Advocomm Media Monitoring October 2016

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Advocomm Media Monitoring October 2016

AdvoComm Media Monitoring October 2016 Google Alerts

Date Headline: Issue Media Name: Pull quote: Sentiment: URL: Uploaded on SAHRC SITE? If, so URL: 27 October Parliament Commissioner Mail & Guardian According Neutral NO 2016 finalises list of s to sources 016-10-27-sahrc- new SAHRC close to the finalises-list-of- commissioners process the commissioners seven commissio ners that will be formally announced next week will include:

Professor Bongani Majola, Sewpal Jana Professor Firoz Cachalia, Angie Makwetla Jonas Sibanyoni, Advocate Bokankatl a Malatji Chris Nissen & Andre Gaum Last week, the Mail & Guardian reported that staff at the Date Headline: Issue Media Name: Pull quote: Sentiment: URL: Uploaded on SAHRC SITE? If, so URL: commissio n were fighting tooth and nail to ensure that Mushwana and Mokate do not return as commissio ners. 27 October Parly gives Commissioner City Press Parliament Neutral http://city- NO 2016 former Public s has Protector snubbed /parly-gives-former- Mushwana the the public-protector- cold shoulder outgoing mushwana-the-cold- chairperso shoulder-20161027 n of the South African Human Rights Commissio n, Lourence Mushwana , by not reappointin g him to serve another term in the commissio n 24 October Human Rights Racism Pederby On 13 Positive Yes 2016 Commission October, a a/sections/news/tuks- receives complaint news/5207-human- index.php/sahrc- complaints was lodged rights-commission- media/news/item/470- against UP, with the receives-complaints- human-rights- Afriforum South again-up-afriforum commission-receives- Date Headline: Issue Media Name: Pull quote: Sentiment: URL: Uploaded on SAHRC SITE? If, so URL: African complaints-against-up- Human afriforum Rights Commissio n (SAHRC) detailing several issues surroundin g racism and inequality at UP. The complaint was lodged against UP, as well as “certain actions” of civil rights organisatio n group Afriforum, by Quraysha Ismail Sooliman, a PhD candidate at UP’s Faculty of Law. SAHRC’s spokesper son Gail Smith confirmed that it had received a complaint against UP, although no Date Headline: Issue Media Name: Pull quote: Sentiment: URL: Uploaded on SAHRC SITE? If, so URL: further details had been given. 21 October Police Police Dumelang news BLOEMFON Positive http://www.dumelangne Yes 2016 brutality irks brutality TEIN – The SAHRC South brutality-irks-sahrc index.php/sahrc- African media/news/item/473- Human police-brutality-irks- Rights sahrc Commissio n (SAHRC) aims to promote the culture of human rights in the Free State province and the country in general. The SAHRC provincial manager, Buang Jones, revealed this in a presentatio n at a media networking session at the provincial offices in Bloemfonte in on Wednesday 19 October Date Headline: Issue Media Name: Pull quote: Sentiment: URL: Uploaded on SAHRC SITE? If, so URL: 21 October South African Staffing/ Mail & Guardian The staff of Negative NO Human Rights Commissioner the South 016-10-21-00-human- Commission s African rights-staff-round-on- staff round on Human officials officials Rights Commissio n (SAHRC) are on the warpath, vehemently opposing the reappointm ent of two of its commissio ners.

They claim the chairperso n, Lawrence Mushwana , and a commissio ner, Lindiwe Mokate, have tampered with reports and are guilty of bullying, victimisati on and human rights violations. Date Headline: Issue Media Name: Pull quote: Sentiment: URL: Uploaded on SAHRC SITE? If, so URL: In the past year, at least five high- ranking staff members, including chief executive Lindiwe Khumalo and chief operating officer Shireen Motara, have left the organisatio n. 21 October SAHRC Eviction Bloemfontein Courant The South Positive http://www.bloemfontei Yes 2016 investigates African Mangaung Human investigates-mangaung- index.php/sahrc- Metro Rights metro-municipality- media/news/item/475- Municipality Commissio eviction-order/ sahrc-investigates- eviction order n (SAHRC) mangaung-metro- has municipality-eviction- launched order an investigatio n into the eviction of Mangaung residents near phase seven. According to the SAHRC’s legal officer, Date Headline: Issue Media Name: Pull quote: Sentiment: URL: Uploaded on SAHRC SITE? If, so URL: Kelly-Anne Cleophas, this comes after the Mangaung Metro Municipalit y obtained an eviction order to evict residents. 20 October SAHRC LGBTI Bloemfontein courant The South Positive http://www.bloemfontei Yes 2016 intensify African advocacy for Human intensify-advocacy-lgbti- index.php/sahrc- the LGBTI Rights human-rights/ media/news/item/474- human rights commissio sahrc-intensify-advocacy- n has for-the-lgbti-human- undertaken rights to intensify relations with gender based organisatio ns. Speaking about the state of human rights in the Free State, the Provincial Manager, Buang Jones, says victimisatio n of gays, lesbians, bisexual , and Date Headline: Issue Media Name: Pull quote: Sentiment: URL: Uploaded on SAHRC SITE? If, so URL: transgende r people has come to their attention and the commissio n will soon be working with various governmen t department s and NGO to promote the rights of the LGBTI community. 15 October Matric fears Basic IOL A MATRIC Neutral Yes 2016 final exam education pupil at ekend-argus/matric- lock-out over Melkbosstr fears-final-exam-lock- index.php/sahrc- dreads and High out-over-dreads- media/news/item/476- School has 2080226 matric-fears-final-exam- allegedly lock-out-over-dreads been banned from writing his final exams at school because he braided dreadlocks into his hair.

Karam Singh, provincial manager Date Headline: Issue Media Name: Pull quote: Sentiment: URL: Uploaded on SAHRC SITE? If, so URL: for the SA Human Rights Commissio n, said that while they had not investigate d the matter, the “actions of the school would appear to be unlawful”. 06 October The ConCourt Garhishee Mail & Guardian In a Postive Yes 2016 has laid the Orders landmark 016-10-06-00-the- groundwork judgment concourt-has-laid-the- index.php/sahrc- to check the on groundwork-to-check- media/opinion- abuse of September the-abuse-of-garnishee- pieces/item/477-the- garnishee 13 this orders concourt-has-laid-the- orders year, the groundwork-to-check- Constitutio the-abuse-of-garnishee- nal Court orders engaged in some nimble judicial crafting to cure impugned parts of section 65J (2) of the Magistrates ’ Court Act 32 of 1944.

The case stemmed from an Date Headline: Issue Media Name: Pull quote: Sentiment: URL: Uploaded on SAHRC SITE? If, so URL: application brought by Stellenbosc h University’s Legal Aid Clinic in 2015 to the Western Cape high court on behalf of 15 low-income consumers, who were struggling under the burden of garnishee orders that had been issued against them. 02 October SAHRC to Police Sowetan live The SA Positive http://www.sowetanlive. Yes 2016 probe police Brutality/ Human claims Mining Rights /sahrc-to-probe-police- index.php/sahrc- Communities Commissio claims media/news/item/471- n (SAHRC) sahrc-to-probe-police- will probe claims allegations that North West police are colluding with the Bapo-Ba- Mogale Tribal Authority to stifle Bapong Date Headline: Issue Media Name: Pull quote: Sentiment: URL: Uploaded on SAHRC SITE? If, so URL: villagers opposed to Lonmin's R664- million equity deal. Kgomotso Morare was attacked with pangas in Bapong, near Brits.

Commissio ner Mohamed Ameermia, who chaired the hearing, said to Morare: "Please look after yourself. We are concerned about your safety."

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