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Housing & Homelessness Services

Communities Scotland Recommendation: Introduce a robust system for routinely gathering services users’ views and use this to inform service improvements Ref Improvement Key Milestones Target Dates Responsible Monitoring & Consultation No. Person Reporting HS1 Service users views Gather service views for August 2008 Francine Work Plan Service Users will be routinely all areas of service Abercrombie used to inform delivery service improvements Standardise customer August 2008 Michelle Flynn Service Users Service Users satisfaction cards. and Service Work Plan Partners

Organise Tenants June 2008 Michelle Flynn SMT Service Users Conference to identify areas for policy/service review Explore systems for August 2008 Julie Barr Work Plan Service Users gathering information and producing reports. Service Partners Establish a consultation August 2008 Michelle Flynn Work Plan Service Users Plan and Training Plan for service users

D:\Docs\2018-04-11\067a53f4b561d95672d62a0609f8f788.doc 1 Communities Scotland Recommendation: Develop a more comprehensive Performance Management Framework

Ref Improvement Key Milestones Target Responsible Monitoring & Consultation N Dates Person Reporting o . HS2 100% of staff Annual staff conference to October Kenny SMT Staff receive an Annual raise awareness of PRD 2007 Hutton PRD meeting and 6 process and service monthly Review objectives Teams away day to agree January SMT SMT Staff objectives for work plan 2008 Senior Management February John SMT Team approve 3 team 2008 Gillespie plans Head of Service Sets up April 2008 John SMT monthly 1 –1s with Gillespie Service Managers Line Managers commence April 2008 Julie Barr Work Plan Staff PRD meetings with staff Quarterly progress reports June 2008 Francine SMT to senior Management Abercrombie Meetings on Team Plans Line Managers commence September Julie Barr SMT Review meetings with 2008 Staff Increase range of Housing consult Service December Michelle Work Plan Service Users criteria added to Users on range of criteria 2007 Flynn balance scorecard for balance scorecards

Housing proposal to January Francine Work Plan Elected members on criteria set 2008 Abercrombie Members for balance scorecards

D:\Docs\2018-04-11\067a53f4b561d95672d62a0609f8f788.doc 2 Communities Scotland Recommendation: Develop a more comprehensive Performance Management Framework

Ref Improvement Key Milestones Target Responsible Monitoring & Consultation N Dates Person Reporting o . HS2 Housing introduce April 2008 Julie Barr Work Plan Service Users additional criteria to be included in balance Service scorecard Partners

Develop IT Systems Identify gaps in April 2008 Julie Barr Work Plan Service to provide improved Information Management Partners Management Systems identified during Information 2007/08 and set Work Plan to address issues.

D:\Docs\2018-04-11\067a53f4b561d95672d62a0609f8f788.doc 3 Communities Scotland Recommendation: Carry out & publish equalities impact assessments on new policies and strategies

Ref Improvement Key Milestones Target Responsible Monitoring & Consultation No. Dates Person Reporting HS3 Carry out & publish Develop a robust multi- January Gillian Taylor Work Plan Cross service equalities impact equalities impact 2008 working group assessments on assessment toolkit for use new policies and on all new policies and strategies strategies

Establish a framework for January Gillian Taylor Work Plan Cross service publishing Equalities 2008 working group impact information. Elected Members

Corporate Equalities Officer

Communities Scotland Recommendation: Improve publicity of Services, Targets and Performance

D:\Docs\2018-04-11\067a53f4b561d95672d62a0609f8f788.doc 4 Ref Improvement Key Milestones Target Dates Responsible Monitoring & Consultation Comments No. Person Reporting HS4 Produce regular Consult with service January 2008 Michelle SMT Service Users information on users on type of Flynn performance and information they want Service Users service standards reported and how they would like the information

Standardise Performance April 2008 Michelle Service Partners Information reported in Flynn Homing In

Expand the range of April 2008 Julie Barr Work Plan media used for publishing performance information

Communities Scotland Recommendation: Develop a monitoring framework for Service Standards

D:\Docs\2018-04-11\067a53f4b561d95672d62a0609f8f788.doc 5 Ref Key Milestones Target Dates Responsible Monitoring & Consultation Comments No. Person Reporting HS5 Regularly monitor Prepare an updated February Julie Barr Work Plan Tenants Focus the service reality checking plan 2008 Group standards which showing timescales and were developed and proposed methodology agreed with service users and our partners

Approve Reality Plan February Management 2008 Team

Commence the first March 2008 Julie Barr Feedback report reality checks and recommendations to Management Team


Communities Scotland Recommendation: Develop Standards to guide staff and inform tenants on the standards it is trying to achieve in its estates

D:\Docs\2018-04-11\067a53f4b561d95672d62a0609f8f788.doc 6 Ref Improvement Key Milestones Target Responsible Monitoring & Consultation Comments No. Dates Person Reporting HM1 Develop Standards Implement and complete October Sandy Young Team Work Tenants & for maintaining Estate Management 2007 Plan Residents Estates. Project brief to establish Federation framework for monitoring and maintaining our estates Develop standards for August Julie Strain Team Work Tenants Groups closes to guide staff and 2008 Plan inform tenants of our Local Elected aims Reality Checks Member Develop standards for January Julie Strain Team Work Tenants Groups common areas/ 2009 Plan environment to guide Local Elected staff and inform tenants Reality Checks Member of our aims Implement quarterly April 2008 Sandy Young Work Plan Tenants Groups walkabouts with housing monitoring staff, community reps, Elected Members and elected members Reality Checks Develop and implement April 2008 Sandy Young Work Plan Estate Management monitoring Module on Anite system Establish formal strategy December Sheelagh Team Work Service Users, for future installation and 2008 Norris Plan/SMT Operations, upgrading of door entry Asset & systems Regeneration Strategy Teams, Elected Members

Communities Scotland Recommendation: Improve Performance monitoring and reporting of neighbour disputes and anti- social behaviour Ref Improvement Key Milestones Target Dates Responsible Monitoring & Consultation Comments No. person Reporting

D:\Docs\2018-04-11\067a53f4b561d95672d62a0609f8f788.doc 7 HM2 Improve performance Complete a review of January 2008 Sandy Young Work Plan Tenants & monitoring and Housing Management monitoring Residents reporting of Team approach to Federation neighbour disputes improve use of tenancy and anti-social conditions to deal with Elected behaviour neighbour nuisance members and anti-social behaviour Review procedures to January 2008 Sandy Young Team Work clarify links between Douglas Ralph Plan housing management monitoring team and CALM team Identify outcomes and September Sandy Young Work Plan establish recording and 2008 monitoring monitoring system for low level ASB and neighbour nuisance cases Identify outcomes and September Douglas Ralph Work Plan establish recording and 2008 monitoring monitoring system for serious ASB and neighbour nuisance cases Establish ways to December Douglas Ralph Work Plan Performance & record tenants views of 2008 monitoring Information satisfaction with ASB Team Service

Communities Scotland Recommendation: Introduce Monitoring and Evaluation Framework for Allocation Policy

Ref Improvement Key Milestones Target Dates Responsible Monitoring & Consultation Comments No. person Reporting HM3 D:\Docs\2018-04-11\067a53f4b561d95672d62a0609f8f788.doc 8 Introduce Monitoring Establish sources of December Francine Work Plan Allocations & and Evaluation information required to 2007 Abercrombie Monitoring Strategy Team Framework for populate Allocations Allocations Policy Policy Monitoring Framework

Develop Anite system April 2008 Francine Work Plan Service to report on targets in Abercrombie monitoring Partners framework e.g. time in need before offer

Record and monitor April 2008 Francine Work Plan SMT satisfaction with Abercrombie monitoring allocations process Service Users

Establish information April 2008 Susan White Work Plan Service Users reporting to forecast monitoring demand to inform future policy development

Communities Scotland Recommendation: Introduce a policy and procedure for Short Scottish Secure Tenancies

Ref Improvement Key Target Responsible Monitoring & Consultation Comments No. Milestones Dates person Reporting HM4

D:\Docs\2018-04-11\067a53f4b561d95672d62a0609f8f788.doc 9 Introduce a policy Produce a SSST Policy December Lawrence Elected and procedure for 2007 Hunter/Gillian Members Short Scottish Secure Taylor Tenants & Tenancies Residents Federation Establish clear and March Julie Strain Work Plan Tenants & consistent grounds for 2008 Monitoring Residents Housing Management Federation staff issuing Short SSTs and include Elected awareness for tenants Members on right to appeal Produce and implement August Julie Strain Work Plan procedures. 2008 monitoring

Establish monitoring August Julie Strain/ Work Plan framework and 2008 Francine monitoring implement regular Abercrombie review of effectiveness of Short SSTs

D:\Docs\2018-04-11\067a53f4b561d95672d62a0609f8f788.doc 10 Communities Scotland Recommendation: Continue recent improvements in performance in current and former rent arrears

Ref Improvement Key Milestones Target Responsible Monitoring & Consultation Comments No. Dates person Reporting HM5 Continue recent Implement Tenants August Sandy Young Work Plan Tenants improvements in Reward Scheme for 2007 Monitoring Federation performance in arrears Elected current and former Members rent arrears Implement Post November Sandy Young Work Plan eviction reviews to 2007 Monitoring inform improvements to procedures

Report and review the January Sandy Young Work Plan Service Users effectiveness of 2008 Monitoring support provided to vulnerable tenants in arrears

Establish performance March Sandy Young/ Work Plan targets for former 2008 Julie Barr Monitoring tenants arrears performance Balance Scorecard Produce performance April 2008 Francine Work Plan reports to monitor Abercrombie Monitoring former tenants arrears performance Balance Scorecard Review procedures for July 2008 Sandy Young Work Plan tracing former tenant Monitoring debtors Balance Scorecard

Communities Scotland Recommendation: Review management of void properties and re-letting processes to ensure that

D:\Docs\2018-04-11\067a53f4b561d95672d62a0609f8f788.doc 11 recent improvements in performance continue Ref Improvement Key Milestones Target Responsible Monitoring & Consultation Comments No. Dates person Reporting HM6 Review management Establish dedicated December Jane Greig Work Plan of void properties team to implement 2007 Monitoring and re-letting review of lettings and processes to ensure void management that recent improvements in performance continue Complete June 2008 Jane Greig Work Plan Tenants & comprehensive review Monitoring residents of lettings and void Federation management Balance processes to increase Scorecard number of voids let in < 4 weeks. Extend choice for January Jane Greig Work Plan Residents & applicants based on 2008 Monitoring Tenants pilot choice based Federation. projects already implemented Allocations Policy Review Focus group

Elected members

D:\Docs\2018-04-11\067a53f4b561d95672d62a0609f8f788.doc 12 Property Maintenance

Communities Scotland Recommendation: Improve Performance in completing non-emergency repairs within target

Ref Improvement Key Milestones Target Responsible Monitoring & Consultation No. Dates person Reporting PM1 Improve Performance Best Value Review of October Lawrence Work Plan Elected Members in completing non- Repairs Service 2007 Hunter Monitoring emergency repairs Complete Tenants & Residents within target Scrutiny Federation Committee

Agree KPI’s in line December Lawrence Work Plan Elected members with outcomes of 2007 Hunter Monitoring Best Value Review Tenants Monthly Representatives Management Reports Partners identified via Best Value Review Analyse General December Murray Sharp Work Plan SimCo Partners Maintenance data to 2007 Monitoring Service Users identify diagnosis and categorisation and report on findings Implement agreed June 2008 Murray Sharp Work Plan SimCo Partners review findings Monitoring Service Users Review current SOR November Murray Sharp Work Plan SimCo Partners codes in use to 2007 Monitoring ensure accuracy of work ordered Develop a Repairs August 2009 Gillian Taylor Work Plan Tenants Federation and Maintenance monitoring Policy Elected Members

Communities Scotland Recommendation: Improve Performance in completing non-emergency repairs within target

D:\Docs\2018-04-11\067a53f4b561d95672d62a0609f8f788.doc 13 Ref Improvement Key Milestones Target Responsible Monitoring & Consultation No. Dates person Reporting PM1 Develop Procedures September Murray Sharp Work Plan Tenants Federation for voids and General 2009 monitoring Maintenance and implement repairs policy Review procedures September Sheelagh Work Plan Tenants Federation for Gas and Cyclical 2009 Norris monitoring maintenance. Review List of December Murray Sharp Work Plan approved contractors 2007 Monitoring and current and required contracts for use by operations staff for non PCU work Develop a structure December Gillian Taylor Work Plan for monitoring 2007 monitoring contracts value for non PCU work Develop use of IT March 2008 Murray Sharp Work Plan systems to include monitoring facility for access and approval levels for specific staff members to provide more control over type, volume and cost of work

D:\Docs\2018-04-11\067a53f4b561d95672d62a0609f8f788.doc 14 Communities Scotland Recommendation: Ensure quality of Response Repairs are routinely verified

Ref Improvement Key Milestones Target Responsible Monitoring & Consultation Comments No. Dates person Reporting PM2 Ensure quality of Review criteria and July 2008 Murray Sharp Work Plan response repairs and proportion of repairs monitoring other maintenance to be pre-inspected, works are routinely then record and Monthly verified monitor Managers Performance Report

Simco Core Group Review criteria and July 2008 Murray Sharp Work Plan proportion of repairs monitoring to be post inspected and record and Monthly monitor managers Performance Report

Simco Core Group Investigate how December Murray Sharp Work Plan routine maintenance 2008 Monitoring information can contribute to updating stock condition information

D:\Docs\2018-04-11\067a53f4b561d95672d62a0609f8f788.doc 15 Communities Scotland Recommendation: Ensure quality of Response Repairs are routinely verified

Monitor information April 2008 Francine Work Plan Tenants from tenant Abercrombie Monitoring Representatives satisfaction cards to on Simco Core implement Simco Core Group and improvements to Group Tenants response repairs Federation service Monthly Managers Performance Report Expand scope of August Robert Smith Work Plan Tenants Tenant satisfaction 2008 Monitoring Federation monitoring of Capital Programme and agree framework for implementing service improvements

Review procedures February Murray Sharp Work Plan Service Users for managing 2008 Monitoring rechargeable repairs Revenues

Reach agreement November Jennifer Work Plan with Revenues and 2007 Queripel Monitoring Benefits Service on regular reporting and Monthly monitoring of Managers performance. Performance Report

D:\Docs\2018-04-11\067a53f4b561d95672d62a0609f8f788.doc 16 Communities Scotland Recommendation: Comply with Statutory Requirement in Gas Safety

Ref Improvement Key Milestones Target Responsible Monitoring & Consultation Comments No. Dates person Reporting PM3 Comply with Achieve 100% & January Robert Smith Gas Safety Tenants Statutory maintain continuous 2008 Liaison Federation Requirements in Gas 2 year safety Meeting Safety certification. Property Work Plan Services

PCU Review Gas Safety December Robert Smith Work Plan Tenants Procedures 2007 Federation

Housing Operations

Property Services

PCU Agree IT solution in April 2008 Robert Smith Work Plan Property Anite to ensure Contracts Unit effective ongoing management Housing Operations

D:\Docs\2018-04-11\067a53f4b561d95672d62a0609f8f788.doc 17 Communities Scotland Recommendation: Comply with Statutory Requirements on Right to Repair

Ref Improvement Key Milestones Target Responsible Monitoring Consultation Comments No. Dates person & PM4 Reporting Comply with Develop Policy December Gillian Taylor Work Plan Tenants Statutory 2007 Federation Requirements on Right to Repair Elected Members Identify Alternative December Sheelagh Work Plan Contractors 2007 Norris/Robert Smith

Arrange Training for January Julie Barr Work Plan Staff 2008

Make appropriate April 2008 Francine Work Plan Service Users amendments to Abercrombie Tenants Handbook Legal

Housing Operations

Communities Scotland Recommendation: Improve Performance Management Information Repairs D:\Docs\2018-04-11\067a53f4b561d95672d62a0609f8f788.doc 18 Ref Improvement Key Milestones Target Responsible Monitoring & Consultation Comments No. Dates person Reporting PM5 SimCo Core Group Comprehensive December Francine Simco Core SimCo Partners monitor Performance 2007 Abercrombie Group performance of the information reported Tenants Federation response repairs quarterly to Simco Core Work Plan Group Monitoring

Monthly Managers Performance Report Framework in place to December Lawrence SimCo Core SimCo Partners enable SimCo Core 2007 Hunter Group Group to agree actions Tenants Federation for improvement Work Plan monitoring. System developed Investigate how single July 2008 Francine Work Plan to provide reliable job lines can be raised Abercrombie monitoring information on for repairs requiring repairs ttrades multiple trades Balance Scorecard

Simco Core Group

Monthly Manager Performance Report

D:\Docs\2018-04-11\067a53f4b561d95672d62a0609f8f788.doc 19 Communities Scotland Recommendation: Improve Performance Management Information Repairs

Ref Improvement Key Milestones Target Responsible Monitoring & Consultation Comments No. Dates person Reporting PM5 Investigate how system July 2008 Francine Work Plan can improve the Abercrombie monitoring accuracy of completion times for repairs Balance Scorecard

Simco Core Group

Monthly Manager Performance Report.

D:\Docs\2018-04-11\067a53f4b561d95672d62a0609f8f788.doc 20 Communities Scotland Recommendation: Comply with Statutory Requirements on Asbestos

Ref Improvement Key Milestones Target Responsible Monitoring & Consultation Comments No. Dates person Reporting PM6 Comply with Establish contractor December Sheelagh SimCo Procurement statutory list to deal with 2007 Norris partners Officer & Legal requirements on asbestos Services. asbestos testing/removal (ops), removal Cap. Prog. Property and removal of High Services risk Asbestos Develop/consult and December Lawrence SimCo SimCo Partners agree procedures to 2007 Hunter partners allow for the exchange of information between Housing and contractors/partners Complete April 2008 Lawrence Work Plan SimCo Partners development of I.T. Hunter Monitoring systems to ensure effective management Simco Core of asbestos in Group property

Implement agreed April 2008 Sheelagh Work Plan Simco Partners operating procedures Norris monitoring

SimCo Core group

D:\Docs\2018-04-11\067a53f4b561d95672d62a0609f8f788.doc 21 HOMELESSNESS Communities Scotland Recommendation: To improve the effectiveness and accessibility of the homeless service Ref Improvement Key Milestones Target Responsible Monitoring & Consultation Comments No. Dates person Reporting Hom 1 To improve the Develop and December SMT Training Plan Housing SMT effectiveness and implement a plan for 2007 accessibility of the the delivery and homeless service updating of Homepoint training to Housing and other appropriate Council officers. Develop a plan to November Lesley Saunders Homeless Service users increase the number 2007 Work Plan of home-visits to vulnerable homeless applicants. Implement and monitor. Conduct a minorities December Susan White LHS Core Central impact assessment 2007 Group Scotland Race of homelessness Homeless Equality Council assessment Work Plan process. Review distribution October Lesley Saunders Homeless arrangements and 2007 Work Plan outlets for posters and leaflets promoting the Homeless Service. Annually appraise content. Review content of March 2008 Lesley Saunders Homeless Service Users leaflets promoting – 6 monthly Work Plan access to the thereafter Homeless Service

D:\Docs\2018-04-11\067a53f4b561d95672d62a0609f8f788.doc 22 HOMELESSNESS Communities Scotland Recommendation: To improve the effectiveness and accessibility of the homeless service

Ref Improvement Key Milestones Target Responsible Monitoring & Consultation Comments No. Dates person Reporting Hom 1 Review information October Wilson Lees Homeless on Council website 2007 Work Plan relating to homelessness and access to the Homeless Service. Review and March 2008 Lesley Homeless Service Users enhance content of Saunder Work Plan leaflets provided to s/ applicants that Elaine O’Hanlon explain homeless assessment processes and applicant’s rights Produce, publish February Carol Nicol LHS Services Users and provide training 2008 to staff on a new Service Housing Options Partners Guide. Produce formal Homelessness referral protocols Partnership. with all partner agencies including;  Childcare, Aug 2007 Kenny Hutton  Adult Care Dec 2007 Kenny Hutton/ Services, Wilson Lees  Criminal Justice Mar 2008 Wilson Lees Services,  Citizen’s Advice April 2008 Carol Nicol/ Bureau, Wilson Lees  Local RSL’s. Aug 2007 Kenny Hutton

D:\Docs\2018-04-11\067a53f4b561d95672d62a0609f8f788.doc 23 HOMELESSNESS

Communities Scotland Recommendation: To improve the effectiveness and accessibility of the homeless service

Ref Improvement Key Milestones Target Responsible Monitoring & Consultation Comments No. Dates person Reporting Hom 1 All protocols are Homeless reinforced with clear Work Plan procedures for staff including;  Victims of Aug 2007 Kenny Hutton domestic abuse,  Sex offenders, Mar 2008 Wilson Lees  Section 5 Aug 2007 Kenny Hutton referral’s.  Enhance information October Wilson Homeless systems to capture 2007 Lees/Lesley Work Plan more details of non- Saunders priority applicants thus enabling grouping and a phased approach towards meeting 2009 target.

Review current April 2008 Lesley Homeless RSL’s notification protocols Saunders Work Plan with RSLs to ensure the Homeless Service is aware of potential homelessness.

D:\Docs\2018-04-11\067a53f4b561d95672d62a0609f8f788.doc 24 HOMELESSNESS

Communities Scotland Recommendation: To improve the effectiveness and accessibility of the homeless service

Ref Improvement Key Milestones Target Responsible Monitoring & Consultation Comments No. Dates person Reporting Hom 1 Review settling in April 2008 Lesley Homeless visits to all new Saunders Work Plan temporary tenants.

Finalise April 2008 Wilson Lees Homeless Stirling Council development of a Work Plan mediation service for family disputes to assist in prevention of homelessness

D:\Docs\2018-04-11\067a53f4b561d95672d62a0609f8f788.doc 25 Communities Scotland Recommendation: Introduce consistency, quality and continuous improvement of the assessment process Ref Improvement Key Milestones Target Responsible Monitoring Consultation Comments No. Dates person & Hom 2 Reporting Introduce consistency, Review duty system April 2008 Lesley Homeless quality and continuous to ensure Saunders Work Plan improvement of the reduction in assessment process waiting times and lost contacts are maintained Review 100% audit April 2008 Lesley Homeless of closed cases Saunders Work Plan feeding results into update of procedures and training plans and personal development plans. Review 100% audit December Kenny Hutton/ Homeless of closed cases 2008 Wilson Lees Work Plan for ethnicity bias - feeding results into update of procedures and training plans and personal development plans Develop standards December Wilson Lees/ Homeless of practice to 2007 Kenny Hutton Work Plan guide caseworkers through decision making process.

D:\Docs\2018-04-11\067a53f4b561d95672d62a0609f8f788.doc 26 Review standby January Wilson Lees/ Homeless procedures and 2008 Lesley Saunders Work Plan training requirements of officers covering standby rotas.

Communities Scotland Recommendation: Introduce consistency, quality and continuous improvement of the assessment process Ref Improvement Key Milestones Target Responsible Monitoring Consultation Comments No. Dates person & Hom 2 Reporting Introduce consistency, Review checklist for October Lesley Saunders Homeless quality and continuous information 2007 Work Plan improvement of the during interview- assessment process ensure checklist is comprehensive Enhance recording December Wilson Lees/ Homeless of 2007 Kenny Hutton Work Plan accommodation history in all cases – in line with Scottish Executive guidance. Review and September Lesley Homeless enhance referral 2007 Saunders/ Work Plan procedures and Elaine O’Hanlon information sharing with new Support Team Develop and November Lesley Homeless implement 2007 Saunders/ Work Plan guidance on the Elaine O’Hanlon triggers for referral to

D:\Docs\2018-04-11\067a53f4b561d95672d62a0609f8f788.doc 27 Housing Support Team

Produce and monitor December Lesley Saunders Homeless clear improved 2007 Work Plan guidance to caseworkers on evidence requirements for cases involving relationship breakdown in all tenures.

Communities Scotland Recommendation: Develop alternative forms of temporary and interim accommodation and reduce reliance upon bed and breakfast Ref Improvement Key Milestones Target Responsible Monitoring & Consultation Comments No. Dates person Reporting Hom 3 Develop alternative Evaluate financial October Kenny Hutton CHIP RSL’s forms of temporary and technical 2007 Communities and interim feasibility of a Scotland. accommodation and homeless STOP reduce reliance upon assessment Management bed and breakfast facility Identify and secure March 2008 Kenny Hutton/ CHIP RSL’s site for new Susan Communities assessment White Scotland. facility STOP Management Develop and begin March 2009 Kenny Hutton/ CHIP RSL’s construction of a Susan White Communities new Scotland. assessment STOP facility Management

D:\Docs\2018-04-11\067a53f4b561d95672d62a0609f8f788.doc 28 Upgrade service and December Carol Nicol Homelessness Investment facilities at 2007 partnership Programmes Broad Street, Team Backwood Court and Lochbrae. Increase to 50 the 2007/08 Lesley Homeless Housing numbers of Saunders Work Plan Operations dispersed lets available in 2007/08. Complete March 2009 Kenny Hutton/ CHIP RSL’s construction of Wilson Lees new family units at Bowmar and Newmills.

D:\Docs\2018-04-11\067a53f4b561d95672d62a0609f8f788.doc 29 Communities Scotland Recommendation: Develop alternative forms of temporary and interim accommodation and reduce reliance upon bed and breakfast Ref Improvement Key Milestones Target Responsible Monitoring & Consultation Comments No. Dates person Reporting Hom 3 Develop clear April 2008 Susan LHS Core Landlords standards of White/Eliza Group Forum advice for beth-Anne private landlords Syme and their tenants - produce leaflet on owners rights and responsibilities.

Evaluat e option of July 2008 Susan White/ LHS Core Landlords Private Sector Wilson Lees/ Group Forum Leasing and Kenny introduce if Hutton Applicable

Develop and May 2008 Susan White/ LHS Core Landlords Implement a Wilson Lees/ Group Forum Rent Deposit Kenny Homelessness Guarantee Hutton Partnership Scheme if feasible.

D:\Docs\2018-04-11\067a53f4b561d95672d62a0609f8f788.doc 30 Communities Scotland Recommendation Systematically gather and respond to service users feedback

Ref Improvement Key Milestones Target Responsible Monitoring & Consultation Comments No. Dates person Reporting Hom 4 Systematically gather Implement exit January Lesley Homeless Service Users and respond to service surveys for 2008 Saunders Work Plan Homelessness users feedback homelessness Partnership interviewees. Conduct an annual Annual Carol Nicol Homelessness Service Users consultative Partnership Voluntary conference for Sector service users. Monitor impact of Annual Carol Nicol Homelessness CAB Service Users’ partnership Service Users Forum run by CAB.

D:\Docs\2018-04-11\067a53f4b561d95672d62a0609f8f788.doc 31 Communities Scotland Recommendation: Improve the extent and reporting of management information

Ref Improvement Key Milestones Target Responsible Monitoring & Consultation Comments No. Dates person Reporting Hom 5 Improve the extent and Review service March 2008 Wilson Lees SMT Service Users reporting of standards and management performance information targets. Publish results on website and report performance to SMT Reduce the “Not Ongoing Lesley Homeless Housing SMT Known” Saunders Work Plan category in outcomes to below national average. Develop Baseline 2008/09 SMT Homeless Housing SMT Information Work Plan regarding tenancy breakdown. Monitor compliance Aug 2007 Wilson Homeless SMT with unsuitable Lees/Lesl Workplan Accommodation ey order report Saunders breaches to SMT Upgrade to new HL1 August All Homeless Housing SMT Completed System. 2007 Work Plan Assign strategic 2007/08 Susan White Homelessness researcher to Partnership assess and improve data sets, reporting and monitoring D:\Docs\2018-04-11\067a53f4b561d95672d62a0609f8f788.doc 32 of Joint Homeless Strategy.

Communities Scotland Recommendation: Improve the extent and reporting of management information

Ref Improvement Key Milestones Target Responsible Monitoring & Consultation Comments No. Dates person Reporting Hom 5 Improve the extent and Record and monitor Monthly Eileen Grinly/ Housing SMT reporting of referrals to Wilson management money adviser Lees information and assess performance in this area.

Develop a Homeless 2007/08 Wilson Lees Homeless Housing SMT ness Policy. Work Plan

Develop full set of 2007/08 Wilson Lees Homeless Housing SMT procedures for Work Plan homelessness.

Record, monitor and Ongoing Wilson Homeless Housing SMT reduce waiting Lees/Lesl Work Plan time for ey permanent Saunders/ accommodation Kenny from “duty to Hutton/Su house” to below sanWhite national average. Monitor consistency Ongoing Lesley Homeless Housing SMT of appeals Saunders Work Plan information to improve quality of casework.

D:\Docs\2018-04-11\067a53f4b561d95672d62a0609f8f788.doc 33 Implement all 17 April 2008 Susan White LHS Core Central Scotland recommendatio Group Race Equality ns from recent Council Ethnic Monitoring Survey in FV.

D:\Docs\2018-04-11\067a53f4b561d95672d62a0609f8f788.doc 34 Communities Scotland Recommendation: Improve public reporting of targets and performance for the homeless service

Ref Improvement Key Milestones Target Responsible Monitoring & Consultation Comments No. Dates person Reporting Hom 6 Improve public Review Joint March 2008 Carol Homelessness Elected reporting of targets Homelessness Nicol/Ken partnership members and performance for Strategy. ny the homeless service Hutton/Wil son Lees/Susa n White Commence December Wilson Lees Homeless Work Business 2007 Plan change analysis to review service process and systems with a view to reducing costs. Regularly report Ongoing Wilson Lees Homelessness Council homeless partnership Tenants service Elected milestones in members Homing In. Regularly update Quarterly Kenny Hutton Homelessness Elected and brief partnership members members on service performance and issues. Regularly report to Monthly Kenny Hutton Homeless Work Housing SMT SMT homeless Plan performance and targets. Review role of 2007/08 John Gillespie/ Homelessness Strategy Kenny Partnership Management Hutton/Ca Group rol Nicol

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