Penwortham Town Council s2
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Meeting of the Council held at the Penwortham Community Centre, Kingsfold Drive, Penwortham at 7.00pm on Tuesday 2 February 2016.
Present: The Deputy Mayor, Councillor T Young (in the chair)
Councillors D Bennett, D Bretherton, G Crewe, H Hancock, Mrs M Hancock, K Martin, J Patten, S Prynn, D Shaw, R Taylor, Mrs C Wooldridge and D Wooldridge.
Members of the public: 12
In attendance: Steve Caswell - Town Manager Marie Dardis - Democratic Services Officer
PCSO Mark Welch
114. Apologies for Absence
Apologies for absence were received from Councillors A Best, D Howarth, AE Pimblett, A Turner and I Watkinson.
115. Minutes of the Last Meeting
RESOLVED: that the minutes of the meeting held on 5 January 2016 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Deputy Mayor.
116. Declarations of Interest
There were no Interests disclosed.
117. Communications by the Town Mayor
The Deputy Mayor reported on behalf of the Town Mayor, that the Mayor and Members of the Town Council had attended the recent funeral of former Town Councillor Gerry Bryce.
118. Town Manager’s Report i) CEMETERY & WAR MEMORIAL
After the Christmas and New Year break burials and work at the cemetery is now pretty much back to normal. The ground is still wet on site and as such work continues in an attempt to keep the footpaths and roads clear and safe for visitors. Notices advising visitors that the footpaths may be slippy due to the recent inclement weather are still in situ. ii) COMMUNITY CENTRE
The Caring Council – Putting People First 2
Following the recommendation from the Community Centre Management Committee on Monday 18th January 2016 the front hall at the centre will receive a makeover. This will be done by volunteers, staff at the centre, officers of the council and elected members. Anyone that can help is asked to let the council officers.
The new look Penwortham Community Centre Youth Clubs will be starting soon. Registration nights have taken place for all youngsters wishing to attend the youth clubs with each of them completing forms verifying their age and address and any health issues or allergies. All of the youngsters have signed a behaviour agreement form and no children will be allowed into the youth clubs without a parental consent form signed.
The Youth Clubs will open with the support of volunteers who are already CRB cleared, copies of which will be held in the Town Council office alongside the volunteer registration forms. All volunteers will have an “enhanced” CRB check for this role once the registration for all volunteers is complete.
The Youth Club insurance is now held, and paid for, by the Town Council. iii) LENGTHS’PERSON’ SCHEME
Penwortham Town Council employs a Town Lengthsman whose role it is to improve the visual impact of the town. This may be simply by litter picking an area or helping an established group within the town to complete an environmental project.
The Town Lengthsman also carries out works on Public Rights of Way, usually as work ordered through Lancashire County Council and thus paid for by LCC too.
Any elected members or members of the public should contact Penwortham Town Council officers in the first instance should they feel works needed could be carried out by the town’s Lengthsman. The role of the Lengthsman is to carry out works over and above the statutory obligations of the borough and county councils.
Examples of recent works carried out by the Town Lengthsman;
Braid Close – Clear gulley Abbott Meadow – Clear gulley FP 14 – Clear fallen tree FP 4 – Strim and tidy footpath FP 56 – Strim and tidy footpath Clear footpath on Valley Road Leyland Road - Litter pick by Penwortham Holme iv) POLICE “In the Know” updates
To register for “in the know” updates to receive regular information via email please go to the address below and complete the on line form.
The Caring Council – Putting People First 3
We wanted to let you know that we have just issued our latest Stop & Search figures for the period 1 December 2014 to 31 December 2015.
If you want to know more about Stop and Search and how we use it in Lancashire have a look at our website here search.aspx If you want to see the latest figures click on the 'Best use of Stop and Search - Jan 16' link on that webpage.
The Courier Scam The courier scam is when fraudsters call and trick you into handing your cards and PIN or cash to a courier on your doorstep. There are many variations of the scam, but it usually follows this method:
A fraudster will cold call you on a landline, claiming to be from your bank or the police. They state their systems have spotted a fraudulent payment on your card or that they have a suspect in custody for fraud relating to your account. In order to reassure you that they are genuine, they often suggest that you hang up and ring the bank/police back straight away. However, they don’t disconnect the call from the landline so that when you dial the real phone number, you are actually still speaking to the fraudster. They then may either ask you to read out your PIN or type it on your phone keypad, suggest that you make a bank transfer to them to ensure safe keeping of your money or in some cases ask you to visit your local banking branch to withdraw cash. They may also ask for details of other accounts you hold with the bank or financial service provider. Finally, they either provide details for you to make the bank transfer or send a courier/state a police officer will attend to collect your bank cards and/or the cash. The fraudster will have then obtained your name, address, full bank details and potentially your card and PIN.
Protect Yourself:
Your bank will never send a courier to your home Your bank and the police will never collect your bank card or cash Your bank and the police will never ask for your PIN If you receive one of these calls end it immediately
If you have handed over any details to the fraudster, call your bank and cancel your cards immediately.If you want to call your bank, then do it from another telephone.
If you believe that you have been a victim of fraud you can report it online at or by telephone on 0300 123 2040.
The Caring Council – Putting People First 4
v) Further Updates;
Penwortham Neighbourhood Development Plan The Penwortham NDP is now being consulted upon by SRBC for six weeks beginning at the start of January 2016. Once the consultation is complete the Town Council and Penwortham NDP Steering group will have to consider their response to and comments resulting from the consultation.
Once the responses and any necessary amendments have been completed the NDP will be passed to a government planning inspector. When the inspection has finished and any resulting amendments made the Penwortham Neighbourhood Development Plan will then be submitted for a public referendum. Should the plan be accepted by the residents of Penwortham the next stage is a formal adoption by the planning authority, SRBC. The plan would then be a supplementary planning document used when considering all planning applications within the boundaries of Penwortham.
Flooding and the River Ribble Following concerns raised at last month’s Town Council meeting the Environment Agency have been approached with regard dredging the River Ribble.
This is the response received; In terms of the Lower River Ribble and estuary there is often discussion around the impacts of dredging as outlined in your question.
Unfortunately since the cessation of dredging to the Ribble Estuary following the closure of the Preston Dock in the 1980’s, it does appear this lower section may be accreting with silt deposits. However, the large size of the estuary at this point makes dredging for flood risk benefits uneconomical such that, without the commercial benefits of the dock operating, it seems unlikely the practice will be resumed in the near future.
Dredging would prove costly and would likely be uneconomic as in no downstream benefit at this time. The EA’s priority is to protect people and property and a dredging regime does not provide a cost effective option
Tesco – Government Buildings Cop Lane This is the latest news regarding Tesco and the site at the Cop Lane, Liverpool Road junction. The information was received by email on 18th January 2016.
We currently hope to be in a position to consult with the local community on the plans in early Spring, with a view to submitting an application to the council later in the Spring. We will be happy to keep you updated as we progress the proposals. vi) Upcoming Events;
Regular Penwortham Events for 2016; Penwortham Gala – 11th and 12th June 2016 Paint Penwortham Pink – October 2016
The Caring Council – Putting People First 5 Penwortham Firework Display – Saturday 5th November 2016 Penwortham Remembrance Day Parade – Sunday 13th November 2016 Kingsfold Christmas Market – 1st December 2016 Liverpool Road Christmas Market – 14th December 2016
119. Questions to the Police
The Council Meeting constituted the Police and Communities Together (PACT) meeting. The following issues were raised and would be dealt with by the police:
i) Articulated Lorries
Councillor Hancock raised concerns regarding large delivery vehicles using Cherrywood and Magnolia Road as a cut through route from Sainsbury’s towards Golden Way. PCSO Welch confirmed that he would raise the matter with the store Manager.
ii) Accidents at Meadway Junction
Councillor Bennett referred to a number of recent accidents at the junction of Meadway and Liverpool Road and asked the police if an investigation would be carried out in relation to this. PCSO Welch would investigate the matter further.
iii) Vehicles causing an Obstruction
Councillor Crewe reported parked vehicles on double yellow lines at the junction of Kew Gardens and Liverpool Road. PCSO Welch confirmed that the matter should be reported to Lancashire Parking Services.
iv) Speeding along Kingsfold Drive
Councillor Martin reported an increased number of speeding vehicles along Kingsfold Drive at approximately 7am and the use of scooters on the public right of way between Bramble Court and Moss Lane.
v) Blocked Driveways
Responding to a question from a member of the public, the Police confirmed that vehicles blocking driveways was a police issue and should be reported to the Police on the non-emergency number, 101.
Following the release of an efit of a man the police were looking for in relation to a recent exposure indecent in Penwortham, PCSO Welch reported that a number of names had been suggested to the police and those investigations were ongoing.
120. Issues raised by Members of the Public (Non-Police Issues)
The Town Council responded to questions regarding:
The Caring Council – Putting People First 6 i) A local resident reported regular flooding at the junction of Pope Lane and Cop Lane. The Town Manager indicated that the issue had been previously reported to Lancashire County Council and that the Town Council would make further enquiries in relation to this.
ii) A member of the public raised concern over the decision by South Ribble Borough Council to defer the change of use application for 244B Cop Lane. Councillor D Wooldridge confirmed that the Town Council’s position had not changed since the decision taken at the January meeting of the Town Council; and added that he would oppose a future application to remove the bollards from the forecourt of 244B Cop Lane.
Councillor Shaw stressed the importance of pedestrian safety and suggested that he would also be against the removal of the bollards, if proposed.
The Town Manager explained that Lancashire County Highways had initially objected to the original application and had later changed their position with recommended conditions. Councillor Prynn suggested writing to Lancashire County Highways to request their reasons behind their change of view.
Councillor Patten indicated that the application for the variation of condition on the planning application had not yet been made available and would request that the decision be taken at committee level, which he would attend.
RESOLVED: i) that the Town Council write to South Ribble Borough Council to oppose any future application to remove the bollards from the forecourt of 244B Cop Lane;
ii) that the Town Council write to Lancashire County Highways to request the grounds for changing their position on Planning Application: 07/2015/1778/FUL.
121. Development Control – Plans List
Councillor Shaw referred to Planning Application No: 07/2015/1854/FUL, Conversion and extension of existing building to provide one Class A1/A2 retail unit, one Class A4 Wine bar and formation of new delivery vehicle access off Liverpool Road.
Having reviewed the planning application, Councillor Shaw suggested that the overbearing nature of the plan would have a negative impact on the neighbouring properties and the surrounding area, in particular to the immediate residents of Queensway; contrary to Policy G17 of the South Ribble Local Plan. Councillor Shaw indicated that adequate parking had not been addressed for the A4 application in line with Policy F1 of the South Ribble Local The Caring Council – Putting People First 7 Plan, and raised concern over the lack of space for commercial and service vehicles to enter and manoeuvre on the site.
Councillor Shaw referred to the proposed removal of the brick walls with replacement railings and suggested that the plans did not include an Arboricultural Impact Assessment to consider the protection of trees located on the site.
RESOLVED: i) that objection be made to Planning Application No. 07/2015/1854/FUL on the grounds detailed and that these objections be passed to the Local Planning Authority.
122. Minutes of Committee Meetings
The Council was asked to approve the minutes of the recent meetings:
RESOLVED: i) that the minutes of the following committee meetings held on 18 January 2016 be approved:
i) Community Centre Management Committee – 18 January 2016 ii) Cemetery Committee – 18 January 2016 iii) Strategy and Finance Committee – 18 January 2016
123. Date of Forthcoming Committee Meetings
The Council was asked to approve the dates of the forthcoming meetings:
RESOLVED: i) that the dates of the following committee meetings be approved;
i) Events Committee – Monday 22 February 2016 ii) Strategy and Finance Committee – Monday 22 February 2016
124. Delegates’ Reports
Councillor Martin provided an update on the recent Executive Committee meeting of the Lancashire Association of Local Councils (LALC) held on 12th December 2015. Councillor’s Prynn and D Wooldridge both thanked Councillor Martin for the detailed report he had presented and circulated to officers.
125. Accounts for Payment – January 2016
The Council considered the report of the Responsible Financial Officer.
RESOLVED: that the following accounts be paid:
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SALARIES RE; ADMIN (paid by transfer) ADMIN £ 8,661.24 234 ( paid by cheque) tax & NI = £2121.45 WAGES RE; CENTRE ADMIN £ 2,205.48 235 (Inc tax/NI/pensions paid by cheque) pensions = £1583.76 OPEN SPACES SOCIETY SUBSCRIPTION ADMIN £ 45.00 236
TOTAL £12,886.57
126. Hill Road Cemetery – January 2016 Details of Burials and Deeds of Grant of Exclusive Right of Burial
The Council noted the following recent burials and agreed that, where necessary, a Deed of Grant of Exclusive Right of Burial be approved and signed: i) CREMATED REMAINS
Elizabeth Imelda Higham of 298 Leyland Road, Penwortham ii) ALL OTHER AREAS
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James William Rawson of 8 Oswald Street, Accrington
Donald Agnew Varley of 252 Liverpool Road, Penwortham
Doris Howarth of 119 Plungington Road, Preston
June Mavis Robinson of 18 Dickson Hey, New Longton
Betty Brady of 7 Troon Court, Penwortham
Clifford Parker of 16 Lambert Road, Ribbleton
Anna Wowczuk of 23 Greencroft, Penwortham
James Abbey of 30 Queensway, Penwortham
(The meeting finished at 7.45pm)
The minutes of this meeting and the next agenda will be available on the internet at
The Caring Council – Putting People First