Supplementary Table 1. F Values Obtained from the Analysis of Variance of Data Shown in Table 1
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30 60 kDa s ue 25
val 20
ty ty
nsi 15
ed ed 10
rat 5
eg Int 0
PR114 PR121 PR122 PR118
s 70 ue 33 kDa
val 60 31 kDa ty ty 50
nsi 40 de
ed ed 30 rat 20
eg 10 Int 0
PR114 PR121 PR122 PR118 Supplementary Figure 1. Densitometry scanning of 60kDa, 33 kDa and 31 kDa (glutelin acidic subunits). Total proteins extracted from the ripened seeds harvestedfrom the indicated cultivars after different dates of transplantationwere separated by SDS-PAGE. AlphaEaseFC version 6.0.0 software wasused for densitometry scanning. s 30 28 kDa
ue 25
val 26 kDa
ty ty 20
de 15
ed ed 10
eg 5
Int 0
s PR114 PR121 PR122 PR118
ty ty
ed ed
eg Int
PR114 PR121 PR122 PR118 Supplementary Figure 2. Densitometry scanning of globulins (28 kDa and 26 kDa), glutelin basic subunits (24 kDa and 22 kDa).
ue 40 20 kDa
35val 16 kDa
ty ty 30 15 kDa
nsi 25 de 20
ed ed 15
10rat eg Int 5 0
PR114 PR121 PR122 PR118 Supplementary Figure 3. Densitometry scanning of prolamines of 20 kDa, 16 kDa and 15 kDa. V m
Time (min)
Supplementary Figure 4. Chromatogram of amino acids standard.
Supplementary Table 1. F values obtained from the analysis of variance of data shown in Table 1
Source L* PR a*PR b*PR Whiteness HRY Chalky AC F BV S λmax S grains Cultivar 57690** 12582** 106834** 14241** 245541** 406** 106404** 2686** 501.56**
TD 18676** 2115** 4489** 11554** 86300** 154** 10941** 2065** 170.91** Cultivar 10983** 1143** 50276** 3972** 7298** 8.38** 13277** 2455** 52.73** × TD
TD= transplantation date; *= p ≤ 0.05; **= p ≤ 0.005; NS=non-significant; HRY= head rice yield; F= flour; AC= amylose content; BV= blue value; S= starch. Supplementary Table 2. F-values obtained from the analysis of variance of data shown in Table 2
Source F-values AAs Cultivar TD Cultivar x TD Asp 1668** 387** 1460** Glut 409** 2874** 696** Aspr 151** 273** 45** Ser 1688** 7425** 2873** Glu 3727** 2290** 681** His 1040** 1792** 386** Thr 960** 7852* 4277** Arg 138** 5630** 1914** GABA 11** 45.78** 10.54** Tyr 91.50** 294** 91** Cys 1106** 2504** 151** Val 1626** 5789** 464** Met 484** 1762** 277** Try 68.25** 665** 413** Phe 909** 2309** 53.58** I-Leu 507** 1552* 363** Lys 99.66** 244** 3.70** Pro 3067** 13859** 7232** TD= transplantation date; *= p ≤ 0.05; **= p ≤ 0.005; NS=nonsignificant; Tyr= tyrosine; Cys= cystine; Val= valine; Met= methionine; Try= Tryptophan, Phe= phenyl- alanine; I-leu= isoleucine; Lys= lysine; Pro= proline; Asp= aspartic acid; Glut= glutamic acid; Aspr= asparagine; Glu= glutamine; His= histidine; Thr= threonine; Arg=arginine; GABA=λ-amino butyric acid. Supplementary Table 3. F values obtained from the analysis of variance of data shown in Table 3
Source Fvalues
GS GS GS GS To Tp Tc PT PV BD SB FV (0-5μm) (5-10 μm) (10-20 μm) (20-60 μm) (˚C) (˚C) (˚C)
Cultivar 420689** 14814** 65824** 34882** 79358** 122044** 57.61** 110311** 227092** 478818** 530523** 39071**
TD 203249** 25879** 43718** 8430** 3353** 14240** 11.13** 603046** 2723969** 1102569* 216112** 99323** Cultivar 183304** 6543** 9084** 3363** 5372** 10681** 9.26** 235163** 93172** 38311** 648560** 13853** × TD
TD= transplantation date; *= p ≤ 0.05; **= p ≤ 0.005; NS=non significant; To= onset temperature; Tp =peak temperature; Tc=conclusion
temperature; ΔHgel= enthalpy of gelatinization, GS= Granule size; PT= pasting temperature; PV= peak viscosity; FV= final viscosity; BD= breakdown viscosity; SB= setback viscosity.