Atomic Composition Quiz

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Atomic Composition Quiz

Atoms & Radioactivity Test Review CHEMISTRY I

MULTIPLE CHOICE Each of the following sentences can be completed correctly with one of the items listed below it. Choose the item and fill in the letter that precedes your choice in the appropriate space on your answer sheet. 2 points each. Some questions were taken from the website below.

1) In nuclear fission reactions, mass is converted into a) alpha particles 8) When an element decays by releasing a beta particle b) beta particles the number of ______increases c) gamma particles a) protons d) energy b) neutrons c) atoms 2) A nuclear chain reaction is a d) electrons a) way to link protons w/ neutrons b) continuous series of fission reactions 9) Energy produced by the sun and other stars is a c) continuous series of fusion reactions result of d) controlled series of fusion reactions a. nuclear fission b. nuclear fusion 3) A reaction in which an atom breaks into two or more c. neutron capture. smaller atoms is a ______reaction d. radioactive decay. a) nuclear fission b) nuclear fusion 10) How many half lives have elapsed if only 25% of c) transmutation the original radioactive isotope is present d) chemical a) 1 b) 2 4) You prepare a large screened-in box, inside which c) 3 you place several dozen mouse traps. You set each trap d) 4 and on each mouse trap you place a ping pong ball. You then drop another ping pong ball into the box, which 11) A radioactive isotope used to estimate the age of sets off one of the mouse traps, which sets off other plant products or animal remains is mouse traps, and so on. You have just demonstrated a) U-238 a. a chain reaction. b) C-14 b. the theory of relativity. c) Sr-90 c. fusion. d) I-131 d. alpha decay. 12) Which form of radioactivity is the most penetrating? 5) The half-life of a sample of a radioactive isotope is a) alpha the time required for half of it to b) beta c) gamma a. become stable. d) they are equally penetrating. b. undergo fission. 13) What mass of a radioactive material remains after c. decay. four half-lives if the original mass was 128g? a) 4g d. undergo oxidation. b) 8g c) 16g 6) Which type of radiation is not made of particles? d) 32g a) alpha b) beta 14) Which type of radiation is not ionizing? c) gamma a) alpha d) neutrino b) beta c) gamma 7) A beta particle is emitted from an atom when d) visible light a) a proton fuses w/ an electron b) electromagnetic radiation is released 15) One of the control mechanisms in a nuclear reaction c) a helium nucleus is released results in the slowing down or capture of neutrons. This d) a neutron decays is done using a) control rods b) shielding c) water d) fuel rods

16) When cancer is treated with radiation, fewer normal cells than cancer cells are killed because cancer cells a) are less radiation sensitive b) do not absorb any radiation c) grow faster than normal cells d) are smaller than normal cells

17) When a fusion reactor for safely generating energy is developed, the element that could meet Earth's energy demands for millions of years is a. oxygen. b. hydrogen. c. nitrogen. d. lithium

Also complete the following in the book. Pg 836 37,38,42,45,51,52,54,60,65 Pg 839 1,4,8

PAGE DOWN FOR ANSWERS. 1d 2b 3a 4a 5c 6c 7d 8a 9b 10b 11b 12c 13b 14d 15a 16c 17b

From the book 37) nuclear rxn release more energy & involve a difference in the number of protons & neutrons in the atom whereas chem. Rxn don't change th e# of p&n 38) a: 2,4, 5; b: 1; c: 3,6 42) binds quarks & p & n together 45) isotopes outside the band will undergo radioactive decay. 51) Ca-39 is radioactive, below the band 52) C-14:C-12 living keep replenishing lost C-14 through food they eat. 54) difference between the mass of the particles in the nucleus & mass of the nucleus 60) subcritical mass has too few nuclei to continue the reaction. Supercritical mass has numerous nuclei & can sustain the rxn 1c4c8a

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