24 Hours Desk Response to Flu Phone Calls
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24 Hours Desk Response to Flu Phone Calls:
If a student or parent calls due to an illness of a student please respond accordingly:
1. Ask if the student is in crisis/needs immediate assistance? Examples: Is too weak to walk to bathroom.
a. If YES:
i. Inform the caller you will call an ambulance
ii. call 911 and request an ambulance
iii. call Pro staff on duty & RA on duty.
b. If NO:
i. get a phone number , name and room number of the student and inform the caller that a residence life staff member will be in contact within the hour.
ii. Contact your HC or HC on duty between 8AM and 5PM Monday - Friday. Relay information.
iii. Contact the RA on duty between 5PM and 8AM and weekends/University Holidays. Relay Information.
2. If they need a meal pack:
i. If they want it for the next calendar day – they should fill out an on line request at: http://housing.uiowa.edu/mealpack/index.html
ii. If they woke up ill and want it TODAY –they can call the Burge Marketplace (east neighborhood) at 335-1959 OR Hillcrest Marketplace (west neighborhood) at 335-9369.
RA Response to Flu Phone Calls from the desk, inquires from a resident, being contacted by a parent :
If you receive a phone call from the desk about a student who is ill the desk should relay to you information on who, room and a contact phone number. If a parent contacts you – thank them for the info and tell them you will check on the student – do not call back a parent. Please respond according to the following guide:
3. Call the student as soon as possible always within 30 minutes.
4. Ask the student what they need:
a. If they feel weak and want to see a doctor – options include:
i. Getting themselves to Student Health – recommend calling for an appointment.
1. Via: Cambus
2. Via: Taxi (they are financially responsible)
3. Via: Walking
ii. Going to emergency room:
1. Via: Taxi (still financially responsible)
2. Via: ambulance
3. Via: walking (west neighborhood)
iii. Calling SHS Nurse Line or UIHC 24 hour call line for advice.
1. SHS Nurse Line: 335 – 9704
2. UI Hospitals and Clinics at 384-8442
b. If they need a meal pack:
i. If they want it for the next calendar day – they should fill out an on line request at: http://housing.uiowa.edu/mealpack/index.html
ii. If they woke up ill and want it TODAY – you or they can call the Burge Marketplace (east neighborhood) at 335-1959 OR Hillcrest Marketplace (west neighborhood) at 335- 9369.
iii. YOU DO NOT NEED TO GO GET IT FOR THEM. c. If they want a facemask/gloves– you can drop some off to the room – they are available at the front desk. d. If they ask for something else – use your best judgment to determine what you should do or call the Pro staff. Remember – keep a 6 foot social distance from people – especially those who are ill. e. Document the call, what you did and send to your HC in an incident report or e-mail, depending on severity. Pro Staff Response to Flu Phone Calls from the desk, inquires from a resident, being contacted by a parent :
If you receive a phone call from the desk about a student who is ill the desk should relay to you information on who, room and a contact phone number. If a parent contacts you – thank them for the info and tell them you will check on the student – only call back a parent if you have a release. Please respond according to the following guide:
1. Call the student as soon as possible always within 30 minutes.
2. Ask the student what they need:
a. If they feel weak and want to see a doctor – options include:
i. Getting themselves to Student Health – recommend calling for an appointment.
1. Via: Cambus
2. Via: Taxi (they are financially responsible)
3. Via: Walking
ii. Going to emergency room:
1. Via: Taxi (still financially responsible)
2. Via: ambulance
3. Via: walking (west neighborhood)
iii. Calling SHS Nurse Line or UIHC 24 hour call line for advice.
1. SHS Nurse Line: 335 – 9704
2. UI Hospitals and Clinics at 384-8442
b. If they need a meal pack:
i. If they want it for the next calendar day – they should fill out an on line request at: http://housing.uiowa.edu/mealpack/index.html
ii. If they woke up ill and want it TODAY – you or they can call the Burge Marketplace (east neighborhood) at 335-1959 OR Hillcrest Marketplace (west neighborhood) at 335- 9369.
iii. YOU DO NOT NEED TO GO GET IT FOR THEM. c. If they want a facemask/gloves– you can drop some off to the room – they are available at the front desk.
d. If they ask for something else – use your best judgment to determine what you should do or call an AC or Kate. Remember – keep a 6 foot social distance from people – especially those who are ill.
e. Document the depending on severity.
Pro Staff Response to Flu Phone Calls from the desk/Ambulance on the way:
Respond as you would for an emergency. Assist medical staff as needed. Document.
911 – please call for EMERGENCY:
For example: Ambulance
To request an Isolation Meal Pack, go to: http://housing.uiowa.edu/mealpack/index.html Requests for an Isolation Meal Pack must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. the day before the meal pack is requested. If you wake up with a fever and need a meal pack please call your neighborhood food service at: Burge Marketplace: 335-1959 Hillcrest Marketplace: 335-9369 They will TRY to accommodate your last minute request when possible. Have questions about influenza or other health issues? Call the Student Health Nurse Line at 335-9704, e-mail [email protected] or call UI Hospitals and Clinics at 384-8442.