Minutes of Annual Meeting of Longford County Council

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Minutes of Annual Meeting of Longford County Council



Minutes of Annual Meeting of Longford County Council held in the Council Chamber, Aras an Chontae, Aras an Chontae, Great Water Street, Longford on Friday, 28th June 2013 at 5.00 p.m.

PRESIDING: Councillor Sean Farrell, Mayor.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Councillors – Larry Bannon, Gearoid O Bradaigh, John Browne, Mick Cahill, Micheál Carrigy, Mark Casey, Paul Connell, John Duffy, Frank Kilbride, Donncha Mac Gleannáin, Victor Kiernan, Padraig Loughrey, Martin Mulleady, Colm Murray, Peggy Nolan, P.J Reilly, Mae Sexton, Barney Steele and Thomas Victory.

IN ATTENDANCE: Mr. Tim Caffrey, County Manager. Mr. Frank Sheridan, Director of Services. Mr. Jack Kilgallen, Director of Services. Mr. Barry Lynch, Head of Finance/Director of Services.

APOLOGY: Councillor Luie McEntire.


2013 Annual General Meeting.

The outgoing Mayor, Sean Farrell, spoke regarding his year as Mayor of the Council. He said that the year had been tainted by great sadness with the deaths of two former Councillors, Brian Lynch and Sean Mulleady and more recently by the sad and untimely death of Councillor Paddy Belton.

1 Councillor Sean Farrell, stated that it had been a privilege to serve as Mayor and thanked the Elected Members, the County Manager, the Directors of Services, the Meetings Administrator and all the staff for their help and assistance over the last year. He thanked the Deputy Mayor, Councillor Micheal Carrigy, for his assistance during the year and also thanked the local media – the Longford Leader and Shannonside for their coverage of events during the previous twelve months.

Councillor Farrell referred to a number of highlights during the year, including the following -  Success of the Abbeyshrule Tidy Towns Committee - Winners of Overall National Tidy Towns Award, Ireland’s Tidiest Village and European Entente Florale Gold Medal.  “The Gathering 2013”  Official opening of the N5 Bypass.  St. Patrick’s Dinner in New York.  Unveiling of the monument to General Sean MacEoin in Ballinalee.  Civic Reception for the Farrell Clan

The Members of the Council congratulated the outgoing Mayor on his very successful year.

They paid tribute to his hard work during the year and acknowledged him as an outstanding ambassador for the County. They also recognised the fairness in which he had conducted the business of the Council over the previous twelve months. Dar le Donncha Mac Gleannáin nuair a thug sé comhgairdeas don Méara Seán Uí Fhearghaill ‘go raibh obair iontach déanta aige don comhairle agus do muintir Longfoirt mar Méara agus ionadaí don phobail’. Dúirt sé freisin gur thug an Maor Seán cothrom na féinne do gach comhairleoir ag na cruinniú míosúil.

Mr. Tim Caffrey, County Manager on his own behalf and on behalf of the staff of the Council congratulated Mayor Farrell on his year as Mayor of the Council.


It was proposed by Councillor P. Nolan and seconded by Councillor C. Murray that Councillor Larry Bannon be elected Mayor of the Council.

It was proposed by Councillor T. Victory and seconded by Councillor M. Cahill that Councillor P.J. Reilly be elected Mayor of the Council.

A vote was taken on the proposals and resulted as follows:-

For Councillor Larry Bannon Councillors – Larry Bannon, Gerry Brady, John Browne, Micheal Carrigy, Paul Connell, John Duffy, Sean Farrell, Victor Kiernan, Frank Kilbride, Colm Murray, Peggy Nolan.

Total: 11

2 For Councillor P.J. Reilly Councillors – Mick Cahill, Denis Glennon, Padraig Loughrey, Martin Mulleady, P.J. Reilly, Barney Steele, Thomas Victory.

Total: 7

Councillors Mae Sexton and Mark Casey abstained from voting.

Councillor Larry Bannon was, thereby, elected Mayor of the Council until the date of the Annual Meeting of Longford County Council in 2014.

The chain of office was formally conferred on Councillor Larry Bannon by the outgoing Mayor, Councillor Sean Farrell.

Mayor Bannon thanked his proposer and seconder and the Members for electing him as Mayor of the Council for the coming twelve months. He also thanked his opponent Councillor P.J. Reilly and wished him well.

The Mayor stated that today is a very momentous day for the Bannon family as he is the second member of his family to be elected Mayor of the Council. His brother, Deputy James Bannon, was Cathaoirleach of the Council in 1991/1992.

Mayor Bannon especially thanked Councillor Paul Connell for attending the A.G.M. and acknowledged the sad and untimely death of Paul’s brother, John, last weekend. He also referred to the great loss of Councillor Paddy Belton.

Mayor Bannon stated that he will work passionately for County Longford during his term as Mayor and listed his priorities for the year, including the following - bringing business and investment to the county, increased funding for roads and the continuation of the provision of playgrounds, enhancement of villages etc. Mayor Bannon stated that he is looking forward to working with the County Manager, the staff and the Members of the Council in the year ahead to promote County Longford. He extended best wishes to the outgoing Mayor, Councillor Sean Farrell , stating that he would be a very hard act to follow. He welcomed his wife, Liz, family, and friends in the public gallery.

The Members joined in wishing Mayor Bannon every success during his term of office as Mayor.

Dúirt Donncha Mac Gleannáin ‘gur mór an honóir do Larry Bannon beith tofa mar Méara ar Condae Longfoirt, gur fear macánta atá Larry’ agus go raibh sé cinnte go ‘ndéinfidh tú sár iarracht ar son an comhairle agus muintir an Chondae. Go n’éirí and tádh leat sa bhlian atá romhat’

The County Manager on his own behalf and on behalf of the staff of the Council joined with the elected Members in congratulating Mayor Bannon. He wished him well in the year ahead as Mayor and offered his full support and that of all the staff during his term of office.

Councillor Reilly thanked his proposer and seconder and congratulated Councillor Bannon on being elected Mayor.


It was proposed by Councillor M. Carrigy and seconded by Councillor V. Kiernan that Councillor Frank Kilbride be elected Deputy Mayor of the Council.

It was proposed by Councillor B. Steele and seconded by Councillor M. Cahill that Councillor Padraig Loughrey be elected Deputy Mayor of the Council.

A vote was taken on the proposals and resulted as follows:-

For Councillor Frank Kilbride Councillors – Larry Bannon, Gerry Brady, John Browne, Micheal Carrigy, Paul Connell, John Duffy, Sean Farrell, Victor Kiernan, Frank Kilbride, Colm Murray, Peggy Nolan.

Total: 11

For Councillor Padraig Loughrey Councillors – Mick Cahill, Denis Glennon, Padraig Loughrey, Martin Mulleady, P.J. Reilly, Barney Steele, Thomas Victory.

Total: 7

Councillors Mark Casey and Mae Sexton abstained from voting.

Councillor Frank Kilbride was, thereby, elected Deputy Mayor of the Council until the date of the Annual Meeting in 2014.

The chain of office was formally conferred on Councillor Kilbride by the outgoing Deputy Mayor, Councillor Micheal Carrigy.

Councillor Kilbride thanked his proposer and seconder and the Members for electing him as Deputy Mayor of the Council for the coming twelve months. He also thanked his opponent Councillor Padraig Loughrey, and wished him well in the coming year.

The Members joined in wishing Councillor Kilbride every success during his term of office as Deputy Mayor.

Councillor Loughrey thanked his proposer and seconder and congratulated Councillor Kilbride on being elected Deputy Mayor.

The County Manager on his own behalf and on behalf of the staff of the Council joined with the elected Members in their expressions of congratulations to Councillor Kilbride on his election as Deputy Mayor and wished him every success.


It was unanimously agreed that the monthly meetings of Longford County Council continue to be held on the third Wednesday of each month, commencing at 4.00 p.m.

This concluded the business of the meeting.

Signed: ______Anne Lee, Meetings Administrator.

Confirmed and adopted at Monthly Meeting of Longford County Council held on the 18th September 2013.

Signed: ______Mayor


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