cold forehead and clammy sweat; amenorrhoea, with flashes of heat, burning of surface of thighs and buttocks, and pelvic and perineal sensitiveness; discharges of gelatinous mucus from the bowels. Related Species.—Helleborus foetidus. Bear's foot. This European perennial, of fetid odor, is the most active of the hellebores. The acrid, bitterish, and pungent leaves and stem-stalks, when chewed, excoriate the membranes of the mouth. It acts as a powerful emetic and purgative, and in large doses is a dangerous agent. It has been used in powder and decoction to expel tapeworm, and in asthma, hypochondriasis, and hysteria. Dose of the drug, from 5 to 20 grains; of the decoction (13 of drug to 8 of water), a fluid ounce. It contains the same constituents as hellebore. Therapeutically, it is scarcely known in this country. 52 Lições de Homeopatia – GEHSH 28


HELLEBORUS Helleborus niger; Christmas Rose {hell} Produces a condition of sensorial depression. Sees, hears, tastes imperfectly. General muscular weakness, which may go on to complete paralysis, & dropsical effusion. Hence, a 2 remedy in low states of vitality and serious disease; when everything around the patient looks dark. 4 8 Characteristic aggravation from to p.m. [Lyc.]. Sinking sensation. State of effusion in 2 hydrocephalus. Mania of a melancholic type. If the abbreviation "Hell." and the adjective "black" is remembered, many of its typical symptoms will be understood. Patient's face, lips, hands etc. become dark, nostrils sooty; hence it a dark and dusky remedy. It also affects the MIND and the BRAIN; 11 senses become blunt and responses are sluggish; all impressions on senses and all expressions of 5 will wanting. Muscles do not obey the will, hence staggers, drops things, etc.; sudden relaxation of all muscles, even with the greatest effort the muscles refuse to act. Convulsions, and twitching of muscles; automatic acts; automatic motion of one arm and leg. Onset of the disease is gradual, & progressive weakness. Lies on back, & knees drawn up, or with legs spread apart. Epilepsy; & consciousness, followed by deep sleep. Convulsions, & extreme coldness; in sucklings. Noise arrests the paroxysms of convulsions. One side is paralysed, other keeps up automatic motions. Parts usually 4 red turn white. Convulsions, & extreme coldness, except head or occiput, which may be hot. Want of 6 5 4 reaction; in paralytic states. Pains usually transverse in their direction; the pains, of a stinging, pressing or tearing character, often run across affected part. General > open air, though he feels as if 7 11 he had been long sick. Sudden dropsical swellings. Sudden swellings. Stinging-boring in periosteum, < cold air. Want of bodily irritability. Chiefly indicated when all reaction is past and we deal with the consequent paralysis. Hydrocephalus and kidney troubles after exanthema. Diseases of serous membranes, approaching insidiously, rather as a sequel from some other diseases than as a natural termination of an inflammation of brain. Concomitants of dropsy: debility, fever, pains in limbs, diarrhoea, suppressed urine, etc. Syphilitis infantum. {hell} 11 Slow in answering. Thoughtless staring; sensorial apathy and constant staring at one spot # unintelligible muttering. Involuntary sighing. Complete unconsciousness. Picks lips and clothes; 6 2 ends of fingers. Dull, stupid; slow of perception or apathetic. Gloomy. Dismal; despair; blank. Envious seeing others happy. Hysterical mania, from self-accusation. Irritable, < consolation; does not want to be disturbed. Would not eat or speak. Fixed ideas. Things look new. Believes she is doing wrong, thinks she is going to die on a certain day; just sits and says nothing, does nothing. Idiocy after 5 6 apoplexy. His mind seems to have lost all control over his body. When aroused he talks about 7 spirits and says he sees devils. Must strongly concentrate the mind on what he is doing, or the 11 8 muscles don't act properly.; drops things when attention is diverted, as when being spoken to. Feels he could do great deeds. Answers confusedly as if thinking of something else. Aversion to company; > when alone. Delusions; sees devils; sees images in the dark; pursued by enemies; fancies at talking with dead people. INDIFFERENCE TO LOVED ONES; TO PLEASURES; TO RELATIONS; to everything; to sufferings. Ailments from disappointed love. Occupation >. Sadness before puberty in girls; sadness during the first menses. Sensitive to noise. Thinking of complaints < 11 or >. Tries to escape, to throw herself into river; without violence; without a word quietly climbs out of window and goes in direction of river. Silent melancholy in girls at puberty before menses has been established, or if menses have appeared and then failed to return. Homesickness. Psychical conditions occupying a place between melancholy and mania, and in conditions where true depression and weakness is present, in which the patient is governed by a fixed idea. Never expresses desire for anything. Stubborn silence. Feels helpless as an infant. A perfect picture of acute idiocy. Cretinismus. Psychical conditions occupying a place between melancholia and mania, and in conditions where true depression and weakness is present, in which the patient is governed by a fixed idea. Fear of dying; feels unhappy in presence of cheerful faces. Irritable; easily made angry; < consolation, doesn't want to be disturbed. {hell} 11 With nausea, watery vomit and loose bowels; < stooping, > becoming erect. {hell} 52 Lições de Homeopatia – GEHSH 29

2 7 [Sensation]: Electric shock passes through brain before spasms. Heat deep within head. Dulness and heaviness of head. Of soreness of head, as if bruised, especially in back part of head, & 5 11 stupefaction, < stooping. Brain feels too large; and occiput empty; afterwards reverse in forehead; occiput feels as if it would fall forward; wants to lie down and roll head from side to side; feels helpless 11 11 4 8 as an infant. Pain in vertex as if a nail were driven in. [Pain]: Stupefying; & coryza [ to p.m.], < stooping, > rest and open air. Dull, in occiput, & sensation of water swashing inside. Culminates in 2 11 vomiting. Stupefying, < stooping; mostly in occiput, from nape to vertex, changing to burning pain 5 11 in rising to erect posture, > only by lying quiet with closed eyes. Pressing from without inward; & 8 heaviness in head, < moving head, exertion, > open air and distraction of mind. In occiput > closing 11 eyes. Violent, especially pushing out at forehead, > only in getting head down and remaining perfectly quiet. Nearly always & scalp symptoms [soreness; sensation as if scalp on occiput were 4 pulled down tight; partial sweat on scalp]. [Objective]: Forehead wrinkled in folds [ and COVERED 2 2 WITH COLD SWEAT]; brain affections. Rolls head day and night [ hydrocephalus]; moaning, 2 2 sudden screams [ from shooting pains in head]. Bores head into pillow [ meningitis]; beats it with 4 hands. In concussion of brain from blow on head, after Arn. has failed. HEAD DRAWN BACKWARD. 7 5 Congestion of brain; sometimes & heat in head, though with pale face. Dropsy of brain; post- 11 scarlatinal. Hair falls off & pricking on scalp, chiefly on occiput; face and body oedematous. Humid scurf on scalp; moist scales & swelling of glands of neck. Hydrocephalus when fever has abated and following symptoms set in: difficult breathing, want of sensation, trembling and moving of hands towards head, squinting of eyes with insensibility to light, chewing motion of mouth, and sopor. {hell} 5 [Sensation]: As if eyelids were pressed down; difficult to open them. [Objective]: Eyeballs 7 11 turn upwards. Squinting. Vacant look. Pupils dilated; insensible to light. Eyes wide open, sunken; 2 11 blue edges. Half open. Stupid staring or tired look. Photophobia, without inflammation. Insensible to light. Eyeballs red, glassy. Lids sticky, dry. Loss of hair from eyebrows. Worse from light, especially daylight. Contraction # dilatation of pupil; in clonic spasm of iris. {hell} 11 Night-blindness. Vision unimpaired, nevertheless sees imperfectly and doesn't regard the objects he sees. Early stage of amaurosis. {hell} 7 [Sensation]: Roaring and ringing. {hell} 11 Apparatus of hearing intact, yet hears nothing distinctly nor comprehends. {hell} 11 [Objective]: Dirty, dry nostrils. Rubs nose; in hydrocephalus. Smell diminished. Nose 2 11 pointed. Nostrils sooty. Fluent coryza & confusion of head, as if bruised. Sneezing. Face flushes red and then becomes pale. Face: pale, oedematous; distorted; yellowish; pale, sunken, icy-cold; livid, & cold sweat. {hell} 11 [Pain]: Neuralgia on left side; parts so tender he can't chew. Dull, in right malar bone. 2 [Objective]: Pale, sunken. Cold sweat. Wrinkled. Lips dry and cracked. Meaningless picking of lips. 6 Pale; oedematous; red, hot; or cold. Constant chewing motion of lower jaw; hangs open. Child 7 5 moves its lips without uttering a sound. Face distorted or sunken; & coldness, feeble pulse and 11 cold sweat. Twitching in elevator of eyebrows and in cheeks, & heat in face. Paleness of face & heat of head. Upper lip cracked. White blisters on swollen lips. {hell} 11 11 [Sensation]: Bitter taste. [Objective]: Horrible smell from mouth; carrion-like. Tongue 2 red and dry. Ptyalism, & sore corners of mouth. Tongue; numb, dry, trembling; or covered with 5 7 yellow ulcers. Aphthae; & lienteria. Tongue often dry, & general dryness of mouth. Mouth dry, also 11 palate, & cutting and scraping in palate on moving mouth to swallow. Tongue white in morning; slightly protruded and oscillating; pimples on tip. Mouth, gums and tongue full of flat yellow ulcers, & 52 Lições de Homeopatia – GEHSH 30 elevated grey edges, or red, swollen edges; salivation; will take no food except drink; eruption of blisters around mouth. {hell} 11 [Pain]: During chill. Near roots in third molars, opposite each other, when biting teeth together. Pricking, in molars, evening and night, can bear neither cold nor heat. [Objective]: Grinding of teeth. {hell} 2 2 Greedily swallows cold water [ bites spoon], though unconscious; hydrocephalus. 2 Child nurses greedily, with disgust for food. Anorexia, & brain complaints. Aversion to vegetables, 10 meat, sauerkraut; APPLES. Bitter taste in throat, < eating. Dry cough < smoking or suddenly 6 11 appears while smoking. Violent thirst and usually canine hunger during fever. Will take proffered food but never expresses desire for anything. Wants food occasionally, but rejects it when offered. Thirst. Thirst & disgust for drink. Absence of thirst in all complaints. Organs of taste in working order, yet finds not the proper taste in anything. Water rattles down throat. Nausea, can't take food, though hungry. {hell} 2 5 [Pain]: Intense burning, @ oesophagus; during pregnancy. Painfulness of stomach 11 when coughing or stepping. Pressing in region of stomach. Burning and scraping in stomach. 2 7 11 [Objective]: Vomiting of greenish-black substances; & colic. Fulness and distension of pit. Pit of stomach sunken. Nausea during pregnancy. Nausea and violent vomiting, & much heat in stomach. Nausea before and during stool. {hell} 5 7 [Sensation]: Coldness in abdomen. [Pain]: Griping, pinching colic; & weakness, 11 features sunken, face cold, pale, covered with clammy sweat; pulse thready. Griping, pinching about navel, followed by gelatinous stools. [Objective]: Gurgling, as if bowels were full of water. 5 11 11 Swollen, painful to touch. Ascites; esp. after scarlet fever; in scrofulous children. Excessive distension of abdomen. {hell} 11 [Sensation]: As if intestines had no power to evacuate faeces, during soft stools. [Pain]: 11 2 Burning, smarting, at anus, after stool. [Objective]: Jelly-like, white mucus; involuntary. Loose, 4 7 watery stool. Diarrhoea during acute hydrocephalus, dentition or pregnancy. White gelatinous stool 11 like frog spawn; tenesmus. Constipation # mucous diarrhoea. Mucous discharge from rectum & spasms of bladder. Haemorrhoids. Diarrhoea preceded by colic, which is > after every stool. Blenorrhoea of rectum, & spasm of bladder. {hell} 11 [Objective]: Urine suppressed; scanty, dark [ with floating, dark specks]; coffee-grounds 2 11 sediment; during pregnancy. Child can't urinate. Bladder overdistended; bladder becomes 2 paralyzed and greatly distended during pregnancy. Uraemia. Dropsy. Frequent urging, & scanty 11 discharge. After great pressure he passes, with much pain, a few drops of blood. Passes blood and slime, & burning and stinging. Congestion of kidneys & extensive effusion of serum in abdominal cavity and tissue of lower limbs. Nephritis causing dropsical symptoms. Cystitis; the inflammatory process increases slowly to greatest violence, & constant desire to urinate, causing spasms; little urine is voided; constant nausea; distended abdomen. Constant desire to urinate, passing very little and of dark colour; during pregnancy. COFFEE-GROUND SEDIMENT. Large quantity of pale, watery urine. {hell} 2 11 [Objective]: Hydrocele from suppressed eruptions, on either side. Sexual desire suppressed; genitals relaxed; no erections. {hell} 2 11 [Objective]: Amenorrhoea from cold [ from getting feet wet, and getting wet through] or disappointed love. Uterine dropsy, & piercing pain in limbs. Puerperal convulsions; arrested by 4 sudden noise. Pains all over her body forced her menses on. Suppressed sexual desire. Loss of hair from pudenda. {hell} 11 [Objective]: Weakness of voice in hydrocephalus. {hell} 52 Lições de Homeopatia – GEHSH 31

11 Frequent sighing. Irregular. Difficult, & anxiety, < every evening; must sit up; after maltreated pneumonia. Suffocative attacks, as from constriction of lungs. {hell} 2 11 7 Dry, < at night; < smoking or suddenly appears while smoking; & gagging. Sudden cough, constant hacking. {hell} 11 [Sensation]: Tension in region of left short ribs during cough. [Pain]: Sharp cutting in region of lowermost true ribs across chest, from within outward, < inspiration. [Objective]: Chest 2 5 constricted; gasps for breath [ with open mouth, propped up in bed]; hydrothorax [Merc; Sulph.]. Gasps for breath but can't inhale. {hell} 11 2 [Sensation]: Anxiety about heart, preventing him from resting anywhere. [Objective]: 11 5 7 Slow, small, soft pulse; often slower than beating of heart. Heart's action weak. Pulse intermittent in hydrocephalus. {hell} 9 11 [Sensation]: Pain as from a bruise between scapulae. Contractive, in back, as from 11 stagnation of flatulence. [Pain]: Cramp in spinal muscles; hydrocephalus. Severe, in fever. Cervical muscles stiff. Cervical glands swollen. {hell} 5 11 [Pain]: Boring, sticking, in wrist and finger-joints; also in knee and ankle-joints. Piercing, in limbs, & uterine dropsy. Drawing tearing in limbs, and frequent sticking in joints, especially in elbows and shoulders; & general shaking chill and gooseflesh; commences in morning. [Objective]: 2 Automatic motion of one arm and leg; except when asleep. Limbs heavy and painful. Stretching of 11 limbs. Nails fall out. {hell} [Objective]: Thumbs drawn into palms [Cupr.]. Vesicular eruption between fingers and toes; 11 8 11 humid and painless. AWKWARDNESS OF HANDS, WHEN DIVERTED OR TALKING. Frequent twitching in right arm. Complete loss of power of muscles in both hands, & numbness in arms. Ulceration around nails. {hell} 7 2 [Pain]: Needle-like stitches in left hip. [Objective]: Legs drawn up with every attempt to 11 change her position. Oedema of legs. Hip and knee-joints stiff. Inflammation of psoas muscle. Weakness of feet; tottering of knees; can only walk slowly; numbness of feet; prickling in toes. {hell} 2 Sudden screams in sleep. Soporous sleep; & shrieks and starts. Cri encephalique. Can't 2 5 be fully aroused. Twitching of muscles during sleep. Stupid sleepiness during day; sleeps with half 11 open eyes, which are turned upward. Drowsy; goes to sleep when left alone. Lies on back, limbs drawn up. {hell} 7 Confused, unremembered; anxious. {hell} 5 11 After the fever passes he feels as if he had been sick a long time. Repeated attacks of, first heat, then chill & pains in abdomen. Aversion to uncover during heat or sweat. {hell} 2 7 Spreads from arms. Chill; & fever; & sweat; & aversion to uncover. Coldness; cold sweat; coldness over whole body, & cold hands and feet. Shaking chill; gooseflesh; pain in limbs and joints; 11 5 & hot face and drowsiness; < after getting out of bed and from motion. Coldness, without thirst, & 11 heat of head. Chilliness # shooting pains in limbs. Chill # pain in joints. {hell} 2 Burning, & internal chilliness and aversion to drink; can drink but little at a time; evening in 5 11 bed. In evening in bed and sweat all over. Internal, of head, & coldness of hands. Principally in head. With painful sensibility of head to touch and motion. As soon as he lies down, & general sweat. {hell} 2 11 Cold, clammy; toward morning; temperature unchanged. Sticky. Sweat >. Less after sleep. {hell} Pale, dropsical, itching. Livid spots on skin. Sudden dropsical swelling of skin. Falling off of 11 hair and nails. Angioneurotic oedema. Red parts become white; in anaemia. Itching unchanged by 52 Lições de Homeopatia – GEHSH 32 scratching. Desquamation of skin. Elephantiasis. Painless ulcers. Itching unchanged by scratching. {hell} 4 8 Worse: Cold air. Puberty. Dentition. Suppressions. Exertion. Evening, to p.m. Touch. 4 1 4 Stooping. During sleep. Uncovering. Better: When thinking of it or when is diverted; strong 4 8 8 attention. Open air. Warm air. Wrapping up. The symptoms are < evening and night [Sees spirits; rolls head; dry cough; night-blindness]. Breathing easier when lying down. Lying perfectly quiet > pains in head. {hell} 2 Often indicated in weakly, scrofulous children. In dentition [brain symptoms]. Feeble and delicate persons. {hell} Compare: Apis [Apis has exquisite sensitiveness of abdomen; Hell. complete sensorial apathy; Hell. has puckering of face, dropping of jaw, and automatic action of limbs of one side; Apis < heat, Hell. > heat]; Apoc. and Dig. [slow pulse]; Kali-br.; Lach. [coffee-ground sediment in urine; muscular weakness; jelly-like mucous diarrhoea & dropsy]; Nat-m. [< consolation]; Op. [the stupor of Op. is more profound; face dark, breathing stertorous]; Ox-ac. and Pip-m. [> when mind diverted]; Ph- ac. [sensorial depression, drowsiness, apathy; but Ph-ac. can be aroused easily; muscles not completely relaxed, has not the dirty nostrils of Hell.]; Ter. [breathes better lying down]; Zinc. [checked 7 exanthemata; hydrocephalus; Zinc. has fidgety motion of feet]; Ars.; Bell.; Canth.; Colch.; Cupr.; Hyos.; Lyc. [wrinkled forehead; Lyc. in chest troubles, Hell. in brain troubles]; Merc.; Nux-v.; Phos.; 4 1 Puls.; Rhus-t.; Stram.; Sulph.; Ferr.; Gels.; Kali-p.; Tub.; Chin., Cic. and Iodo. [threatening effusion]; Hell-f. [acts especially on spleen; also rectum and sciatic nerve; splenic pains @ scapula, neck and head, < left side and evening; chronic ague cake; hypertrophied uterus; glandular enlargements; hair and nails falling off; skin peeling]; Hell-o. [salivation]. Compatible: Bell.; Bry.; Chin.; Lyc.; Nux-v.; 4 Phos.; Puls.; Sulph.; Zinc. Complementary: Zinc. Antidoted by: Camph.; Chin. {hell} Checked exanthemata. Blows. Disappointed love. {hell}

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