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Iredell-Statesville Schools, Lake Norman High School (704) 799-8555 Career Development Education, BF10 Principles of Business & Finance - Honors Fall 2016 Business Education Teacher: Mr. Tom Schwartz [email protected]
Course Syllabus for Principles of Business and Finance - Honors (BF10)
Principles of Business and Finance (BF10) - This course introduces students to topics related to business, finance, management, and marketing to cover business in the global economy, functions of business organization and management, marketing basics, and significance of business financial and risk management.
This class is a North Carolina Workforce Development Program Area class with a required state exam. The Final Exam CANNOT be exempted.
Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to: A. Understand communication skills and customer relations. B. Understand information management. C. Understand professional development. D. Understand business operations management. E. Understand economics. F. Understand financial analysis. G. Understand marketing and business management.
As part of the student-teacher-parent team, The Teacher will:
Deliver rigorous instruction of course content Provide extra assistance when needed. Be available for conferences.
The Student will:
Attend classes and be on time. Be prepared to participate through active discussions and participation. Prepare class assignments (homework and projects, if assigned).
The Parent will:
Keep an eye on student attendance and academic progress.
Required Materials: School-issued Mac Book Headphones for computer use three-ring binder lined loose leaf paper section dividers with tabs (two sections) o (1) Class Notes and (2) Class work Pencil and/or pen Iredell-Statesville Schools, Lake Norman High School (704) 799-8555 Career Development Education, BF10 Principles of Business & Finance - Honors Fall 2016 Business Education Teacher: Mr. Tom Schwartz [email protected]
Rules of the Class & Discipline Agreement
Discipline Agreement
Tardiness: Be on time to class! You are tardy if you are not inside the classroom when the final bell rings. No exceptions!
1st and 2nd tardy Warning. 3rd tardy After-school detention/Parent contact 4th tardy Referral to Administration/Parent contact
1st offense Warning and Student/Teacher Conference 2nd offense Detention and telephone call to parents 3rd offense Referral to Administration/Parent contact
Note: A severe discipline incident will be grounds for an immediate school office referral.
Class Rules
Be prepared for class with MacBook, headphones, notebook, something to write with. You will not be allowed to leave the classroom the retrieve any of these items once the bell has rung. Students are required to keep all work for the semester in their 3-ring binder. Respect others and their belongings. Cooperate with your classmates. Respect your school, school materials, and your possessions. Be on time and in your seat when the bell rings. Be alert, listen carefully and participate. Do not bring FOOD or DRINKS into class. Water in a clear container is allowed. This is a school-wide rule. Cell phones should be turned off while you are in my class, unless they are being utilized in the lesson. Cheating/Copying results in an automatic zero. No make-ups are allowed. Clean up after yourself. Place all trash/gum in the appropriate trash receptacle. Late Homework/class work is not accepted. If you do not turn your assignment in when collected, I will not accept it at a later time. Students are expected to keep up with their make-up work from any missed days. The student is solely responsible for scheduling make-up tests or quizzes with the teacher. Iredell-Statesville Schools, Lake Norman High School (704) 799-8555 Career Development Education, BF10 Principles of Business & Finance - Honors Fall 2016 Business Education Teacher: Mr. Tom Schwartz [email protected]
Course Grade Requirements
1. Your course grade is based upon the following:
First 9-week Grading Period 40% A = 100-90 Second 9-week Grading Period 40% B = 89-80 Final Exam 20% C = 79-70 D = 69-60 F = 59 & Below TOTAL 100%
2. Each 9-week period grade is based upon:
Homework /Class work 20% Notebook 10% The notebook is to be divided into the following sections: Class notes Class Work Quizzes 40% Grading Period Test 20% Participation 10%
3. Miscellaneous Maintaining class notebook with notes, handouts, and pertinent information is required. Notebook is to be brought to class each day. Students are expected to keep up with their make-up work from any missed days. The student is solely responsible for scheduling make-up tests or quizzes with the teacher.
Please sign the agreement for rules, procedures, content, and course grade requirements. Return this slip to class at our next class meeting.
Please sign the agreement for rules, procedures, content, and course grade requirements. Return the last page to class at our next class meeting. Iredell-Statesville Schools, Lake Norman High School (704) 799-8555 Career Development Education, BF10 Principles of Business & Finance - Honors Fall 2016 Business Education Teacher: Mr. Tom Schwartz [email protected]
I have read and understand the class rules, procedures, content, and course grade requirements for Principles of Business and Finance - Honors. I will follow policies as established.
______Student Name Student Signature Date
______Parent/Guardian Signature Date
Parent Contact Info:
Preferred Contact Phone Number ______
Preferred E-mail Address ______