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Routine Key Thinking Description IB Use/Comments Moves See-Think-Wonder: Describing, Good with Can be used with: Illustrations Provide picture relating to content: interpreting and ambiguous or from a book; Painting – what’s wondering complex visual the big idea; What do you see? stimuli Looking at text What do think? What do you wonder?

Zoom In: Describing, Variation of STW Zoom In is one way of introducing a topic using portions inferring and using only of a photograph or picture to draw student thinking out. interpreting portion of an It uses description, inference and interpretation as an image APK at the start of a lesson or to further explore ideas. ► What do you see? ► What does it remind you of? ► What new things do you see? ► What word or phrase would you use to describe the image? ► How does this image change your hypothesis about what is going on?

Think – Puzzle – Explore: Activating prior Good at the Can facilitate and inform 1. What do you think you know about this topic? knowledge, beginning of a student inquiry; 2. What questions or puzzles do you have? wondering, unit to direct Consider using while observing 3. How can you explore this topic? planning personal or group a piece of art work or inquiry and photograph uncover current understandings, as well as misconceptions

Making Thinking Visible ~ Kristina Hayward (with blurb explanations Jean Reinhold) For MYP PD 11.24.15 Chalk Talk: Uncovering prior Open-ended Promotes risk-taking through The facilitator explains VERY BRIEFLY that Chalk Talk is a knowledge and discussion on silent conversations; silent activity. No one may talk at all and anyone may add ideas, questioning paper; ensures all Can track students’ to the Chalk Talk as they please. voices are heard, understanding of statement of gives thinking inquiry; The facilitator writes a relevant question in a circle on the time General prompt: “What are board or chart paper your ideas, thoughts, questions and wonderings on?” Sample questions: 0 What did you learn today? 1 How can we keep the noise level down in this room? 2 What do you know about biomes? The facilitator either hands a piece of chalk or marker to every student, or places many pieces of chalk or markers at the board. Students can comment on the initial question—and subsequent comments—by simply drawing a connecting line to the question or comment.

People write as they feel moved. They can read and respond to the comments of others. There are likely to be moments where not much seems to be happening—that is natural, so allow plenty of wait time before deciding it is over. 3-2-1 Bridge: Activating prior Works well when Possible uses: This routine can be introduced by having students do an knowledge, students have Book study; initial 3, 2, 1 individually on paper. For instance, if the questioning, prior knowledge Assessing current topic is “democracy,” then students would write down 3 distilling and but instruction understanding of a topic thoughts, 2 questions, and 1 analogy. Students might connection will move it in a then read an article, watch a video, or engage in an making through new direction; activity having to do with democracy. Provocative metaphors can be done over experiences that push students thinking in new extended time directions are best. After the experience, students during the course complete another 3,2,1. Students then share their initial of a unit and new thinking, explaining to their partners how and why their thinking shifted. Make it clear to students that Making Thinking Visible ~ Kristina Hayward (with blurb explanations Jean Reinhold) For MYP PD 11.24.15 their initial thinking is not right or wrong, it is just a starting point. New experiences take our thinking in new directions. Compass Points: Decision making Solicits the Possible uses: E = Excited - What excites you about this idea or and planning, group’s ideas and Independent inquiry; proposition? What’s the upside? uncovering reactions to a Text – other possible scenario W = Worrisome - What do you find worrisome personal proposal, plan or for character; about this idea or proposition? What’s the reactions possible direction Exploring a topic; downside? Facilitating discussion N = Need to Know - What else do you need to know or find out about this idea or proposition? What additional information would help you to evaluate things? S = Stance or Suggestion for Moving Forward - What is your current stance or opinion on the idea or proposition? How might you move forward in your evaluation of this idea or proposition? The Explanation Game: Observing details Variation of STW Possible use: Begin with something "on the table"-an object like a cup and building that focuses on During unit – Scientific and or a compass, a document like a poem, a picture, an explanations identifying parts Technical Innovation historical event, a scientific theory, etc. The first person and explaining (this might be the teacher initially) points out an them in order to interesting feature of the object: "I notice that... That's build up an interesting. Why is it that way? or "Why did it happen understanding of that way?" (or some similar why question). The other the whole from people in the group try to answer the question or at least its parts and their to propose possible explanations and reasons. As these purposes students share their ideas, the person asking the original question follows up by asking, "What makes you think so?" The group works together to build explanations rather than merely deferring to an outside source, the teacher or a textbook, to provide an answer.

Making Thinking Visible ~ Kristina Hayward (with blurb explanations Jean Reinhold) For MYP PD 11.24.15 Routine Key Thinking Description IB Use/Comments Moves Headlines: Summarizing, Quick summaries Can be used for math; This routine draws on the idea of newspaper-type capturing the of the big ideas or Formative assessment – headlines as a vehicle for summing up and capturing the heart what stands out reveals misconceptions essence of an event, idea, concept, topic, etc. The routine asks one core question:

1. If you were to write a headline for this topic or issue right now that captured the most important aspect that should be remembered, what would that headline be?

A second question involves probing how students' ideas of what is most important and central to the topic being explored have changed over time:

2. How has your headline changed based on today's discussion? How does it differ from what you would have said yesterday? CSI: Color, Symbol, Image: Capturing the Nonverbal Book study – enhances As you are reading/listening/watching, make note of heart through routine that comprehension things that you find interesting, important, or insightful. metaphors forces visual When you finish, choose 3 of these items that most stand connections out for you.

For one of these, choose a color that you feel best represents or captures the essence of that idea.

For another one, choose a symbol that you feel best represents or captures the essence of that idea. Key: For the other one, choose an image that you feel best represents or captures the essence of that idea.

With a partner or group first share your color and then share the item from your reading that it represents. Tell why you choose that color as a representation of that idea.Making Repeat Thinking the sharingVisible ~ process Kristina until Hayward every (with member blurb of explanations Jean Reinhold) For MYP PD 11.24.15 the group has shared his or her Color, Symbol, and Image. Generate-Sort-Connect-Elaborate: Concept Maps: Uncovering and Highlights the Pre and formative assessment; organizing prior thinking steps of Differentiates between key Select a topic, concept, or issue for which you want to knowledge to making an ideas and least important ones Pink – provocation/pre-assessment Yellow – during/formative assessment Green – during/formative assessment, after/summative assessment

Kristina Hayward – with explanation blurbs


Making Thinking Visible ~ Kristina Hayward (with blurb explanations Jean Reinhold) For MYP PD 11.24.15

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