Chapter 3 Projects

1. Role-Play: Be a trader: Find a partner. Review the section in your book on Finding Resources. Write and act out an imaginary scene in which a Mesopotamian trader seeks to obtain resources from a distant source.

2. Create a poster of Sumerian Civilization: Use the Internet to find information and illustrations to make a poster about Sumerian civilization. The poster should provide illustrated examples showing that Sumer was indeed a civilization.

3. Create a Sumerian City Street Scene- Use what you have read about the appearance and activities of a Sumerian city-state to create a picture of typical activites at a ziggurat. You may use the illustration on page 93 and to photograph on p 88 to help you visualize what you want to depict in your drawing.

4. Describe a Ziggurat: Assume the role of a reporter visiting a Sumerian city from afar. Write a colorful description of a ziggurat that explains how it looks and what role it plays in the life of the city.

5. Write a realistic fiction story about the life of a person living in Sumer.

6. Write a Job description: Write a job description for a Sumerian priest. You should use the description of the various jobs of the priest given in the text as the basis of your description and any information you can find on the internet.

7. Create a diagram: Create a diagram that shows the progression in Sumerian society from leadership by priest to leadership by kings. The diagram should show what the roles of the priests were, how and why they changed, and how kings emerged as the leaders of Sumerian life.

8. Other: If you have another ideas please share it with me for approval.