Please Select the Appropriate Answers to the Following Questions Or Fill in the Blanks
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Please select the appropriate answers to the following questions or fill in the blanks so your poor mother will have more detail about what you are doing other than taking 3 minute group showers and folding, ironing and marching!!!
What day is today for your division? (example 4:4) ______What is today’s date (mm/dd) ______
What dates are your divisions Battlestations (mm/dd) ______
Have you started training on Marlinspike yet? Yes___ No ____
If yes, was it cool and if not are you looking forward to it? (Comment) ______
How do you win a flag? What does that mean and what is it for? (Comment) ______
Is bootcamp what you expected? Better______Worse______Why or why not?______
Are you looking forward to Battlestations? Yes_____ No_____
Are you looking forward to the Captain’s Cup? Yes____ No____
Are you getting to be friends with any guys in particular? Yes___No___
If so, who and where are they from? ______Do you want me to send you anything in particular? ______Have you lost any weight or gained any weight? If so, how much Lost ______Gained______Neither ______I don’t freakin know!! ______
Are you worried about passing any certain test (academic, gas chamber, firefighting etc) of any sort or do you think you will ace everything once you learn it? If so, what? ______
What do you hate most?______
What do you like most?______
Do you wish you would have been more prepared before you left ((ie) Done a little more prep and learned more details about bootcamp) or is just learning about it as you go okay? ____ Wish I would have known more details ____ Learning as I go is fine
Do you feel that you are doing well in bootcamp overall? Yes___ No___
Where do you stand at in marching line so I can be able to pick you out at PIR. (example which row and how many over from left/right side?) ______
Do you like the fact that I am involved with or do you think I’m weird? ____ I think it is cool. You are giving me information that is helping ____ No, I think it is useless ____ Yes, I’m glad you are a Navy Mom, but your still weird
Do you actually realize that it will be much easier after bootcamp? _____ Yes, bootcamp is supposed to suck, the next 3 years will be fun _____ No, I wish I would have just kept working a dead-end job Are you looking forward to your job (once you learn it) and going to new places? Yes___ No____
Are you hoping your orders after A-school are at sea or on land? Sea___ Land___
Which type of ship at sea would you most like to be on?______
Which land base would you most like to be stationed at? CONUS ______OCONUS______
Are you impressed at how your mother is learning Navy lingo so well!!! Yes___No___
Are you proud of yourself? You should be damnit! Yes______No______
Do you know how proud your family is of you? You should damnit!! Yes_____ No_____
Choose the most appropriate answer:
Right now I would most like to (a) go to sleep in a real bed (b) have some of my home cooking (c) wear some pajama pants and boxers (d) drive your car (e) watch TV (f) listen to music (g) iron something
My RDC is: (a) pretty cool, yells a lot but he likes us overall (b) mean as hell, he hates us (c) mean but that’s their job
The first thing that I want to do after graduation is (a) go to the bathroom by myself (b) eat/drink something sweet (c) take a long shower by myself (d) wear civvy’s (e) other ______