Minutes of PCC Meeting Held at Chelwood Gate Church
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Minutes of PCC meeting held at Chelwood Gate Church on Wednesday 16 March 2016
Present: Paddy MacBain, Sylvia Martin, Tony Blake, Ingvar Svenson, Charles Critchley, Terry McHattie, Catherine Older, Cedric Parrish, Richard Kay, Sue Hicks, Barbara Rae
1. Bible Reading and Opening Prayer Psalm 12.7 v. 1
2. Apologies: Jenny Virtue, Shelagh Gilliam, Jenna Davies, Judith Kearney
3. Minutes of the Previous meeting – 20 January 2016 These were agreed.
4. Matters Arising RK agreed to visit a Cafe Church and report back. New hymn books had been purchased and JV would arrange their introduction. All Saints, Danehill was now on Facebook and PM suggested that the new Youth Worker could set up All Saints on Twitter.
5. Items for Thanksgiving So far the Lent Course has had approximately 16 attendees. PM thanked TB and SM for their help.
6. Chelwood Gate Project CP had received a reply from Diocese saying they are happy with the plan and look forward to receiving the DAC certificate together with the full working drawings. Wealden DC planning application will be submitted. DAC require an electrical certificate. Work is expected to start in July/August. CC is seeking quotes for Phase 1. The following Resolution was passed unanimously: “That the diocesan and local authorities be approached for permission to provide disabled access to church and vestry, and to install disabled toilet and improved kitchen facilities in an extended vestry area; and that the churchwardens be authorised to carry this work forward.”
7. Youth Report This is a busy time of the year. Cooked meals are required for May Camp. Three applications have been received for a Youth Outreach Worker. One has been invited back for a further interview. The remuneration package for the Youth Outreach Worker was discussed. SM told the meeting that the Queen's Birthday would be celebrated at Danehill VH on Thursday 21 April starting at 5pm with a peal of Church bells for 20 minutes and a party for children with a band and a caller teaching all age groups to dance to reels and 6pm for adults with a glass of Prosecco and canapés. Children £2 and adults £5. It was agreed to donate £100 to this event, proposed by TH and seconded by RK and agreed by the committee.
8. Treasurer's Report Giving remained the same as 2014 and planned giving was down. Charitable giving has increased from an average of 5% and we are now giving 10% of our gifted income to worthy causes. The new audio system was fully funded from donations and grants. Collections at Services has now halved. CP proposed and TB seconded the 2015 accounts and this was agreed by the committee. 9. Fabric Report TB reported on the toilet roof. A contractor was being sought to mend the roof with slates. A contractor had been appointed to clean the stone floor within the Church (which would be paid for by The Friends), but a starting date was proving difficult. Two pine trees had been vandalised on the western side of the Church grounds to such an extent that they would have to be removed by the Church contractors at a price of £1,600. However, the ground can be reclaimed. It was noticed that there was increased ruts in the western end of the Church path and improvements would be needed. Lighting within the Church was now back to normal. Due to the burglary of the microphones, the audio box would now need to be padlocked.
10. APCM – Sunday 24 April This will take place after the 10.30am Service. Some additional reports PM agreed to thank the Church bell ringers and to invite them to the Vicarage BBQ.
11. PCC Representative on the Chelwood Gate Village Hall Committee PM agreed to be the PCC representative. Nominated by TM and seconded by CO.
12. Deanery and Diocesan News PM had been appointed as the new ActingRural Dean. Rector John Wall had been appointed as Rector for Uckfield Plurality from September. CP reported that there had been a Synod presentation on “Peace of Mind” by the Rev. Simon Hobbs. The next Synod meeting would be on discussions on the problems incurred in the churches within the Synod and CP was given several suggestions by the committee.
13. Future Events Saturday 9 April – Spring Clean 27 to 30 May – May Camp Saturday 2 July – Vicarage BBQ Sunday 10 July – Bluebell Railway “Songs of Praise” Saturday 1 October – Lime Tree cutting Saturday 8 October – Harvest Supper at Danehill VH
14. Any Other Business SH mentioned that the Church was very cold in the Winter and suggested that the heating should be turned on earlier. TM agreed to investigate alternative heating arrangements. PM told the committee of a letter of thanks from John Booth, Chairman DBF, of a gift given by All Saints to the Uckfield Deanery Hardship Fund.
15. Date of Next Meeting Wednesday 15 June at Chelwood Gate Church at 7.30pm.