Unit for Open Distance Learning
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BTh and Hons BA
First Semester 2017 TABLE OF CONTENTS
5.1 Study guides and Orientation videos 05
5.2 Text books 06
6. eFUNDI 09
7.1 Role of NWU Lecturers 10
7.2 Role of Facilitators 10
7.3 Lecturers of BTh (first semester) 11
7.4 Lecturers of Hons BA (first semester) 12
8.1 BTh I (first semester) 13
8.2 BTh II (first semester) 14
8.3 BTh III (first semester) 14
8.4 Hons BA (first semester) 15
9.1 English or Afrikaans LSC’s 17
9.2 Portuguese and Italian LSC’s 18
10.1 BTh June 2017 18
10.2 Hons BA June 2017 18
10.3 BTh Oct/Nov 2017 19
10.4 Hons BA Oct/Nov 2017 19
15.1 English or Afrikaans LSC’s 20
15.2 Portuguese and Italian LSC’s 21
15.3 Old cooperation agreements: BISA, GST and JWTC 21
The Unit for Open Distance Learning (UODL) under the leadership of its Executive Director, prof Manie Spamer, was established in 2012 to present distance education programmes of various NWU faculties and to assist with the administrative and logistical aspects of the endeavour.
Open Distance Learning is based on the following principles:
Students can apply any time of the year.
Each programme has a minimum and maximum duration and the programme must be completed within this time frame.
Contact classes are mainly presented by means of interactive white boards, supported by facilitators at Learning Support Centres. Lectures can also be followed on a personal computer if students have access to the Internet. All modules presented by means of interactive white boards are recorded and stored on the Internet for students and facilitators to access at a later stage.
Students are supported by means of a Call Centre, the LMS of the NWU (eFundi) and contact with lecturers and facilitators.
Students have a number of assessment opportunities (examinations) during a study period and all modules can be written at each assessment opportunity.
Students do not have a second examination opportunity directly after the first examination. If they fail the first examination (e.g. June), they can write the failed module during a next examination opportunity (e.g. November). It is preferable that a module is completed within one academic year. A valid participation mark gives the student access to two examination opportunities, where after a student must generate a new participation mark by re-registering for the module.
Students write their examinations at several examination centres nationally and internationally.
Since 1995, the Faculty of Theology of the NWU signed Cooperation Agreements with several Bible Schools or Institutions. In 2008/2009, the Department of Higher Education gave notice that such agreements need to be reviewed. As a result, the Faculty of Theology of the NWU adopted in 2011 a new model, the Learning Support Centre model (LSC). What follows, is an attempt to create a procedure document to streamline the co-operation between the LSC’s, the UODL and the Faculty of Theology.
Applications for the first semester should be submitted by the end of October of the previous year.
4 Applications for the second semester should be submitted by the end of April of the current year.
Registration for the first semester should be completed by 30 January and for the second semester by 31 July. After the registration process is completed, the academic manager provides class lists and lists of the facilitators to the NWU lecturers.
The Executive Committee of the Faculty of Theology has decided to drop the majority of pre- requisites for Theology modules. However, a student needs to be made aware that he/she may find it difficult to pass a module in the second semester, for example NTES121, if he/she did not successfully completed the first semester module, in this particular example NTES111.
In the BTh qualification programme there is only one pre-requisite, namely the Academic Literacy modules (AGLA/E111&121). A student needs to pass AGLA/E111 before he/she can register for AGLA/E121.
In the Hons BA qualification programme there is also one pre-requisite: a student needs to pass TNAV671 before he/she can register for TEOL671.
5.1 Study guides and Orientation videos
The Faculty of Theology decided to replace all paper study guides with electronic study guides. The module owners should make sure that the updated version of all study guides are on eFundi available (http://efundi.nwu.ac.za/portal/). Log in on eFundi. On the menu on the left hand side, the 9th heading is named "Study Guides". Click on it, a little block will open.
Type the module code of the study guide required, for example KDGE312 and click “search”. A list of different KDGE312 study guides will appear. Click on KDGE312 PED 2017 for the English Distance 2017 study guide or click on KDGE312 PAD 2017 for the Afrikaans Distance 2017 study guide. The study guide can be downloaded.
5 Another example, type PAST121, click “search”, and click on PAST121 PED 2016, the window on the left will appear. When the study guide looks like this, it is an indication that there is an e-guide available. This one is only a summary. To have access to the e-guide, a person needs to be linked to the PAST121 eFundi site. The NWU lecturer must please ensure that all his/her students and their facilitators are linked to his/her eFundi site and that they know how to navigate in the e-study guide. The navigation in the e-guide can be demonstrated during the orientation session. These orientation videos can be accessed at uodl.hosted.panopto.com
Please use the following usernames and passwords:
QUALIFICATION USERNAME PASSWORD BTh I bth1 theology BTh II bth2 theology BTh III bth3 theology HONS BA honsba theology
5.2 Text books
Lecturers must please ensure that the text books for their modules are correct in the list below and that it is available to be purchased.
MODULE AGLA111 Van der Walt, J.L. 2010. Basic skills in academic literacy. Andcork Publishers. AGLE111 Van der Walt, J.L. 2010. Basiese vaardighede in akademiese geletterdheid. Andcork Publishers. AGLA121 Van der Walt, J.L. 2010. Gevorderde vaardighede in akademiese geletterdheid. AGLE121 Van der Walt, J.L. 2015. Advanced skills in academic writing. Andcork Publishers. DOGM211 Millard, J. Erickson. (Hustad, L.A. ed.). 1992 (or any later edition). Introducing Christian Doctrine. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Book House Company. DOGM221 Millard, J. Erickson. (Hustad, L.A. ed.). 1992 (or any later edition). Introducing Christian Doctrine. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Book House Company. DOGM311 FORD, D.F. ed. 1994/1995 The modern theologians: an introduction to Christian theology in the twentieth century I/II. Oxford : Blackwell. Oxford : Blackwell MCGRATH, A.E. 1994. The making of modern German Christology 1750-1990. Grand Rapids : Zondervan. DOGM321 Kerr, H.J., ed. 1989. Calvin’s Inst. A New compend. Louisville: Westminster / John Knox. (English) Duvenage, A. Die Institusie van Calvyn. Potchefstroom: PTP. (Afrikaans)
6 ETIE121 De Bruyn, P.J. 2013. Die Tien Gebooie. Potchefstroom: PTP De Bruyn, P.J. 2013. The Ten Commandments. Potchefstroom: PTP ETIE211 Vorster, J.M. 2004. Ethical Perspectives on Human Rights. Potchefstroom: Potchefstroom Theological Publications. ETIE311 Vorster, J.M. 2004. Ethical Perspectives on Human Rights. Potchefstroom: Potchefstroom Theological Publications. Vorster, N. 2007. RESTORING HUMAN DIGNITY IN SOUTH AFRICA. Christian anthropology In a new dispensation. Potchefstroom Theological Publications. GRKS112 Croy, N.C. A Primer of Biblical Greek. Grand Rapids: WM. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. GRKS113 Mounce, W. 2003. Greek for the rest of us. Grand Rapids: Zondervan GRKS121 Croy, N.C. A Primer of Biblical Greek. An introductory Grammar focused on the Greek Bible (Old and New Testaments) Recommended: Greek Bible with Dictionary. 1993 (fourth edition). United Bible Societies. Recommended: Liddell & Scott. 1983. A Lexicon abridged from Liddell and Scott’s Greek English Lexicon. Oxford: Clarendon Press. GRKS211 Croy, N.C. A Primer of Biblical Greek. Grand Rapids: WM. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. GRKS221 Jordaan, G.J.C. Ancient Greek inside out. LitVerlag. Jordaan, G.J.C. Die binnewerk van Antieke Grieks. Potchefstroom: PTP. GRKS312 Aland, B. & Aland,K. The Greek New Testament 4th Rev. Ed. Hendricksen Publishers. GRKS322 Aland, B. & Aland,K. The Greek New Testament 4th Rev. Ed. Hendricksen Publishers. HERM322 Kaiser, W.C. & Silva, M. 2007. Introduction to biblical hermeneutics: the search for meaning. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan. HOML211 No books necessary. All the material necessary is provided in the eFundi site. KATE211 No books necessary. All the material necessary is provided in the eFundi site. KDGE121 Paas, S. 2016. Christianity in Eurafrica: a history of the church in Europe and Africa. Wellington: CLF. (http://megabooks.co.za/shop/christianity-eurafrica-history-church- europe-africa/) KDGE211 Cairns, E.E. 1996. Christianity through the centuries. A History of the Christian Church. Zondervan: Grand Rapids. KDGE221 Cairns, E.E. 1996. Christianity through the centuries. A History of the Christian Church. Zondervan: Grand Rapids. KDGE311 No books necessary. All the material necessary is provided in the eFundi site. KDGE312 No books necessary. All the material necessary is provided in the eFundi site. KDGE321 No books necessary. All the material necessary is provided in the eFundi site. LATN112 Balme, M. & Morwood, J. 1996. Oxford Latin Course Part I. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Balme, M. & Morwood, J. 1997. Oxford Latin Course Part II. Oxford: Oxford University Press. LITK221 No books necessary. All the material necessary is provided in the eFundi site MISS211 No books necessary. All the material necessary is provided in the eFundi site MISS221 No books necessary. All the material necessary is provided in the eFundi site. MISS311 No books necessary. All the material necessary is provided in the eFundi site. MISS312 Hiebert, P.G.2009. The Gospel in Human Contexts: Anthropological Explorations for Contemporary Missions. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Academic. Wright, C.J.H. 2010. The mission of God’s people – A biblical theology of the Church’s mission. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House MISS321 No books necessary. All the material necessary is provided in the eFundi site. NTES111 Life Application Bible. (New International Version). 1991. Wheaton, Illinois: Tyndale House Publishers. Thompson. M.D. 2006. A clear and present word. The clarity of Scripture. New Studies in Biblical Theology 21. Illinois: Intervarsity Press. (Chapter 2). Van der Walt, T. 2007. The Messiah has come! A guide in the gospels for serious Bible Students. Potchefstroom: PTP NTES121 Die Bybel In Praktyk 1993. Vereeniging, Christelike Uitgewersmaatskappy. / LIFE APPLICATION BIBLE (NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION) 1991. Wheaton, Illinois : Tyndale House Publishers
7 Van Der Walt, T. 2006. Die Messias het gekom. ‘n Gids in die Evangelies vir die toegewyde bybelstudent. Potchefstroom: PTP. Van Der Walt, T. 2007. The Messiah has come. A guide in the Gospels for serious students of the Bible. Potchefstroom: PTP . VILJOEN, FP. 2011. Matthew's portraits of Jesus. Potchefstroom: PTP NTES211 De Klerk, BJ & Van Rensburg, FJ. 2015. Conceiving a sermon. Potchefstroom: PTP. De Klerk, BJ & Van Rensburg, FJ. 2015. Preekgeboorte. Potchefstroom: Potchefstroom Theological Publications. NTES221 No books necessary. All the material necessary is provided in the eFundi site. NTES311 No books necessary. All the material necessary is provided in the eFundi site. NTES321 No books necessary. All the material necessary is provided in the eFundi site. OTES111 Hays, J.D. & Duvall, J.S. 2012. The Baker Illustrated Bible Handbook. Available as e- book. OTES121 Hill, A.E. & Walton, J.H. 2009. A survey of the Old Testament. Grand Rapids: Zondervan. Helberg, J.L. Die Here regeer: openbaringslyn deur die Ou Testament. Pretoria: V&R Drukkery of N.G. Kerkboekhandel. Helberg, J.L. ‘The Lord reigns: Revelation history of the Old Testament. (electronic format available on NWU library website) OTES211 Hill, A.E. & Walton, J.H. 2009. A survey of the Old Testament. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan. Helberg, J.L. 2011.The Lord Reigns. PDF on internet or / of Engels Gratis Helberg, J.L. 2011. Die Here Regeer. PTP. OTES221 Hill, A.E. & Walton, J.H. 2009. A survey of the Old Testament. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan. OTES311 Hill, A.E. & Walton, J.H. 2009. A survey of the Old Testament. Grand Rapids: Zondervan. Recommended – not compulsory Dillard, R.B. & Longman III, T. 1993. An introduction to the Old Testament. 2nd ed. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan. Arnold, B.T. & Beyer, B.E. 2008. Encountering the Old Testament: a Christian survey. 3rd ed. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Academics. OTES321 No books necessary. All the material necessary is provided in the eFundi site. PAST121 No books necessary. All the material necessary is provided in the eFundi site. PAST211 Perhaps new book – otherwise articles which will be posted on eFundi site. PAST311 No books necessary. All the material necessary is provided in the eFundi site. PAST321 Louw, D.J. 2008. Cura Vitae: Illness and the healing of life. Cape Town: Lux Verbi, BM. PHIL211 Clouser, R.A. 2005. The myth of religious neutrality: an essay on the hidden role of religious belief in theories. Revised edition. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press. PHIL221 Tarnas, R. 2010. The passion of the western mind: understanding the ideas that have shaped our world view. London: Random House. SEMT112 Buth, R. 2011. Living Biblical Hebrew: introduction part one. Mevasseret Zion: Biblical Language Center. (Te koop beskikbaar by die dosent. /For sale from the lecturer.) Buth, R. 2007. Living Biblical Hebrew: introduction part two. Mevasseret Zion: Biblical Language Center. (Te koop beskikbaar by die dosent. /For sale from the lecturer.) SEMT113 No books necessary. All the material necessary is provided in the eFundi site. SEMT121 Buth, R. 2011. Living Biblical Hebrew: introduction part one. Mevasseret Zion: Biblical Language Center. (Te koop beskikbaar by die dosent. /For sale from the lecturer.) Buth, R. 2007. Living Biblical Hebrew: introduction part two. Mevasseret Zion: Biblical Language Center. (Te koop beskikbaar by die dosent. /For sale from the lecturer.) SEMT211 Buth, R. 2007. Living Biblical Hebrew: introduction part two. Mevasseret Zion: Biblical Language Center. (Te koop beskikbaar by die dosent. /For sale from the lecturer.) Buth, R. 2007. Living Biblical Hebrew: Selected reading with 500 friends. Mevasseret Zion: Biblical Language Center. (Te koop beskikbaar by die dosent. /For sale from the lecturer.) SEMT221 Buth, R. 2007. Living Biblical Hebrew: introduction part two. Mevasseret Zion: Biblical Language Center. (Te koop beskikbaar by die dosent. /For sale from the lecturer.) Buth, R. 2007. Living Biblical Hebrew: Selected reading with 500 friends. Mevasseret
8 Zion: Biblical Language Center. (Te koop beskikbaar by die dosent. /For sale from the lecturer.) Holladay, W.L. 1972. A concise Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament. Grand Rapids, MI.: Eerdmans. Or Koehler, L. & Baumgartner, W. Lexicon in Veteris Testamenti libros. Leiden: Brill. SEMT312 No books necessary. All the material necessary is provided in the eFundi site. SEMT322 No books necessary. All the material necessary is provided in the eFundi site. TEOL111 No books necessary. All the material necessary is provided in the eFundi site. Hons BA
MODULE OTES 674 Greidanus, S. 1999. Preaching Christ form the Old Testament. Grand Rapids, MI Eerdmans. Hill, A.E. & Walton, J.H. 2000. A survey of the Old Testament. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan. Kaiser, Walter C. & Silva, Moisés. 2007. Introduction to Biblical Hermeneutics: The Search for Meaning. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan. Robertson, O.P. 1980. The Christ of the Covenants. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker. Waltke, B.K. 2007. An Old Testament theology: an exegetical, canonical and thematic approach. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker. Baker, DW & Arnold, BT. The face of Old Testament studies: A survey of contemporary approaches. Grand Rapids: Baker. DOGM 672 Berkhof, L. 1996. Systematic Theology. Grand Rapids: William B.Eerdmans Publishing Company. or Erickson, M.J. 1998 (or any later edition). Christian Theology. Grand Rapids : Baker Academic. TNAV 671 Mouton, J. 2015. How to succeed in your master's and doctoral studies. A South African guide and resource book. Van Schaik: Pretoria. ETIE 672 Vorster, J.M. 2004. Ethical Perspectives on Human Rights. Potchefstroom: PTP. KDGE 672 Cairns, E.E. 1996. Christianity through the centuries. A History of the Christian Church. Zondervan: Grand Rapids. Rest is provided in the eFundi site. PAST671 No books necessary. All the material necessary is provided in the eFundi site. NTES 673 Sec A-C: De Klerk, BJ & Van Rensburg, FJ. 2015. Conceiving a sermon. PTP. Sec D-F: No books necessary. All the material necessary is provided in the eFundi site. Sec G-H: Van Der Walt, T. 2006. Die Messias het gekom. ‘n Gids in die Evangelies vir die toegewyde Bybelstudent. Potchefstroom: PTP. Van Der Walt, T. 2007. The Messiah has come. A Guide in the Gospels for serious students of the Bible. Potchefstroom: PTP. MISS 672 Bosch, DJ. 2011. Transforming mission. Paradigm shifts in Theology of Mission. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Wright, C.H. 2010. The mission of God’s people. A biblical theology of the church’s mission. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan.
Recommended – not compulsory Hendriks, H.J. 2004 Studying congregations in Africa. Lux Verbi Kritzinger, J.J. 2007. Rethinking ministry. New wine in new skins. Wellington: CLF. Goheen, M.W., 2011, A light to the nations: The missional church and the biblical story, Baker Academic, Grand Rapids. Hirsch, A. 2006. The forgotten ways: reactivating the missional church. Brazos press. Grand Rapids. LITK671 The following book is provided on the eFundi site with the necessary sanction of copyright. Deddens, K. 1993. Where everything points to Him. Michigan: Inheritance Publications.
9 6. eFUNDI
It is important that all registered students and facilitators should have access to eFundi. As soon as students are registered, they should automatically have access to all the eFundi sites of their modules. That is, if the lecturer has done a course link when he/she created the eFundi site. Please contact Christo Louw if you need assistance. However, the NWU lecturer need to link facilitators individually by using the facilitator’s NWU number. If students or facilitators struggle with access to eFundi, please encourage them to contact the UODL Call Centre at 018 285 5900 or send an email to [email protected]
Please encourage the facilitators and students to watch the following videos which Christo has prepared as an introduction to eFundi: http://youtu.be/8k6dvp6fZ5w and http://youtu.be/WyZiFFSYWJg
At the beginning of each semester, the academic manager provides a list of all the facilitators at the different LSC’s to the NWU lecturer for each module in order to facilitate communication between the NWU lecturer and the facilitators.
7.1 Role of NWU Lecturers
He/she is the module owner and responsible for the study material (including the management of the eFundi site of the module) and the classes via the interactive whiteboard. Please remember that the PowerPoints for the broadcasts should be both in Afrikaans and English and should be send in advance to the interpreters (Rinée Pretorius [email protected]) and the UODL ([email protected]). The BTh modules are presented in either Afrikaans or English and interpreted into the other language and the Hons BA modules are presented only in English and interpreted into Afrikaans. During these contact sessions, the NWU lecturer provides the necessary information that will enable facilitators to provide extra facilitation to students at the LSC’s and enable students to successfully master the module. The NWU lecturer is responsible for the marking of the assignments (students submit their assignments electronically on eFundi). The NWU lecturer should provide memoranda for the assignments to the Italian, Portuguese and Dumisani facilitators as they will mark the assignments at their LSC’s. The NWU lecturer is also responsible for the setting and marking of the exam papers. This should be done in collaboration with the facilitators and the Pentecostal colleagues. It is important that he/she should inform the facilitators and the students about the format of the exam, whether it is an open book exam or not, which resources may be used, whether students may work on their laptops, whether they need to ensure that they have internet access, etc.
7.2 Role of Facilitators
10 Facilitators should ensure that they and the students at their LSC’s have access to eFundi. Facilitators should also ensure that they have good contact with the NWU lecturers. All questions regarding academic issues should be addressed to the NWU lecturers. It is the responsibility of the facilitators to ensure that they and the students at the LSC’s “attend” the broadcasts or watch the recordings of the contact sessions at a later stage. The facilitators provide extra facilitation to the students as and when necessary. Facilitators should assist the students to submit their assignments on eFundi for marking.
7.3 Lecturers of BTh (first semester)
BTH I Lecturer Email address Telephone number AGLA/E111 Me Sanet Steyn [email protected] 018 285 2648 GRKS112 Prof Risimati Hobyane [email protected] 018 299 1531 GKRS113 Prof Risimati Hobyane [email protected] 018 299 1531 KDGE312 Prof Francois Muller [email protected] 018 285 2350
LATN112 Me Ilse van Rooyen [email protected] 018 299 1604 NTES111 Mr Hanno van Schaik [email protected] 072 105 3961 OTES111 Prof Chris van der Walt [email protected] 018 299 1027 SEMT112 Mrs Liza Lemmer [email protected] 018 299 1967 SEMT113 Prof Lekgetho Moretsi [email protected] 018 299 1843 TEOL111 Prof Sarel van der Walt [email protected] 018 299 1601
BTH II Lecturer Email address Telephone number DOGM211 Dr Manitza Kotze [email protected] 018 299 4081
ETIE211 Prof Riaan Rheeder [email protected] 018 299 1654
GKRS211 Prof Pierre Jordaan [email protected] 018 299 1602
HOML211 Prof Ferdi Kruger [email protected] 018 299 1592
KATE211 Dr Hannes Knoetze [email protected] 018 389 2698
KDGE211 Prof Francois Muller [email protected] 018 285 2350
MISS211 Prof Naas Ferreira [email protected] 018 299 1848
NTES211 Dr Aldred Genade [email protected] 018 299 1605
OTES211 A Prof Sarel van der Merwe [email protected] 083 310 0372
OTES211 B Prof Lekgetho Moretsi [email protected] 018 299 1843
PAST211 Dr Hannelie Yates [email protected] 018 299 1026
SEMT211 Mrs Liza Lemmer [email protected] 018 299 1967
11 BTH III Lecturer Email address Telephone number DOGM311 Dr Manitza Kotze [email protected] 018 299 4081
ETIE311 Dr Manitza Kotze [email protected] 018 299 4081
GKRS312 Prof Risimati Hobyane [email protected] 018 299 1531
KDGE311 Prof Francois Muller [email protected] 018 285 2350
MISS311 Dr Hannes Knoetze [email protected] 018 389 2698
MISS312 Rev Aaron Muswubi [email protected] 018 299 1909
NTES311 Dr Aldred Genade [email protected] 018 299 1605
OTES311 Prof Chris van der Walt [email protected] 018 299 1027
PAST311 Dr Amanda du Plessis [email protected] 018 389 2888
PHIL211 Prof Renato Coletto [email protected] 018 299 4353
Mr Tinus van der Walt [email protected] 018 299 1905
SEMT312 Dr At Lamprecht [email protected] 018 285 2352
7.4 Lecturers of Hons BA (first semester)
Subject and Lecturer Email address Telephone number DOGM672: Dr Manitza Kotze [email protected] 018 299 4081
ETIE672: Prof Riaan Rheeder [email protected] 018 299 1654
KDGE672: Prof Francois Muller [email protected] 018 285 2350
Sec A: Prof Lekgetho Moretsi [email protected] 018 299 1843
Sec B: Prof Chris van der Walt [email protected] 018 299 1027
Sec C: Prof Sarel van der Merwe [email protected] 083 310 0372
PAST671: Prof Alfred Brunsdon [email protected] 018 389 2666
TNAV671: Prof Nico Vorster [email protected] 018 299 1023
12 The BTh classes are presented in Afrikaans or English and translated by the NWU's interpreting services into English or Afrikaans. The Hons BA classes are presented in English and translated into Afrikaans. Students may join the meeting in the language of their choice.
Steps to make use of Bridgit
1. Click this link to download SMART Bridgit software:
2. Copy the program short cut to your desktop.
3. Run Bridgit by clicking on the icon and click "Run"
4. Type in the server code:
5. Click on the "Join Meeting" tab at the top and then click on the drop down arrow next to "Meeting Name"
6. Choose the meeting name that will be used for the session.
What is needed to join a session?
1. Internet Connection (At least 2MB download speed, www.speedtest.net)
2. Computer with speakers and a microphone headset if a student wants to join the discussion in class.
Please contact Pieter Badenhorst ([email protected]) for assistance with the use of the software.
8.1 BTh I (first semester)
Dates of the broadcasts February March April May BTh I 6, 8, 13, 15, 20, 22, 27 1, 6, 8, 13, 15, 20, 22 24, 26 8, 10, 15, 17, 22, 24, 29, 31 AGLA/E 6, 13, 20, 27 6, 13 29
Timetable for the BTh I Broadcasts
13 Monday Classroom Module Lecturer Language 07:30 – 09:15 B11A-G02 SEMT113 Prof Lekgetho Moretsi English, interpreting to Afrikaans 09:30 – 10:45 B11A-G02 GKRS112 Prof Risimati Hobyane English, interpreting to Afrikaans 11:00 – 12:45 B11A-G02 KDGE312 Prof Francois Muller Afrikaans, interpreting to English 13:00 – 14:15 B11A-G02 NTES111 Mr Hanno van Schaik Afrikaans, interpreting to English 14:30 – 15:30 B11-G13 AGLE111 Me Sanet Steyn English 15:30 – 16:30 B11-G13 AGLA111 Me Sanet Steyn Afrikaans
14 Wednesday Classroom Module Lecturer Language 07:30 – 09:15 B11A-G02 OTES111 Prof Chris van der Walt Afrikaans, interpreting to English 09:30 – 10:45 B11A-G02 TEOL111 Prof Sarel van der Walt Afrikaans, interpreting to English 11:00 – 12:45 B11A-G02 LATN112 Me Ilse van Rooyen English 13:00 – 14:15 B11A-G02 GKRS113 Prof Risimati Hobyane English, interpreting to Afrikaans 14:30 – 16:30 B11A-G02 SEMT112 Mrs Liza Lemmer English
Recordings of the broadcasts All broadcasts are recorded and uploaded to Panopto: uodl.hosted.panopto.com The recordings are available within 48 hours of the live broadcast of each module. To access the BTh I videos, the following USERNAME and PASSWORD must be used: USERNAME: bth1 PASSWORD: theology Orientation videos for the first semester modules are already available. Students and facilitators can use this to prepare for the first semester.
8.2 BTh II (first semester)
Dates of the broadcasts February March April May BTh II 6, 8, 13, 15, 20, 22, 27 1, 6, 8, 13, 15, 20, 22 24, 26 8, 10, 15, 17, 22, 24, 29, 31
Timetable for the BTh II Broadcasts
15 Monday Classroom Module Lecturer Language 07:30 – 09:15 B11A-108 DOGM211 Dr Manitza Kotze Afrikaans, interpreting to English 09:30 – 10:45 B11A-108 ETIE211 Prof Riaan Rheeder Afrikaans, interpreting to English 11:00 – 12:45 B11A-108 HOML211 Prof Ferdi Kruger Afrikaans, interpreting to English 13:00 – 14:15 B11A-108 PAST211 Dr Hannelie Yates Afrikaans, interpreting to English 14:30 – 15:45 B11A-108 KATE211 Dr Hannes Knoetze English, interpreting to Afrikaans 14:30 – 16:30 B11A-G02 SEMT211 Me Liza Lemmer English
16 Wednesday Classroom Module Lecturer Language 07:30 – 09:15 B11A-108 KDGE211 Prof Francois Muller Afrikaans, interpreting to English 09:30 – 10:45 B11A-108 MISS211 Prof Naas Ferreira Afrikaans, interpreting to English 11:00 – 12:45 B11A-108 NTES211 Dr Aldred Genade English, interpreting to Afrikaans 13:00 – 14:15 B11A-108 OTES211 A Prof Sarel van der Merwe English, interpreting to Afrikaans OTES211 B Prof Lekgetho Moretsi English, interpreting to Afrikaans 14:30 – 16:30 B11A-108 GRKS211 Prof Pierre Jordaan Afrikaans, interpreting to English
Recordings of the broadcasts All broadcasts are recorded and uploaded to Panopto: uodl.hosted.panopto.com The recordings are available within 48 hours of the live broadcast of each module. To access the BTh II videos, the following USERNAME and PASSWORD must be used:
USERNAME: bth2 PASSWORD: theology Orientation videos for the first semester modules are already available. Students and facilitators can use this to prepare for the first semester.
8.3 BTh III (first semester)
Dates of the broadcasts
February March April May BTh III 6, 8, 13, 15, 20, 22, 27 1, 6, 8, 13, 15, 20, 22 24, 26 8, 10, 15, 17, 22, 24, 29, 31 PHIL211 Please note that the PHIL211 modules will not be presented together with the other modules, but during three Saturday sessions. These sessions will be:
18 February 2017 09:00 – 12:00 18 March 2017 09:00 – 12:00 22 April 2017 09:00 – 12:00
Timetable for the BTh III Broadcasts
17 Monday Classroom Module Lecturer Language 07:30 – 09:15 B11A-G07 MISS312 Rev Aaron Muswubi English, interpreting to Afrikaans 09:30 – 10:45 B11A-G07 NTES311 Dr Aldred Genade English, interpreting to Afrikaans 11:00 – 12:45 B11A-G07 OTES311 Prof Chris van der Walt Afrikaans, interpreting to English 13:00 – 14:15 B11A-G07 PAST311 Dr Amanda du Plessis English, interpreting to Afrikaans 14:30 – 16:30 B11A-G07 GRKS312 Prof Risimati Hobyane English, interpreting to Afrikaans
18 Wednesday Classroom Module Lecturer Language 07:30 – 09:15 B11A-G07 DOGM311 Dr Manitza Kotze Afrikaans, interpreting to English 09:30 – 10:45 B11A-G07 ETIE311 Dr Manitza Kotze Afrikaans, interpreting to English 11:00 – 12:45 B11A-G07 KDGE311 Prof Francois Muller Afrikaans, interpreting to English 13:00 – 14:15 B11A-G07 MISS311 Dr Hannes Knoetze English, interpreting to Afrikaans 14:30 – 16:30 B11A-G07 SEMT312 Dr At Lamprecht Afrikaans, interpreting to English
Recordings of the broadcasts
All broadcasts are recorded and uploaded to Panopto: uodl.hosted.panopto.com
The recordings are available within 48 hours of the live broadcast of each module.
To access the BTh III videos, the following USERNAME and PASSWORD must be used:
PASSWORD: theology
Orientation videos for the first semester modules are already available. Students and facilitators can use this to prepare for the first semester.
8.4 Hons BA (first semester)
Dates of the broadcasts February March April May Hons BA 6, 8, 13, 15, 27 1, 13, 15, 27, 29 24, 26 8, 10, 22, 24
Timetable for the Hons BA Broadcasts
19 Monday Module Lecturer Language 17:00-17:50 TNAV671 Prof Nico Vorster English interpreting to Afrikaans 18:00-18:50 ETIE672 Prof Riaan Rheeder English interpreting to Afrikaans 19:00-19:50 PAST671 Prof Alfred Brunsdon English interpreting to Afrikaans 20:00-20:50 KDGE672 Prof Francois Muller English interpreting to Afrikaans
20 Wednesday Module Lecturer Language 17:00-17:50 DOGM672 Dr Manitza Kotze English interpreting to Afrikaans 18:00-18:50 OTES674 Sec A Prof Lekgetho Moretsi English interpreting to Afrikaans 19:00-19:50 OTES674 Sec B Prof Chris van der Walt English interpreting to Afrikaans 20:00-20:50 OTES674 Sec C Prof Sarel van der Merwe English interpreting to Afrikaans
Recordings of the broadcasts All broadcasts are recorded and uploaded to Panopto: uodl.hosted.panopto.com The recordings are available within 48 hours of the live broadcast of each module. To access the Hons BA videos, the following USERNAME and PASSWORD must be used:
USERNAME: honsba PASSWORD: theology Orientation videos for the first semester modules are already available. Students and facilitators can use this to prepare for the first semester.
Questions during the session Facilitators and students are welcome to ask a question during the class by using the question bank to post the question. The NWU lecturer will see the question and answer it immediately. The following links can be used:
TNAV671: todaysmeet.com/tnav671 ETIE672: todaysmeet.com/etie672 PAST671: todaysmeet.com/past671 KDGE672: todaysmeet.com/kdge672 DOGM672: todaysmeet.com/dogm672 OTES674 Section A: todaysmeet.com/otes674a OTES674 Section B: todaysmeet.com/otes674b OTES674 Section C: todaysmeet.com/otes674c
9.1 English or Afrikaans LSC’s
The students submit their assignments on eFundi and it is being marked electronically (see exception below). Please remind the students to submit their assignments with an extra blank page at the end in PDF on eFundi. Every assignment is marked out of 100. The NWU lecturers whose modules have a Section B, should organise the marking of the assignments
21 with the Pentecostal markers. Markers have 2 weeks to mark an assignment and give feedback to the students.
Modules AFM marker NWU nr Email address Telephone nr DOGM211 Dr Kobus de Beer 21236178 [email protected] 084 500 4073 DOGM672
TEOL111 Dr Johan Serfontein [email protected] 073 522 0794 HERM322 LITK221 LITK671 HOML211 Dr Thomas Swift 28385896 [email protected] 072 298 9159 PAST321 KDGE312 Prof Marius Nel [email protected] 018 299 1591
The system generates the participation marks automatically by 15 May for the first semester and 13 October for the second semester. These marks are communicated automatically to the students.
For this to happen correctly, the module owner should provide the UODL with the weights of the assignments to calculate the participation mark correctly. For modules with more than one section, like OTES211, OTES674, NTES221 and NTES673, the module owner should also indicate the weight of the different sections.
The only exception is that the students enrolled with BISA, Dumisani and JWTC submit their assignments to their facilitators and the facilitators provide the participation marks on EXCEL sheets to Pieter Vermaak ([email protected]) at the UODL. The manner in which the participation mark for each module should be calculated, is given in the study guide. The module owner should ensure that the information in the study guide is correct.
9.2 Portuguese and Italian LSC’s
The facilitators are responsible to mark the assignments of the students at these LSC’s. They are free to ask the NWU lecturer for the memorandums for the assignments and need to submit the participations marks on EXCEL sheets to Pieter Vermaak ([email protected]) before the due dates.
10.1 BTh June 2017
22 AGLA111 07 June 2017 09:00 MISS311 15 June 2017 09:00 AGLA121 07 June 2017 14:00 MISS312 15 June 2017 09:00 AGLE111 07 June 2017 09:00 MISS321 20 June 2017 09:00 AGLE121 07 June 2017 14:00 NTES111 15 June 2017 14:00 DOGM211 08 June 2017 09:00 NTES121 19 June 2017 14:00 DOGM221 09 June 2017 09:00 NTES211 27 June 2017 14:00 DOGM311 14 June 2017 14:00 NTES221 14 June 2017 09:00 DOGM321 15 June 2017 14:00 NTES221 28 June 2017 14:00 ETIE121 26 June 2017 14:00 NTES311 28 June 2017 09:00 ETIE211 19 June 2017 14:00 NTES321 23 June 2017 09:00 ETIE311 23 June 2017 14:00 OTES111 21 June 2017 14:00 GRKS112 08 June 2017 14:00 OTES121 23 June 2017 14:00 GRKS113 09 June 2017 14:00 OTES211 26 June 2017 09:00 GRKS121 09 June 2017 09:00 OTES221 23 June 2017 09:00 GRKS211 22 June 2017 09:00 OTES311 09 June 2017 09:00 GRKS221 19 June 2017 09:00 OTES321 12 June 2017 09:00 GRKS312 21 June 2017 09:00 PAST121 28 June 2017 14:00 GRKS322 28 June 2017 09:00 PAST211 20 June 2017 14:00 HERM322 26 June 2017 09:00 PAST311 27 June 2017 14:00 HOML211 13 June 2017 14:00 PAST321 28 June 2017 14:00 KATE211 09 June 2017 14:00 PHIL211 26 June 2017 09:00 KDGE121 13 June 2017 14:00 PHIL221 26 June 2017 14:00 KDGE211 13 June 2017 09:00 SEMT112 12 June 2017 09:00 KDGE221 12 June 2017 14:00 SEMT113 12 June 2017 09:00 KDGE311 07 June 2017 14:00 SEMT121 15 June 2017 09:00 KDGE312 14 June 2017 09:00 SEMT211 21 June 2017 09:00 KDGE321 08 June 2017 09:00 SEMT221 08 June 2017 14:00 LATN112 14 June 2017 14:00 SEMT312 27 June 2017 09:00 LITK221 07 June 2017 09:00 SEMT322 20 June 2017 14:00 MISS211 20 June 2017 09:00 TEOL111 21 June 2017 09:00 MISS221 21 June 2017 14:00
10.2 Hons BA June 2017
DOGM672 12 June 2017 14:00 NTES673 A-C 09 June 2017 14:00 ETIE672 15 June 2017 14:00 NTES673 D-F 14 June 2017 14:00 KDGE672 26 June 2017 14:00 NTES673 G-H 21 June 2017 14:00 LITK671 27 June 2017 14:00 OTES674 07 June 2017 09:00 MISS672 23 June 2017 09:00 PAST671 20 June 2017 14:00 10.3 BTh Oct/Nov 2017
AGLA111 30 October 2017 14:00 MISS311 07 November 2017 14:00 AGLA121 30 October 2017 09:00 MISS312 07 November 2017 14:00 AGLE111 30 October 2017 14:00 MISS321 09 November 2017 14:00 AGLE121 30 October 2017 09:00 NTES111 07 November 2017 09:00 DOGM21 1 31 October 2017 14:00 NTES121 08 November 2017 09:00 DOGM22 1 01 November 2017 14:00 NTES211 16 November 2017 09:00 DOGM31 1 06 November 2017 09:00 NTES221 03 November 2017 14:00 DOGM32 1 07 November 2017 09:00 NTES221 17 November 2017 09:00
23 ETIE121 15 November 2017 09:00 NTES311 17 November 2017 14:00 ETIE211 13 November 2017 09:00 NTES321 14 November 2017 09:00 ETIE311 14 November 2017 09:00 OTES111 10 November 2017 09:00 GRKS112 31 October 2017 14:00 OTES121 13 November 2017 09:00 GRKS113 01 November 2017 14:00 OTES211 15 November 2017 14:00 GRKS121 01 November 2017 09:00 OTES221 14 November 2017 14:00 GRKS211 13 November 2017 14:00 OTES311 01 November 2017 14:00 GRKS221 08 November 2017 09:00 OTES321 02 November 2017 14:00 GRKS312 10 November 2017 09:00 PAST121 17 November 2017 09:00 GRKS322 17 November 2017 09:00 PAST211 09 November 2017 09:00 HERM322 15 November 2017 14:00 PAST311 16 November 2017 09:00 HOML211 03 November 2017 09:00 PAST321 17 November 2017 14:00 KATE211 01 November 2017 09:00 PHIL211 15 November 2017 09:00 KDGE121 03 November 2017 09:00 PHIL221 15 November 2017 14:00 KDGE211 03 November 2017 14:00 SEMT112 02 November 2017 14:00 KDGE221 02 November 2017 09:00 SEMT113 02 November 2017 14:00 KDGE311 30 October 2017 09:00 SEMT121 07 November 2017 14:00 KDGE312 06 November 2017 14:00 SEMT211 17 November 2017 14:00 KDGE321 31 October 2017 14:00 SEMT221 10 November 2017 14:00 LATN112 06 November 2017 09:00 SEMT312 16 November 2017 14:00 LITK221 30 October 2017 14:00 SEMT322 08 November 2017 14:00 MISS211 09 November 2017 14:00 TEOL111 16 November 2017 14:00 MISS221 10 November 2017 09:00
10.4 Hons BA Oct/Nov 2017
DOGM672 02 November 2017 09:00 NTES673 A-C 01 November 2017 09:00 ETIE672 15 November 2017 14:00 NTES673 D-F 06 November 2017 09:00 KDGE672 15 November 2017 09:00 NTES673 G-H 10 November 2017 09:00 LITK671 16 November 2017 09:00 OTES674 30 October 2017 09:00 MISS672 14 November 2017 09:00 PAST671 17 November 2017 14:00
At the top right hand corner of the exam paper, the examiner indicates whether the exam is open book or not. If it is an open book exam, the examiner should explain which resources may be used during the exam, for ex. “only unmarked Bibles without explanatory notes” or “students may use the study guide, notes and handbooks”. The use of a laptop should be explained. The NWU lecturer should indicate this in the study guide or speak about it during the exam preparation session so that the students can come prepared to the exam venue.
24 NWU lecturers should ensure that their students know what they can expect in the exam venue and what they need during the exam, e.g. Bibles, notes, books, study guides, laptops with charged batteries, extension cords, internet access, etc. NWU lecturers should remember that some students write in exam centres in remote areas where there are no access to internet and where there may also be a lack of electricity or electrical plugs.
NWU lectures must please limit the duration of exam papers to 4 hours, as some invigilators and students travel with taxis and a 5 hour paper cannot be accommodated at the exam centres.
For the first semester, the exam papers should be submitted before or on 12 April and for the second semester, the date is 28 August.
15.1 English or Afrikaans LSC’s
From 2017, all exams will be handled by OLG. They will organise the exam centres and provide the necessary training to the invigilators. The attendance lists, exam papers and exam books will be sent to the exam centres with DHL. Each day, after the exam, the answer scripts, together with the attendance lists are organised according to the names on the attendance lists and collected by DHL. As soon as the answer scripts reach the UODL, it will be registered and the examiners will be notified to fetch the answer scripts for marking and moderation. The examiner and moderator have 10 days to complete the process. The examiner marks in red and puts the marks on the answer scripts and the 2 marks sheets that will be provided. The examiner will keep 1 copy and the other copy will be returned to the UODL together with the marked answer scripts. Those modules with a Section B for Pentecostal students will be marked by a designated marker from the Pentecostal tradition at the Faculty of Theology (cf. 9.1). He/she will mark only Section B. It is not necessary to work out the module mark, as the computer will do it automatically. The examiner then gives the answer scripts, together with the mark sheet and attendance list to the moderator. He/she does the moderation in green. After moderation, the moderator completes the moderator’s report and sends it, together with the attendance list, the mark sheet and the answer scripts, back to the examiner who ensures that everything is returned to the UODL so that the marks can be entered into the system.
25 15.2 Portuguese and Italian LSC’s
The UODL has a particular arrangement with these LSC’s regarding the translation of the exam papers, the marking and the moderation of the answer scripts. The exam marks must be send on EXCEL sheets. Please provide the MODULE CODE (e.g. MISS211 or ETIE672) and the QUALIFICATION (BTh or Hons BA). Each module should be on a separate EXCEL sheet. The EXCEL sheets with the exam marks should be emailed to Pieter Vermaak ([email protected]). The due date for submission of the exam marks for the first semester is 24 July and for the second semester it is 6 December.
15.3 Old co-operation agreements: BISA, GST and JWTC
They write their own exams and mark it themselves. They send the marks on EXCEL sheets. Each module is on a separate EXCEL sheet. The EXCEL sheets with the exam marks should be emailed to Pieter Vermaak ([email protected]). The due date for submission of the exam marks for the first semester is 24 July and for the second semester it is 6 December. The answer scripts are send to the UODL and distributed to the NWU lecturers for moderation. After completion of the moderation, the answer scripts are sent back to the UODL for safe keeping.
The results will be sent to the distance students and the students at the LSC’s as soon as the Exam Committee approved the results. For the first semester it will be 2-3 August and for the second semester it will be 15-18 December.
The following staff members are responsible for the following sections:
Section Staff member Telephone Email address CALL CENTRE 018 285 5900 [email protected]
Marks Mr Pieter Vermaak 018 299 4591 [email protected]
Registration Mrs Chantelle Badenhorst 018 299 2137 [email protected] Exam Centres & OLG Examinations