Inin Introductory Lesson to Thirteen Reasons Why

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Inin Introductory Lesson to Thirteen Reasons Why

Introductory Lesson to Thirteen Reasons Why

1. WARM-UP/DO-NOW: Display this quote, which comes from the article students will read today, on the board: “Be careful what you do to people, because you never know what they’re going through. You can really hurt somebody, even with the littlest thing.”

Have students respond to the quote in their journals. Encourage them to reflect on why this is good advice; memories of having been hurt or having hurt others with “the littlest thing”; and to think of strategies for becoming more mindful of others’ struggles. When they are finished writing, whip around the room, having each student share as much as a line, as little as a word from what they wrote. Conclude by having students share their strategies for being more careful with others.

Read and discuss the article “A Story of a Teenager’s Suicide Quietly Becomes a Best Seller”, focusing on the following questions:

 What is “Thirteen Reasons Why” about? To what does the title refer?

 What details from Jay Asher’s life explain how he came up with the theme (or idea), characters and format for the book?

 Why do you think Mr. Asher fears that a lighthearted follow-up to “Thirteen Reasons Why” will disappoint his readers?

Thinking on Your Feet:

Explain to students that they will now participate in a “discussion on paper” about teen suicide and teens’ emotional states. Display each of the following seven quotes on its own piece of poster board, leaving ample room for students to write their reactions. Hang the poster boards around your room. Then invite the class to circulate around the room and write their comments, ideas and questions on all of the posters, responding to the quotes and/or to what their classmates have written. March 12, 2009

A Story of a Teenager's Suicide Quietly Becomes a Best Seller


Marissa Roth for The New York Times

Jay Asher had had 11 manuscripts rejected before he sold “Thirteen Reasons Why,” which has gradually become a best- selling children’s title since it was published in 2007.

Among the vampires, dragons and dystopian futuristic societies that dominate young adult reading lists, a debut novel about teenage suicide has become a stealthy hit with surprising staying power.

“Thirteen Reasons Why,” by Jay Asher, is made up of the transcripts of audiotapes that 16-year-old Hannah Baker recorded before committing suicide, interspersed with the reactions of a high school classmate who listens to them. Each tape reveals an anecdote about another classmate whose actions the girl blames for her death.

Since it was first published in October 2007 by Razorbill, an imprint of Penguin Group U.S.A., the novel has sold 158,000 copies, according to Nielsen BookScan, which tracks about 70 percent of retail sales. Unlike most books, which are customarily released in paperback about a year after hardcover publication, “Thirteen Reasons Why” has remained in hardcover, with word of mouth and the author’s appearances fueling sales.

“Death and dying has always been a popular theme for kids,” said Josalyn Moran, vice president for children’s books at Barnes & Noble. “Kids like to read about situations that are worse than theirs and figure out that ‘O.K., my life isn’t so bad.’ ”

The book enjoyed a short run on The New York Times’s children’s chapter books best-seller list last spring. Last fall the publisher released a revised hardcover edition that included a new Q. and A. with Mr. Asher.

Razorbill also commissioned the flagship New York office of Grey, an advertising agency, to develop a YouTube campaign featuring videos of a cassette recorder playing Hannah’s tapes, as read by the actress Olivia Thirlby, who played the title character’s best friend in “Juno.”

“Thirteen Reasons Why” re-entered the chapter-book best-seller list in November at No. 10. When next Sunday’s list is published, it will rise to No. 3.

“It was not a book where a whole house runs out and pushes like crazy, and you have to have success right away, because you spent all this money,” said Benjamin Shrank, publisher of Razorbill. The company paid Mr. Asher a low six- figure advance for two books.

With its thrillerlike pacing and scenes of sexual coercion and teenage backbiting, the novel appeals to young readers, who say the book also gives them insight into peers who might consider suicide. “I think the whole message of the book is to be careful what you do to people, because you never know what they’re going through,” said Christian Harvey, a 15-year-old sophomore at Port Charlotte High School in Port Charlotte, Fla. “You can really hurt somebody, even with the littlest thing.” Ms. Harvey, who bought the book with a gift card last year, said she stayed up until 2 a.m. to finish it and immediately recommended it to friends. The school’s book group read the novel in October, and when Mr. Asher visited Port Charlotte in February, about 35 students bought a copy.

“Thirteen Reasons Why” was partly inspired by a relative of Mr. Asher’s who had tried to commit suicide. The idea of using tape recordings, he said, came from a visit to a casino in Las Vegas, where Mr. Asher used a recorded audio guide on a tour of an exhibition about King Tutankhamen of Egypt.

Something about listening to a disembodied voice made Mr. Asher, now 33, think, “This would be a really cool format for a book that I had never seen.”

At the time Mr. Asher, who had dropped out of college to pursue a writing career, was trying to sell comedic picture and chapter books for younger children. Before he sold “Thirteen Reasons” to Razorbill, he said, he submitted a total of 11 manuscripts to publishers. All were rejected.

He was working as an assistant children’s librarian and as a bookseller at a local store in Sheridan, Wyo., six years ago when he started reading a lot of young adult fiction. One day, he said, the idea for “Thirteen Reasons” just hit him, and he wrote what eventually became the first 10 pages that night.

The eerie, sardonic voice of Hannah, the suicide victim, came easily. The character of Clay Jensen, the boy whose reactions to the tapes provide another thread through the novel, was based on Mr. Asher’s own high school memories.

Booksellers have embraced the novel from the beginning. “I’ve read a lot of titles that are pretty dark,” said Kris Vreeland, the children’s book buyer at Vroman’s Bookstore in Pasadena, Calif. “But not something that was specifically that kind of a format and never anything that really dealt with suicide from the perspective of the person who has committed suicide.” Ms. Vreeland said the store had sold more than 250 copies.

Mr. Asher was planning to write a lighthearted high school romance as his follow-up to “Thirteen Reasons,” but the intense feedback from readers, he said, caused him to abandon that manuscript halfway through. “I didn’t want them to be let down by my next book,” he said. Now he is working on a novel that “will go into the complications of high school relationships.”

That’s enough for fans like Gabrielle Dupuy, a 17-year-old junior at Charlotte High School in Punta Gorda, Fla., who heard Mr. Asher speak at her school. “As soon as he told us he was working on another book,” Ms. Dupuy said, “I was like, ‘Can I preorder it now?’ ”

Published in the Arts section on March 10, 2009.

Copyright 2009 The New York Times Company POSTER 1: “In 2007, 14.5% of U.S. high school students reported that they had seriously considered attempting suicide during the 12 months preceding the survey.” –from a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention fact sheet

POSTER 2: “Clay Jensen returns home from school to find a mysterious box with his name on it lying on his porch. Inside he discovers several cassette tapes recorded by Hannah Baker–his classmate and crush–who committed suicide two weeks earlier. On tape, Hannah explains that there are thirteen reasons why she decided to end her life. Clay is one of them. If he listens, he’ll find out how he made the list.” –from the “Thirteen Reasons Why” Web site

POSTER 3: “I swear if there’s ever another war, they better just take me out and stick me in front of a firing squad. I wouldn’t object. Anyway, I’m sort of glad they’ve got the atomic bomb invented. If there’s ever another war, I’m going to sit right the hell on top of it. I’ll volunteer for it, I swear to God I will.” –from “The Catcher in the Rye” by J.D. Salinger, page 141

POSTER 4: “Don’t ask me those questions! Don’t ask me what life means or how we know reality or why we have to suffer so much. Don’t talk about how nothing feels real, how everything is coated with gelatin and shining like oil in the sun.” –from “Girl, Interrupted” by Susanna Kaysen, page 125

POSTER 5: “Then I saw it would be pointless to swim as far as the rock, because my body would take that excuse to climb out and lie in the sun, gathering strength to swim back. The only thing to do was to drown myself then and there. So I stopped.” –from “The Bell Jar” by Sylvia Plath, page 179

POSTER 6: “Death and dying has always been a popular theme for kids,” said Josalyn Moran, vice president for children’s books at Barnes & Noble. “Kids like to read about situations that are worse than theirs and figure out that ‘O.K., my life isn’t so bad.'” — from “A Story of a Teenager’s Suicide Quietly Becomes a Best Seller” by Motoko Rich

POSTER 7: “For some teenagers, normal developmental changes, when compounded by other events or changes in their families such as divorce or moving to a new community, changes in friendships, difficulties in school, or other losses can be very upsetting and can become overwhelming. Problems may appear too difficult or embarrassing to overcome. For some, suicide may seem like a solution.” — from the University of Virginia Health System’s Web page When all students have read and responded to all the quotes, have students read through all of the quotations and reactions. Lead a short discussion about each quotation before moving on.

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