Model Images/Recording Release
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Images/Recording Release
In consideration for participation in Cru’s Winter Conference ______(Conference name) (“Conference”) during Winter 2013/2014, I, the undersigned (“Participant”) hereby grant to Campus Crusade for Christ, In c., a California not-for-profit religious corporation having an address of 100 Lake Hart Drive-3500, Orlando, FL 32832, also known as Cru (“Cru”), its legal representatives, officers, directors, successors and those acting on its behalf, the worldwid e, perpetual right, unrestricted permission and release (collectively “Release”) to film, photograph, video and/or record my voice, appearance and actions for the Conference (“Images/Recording”) and to have all rights, in Cru’s discretion, to copyr ight, use and re-use, publish, re-publish, display, perform, store, transmit, use as stock footage, alter, edit and make deriv ative works of and from the Images/Recording, in the Conference and for any other purpose of trade, sale, license, promot ion and marketing, advertising, ministry activity, project, product, translation, activity or use, commercial or non-commercia l, that Cru deems appropriate and using all media, devices or formats now known or later developed. This Releases includ es, but is not limited to, uses in films, videos, print, Web site postings in audio, electronic, or print format, audio and/or vid eo dramatizations, and radio programs, advertising, publicity, and promotional materials, products in all formats, live event s and any other activities of or by Cru, affiliated organizations or Licensees (collectively, “Uses”).
I hereby waive any right I may have to inspect or approve the finished products for the Conference or other, future Uses of the Images/Recordings. I also agree that (i) Cru will solely own the Images/Recording and any copyright in the Uses of the Images/Recordings, and (ii) I do not and will not have any claim to any residuals, royalties or other remuneration for any U ses of the Images/Recordings. I do hereby assign any copyrights or other rights requiring assignment to Cru (to the exten t I have any rights) in the Images/Recordings and waive any moral rights (droite moral) to such Images/Recordings.
I hereby unconditionally release, discharge, and agree to hold harmless, Cru, its legal representatives, officers, directors, and those on whose behalf they are acting, or for whom Cru is acting, from any and all liabilities known and unknown, for any claim arising by virtue of any Uses of the Images/Recording or any blurring, distortion, alteration, illusion or use in co mposite form (whether intentional or otherwise), or invasion of privacy, that I may have or may occur in connection with th e Uses of the above stated Images/Recording.
I hereby represent and warrant that I am of legal age, am competent, have all rights necessary to enter this Agreement wh ich does not conflict with any third party rights. I have read and understand the above authorization, release and agreeme nt, and am comfortable with its terms. I agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Cru from any claims, damages, an d/or losses, including attorneys fees, for any of my breach of warranties or representations or infringement of third-parties rights from my appearance in or Cru’s authorized Uses of the Images/Recordings under the Release.
I also understand and agree to the following: This Agreement embodies the entire agreement and understanding and sup ersedes all prior understandings and agreements, written or oral, between Cru and me relating to the subject matter hereo f. This agreement shall be construed under and governed by the laws of the state of Florida. Any and all disputes must b e settled in Orlando or Orange County, Florida and each party consents to the personal jurisdiction of such courts. No mo dification of any provision of this Agreement by any party is effective unless such modification is in writing and signed by t he parties. No waiver of any provision of this Agreement by any party is effective unless the waiver is in writing and signe d by the waiving party. A party's waiver of any breach or failure to enforce any of the terms or conditions of this Agreemen t does not in any way affect, limit or waive such party's right at any time to enforce strict compliance thereafter with every t erm or condition of this Agreement. The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of this Agreement does not affect th e validity or enforceability of any other provisions.
Participant Name: ( full name )
Participant Signature: ( sign ) Date: .
Phone: Email: . □ I am at least 18 years old. (check if true) If Participant is under the age of 18:
______Parent/Legal Guardian-(Please Print Name) Parent/Legal Guardian Signature Phone: Email: .
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