2008 Dade Chapter Florida Native Plants Society (DCFNPS)
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DCFNPS MERCHANDISE POLICY AND PROCEDURES DRAFT, STEVEN WOODMANSEE, JANUARY 27, 2008 2008 Dade Chapter Florida Native Plants Society (DCFNPS) MERCHANDISE POLICY AND PROCEDURES Developed and Written by: Steven W. Woodmansee, DCFNPS Merchandise Co-Chair 2004-2007 January 27, 2008
Overview The selling of merchandise, including books, equipment, and T-shirts have been a long tradition and more importantly a service to the members of DCFNPS and the public at large. It is essential that these sales go in accordance with DCFNPS’s mission statement of conservation by providing both educational/scientific resources as well as promoting DCFNPS as a conservation based organization. That being said, the purpose of selling DCFNPS authorized merchandise is not to turn a profit, but to PROVIDE A SERVICE. It is the purpose of this publication to assist any incoming Merchandise Chair(s) in policy and procedures for performing their duty. The role of the Merchandise Chair(s) is an honorable one, and requires great responsibility within DCFNPS.
Selection of Merchandise Chair, or Chairs Qualifications for the position Before the selection of the Person(s) for this position the following qualifications should be met Person(s) must be able to perform bookkeeping tasks including selling merchandise and ordering new merchandise. Person(s) must know or learn how to use Microsoft Excel, or similar bookkeeping software. Person(s) must have Internet access for ordering merchandise. Person(s) must be able to attend and bring the merchandise to all monthly meetings and events required of the position (see below). Person(s) must be willing to fulfill the position for a minimum of one year.
At least one person should be responsible for the purchase, handling, and selling DCFNPS owned merchandise. This person is generally term Chair of Merchandise, who is selected by a majority of the DCFNPS board of directors. The Chair of Merchandise is often a board member but need not be. Two people may perform these tasks, but officially no more. The Chair(s) may delegate tasks to other DCFNPS members who are willing to help, but full responsibility lies in the hands of the Chair(s) of Merchandise. Notice of departure from position and transfer of merchandise should be given at least one month before any next membership meeting. If the Merchandise Chair(s) is not performing his/her duties adequately, the DCFNPS board of directors may terminate a person from this position by a majority vote. The Merchandise Chair(s) may hold other positions within the DCFNPS organization; however remember that this position takes great responsibility. If no Merchandise Chair is selected, the responsibility of the duties of the Merchandise Chair position lies with the President of the Chapter. DCFNPS MERCHANDISE POLICY AND PROCEDURES DRAFT, STEVEN WOODMANSEE, JANUARY 27, 2008 Duties of the Merchandise Chair(s) Transfer merchandise and records to incoming Merchandise Chair(s) Hold and maintain merchandise Order merchandise (current and new) for sale. Gain approval from the DCFNPS board of directors, or DCFNPS board appointed person(s) with the selection of new merchandise. Order and keep supplies necessary for to maintain merchandise and sales. Handle sales of merchandise at the 10 monthly DCFNPS meetings. Sell merchandise at Native Plant Day. Keep records of merchandise orders and sales. Submit merchandise order receipts, gross income, and sales receipts to the DCFNPS Treasurer at a minimum monthly. Assist Keys Group Merchandise Representative with merchandise supplies.
Merchandise Description Merchandise sold by DCFNPS may include the following: Books concerning native plants or native plant conservation including children’s books, field guides, botanical books, books of botanical history, ecological books, native plant landscape books, or any book relevant to native plants. On occasion, related books of interest on fauna (birds or butterflies) may be included but not the majority of stock. Botanical equipment including hand lenses and rulers. Gardening equipment such as gloves and tools. DCFNPS logo oriented clothing (e.g. T-shirts, hats, dress shirts, etc).
Merchandise Value Excluding DCFNPS logo oriented clothing, at any given time the DCFNPS merchandise housed may not exceed the wholesale value of $2,000.00. This is an official board act.
Transfer of Merchandise In most cases, DCFNPS merchandise for sale is handed over by the departing Chair(s), to the incoming Chair(s). Merchandise, printed inventory list, electronic inventory records, receipt books (old and new), Petty Cash (in the amount of $50.00), Sales equipment (such as cash boxes, bank bags, pens, etc.) and a printed official DCFNPS policy on Merchandise should be included with this transfer. Merchandise should be handed over in a timely fashion so that the incoming Chair(s) may easily transition into his/her/their role. Upon acceptance of merchandise it is policy that an official signed receipt/letter of acceptance by made by all parties involved. Outgoing Merchandise Chair(s) should be available to the new Merchandise Chair(s) in case there are any procedural questions with.
Maintenance of Merchandise The merchandise chair(s) is responsible for the condition of the DCFNPS merchandise. Merchandise should be maintained in a climate-controlled environment (e.g. not outside or in a shed). It is recommended that inventory be kept in sealed plastic boxes in order to DCFNPS MERCHANDISE POLICY AND PROCEDURES DRAFT, STEVEN WOODMANSEE, JANUARY 27, 2008 discourage insects and other pests from damaging merchandise. Humidity, especially during the summer, can also do damage, and if the Merchandise Chair(s)’s storage facility or house is not air conditioned, then it is recommended that a dehumidifying device or product be used with the stored material.
Inventory should be kept track after every sales event.
Ordering Merchandise
At a minimum, the Merchandise Chair(s) must maintain an adequate inventory of items for sale. In general, it is not recommended to order too much of any item. In most cases, quantities should be 10-20 per item (except T-shirts or clothing). When items are reduced to a few or sold out, new items should be ordered in a timely fashion in order to have them in stock by the next meeting. This is especially important before Native Plant Day (usually in March), when full stock of merchandise is required. Efforts should be made to order merchandise at a good price. Keep in mind that we are a tax exempt organization, and keep the DCFNPS tax exemption form handy (obtained from the DCFNPS treasurer or Board of Directors). This needs to be used for all purchases. A copy of all bills of sale should be sent directly to the DCFNPS treasurer, even if the shipment is sent to the Merchandise Chair(s). If an item becomes out of print, irrelevant (e.g. a new edition exists), or no longer available, suitable replacements should be sought after.
Care should be maintained when selecting new merchandise (i.e. merchandise not previously sold by DCFNPS). It is required that the Merchandise Chair gain board approval or Merchandise Review Committee approval before ordering any more than one item of merchandise for sale. The DCFNPS board can appoint person(s) to the Merchandise Review Committee, who generally should be experts on native plants or native plant landscaping, and should be allowed to review books or items for sale. The Merchandise Chair(s) may be on this committee. The selection of new DCFNPS logo oriented clothing may not be the sole responsibility of the Merchandise Chair(s). The DCFNPS board generally votes on any new T-shirt designs, and funding for the purchase of these items is separate. If any of these items are in short supply, the Merchandise Chair(s) must report to the board, and funding needs to be appropriated before ordering.
Supplies including receipt books, plastic bins (to house the merchandise), carts (for carrying merchandise), should be maintained and added as needed. Supplies may not exceed $50.00/year.
Inventory of all the above should be maintained in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, or equivalent electronic program. Inventory should be tracked on a monthly basis. DCFNPS MERCHANDISE POLICY AND PROCEDURES DRAFT, STEVEN WOODMANSEE, JANUARY 27, 2008 Publishers and distributors which carry current DCFNPS merchandise include:
Great Outdoors Publishing Company 4767 28th Street North St. Petersberg, FL 33714-3115 Phone: 727-525-6609 Toll free: 1-800-869-6609 Fax: 727-527-4870
Pineapple Press www.amazon.com
Merchandise Sales
Pricing Mark up on wholesale items should not exceed forty percent. In other words, if the price of a whole sale item is $10.00, the DCFNPS sales price is $14.00 + sales tax. Current sales tax may be obtained online and is relative to the county which sales are made in. For ease of sales, and money handling, prices of items should be in increments of $0.25. Pricing need not be a chore, as when using Microsoft Excel, or an equivalent bookkeeping program, one can automate inventory and pricing.
On occasion, especially during promotional membership drives, or when merchandise maintained is not selling well, discounts may be recommended. Before any discounts are given, DCFNPS board approval must be obtained. Sales tax is assessed after the discount.
Selling Before any sales event (10 monthly meetings and Native Plant Day), try and arrive refreshed and enthusiastic. In addition, be sure to bring an adequate stock of merchandise depending on the sales event (it need not be everything at the monthly meeting, but some of each item should be brought), a list of merchandise items with prices and sales tax portrayed, blank receipt books, letter envelopes (for gross sales and raffle donations at the end), calculator, pens, and at least $50.00 petty cash. Petty cash should ideally be arranged as 8 quarters, 23 one-dollar bills, 3 five-dollar bills, and 1 ten-dollar bill. If petty cash runs out, attempt to “borrow” money from raffle ticket sales, and be sure to keep track of this with written receipts. Petty cash should be kept separately; amount should be checked before and after every sales event. Petty cash should be housed in either a bank bag or small lock box, both of which are provided. Do not leave Petty Cash or merchandise unattended. Be sure and designate someone responsible to keep an eye on merchandise, as in the end, the Merchandise Chair(s) is responsible. DCFNPS MERCHANDISE POLICY AND PROCEDURES DRAFT, STEVEN WOODMANSEE, JANUARY 27, 2008 Plan on coming at least 30 minutes before each meeting or sales event. Time will be needed to arrange each item of merchandise. In addition, to the price list, a 3x5 card or equivalent should be marked with each item’s name (e.g. book and author) and the final price, and then placed on the item for sale. If you need, or believe you will need, assistance with sales, recruit someone with experience at the meeting to help (such as the treasurer, or another board member).
For each sale, a receipt MUST BE MADE, even if the customer does not wish for one. On each receipt it is necessary to record the item (when recording book sales both author and title), the quantity, the price, and the final price. Please write neatly and completely. Sales tax is listed on the price list, and if someone requests for it on the receipt, give it to him/her. This is essential for keeping track of inventory. DCFNPS accepts cash or checks, no credit cards at this time. Checks need to be made out to either DCFNPS or Dade Chapter of the Florida Native Plant Society.
Plan to close down in a timely fashion, generally 15-20 minutes after the speaker stops, or before the event ends. Segregate the petty cash first (in the correct increments), and return any money “borrowed” from the raffle donations. Then carefully count the gross income. A second board member (ideally the Treasurer) is needed to verify this amount. It should be written on one of the receipts in the receipt book, then dated, and initialed by each “counter”. Then both people should be present when it and the money is put in one of the letter envelopes and sealed. Write the amount on the envelope, initial it again with the “counter”, and give to the DCFNPS treasurer (if present) or store safely with your petty cash. This can also be done in combination with any donations or raffle ticket monies.
Throughout, be courteous and friendly. Take your time, and do not let yourself be distracted when handling money, or when you are with a customer. If a person asks a question about an item, and you don’t know the answer, attempt to find someone who does (without leaving the merchandise unattended). If anyone suggests an item that is not for sale, write it down, and plan on researching the item.
Selling at Special Events Special events sales are handled in much the same manner as at the monthly meetings sales. Petty cash is usually increased to $100.00. Both cash boxes are used. The entire inventory is brought. Food is often sold in conjunction with merchandise. But there are two main differences from the monthly meeting sales. 1. Several volunteers assist with the handling of sales. It is essential that guidelines for volunteers be made, printed, distributed, and gone over with each sales- volunteer before the event. The Treasurer will thank you for this, as interpreting the hodge-podge of techniques can be quite trying. Be sure and look over the area, and make sure that it is suitable for sales. Merchandise can be safely stored from storm events, and from thievery. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. 2. There are two counts of monies brought in. There should be a count just after peak lunch sales. Procedures should follow those of at the end of the meeting. DCFNPS MERCHANDISE POLICY AND PROCEDURES DRAFT, STEVEN WOODMANSEE, JANUARY 27, 2008 Then there should be a count at the end of the day using the same procedures. Then a final summary of sales should be written and itemized according to merchandise group (ie. Books sold, hand lenses sold, t-shirts sold, etc.).
Bookkeeping Perhaps the most important duty of Merchandise Chair(s) is professional bookkeeping. Keeping track of inventory is easy once set up initially. Most of this has already been done, and exists as a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet. On each worksheet, items of merchandise are organized by group (books, shirts, and miscellaneous). Books for review are identified as such. Each row contains these, and books are organized by author, then title. Several column headings are maintained including item name, # of items, wholesale price, mark-up, retail price, sales tax, and final price. Formulas are provided for quick tallys, and easy conversions. Sums are provided at the end of each group’s column heading. A worksheet exists for each month, and can be pasted for future months. Notes for each item or order may be entered using the insert comment function. Electronic copies of this inventory should be sent be backed up, and sent to the Treasurer on a quarterly basis.
Gross Income Submittal As mentioned, gross income from sales events and meetings should be submitted on a monthly basis. With any transfer of money, it is recommended that a signed receipt be obtained.
Keys Group Assistance The Keys Group possesses their own merchandise representative. The DCFNPS Merchandise Chair should assist that representative by placing orders for any merchandise they need as well as merchandise needed internally. Good communication is necessary, and this person should be contacted before any orders are made. A copy of this Merchandise Chair Policy and Procedures should be given to this person and any new Keys Group Merchandise Representative.