Curriculum Vitae s281
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CURRICULUM VITAE for Matthew Phillip Bolton
Personal Details Name: BOLTON, Matthew Phillip (Matt) Citizenship: Australian Home Address: 4 Blackman Cresent MACQUARIE ACT 2614 Telephones: +61 2 6251 5954 or (0417) 462 054 Email: [email protected] Date and Place of Birth: 25/12/51; Melbourne
Career Objective: To improve the quality of environmental management through the acquisition, provision and application of scientific knowledge.
Professional Interests The ecology of species, ecosystems and landscapes Computer applications Data and information management Environmental assessment and planning Professional Membership: Ecological Society of Australia
Personal Interests Family, self-development, bushwalking, computers, fishing, gardening, music, photography, railways, sport and travel.
Languages: French and German
Education and Training
Formal Qualifications
Ph.D. in botany, Topic: Community Dynamics and Productivity in a Subtropical Wet Heathland, University of Queensland.1987.
Master of Scientific Studies (coursework) in botany and agriculture, University of Queensland. 1979.
Bachelor of Science in zoology and botany, University of Melbourne. 1974.
Training Courses a. Management and General (multi-day courses only):
Occupational Health and Safety for Managers, 18-19/6/02 Leading Teams, PSMPC, 14-15/12/99 Project Management, PSMPC, 7-8/12/99
CV Matthew P. Bolton Dept of Primary Industries and Energy (DPIE) Leading People Program, Monash Mt Eliza Business School, 19-23/4/98. Dept of the Environment, Sport and Territories (DEST) Directors Retreat, Sutton Forest, 14-16 June 1996 Middle Management Development Program #4, Aust. Nature Conserv. Agency/Durham Smith & Associates, 28/11/93-2/12/93; Theme: "Managing Change" Occupational Health and Safety Supervisor Training Course, Aust. Nature Conserv. Agency/Site-Safe Health Safety and Risk Management Consultants, 27-28/5/93 Train the Trainer Course, Aust. Nat. Pks & Wildl. Serv. (4 days) b. Technical (00s only) ESRI Spatial Analyst, 2-4/8/06 ArcIMS course, 8-9/3/05 ArcGIS9 course, 7-9/12/04 ArcXML course, 25-26/5/04 ESRI Geodatabase course, 14-16/4/04 ArcGIS II course, 4-6/2/04 Introduction to ArcGIS, 21-22/10/03 Oracle SQL course, 2-4/6/03 Oracle Database Design course, 16-20/12/02
Work Experience
April 2014 to Present Partner in Corymbia Ecospatial Consultants. Presently working on a project to load historic species data into the Atlas of Living Australia July 2002 to June 2013 Executive Level 1 in various Environmental Resources Information Network (ERIN) natural resource/landscape/environment sections, Canberra. (Duties: Coordinate and deliver technical aspects of the National Vegetation Information System; develop a national method to monitor vegetation condition; develop and maintain national classifications for vegetation types; advisory and representational activities.) July 1998 – July 2002 Senior Professional Officer Grade B in the ERIN Heritage Team (1998-99), EFT Forest Information Section (1998-2000) and ERIN Biodiversity Section 2000-02), Environment Australia, Canberra. (Duties: Director of Section and co-Director of ERIN; oversaw GIS, IT and data licensing support for heritage databases, Regional Forest Agreements, Natural Heritage Division and Parks Australia; advisory and representational activities.)
March 1997- July 1998 Senior Professional Officer Grade B in the Forests Section, Bureau of Resource Sciences, Canberra. (Duties: Project Manager: Comprehensive Regional Assessments (CRA) in NSW; oversaw projects on ecologically sustainable forest management, sustainable yield, hydrology and profiles of forest use and development. Represented BRS and DPIE on the NSW CRA Environment & Heritage Technical Committee.)
January 1995 – March 1997 Senior Professional Officer Grade B in the Environmental Science Section, Environmental Resources Information Network (ERIN), Canberra. (Duties: Director of Section; DEST Portfolio representative on the Commonwealth Spatial Data Committee; oversaw projects on biodiversity, marine & coasts, metadata, land cover and vegetation; promotional and representational activities.)
June 1990 - December 1994
CV Matthew P. Bolton Senior Professional Officer Grade C in the Environmental Science Section, ERIN, Canberra. (Duties: coordinator of information on landscapes; manager and technical director of ERIN projects in Cape York Peninsula Land Use Strategy and Comprehensive Regional Assessments; promotional and representational activities.)
March 1985 – June 1990 Agronomist/Ecologist at the Tropical Weeds Research Centre, Qld Dept of Lands, Charters Towers.
1978 - 1984 Tutoring in Botany and Interdisciplinary subjects, Uni. of Qld.
1984 Consultant at Dept of Botany, Uni. of Qld: World Wildlife Fund (Australia) Project No. 63, "A Network of Conservation Reserves for Western Queensland - Part 1A".
April 1982 – June 1983 (plus unpaid work to March 1985) Research Assistant at Dept of Botany, Uni. of Qld: Australian Heritage Commission and Aust. Biological Resources Study projects to objectively classify Australian vegetation types for conservation purposes.
December 1979 – November 1981 Senior Research Assistant at Dept of Botany Uni. of Qld: World Wildlife Fund (Australia) Project 10: "A Network of Conservation Reserves for Western Queensland."
June 1974 – January 1977 Laboratory Attendant in Science Teaching Lab. and Audio Visual Lab., Dept of Education, Uni. of Qld
1973 Clerk, engineer's assistant, works gang supervisor at MacIntyre Shire Council, Inverell NSW.
Mr Peter Lyon, Assistant Director, ERIN Landscape Analysis Section, Envirinmental Resources Information Network, Sustainability Policy and Analysis Division, Dept of the Environment, Ph: (02) 6274 2358, [email protected]
Dr Sebastian Lang, Director Victoria & Tasmania Section, Biodiversity Conservation Division, Dept of the Environment, Ph: (02) 6274 2260, [email protected]
Reports and Publications
Anon. (2003) National coordinator activities – National Vegetation Information System Stage 1. Final report on project DET10 for Nat. Land and Water Res. Audit. Envir. Resources Inf. Netwk, Dept of the Envt and Herit., Canberra, 80pp (Mimeo). Bolton, M.P. (1983) Parks and reserves. In: What Future for Australia's Arid Lands. (Eds J.Messer and G. Mosley), pp. 71-81, Aust. Cons. Found., Melbourne. Bolton, M.P. (1986) Computer assisted reserve selection (CARS). In: Proc. Mulga Lands Symp. (Ed. by P.S. Sattler), p. 128, Roy. Soc. Qd, Brisbane. Bolton, M.P. (1986) Community Dynamics and Productivity in a Subtropical Wet Heathland. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Queensland, 226pp. & 8 Appendices. Bolton, M.P. (1988) The identification, distribution and ecology of woody weeds declared in Queensland. In. Proc. Woodland Management and the Control of Problem Woody Plants W'shop, Yeppoon/Emerald, May 1988, QDPI and AMLRDC (Mimeo).
CV Matthew P. Bolton Bolton, M.P. (1988) Control of woody weeds. In. Proc. Decl. Plants W'shop, Qld Rural Lds Prot. Board, Charters Towers, October, 1988 (Mimeo). Bolton, M.P. (1988) Weed identification. In. Proc. Decl. Plants W'shop, Qld Rur. Lds Prot. Bd, Charters Towers (Mimeo). Bolton, M.P. (1989) The ecology of introduced woody weeds in northern Queensland. In. Proc. 5th Biennial Noxious Plants Conf., Lismore, 17-21/7/89 (Eds R. Dyason and P. Goreham) Vol. 1, pp. 136-144, NSW Agriculture & Fisheries. Bolton, M.P. (1989) Biology and ecology of prickly acacia. In. Proc. Richmond Prickly Acacia Field Day, "Olive Downs" Maxwellton, pp. 21-24 (Mimeo). Bolton, M.P. (1989) New pest plants: north Queensland. In. Proc. Field Officers' W'shop, Qld Rur. Lds Prot. Bd, Inglewood, Oct. 1989. (Mimeo) Bolton, M.P. (1989) Plant survey methods. In. Proc. Field Officers' W'shop, Qld Rur. Lds Prot. Bd, Inglewood, Oct. 1989. (Mimeo) Bolton, M.P. (1990) Control of chinee apple, Ziziphus mauritiana, with residual herbicides. Proc. 9th Aust. Weeds Conf., Adelaide, pp. 403-406. Bolton, M.P. (Ed.) (1992a) Vegetation: from Mapping to Decision Support - A workshop to establish a set of core attributes for vegetation., May 30-31, 1991, Envir. Resources Inf. Netwk, Aust. Nat. Pks & Wildl. Serv., 33pp. Bolton, M.P. (Ed.) (1992b) Core attributes for terrestrial biological survey data in Australia. In. Bolton, M.P. (Ed.) Vegetation: from Mapping to Decision Support, ERIN, ANPWS, 42 pp. Bolton, M.P. and Ablin, M.P. (1988) Progress in the biological control of woody weeds declared in Queensland's grazing lands. In. Proc. Woodland Management and the Control of Problem Woody Plants W'shop, Yeppoon/Emerald, May, 1988, QDPI and AMLRDC (Mimeo). Bolton, M.P. and Dorney, W.J. (1987) Distribution and control of milkweed, Euphorbia heterophylla, in north Queensland. Proc. 8th Aust. Weeds Conf., Sydney, pp. 381-385. Bolton, M.P. and Dorney, W.J. (1989) Collection of weeds for identification. In. Proc. Open Day and Grazier's Forum on Rubber Vine Control, 11 Oct. 1989, Trop. Wds Res. Cen., Charters Towers (Mimeo) Bolton, M.P. and Green, D.G. (1991) ERIN - Viewing conservation Australia- wide. Aust. Ranger Bull. 6(2): 16-17. Bolton, M.P. and James, P.A. (1985) A survey of prickly acacia (Acacia nilotica) in five western Queensland shires. Rept to Stock Routes and Rural Lands Prot. Board, Brisbane, Nov. 1985, 24pp. & Appendices & Map (Mimeo). Bolton, M.P. and Specht, R.L. (1983) A method for selecting nature conservation reserves. Aust. Nat. Pks & Wildl. Serv. Occ. Pap. No. 8., Canberra, 32pp. Bolton, M.P. and Jeffrey, P.L. (1987) Biology and control of prickly acacia. In. Proc. Decl. Weeds W'shop, Emerald, Qld Rur. Lds Prot. Bd, pp. 87-93 (Mimeo). Bolton, M.P., Carter, J.O. and Dorney, W.J. (1987) Seed production in Acacia nilotica subsp. indica (Benth) Brenan. In. Proc. Weed Seed Biology W'shop, Orange, N.S.W., pp. 29-34. Bolton, M.P., Dorney, W.J. and Ford, G. (1989) Monitoring studies on rubber vine in north Queensland. In. Proc. Open Day and Grazier's Forum on Rubber Vine Control, 11 Oct. 1989, Trop. Wds Res. Cen., Charters Towers (Mimeo) Bolton, M.P., Dorney, W.J. and Jeffrey, P.L. (1989) Seasonality and herbicide effectiveness on prickly acacia. In. Proc. Richmond Prickly Acacia Field Day, "Olive Downs" Maxwellton, pp. 28-30 (Mimeo). Bolton, M., Thackway, R., Crossley, D. and Rudd, R. (1993) Project specification for the Beecroft Peninsula Vegetation Survey and development of a Vegetation Monitoring Strategy. Envir. Resources Inf. Netwk, 6 Sept. 1993, 199pp. & 7 Appendices (Mimeo). Bryett, A., Bolton, M.P., Crossley, D.C. (1994) Guidelines for the use of flora and fauna data on the CYPLUS GIS. Version 1.0, August 1994, Envir. Resources Inf. Netwk, Canberra (Mimeo). Carter, J.O., Bolton, M.P., and Cowan, D.C. (1988) Prickly acacia: save dollars by early control measures. Qld Agric. J. 115: 121-126. Cofinas, M. and Bolton, M.P. (1995) Environmental regions of Cape York Peninsula. Nat. Res. Anal. Prog., Cap York Pen. Land Use Strat., 39 pp & 10 Appendices. Cofinas, M., Bolton, M.P., Bryett, A.J., Crossley, D.C. and Bull, A.L. (1995) Flora data and modelling for Cape York Peninsula. Nat. Res. Anal. Prog., Cap York Pen. Land Use Strat., 152 pp. Davey, S.M., Dyne, G..R. and Bolton, M.P. (Eds) (1993) Standardising attributes to describe forest fauna habitat in Australia., Working Paper, Bureau of Resource Sciences, 47pp. Dept of the Environment and Water Resources (2007) Australia’s Native Vegetation: A summary of Australia’s Major Vegetation Groups, 2007. Australian Government, Canberra, 42pp. & CD. On-line at URL <>. Environmental Resources Information Network (ERIN) (2013) Prospective Classification of Australia’s Vegetation into 200 to 400 End Groups for Use in Ecosystem Models. Technical report prepared for the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network AusCover Facility and Global Earth Observation System of Systems by Environmental Resources Information Network, Australian Government Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities. Executive Steering Committee for Australian Vegetation Information (ESCAVI) (2003) Australian Vegetation Attribute Manual: National Vegetation Information System, Version 6.0. Dept of the Envt and Heritage, Canberra, 144pp. On-line at URL <>.
CV Matthew P. Bolton Foley, M.J. and Bolton, M.P. (1990) Control of sisal hemp (Agave spp.) in native bushland. Proc. 9th Aust. Weeds Conf., Adelaide, p. 145 (Poster abstract). Glasco, D., Bolton, M.P. and Bryett, A.J. (1995) Fauna distribution modelling for Cape York Peninsula. Nat. Res. Analysis Prog., Cape York Pen. Land Use Strat., 43 pp & 2 Appendices. Green, D.G. and Bolton, M.P. (1991) Computers and conservation: the Environmental Resources Information Network. Trees & Nat. Res. 33(2): 14-15. Held, A., Randall, L., Dowling, T., Bolton. M. and Gallant, J. (2013) Developing the GEOSS ecosystems map of Australia. Poster presentation, 2013 TERN Symposium, Canberra. Purdie, R.W., Blick, R. and Bolton, M.P. (1986) Selection of a conservation reserve network in the mulga biogeographic region of south-western Queensland. Biol. Cons. 38: 369-384. Specht, R.L., Clifford, H.T., Arianoutsou, M., Bird, L.H., Bolton, M.P., Forster, P.I., Grundy, R.I., Hegarty, E.E. and Specht, A. (1991) Structure, floristics and species richness of plant communities in southeast Queensland. Proc. R. Soc. Qd. 101: 27-78. Thackway, R., Rudd, R., Bolton, M., Cresswell, I., Telford, I. and Crossley, D. (1994) Report on the pilot vegetation survey, Beecroft Pen.. Aust. Nature Cons. Agency, Canberra (Mimeo). Thackway, R., Neldner, V.J. and Bolton M.P. (2008) Vegetation. In: Guidelines for Surveying Soil and Land Resources, 2nd Edn (Eds N.J. McKenzie, M.J. Grundy, R. Webster and A.J. Ringrose-Voase) pp. 115-142. CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne.
郭林海简介 所学专业: 地理、土壤地理与土地利用、景观生态与环境科学-自然资源与生态环境保护
从事研究领域: 环境信息、地理信息系统分析与空间生态系统、生态资源管理和保护、生态农业, 自然资源、生物多样性保护、景观生态,宏观生态环境与资源可持续发展政策规划与分析.
2009 澳大利亚环境与持续发展部高级环境信息分析专家、项目主管、(空间)生态学家
2008 维多利亚州环境部 地理信息系统分析与生态系统功能项目官官员
2008 昆士兰州环保局地理信息系统与空间分析官员、高级研究人员
2007 塔斯马尼亚州第一产业、水和环境部 资源管理和保护评估官员
2001 新西兰科学院国土保护研究院/怀卡托大学空间生态系统博士后/研究人员
国家教育部教育推广项目经理、“奥斯卡”( OSCAR: Out of School Care And Recreation)项目策划与执行地区协调员
2001 美国亚利桑那大学博士后访问学者
1996-1997 美国驻沈阳总领事馆首席助理: 组织中美环境与经济持续发展论坛,
1995-1996 中科院沈阳应用生态所 CV Matthew P. Bolton 1991 - 1995. 荷兰阿姆斯特丹大学访问学者
1987-1991 中科院沈阳应用生态所
澳大利亚生物区域环境影响评估(Bioregional Assessment for Coal Seam Gas and relevant minging activities.
澳大利亚国家保护区数据库 (CAPAD2012, CAPAD2014)
新西兰: 国家科学技术研究基金无脊椎动物生物多样性的空间格局-潜在分布模型及其预测
皇家科学院国土保护研究院--生态系统模型及空间预测 GRASP 模型研发
澳大利亚多尺度景观连接性及其在自然保护区设计中的应用 Brush-tailed Rock-Wallaby (Petrogale penicilata)个案研究
国家水源管理局--荷兰北海海岸带沙丘动态及其管理--沙丘自然动态作为海岸带固定的一种 尝试
国际地圈生物圈计划(IGBP)-- Landscape impacts of climate change – 景观标准和方法研究
澳大利亚-中国友好协会堪培拉分会副主席常务理事, 澳大利亚塔斯马尼亚华人联合会副会长.
新西兰科学院国土保护研究院/怀卡托大学空间生态系统博士后/研究人员、美国亚利桑那大学 博士后/访问学者、澳大利亚吾伦贡大学环境学(景观生态与地理信息系统)博士、荷兰阿姆斯特 丹大学名誉硕士、中科院理学硕士、山东师大理学学士.
CV Matthew P. Bolton 澳大利亚塔斯马尼亚大学地理信息系统和空间分析研究生课程、荷兰阿姆斯特丹大学语言学院 荷兰语及第二语言学习、新西兰怀卡托大学管理学院非营利机构管理研究生班、新西兰奥克兰 技术大学管理学院培训: leadership management, 新西兰怀卡托理工学院 TESOL(Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages)研究生学历、新西兰怀卡托大学教育学学士、澳大利亚 新南威尔士 Illawarra 技术学院地理信息系统高级证书、中国经贸大学高科技技术企业进出口业 务研究生班
2004 年被评为新西兰十大杰出华人
美国国家宇航局—密西根大学 (NASA-MSU)专业促进奖
美国环境系统研究所(ESRI)地理信息系统用户大会(San Diego, CA, 2002)最佳整体最佳分析应 用奖。
2005 新西兰怀卡托基金会杰出组织服 Outstanding organizational service 奖 Going the Extra Mile Award for Outstanding Organizational Service
2004 新西兰怀卡托基金会社区杰出领导之光大奖-inspirational leadership Leading Light Award for Outstanding Leadership
CV Matthew P. Bolton