Therefore, Since Through God's Mercy We Have This Ministry, We Do Not Lose Heart
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4:1 Therefore, since we have this in spiritual warfare, the best way to counter ministry, as we received mercy, we his efforts is by living in the light of the do not lose heart, knowledge of God revealed in Christ (2 Cor. Therefore, since through God's 4:6). The great thing about the truth is that mercy we have this ministry, we when we live by it, we have nothing to hide do not lose heart. or fear. Paul renounced ""secret and Therefore seeing we have this shameful ways"" (v. 2) because they are ministry, as we have received incompatible with the truth. mercy, we faint not; C. H. Spurgeon TODAY IN THE WORD Stern was the labor of the apostles, but they Earlier this month we mentioned G.K. felt that their work was so all-important, so Chesterton, the great British writer and divine, that they must not grow weary of it, defender of the faith. In 1908, Chesterton though they were, doubtless, often weary in wrote that Christian truth is a ""thrilling it. romance."" He went on to say: ""People have fallen into a foolish habit of speaking of We are sometimes ready to faint, but we orthodoxy as something heavy, humdrum, cast our fainting spirits into the arms of God, and safe. There was never anything so and our strength is again reserved at times, perilous and so exciting as orthodoxy."" the very importance of an errand first weighs down the spirit of the messenger, yet The apostle Paul would no doubt have said afterwards it seems to impel him to more ""Amen!"" to Chesterton's sentiments. Paul than ordinary exertion. So is it here, having was consumed by love for the truth of God. been divinely entrusted with this ministry, He gave his life to proclaiming and and being ready to faint under the defending it, and in today's text he tremendous responsibility that it involves, we commends truth as a potent weapon against yet are roused to action by the very pressure Satan's deception. We can't improve on that! which seems to deprive us of the power to Any military commander can tell you about act, and therefore “we faint not;”- the difficulty of conducting a war when you're not getting accurate information. MERCY, MERCIFUL A personal That's why armies work as hard on characteristic of care for the needs of others. confusing and deceiving their enemies as The biblical concept of mercy always they do on defeating them in battle. involves help to those who are in need or distress. Such help covers a broad range, Satan is in his element when it comes to from assistance in finding a bride to God’s deception. We know that Jesus called him forgiveness of sin. A wide vocabulary is the ""father of lies"" (John 8:44). He is the employed in the original languages to ""god of this age"" (2 Cor. 4:4), blinding express these concepts, and an even wider anyone he can to the truth, spreading his vocabulary is found in English translations. lies. C. H. Spurgeon The primary targets of Satan's deception are It is a very high privilege to be called to the unbelievers. But Jesus also warns us that in work of the Christian ministry, and when the the end times, Satan's false prophets and minister remembers what great mercy he false Christs will seek to deceive even the has himself received, what sins have been people of God (Matt. 24:24). forgiven, what favors have been bestowed, he has the very best incentives in all the If deception is one of Satan's chief weapons
1 II CORINTHIANS Chapter 4 world to pursue his ministry with diligence and with zeal. When the offering plate was passed during a service, a young boy placed the plate on the “We faint not,” says the apostle. We do not floor, stood up, and stepped into it. When hang our harps upon the willows. We do not asked to explain, he replied that he had pray to be allowed to retire from the battle, been deeply touched by the minister's life, and give up the strife; but, feeling how great and while he had no money to give he has been the mercy of God to our own wanted to give himself wholly to God. souls, we are stirred up to press forward with holy zeal to win the victory. The boy who stepped into the plate was Bobby Moffat, who in 1817 became a We long that others may taste of the same pioneer missionary to South Africa. He was good things on which we have feasted. greatly used of God to touch many lives. And it all started with that small church and It is a very high privilege to be called to the the faithful work of that unappreciated work of the Christian ministry, and when the pastor. minister remembers what great mercy he has himself received, what sins have been Perhaps you see no fruit from your work for forgiven, what favors have been bestowed, the Lord. Remain faithful! Do not lose heart, he has the very best incentives in all the but ask God to strengthen you with His world to pursue his ministry with diligence power (2 Corinthians 4:1,7). In His time and and with zeal. in His way, He will produce a harvest if you do not give up (Galatians 6:9). “We faint not,” says the apostle. We do not hang our harps upon the willows. We do not A fruitful harvest requires pray to be allowed to retire from the battle, faithful service. and give up the strife; but, feeling how great has been the mercy of God to our own C. H. Spurgeon souls, we are stirred up to press forward Paul’s description of his own ministry and with holy zeal to win the victory. that of Timothy also should be true of every servant of Jesus Christ. There must be no We long that others may taste of the same dishonesty, or craftiness, or deceit about the good things on which we have feasted. minister of the Word, and it is by the manifestation of the truth that he must Are You Weary? commend himself to every man’s Since we have this ministry, as we have conscience in the sight of God. He may not received mercy, we do not lose heart. —2 win every man’s approval, yet even those Corinthians 4:1 who differ from him must perceive his loyalty to his Lord. I read a story about a pastor of a small, rural church in Scotland. He had been forced out 4:2 but we have renounced the things by his elders, who claimed they saw no fruit hidden because of shame, not from his ministry. The village in which the walking in craftiness or adulterating pastor served was a difficult place. People's the word of God, but by the hearts were cold and hostile to the truth. manifestation of truth commending During the time the pastor served, there had ourselves to every man's been no conversions and no baptisms. But conscience in the sight of God. he did recall one positive response to his Rather, we have renounced secret preaching. and shameful ways; we do not
use deception, nor do we distort that shall command the approval of the the word of God. On the contrary, conscience oven of those who may not by setting forth the truth plainly accept the truth that we proclaim. we commend ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of In His Sight: God. Character But have renounced the hidden Confession things of dishonesty, not walking in Confusion craftiness, nor handling the word of Conscience God deceitfully; but by manifestation Care of the truth commending ourselves Charge to every man's conscience in the Consecration sight of God. C. H. Spurgeon 4:2 Preachers, teachers, and anyone else There have, alas! been many preachers who who talks about Jesus Christ must have handled the Word of God in the remember that they stand in God’s presence manner described by the apostle. They have —he hears every word. When you tell out and trimmed the truth in order to please people about Christ, be careful not to distort their generation; they have kept back this, or the message to please your audience. have made unduly prominent that, instead of Proclaim the truth of God’s Word. giving all the truth of God its proper and proportionate prominence in their ministry; C. H. Spurgeon but such men have not, after all, won the Far be it from the teacher of truth ever to respect of their hearers. use words in a non-natural sense, or to dissemble or equivocate, saying to the ear There is an old story told of King John of what he means not in the sense in which the England that, when he was closely pressed hearer understands it. Far be it from us to by the barons, he wrote to the Emperor of mix with the Word of God anything of our Morocco, and offered to turn Mohammedan, own as vintners mix various kinds of wine, and take an oath of allegiance to him if he for such is the import of the word that the would send an army to help him, and it is apostle here uses. Let none of us ever said that, ever after, the Emperor of Morocco handle the Word of God deceitfully. There is abhorred and detested the very name of no deceit in it; it is all pure unmixed truth. An John, for he said he must be an abominable honest mind is needed for the understanding miscreant to be willing to change his religion of it, and then a truthful tongue for the telling for the sake of gain. of it to others. If we do preach undiluted, unadulterated truth, we must not expect that Ah, my brethren! We never gain any respect, the natural heart of man will commend our even from the world, by seeking after it in honesty. We are to commend ourselves to this fashion. Be thoroughly honest, every man’s conscience, not by cutting and especially you who are in the Christian trimming the Word so as to make it palatable ministry; be outspoken, blunt, and plain; and to our hearers, leaving one truth out to then, even if men’s prejudices condemn you, please this man, and dwelling too long upon their consciences will commend you for another truth so as to please some other speaking what you believe to be the truth. hearer, but by bringing out the whole teaching of the Scripture in clear truthfulness Oswald Chambers Have you "renounced the hidden things of shame" in your life -- the things that your 3 II CORINTHIANS Chapter 4 sense of honor or pride will not allow to understand what the teaching of God really come into the light? You can easily hide is. them. Is there a thought in your heart about anyone that you would not like to be brought 4:3 And even if our gospel is veiled, it is into the light? Then renounce it as soon as it veiled to those who are perishing, comes to mind -- renounce everything in its And even if our gospel is veiled, it entirety until there is no hidden dishonesty is veiled to those who are or craftiness about you at all. Envy, jealousy, perishing. and strife don't necessarily arise from your But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to old nature of sin, but from the flesh which them that are lost: was used for these kinds of things in the past (see and ). You must maintain 4:3-4 The gospel is open and revealed to continual watchfulness so that nothing everyone, except to those who refuse to arises in your life that would cause you believe. Satan is “the god of this age.” His shame. work is to deceive, and he has blinded those who don’t believe in Christ (see 2 Cor. ". . . not walking in craftiness. . ." (2 11:14-15). The allure of money, power, and Corinthians 4:2). This means not resorting to pleasure blinds people to the light of Christ’s something simply to make your own point. gospel. Those who reject Christ and prefer This is a terrible trap. You know that God will their own pursuits have unknowingly made allow you to work in only one way -- the way Satan their god. of truth. Then be careful never to catch people through the other way -- the way of C. H. Spurgeon deceit. If you act deceitfully, God's blight and Without light from above, no man can ruin will be upon you. What may be perceive the beauties either of the gospel or craftiness for you, may not be for others -- of Christ himself. Until God the Holy Spirit God has called you to a higher standard. sheds a spiritual light upon the person, and Never dull your sense of being your utmost offices, and work of Christ, men grope in the for His highest -- your best for His glory. For dark as blind men do. They see not the truth, you, doing certain things would mean they are not persuaded of its excellence; our craftiness coming into your life for a purpose ministry is to them a veiled ministry, they do other than what is the highest and best, and not comprehend it. Let those who receive it would dull the motivation that God has not the gospel see what a miserable state given you. Many people have turned back theirs is, they are blinded by “the god of this because they are afraid to look at things world.” He has such supremacy over their from God's perspective. The greatest intellects that he has utterly perverted and spiritual crisis comes when a person has to ruined them. move a little farther on in his faith than the beliefs he has already accepted. C. H. Spurgeon C. H. Spurgeon It was not hidden under fine language and It is no part of the business of Christ’s oratorical flourishes on the part of the ministers to modify the truth which he has apostles; there was a far more terrible entrusted to them, or to put new meanings barrier in the way of its entrance into the into it which God never meant, draining hearts of some who heard it. away the very life-blood of the gospel, and leaving it dead and useless; but it is both our The light of the gospel is so glorious and duty and our privilege to state it just as we bright that it is only hidden from those who find it, and to proclaim it in as plain language have been blinded by Satan, “the god of this as possible so that everybody may world.” The only hope for them is to believe
4 II CORINTHIANS Chapter 4 in Jesus who can give sight to the spiritually four children were suffering the worst pain. blind as easily as he gave sight to the physically blind when he was here in the A couple of days before the funeral, I got a flesh. call from Mary, who asked if I would share a eulogy of Kurt. I was overwhelmed with this 4:4 in whose case the god of this world bittersweet privilege. has blinded the minds of the unbelieving, that they might not see As I reflected on Kurt's life, one trait the light of the gospel of the glory of continued to surface. It was a remarkable Christ, who is the image of God. characteristic, and it was something that I The god of this age has blinded focused on in my eulogy. In the 22 years I the minds of unbelievers, so that had known him, worked with him, and talked they cannot see the light of the with him, I never once heard Kurt say a gospel of the glory of Christ, who negative word about any other person. is the image of God. In whom the god of this world hath What a remarkable legacy of a true Christian blinded the minds of them which heart! Kurt lived up to the standard of believe not, lest the light of the Ephesians 4:29-32. He sought to build up glorious gospel of Christ, who is the others, showing kindness and image of God, should shine unto tenderheartedness instead of bitterness and them. malice. Will others be able to say the same about C.H. Spurgeon us? Beware lest that blindness becomes the herald of your doom. Before Haman was A kind word is the oil hanged, the first thing that the servants did that takes the friction out of life. was to cover his face. And when a man is about to be lost forever, the first thing the Satan’s Names: devil does is to blind his eyes so that he Devil to deceive cannot see. Now the poor blind Samson will Adversary to accuse make sport for the Philistines. Now they Angel of light to misrepresent hope that they can kill him whenever they Enemy to oppose please. Beware of a blinded conscience; it is Hinderer to deter the prelude to eternal destruction! God of this age to blind Tempter to allure No Unkind Words Let no corrupt word proceed out of your They Understood mouth, but what is good for necessary [God] comforts us in all our tribulations, that edification. —Ephesians 4:29 we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble. —2 Corinthians 1:4 One of the greatest honors ever offered to me came during one of life's saddest times. A few days before Christmas, we received a I was heartbroken last year when my good beautiful floral arrangement with a card that friend and co-worker Kurt De Haan died said, "Remembering your loss and wishing suddenly while out on his regular lunchtime you and your family a blessed Christmas run. Kurt was managing editor of Our Daily and a Happy New Year. Love and prayers, Bread from 1989 until the time of his death. Dave and Betty." Losing him was a huge blow to each of us at RBC Ministries, but his wife Mary and their Seven months earlier, my sister Marti and 5 II CORINTHIANS Chapter 4 her husband Jim had been killed in a traffic Although a man can make changes in his accident. This was our first Christmas life, even positive changes, he still remains without them, so it was a great the same person and often goes from one encouragement to have friends kind of problem to another. acknowledge our loss and express their love in a tangible way. Blinds with: Things Dave and Betty understood our need to Attractions grieve and find God's healing because two Occupations decades earlier their daughter had taken her No conscience own life. They had experienced the Lord's False hopes comfort over the years, so they were able to come alongside us in a sensitive and caring False religions way. Fear of man
That loving act came as a striking example C. H. Spurgeon of Paul's words: "The Father of mercies and There is nothing remarkable in us, we are in God of all comfort . . . comforts us in all our ourselves poor, frail fragile creatures, like tribulation, that we may be able to comfort earthen vessels of no particular value, yet those who are in any trouble, with the this we do not regret, for there is a good comfort with which we ourselves are reason for it: comforted by God" (2 Corinthians 1:3-4). What a miserable topic we should have if we When God touches our broken hearts with did preach ourselves! But we do not set up His peace, we are uniquely equipped to ourselves as “priests” having authority to share that with others. What a wonderful gift administer “sacraments” to a lower order of to give and receive at Christmas! beings who do not possess sacerdotal sanctity; we do not claim to belong to a God does not comfort us to make us ministerial caste; we regard ourselves as comfortable, but to make us comforters. simply on an equality with the rest of the Christian brotherhood; and, therefore, “we Satan’s Activities: preach not ourselves,” He fights He positions himself Threefold Message: He blinds us Gospel of grace Gospel of power He beguiles us He works evil Gospel of glory He hinders Self In Mirror, Or Christ He accuses J. Sidlow Baxter tells of an incident that occurred in his home. It so happened that Reform Futile Without Christ directly in line with a picture of Christ was a Sports broadcaster Harry Kalas once mirror. If one were to stand a certain way, introduced a Philadelphia Phillies baseball the person's image would blot out the player, Garry Maddox, with the following picture. Dr. Baxter's little daughter was one words: "He has turned his life around. He day standing before the mirror and used to be depressed and miserable. Now happened to stand directly in line with the he's miserable and depressed." picture. When she moved, the picture again appeared.
She ran excitedly to her Daddy and said, Catechism and many other good things; but "Daddy, I can see Jesus when I am looking she died when the lad was only six years at myself." old.
Gospel: His father was a sea-captain, and took the Divine in its source boy to sea when he was eleven years old. Gracious in its bestowment The young fellow learned to curse and Personal in its message blaspheme, and became very wild. At one time he was force into the navy, and he Life-giving in its begetting became a midshipman. But he was very Saving in its work restless and he deserted, was caught, Full in its blessing stripped, whipped severely, and degraded to Powerful in its might the ranks. Practical in its out-working Glorious in its consummation By this time he had become a thorough infidel, and was steeped in all kinds of sin. Simple Preaching Of Brainerd He fell into the hands of a slave-trade in David Brainerd, the famous missionary to Africa, and suffered all manner of hardship the American Indians, proclaimed this truth there, being continually insulted and almost throughout his ministry. He said, "I never got starved. After many strange and hazardous away from Jesus and Him crucified in my adventures he became a slave-trader preaching. I found that once these people himself, and made several voyages to Africa were gripped by the great evangelical in that shameful occupation. meaning of Christ's sacrifice on our behalf, I did not have to give them many instructions The reading of Thomas À Kempis, the about changing their behavior." fearful experiences of a storm at sea in which his ship was almost lost, his When Charles Spurgeon lay on his deliverance from a severe fever in Africa, deathbed, he testified to a friend, "My these, and other experiences, at last awoke theology now is found in four little words: in the sinful man the memories of the 'JESUS died for ME.' I don't say this is all I religion his mother had taught him. And he would preach if I were to be raised up again, turned from his sins with true repentance. but it is more than enough for me to die upon." He became a minister of the gospel. This was in 1764, when he was thirty-nine years Glorious Things: old. He settled in Olney, England, and there Work it was that he formed the beautiful friendship Past with William Cowper which has given to the Liberty world so many splendid hymns. Power Glorious things of thee are spoken, Gospel Zion, city of our God! Body He, whose word cannot be broken, Appearing Form'd thee for His own abode:
"Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken" On the Rock of ages founded, None of the Christian hymn-writers has had What can shake thy sure repose? a history so remarkable as that of John With salvation's wall surrounded, Newton. He was born in London. His mother Thou may'st smile at all thy foes. was a pious woman, who taught him the
4:5 For we do not preach ourselves but Christ Jesus as Lord, and ourselves C. H. Spurgeon as your bond-servants for Jesus' We cannot therefore darken the gospel, or sake. cover it up, “for God hath shined in our For we do not preach ourselves, hearts,” but Jesus Christ as Lord, and ourselves as your servants for “ Christ Jesus the Lord” is to be the great Jesus' sake. theme of our preaching; and when it is so, For we preach not ourselves, but we naturally take our right position with Christ Jesus the Lord; and regard to our hearers, as Paul and Timothy ourselves your servants for Jesus' did: “and ourselves your servants for Jesus’ sake. sake.”
4:5 The focus of Paul’s preaching was Christ 4:6 For God, who said, "Light shall and not himself. When you witness, tell shine out of darkness," is the One people about what Christ has done, and not who has shone in our hearts to give about your abilities and accomplishments. the light of the knowledge of the People must be introduced to Christ, not to glory of God in the face of Christ. you. And if you hear someone preaching For God, who said, "Let light himself or his own ideas rather than Christ, shine out of darkness," made his beware—he is a false teacher. light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of 4:5 Paul willingly served the Corinthian the glory of God in the face of church even though the people must have Christ. deeply disappointed him. Serving people For God, who commanded the light requires a sacrifice of time and personal to shine out of darkness, hath desires. Being Christ’s follower means shined in our hearts, to give the light serving others, even when they do not of the knowledge of the glory of God measure up to our expectations. in the face of Jesus Christ.
C. H. Spurgeon C. H. Spurgeon Hence we learn that anything like priestcraft The most earnest and faithful minister of the is altogether foreign to the Bible. The “priest” gospel must ever remember that humbling preaches up himself, the extraordinary value truth. He has this precious treasure of the of his ordination, the occult influences which gospel entrusted to his charge; he knows he flow from his touch, the mysterious power has it, and he means to keep it safely, but, which dwells in baptismal water, and in still, he is nothing but an earthen vessel, “consecrated” wafers and poured-out wine. easily broken, soon marred,-a poor This is preaching themselves with a depository for such priceless truth. Yet God vengeance; but Christ’s apostles preached has a good reason for putting this treasure not themselves, they preached up Christ into earthen vessels and him crucified. Paul wrote, “God forbid that I should glory save in the cross of our Our Hearts: Lord Jesus Christ;” and this was the The Gospel’s Target constant theme of all the apostles. The Spirit’s Abode The Lord’s Residence If they mentioned themselves at all, they God’s Testing House simply said, as Paul does here, “Ourselves Faith’s Concern your servants for Jesus’ sake.” The Believer’s Assurer 8 II CORINTHIANS Chapter 4
The Spirit’s Tablet your eyes. Believe that the Lord of glory died for your sins. Then trust Him. Your eyes will PRESENCE OF GOD God’s initiative in be opened, and you’ll recognize who He encountering people. Biblical words for the really is. presence of God usually relate to the “face” of God. Wise men still seek Jesus.
Light: Christ’s Face: Source Glorious Substance (transfiguration) Standing Agonized Walking (supplication) Gospel Insulted Protection (persecution) Separation Covered (derision) Seeing At Christmas Steadfast God . . . commanded light to shine out of (determination) darkness. —2 Corinthians 4:6 Set (destination) During the Christmas season of 1879, an Struck agnostic reporter in Boston saw three little (opposition) girls standing in front of a store window full Marred of toys. One of them was blind. He heard the (substitution) other two describing the toys to their friend. Illuminating He had never considered how difficult it was (ministration) to explain to someone without sight what Revealed something looks like. That incident became (reproduction) the basis for a newspaper story. C. H. Spurgeon Two weeks later the reporter attended a God might have put the priceless treasure of meeting held by Dwight L. Moody. His the gospel into the golden vessel of purpose was to catch the evangelist in an cherubim and seraphim; and he might have inconsistency. He was surprised when sent angels, who would never suffer, who Moody used his account of the children to would never err, who would never sin, to illustrate a truth. “Just as the blind girl preach the Word; but, instead of doing so, couldn’t visualize the toys,” said Moody, “so he has chosen to send the gospel to men by an unsaved person can’t see Christ in all His commonplace beings like themselves. “We glory.” have this treasure in earthen vessels,” and this redoundeth much to God’s glory; and, On that first Christmas, only a few people dear friends, the great object of the sending understood who Jesus really was. Many of the gospel into the world is the glory of heard the report of the shepherds and were God. He would manifest his mercy to men amazed, but they didn’t view the baby in the that his mercy might be glorified; and manger as the Son of God. therefore he has committed the gospel, not to the trust of perfect men, but to the trust of Today, multitudes are unaware of the true poor, shallow, earthen vessels like identity of Jesus because they are spiritually ourselves. blind. If this describes you, ask God to open 9 II CORINTHIANS Chapter 4
4:7 But we have this treasure in earthen Corinthians 4:7 vessels, that the surpassing greatness of the power may be of Ruthe Frens had spent most of her life as a God and not from ourselves; missionary in Japan. When I was asked to But we have this treasure in jars speak at her funeral, the apostle Paul's of clay to show that this all- words in 2 Corinthians 4 came to mind. surpassing power is from God Ruthe's conversion as a child had not been and not from us. like Paul's. It was not accompanied by a But we have this treasure in earthen blinding light from heaven and an audible vessels, that the excellency of the message from Jesus (Acts 9). Yet, over the power may be of God, and not of years it was obvious to all who knew her that us. she had seen the light--she had come to know God personally through faith in Jesus 4:7 The supremely valuable message of Christ (2 Cor. 4:6). And her face revealed salvation in Jesus Christ has been entrusted the joy of her relationship with the Lord. by God to frail and fallible human beings (“jars of clay”). Paul’s focus, however, was Ruthe could also identify with Paul's not on the perishable container but on its description of the human body as "an priceless contents—God’s power dwelling in earthen vessel" (v.7), which is fragile and us. Though we are weak, God uses us to only temporary. An illness that almost took spread his Good News, and he gives us her life in 1953 left her physically weakened. power to do his work. Knowing that the But through the years she grew spiritually power is his, not ours, should keep us from strong. pride and motivate us to keep daily contact with God, our power source. Our I was with her family when the doctor responsibility is to let people see God informed her that she didn't have long to through us. live. At that time, everyone could see the peace on her face. After her death, scores of C. H. Spurgeon letters and e-mail messages from friends in There is the very glory of God in the face of Japan had this common theme: Ruthe's Jesus Christ, for he is “very God of very smile radiated the presence of Jesus in her God,” and he who will but think of the life. wondrous mystery of the Incarnate Deity, and the simple but marvelous plan of Does your life reveal to others that you know salvation through Christ’s atoning sacrifice, Jesus? Can they see that your heart has will see infinitely more glory there than in all been transformed? God’s works in creation or providence. A Christian's life is the window through Power: which others can see Jesus. Exceeding in greatness Mighty in essence C. H. Spurgeon Effectual in working The original might very fairly be rendered, Divine in source “We have this treasure in oyster shells,” for, Glorious in achievement just as pearls are found in the shells of Eclipsing in excellence oysters, so God gives to those who preach the Word the treasure of the gospel, yet they Spiritual in nature are themselves nothing but the oyster shells, nothing but the earthen vessel in which God Earthen Vessels pleases to place his priceless treasures. If We have this treasure in earthen vessels. --2 10 II CORINTHIANS Chapter 4 you have done anything in the service of We are troubled on every side, yet God, my brother, remember that you are not distressed; we are perplexed, nothing but the oyster shell, it is God’s truth but not in despair; that is the pearl in you; so while you are thankful for the honor that he puts upon you, 4:8-12 Paul reminds us that though we may mind that you give him all the glory. It is well think we are at the end of the rope, we are to take the right view of our own never at the end of hope. Our perishable imperfections and infirmities, as Paul did bodies are subject to sin and suffering, but when he wrote, “Most gladly therefore will I God never abandons us. Because Christ rather glory in my infirmities, that the power has won the victory over death, we have of Christ may rest upon me.” The infirmity of eternal life. All our risks, humiliations, and the creature leaves the more room for the trials are opportunities for Christ to display of the greatness of the Creator; for, if demonstrate his power and presence in and God can work such wondrous results by through us. using such poor tools as we are, how great must be his power and skill! C. H. Spurgeon He is not so far gone as that. He sees the C. H. Spurgeon stormy billows raging around outside the He who wishes for an easy time of it must ship everywhere, and the ship is tossed not become a minister of the gospel. If he is hither and thither upon the waves yet she determined to preach it faithfully, fully, does not leak, there is no water in the hold, simply, straight from his heart, he will often and the waves will not sink the ship as long find himself in such circumstances as the as she can keep them outside; and trouble apostle describes in these verses. will not distress us as long as we can obey our Lord’s injunction, “Let not your heart be C. H. Spurgeon troubled.” “We are troubled on every side, If angels had been commissioned to preach yet not distressed; the gospel, we might have attributed some of its power to their superior intelligence, The Trouble With Helping and if only those had been called to preach We are hard pressed on every side, yet not the gospel who were men of great intellect crushed; we are perplexed, but not in and of profound learning, we might have despair. --2 Corinthians 4:8 considered that the talent of man was the essential qualification for a preacher. But The man got in trouble for helping someone. when God selects-as he often does, nay, as He had been raised in a rural area, so he he always does;-earthen vessels, and some was in the habit of stopping to assist that seem more manifestly earthen than troubled motorists. But when he stopped in a others, then the excellency of the power is large city to offer help to someone who was unquestionably seen to be of God, and not stranded, he was shot, robbed, and left for of us. In Paul’s case, the earthiness of the dead. The story has a happy ending, though. vessel appeared in the trouble which he had The man recovered from his injuries, and he to bear. says he has gained a deeper confidence in God. He still believes that helping others is 4:8 we are afflicted in every way, but not the right thing to do. crushed; perplexed, but not despairing; Now, I'm not suggesting that we stop for We are hard pressed on every every stranded motorist. Caution is always side, but not crushed; perplexed, wise. But the New Testament shows that but not in despair; when we help others, we are bound to run
11 II CORINTHIANS Chapter 4 into trouble—especially when what we offer easiest and most pleasant of any I had is the good news of the gospel. Sooner or experienced since my leaving the fort." later we will meet with resistance. Yet this trouble will have a happy ending. Back in the first century, as the apostle Paul traveled from town to town proclaiming the The apostle Paul, for example, was gospel, he faced opposition and desperate battered, bruised, hated, and harassed. But situations (2 Corinthians 4:8-10; 11:23-33). he expressed the heart of a man who was Time and time again he found help and hope doing exactly what he wanted to do. He was by turning to the Lord. working with God for the spiritual rescue of people who would someday fill eternity with How about you? How did you respond the their appreciation (2 Corinthians 4:15). He last time something went wrong? Did you fall knew that in the end the Lord Himself would apart? If so, you need to ask God for confirm the eternal value of his efforts. And patience and a positive perspective to that was worth all the trouble he handle life's setbacks in a mature Christian encountered helping others. way (James 1:2-5). When things go wrong, ask God for strength and wisdom. Then The rewards of witnessing thank Him for working to increase your are well worth the risks. faith.
C. H. Spurgeon Tough times teach trust. We scarcely know what to do, but we have not given way to despair. We are perplexed, C. H. Spurgeon but hope has not gone from us. Dum spiro The apostle is here speaking for himself and spero, was the old Latin proverb,-”While I all the members of the apostolic college, and live I hope;” but the Christian proverb is a also for all the early saints. They appear to still better one, Dum expiro spero,- “Even have been very much troubled, and while I die I still have hope,” for “the sometimes to have been very much righteous hath hope in his death.” perplexed. I meet with certain brethren, now and then, who have no troubles; they are so When Things Go Wrong supremely wise that they are never We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not perplexed, and so eminently holy that they crushed; we are perplexed, but not in do not appear to belong to the ordinary despair. --2 Corinthians 4:8 democracy of Christianity, but are altogether supernatural beings. Well, I do not belong to One measure of our spiritual maturity is the their clique, and it does not seem to me that way we respond when things go wrong. If Paul and the apostles and the early we give in to despair, doubt God's existence, Christians did. Those great pioneers of the or strike out at some innocent person, we Church of Christ were men who were have some growing up to do. troubled on every side, perplexed, persecuted, cast down; in fact, they were Explorer Samuel Hearne (1745-1792) was men of like passions with ourselves. on an expedition in northern Canada when a crucial piece of charting equipment broke. Dying Daily So he had to turn back. Then, thieves stole We are hard-pressed on every side, . . . most of his supplies. Hearne responded in always carrying about in the body the dying an unexpected way. In his journal he wrote, of the Lord Jesus. —2 Corinthians 4:8,10 "As the ravagers had materially lightened my load, . . . this part of the journey was the Are you in a situation where you are often
12 II CORINTHIANS Chapter 4 misunderstood for your faith in Christ? Are yet bravely says the apostle, “We are not you surrounded by people with a carping, distressed,” or, as the original seems to, “We critical spirit? Do you get little or no credit for still have a plan of overcoming our the work you do in your church or for your adversaries; though they seem to have got family? us entirely in their power, there is still something that we can do to obtain our The proper response is a willingness to have release.” And he goes even further than that, a humble and submissive spirit—to die as for he says, “We are perplexed,” — it Jesus did throughout His life. Yes, our Lord seemed as if there was nothing that he died once on the cross; but in another sense could do, yet he added, “but not in despair,” He also died every day. The cross was the — “not altogether without help,” as the culmination of an entire lifetime of dying. He marginal reading renders it,-for, when he was willing to be misunderstood and could do nothing, God could do everything. maligned, to give up home and comforts, to The death of creature-strength is the birth of take the role of a servant. That was His omnipotent might. “death.” We must be willing to die in that way as well. “ Persecuted, but not forsaken; “-having no man’s face to smile upon him, but still When we die with Him, God’s gift to us is” rejoicing in the light of God’s countenance. the life of Jesus”(2 Corinthians 4:10), the “Cast down,” — as if his antagonist had most attractive life ever lived. His beauty will thrown him, and he had fallen heavily upon gradually grow in us and become our beauty the ground; yet he says, as he springs up as well. again, “Cast down, but not destroyed.” Many a time the Christian wrestler is thrown by his Remember this saying: “A picture is worth a foe, but he never has a final fall. As Paul, thousand words.” The portrait you draw of when he was stoned at Lystra, and left for Jesus with your humble, tranquil presence in dead, rose up again, and soon went on with the face of grievous wrong is worth many his work, so the Christian, when ho has words on the subject. Some may see the life been cast down by trouble, often seems to of Jesus revealed in you and long to enter gain new life and vigor, and to go on to into that life. That’s how dying daily can help serve his Master even better than he did bring life to another. before.
Living daily for Christ FORSAKE, FORSAKING requires dying daily to self. God doesn’t forsake those who trust 4:9 persecuted, but not forsaken; struck him. down, but not destroyed; Jesus asked why God had forsaken persecuted, but not abandoned; him. struck down, but not destroyed. Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast C. H. Spurgeon down, but not destroyed; For there is One who, when we are persecuted, is persecuted with us, and C. H. Spurgeon persecuted in us, who has promised that we “ We are troubled on every side.” There shall not be left desolate. He hath said, “I will seems to be an allusion here to the Greek never leave you, nor forsake you.” wrestling games. Sometimes, in wrestling, a man would be gripped by his adversary so Who shall be destroyed: that he could scarcely move hand or foot; False teachers.
The destroyers of the earth. the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the Rev. 11:18 life also of Jesus might be made The indulgent and the immoral. 1 manifest in our body. Cor. 6:13 The unbelievers. Jude 5 C. H. Spurgeon The wicked. Matthew 21:41 The apostles were always ready to die for The worldly. Luke 17:26 Christ, and therefore they were enabled to The worldly wise. 1 Cor. 1:19 live so much like Christ, imitating his life, and being prepared to follow him even to the Those who are vessels fitted for death whenever he called them to do so. destruction. Romans 9:22 Those who are worldly and who Paul’s Deposit: oppose the cross of Christ. Reputation of His character Phil. 3:18 Temple of His Body Those who commit idolatry and immorality, who murmur and Life of His service grumble. 1 Cor. 10:7 Work of His labor Those who do not know God and do Trial of His infirmity not obey the gospel of Christ. 2 Consecration of His being Thes. 1:7 Success of His ministry Those who enter the wide gate and follow the broad way of life. R.C. Sproul Matthew 7:13 Having discussed how it is that even now Those who love money. 1 believers are growing from glory to grater Tim. 6:9 glory, Paul turns around and says that it Those who refuse to hear Christ. frequently seems as if the very opposite is Acts 3:22 happening. Paradoxically, the Christian’s glory is often seen in the present age when Those who rest in a false and he suffers, not when he prospers. worldly security. 1 Thes. 5:3 Those who sin. Romans When we discuss suffering, we must relate it 3:15 to the life and work of Jesus Christ. He Those who twist and distort the suffered, bearing the shame and penalty of Scriptures. 2 Peter 3:16 others, but then was exalted to glory. In the same way, we who are in union with Christ C. H. Spurgeon can expect a portion of suffering, to be Even if the adversary is able to cast us followed by glory. Historically, it is times of down, he is not able to destroy us, for suffering in the life of the church that prepare “underneath are the everlasting arms.” “Cast her for periods of influence and prosperity: down, but not destroyed; and so it is also in our personal lives. Whether the church suffers or prospers, it is 4:10 always carrying about in the body all ultimately to the glory of God. the dying of Jesus, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our But there is more to it than this. God told body. Paul that He wanted to keep Paul weak, We always carry around in our because “My power is made perfect in body the death of Jesus, so that weakness.” Paul’s weakness and suffering the life of Jesus may also be kept him dependent on God, and became a revealed in our body. channel for God’s grace to others. Always bearing about in the body
Yet there is more even than this. When we manifestation of the life of Christ. When we are united to the Son of God, Jesus Christ, begin to reckon that we shall live long, we we are given the privilege of sharing in His are very apt to live loosely. To live as though work in a secondary fashion. We have to to-morrow might be the judgment day, or as phrase this point carefully. We do not though to-day the King might come in his contribute anything to the definitive, once- glory, that is the style of living which is the and-for-all suffering of Christ for the sins of best of all. “A short life and a holy one,” — the world. Yet our sufferings do contribute to lengthened as God may please, but the filling out of the kingdom in the world. reckoned by us as short even at the longest, Paul writes that death is at work in him so — be that the Christian’s motto. As the that life might be at work among the worldling says, “A short life and a merry Corinthians. Just as the sufferings and death one,” we say, “A short life if God so wills it, of Jesus mean that we escape the wrath of but a holy one whether it be long or short.” God, so in a secondary way, God gave Paul the privilege of suffering in order that the Oswald Chambers infant church might be spared the wrath of We have to develop godly habits to express man. what God's grace has done in us. It is not just a question of being saved from hell, but It is part of the Christian’s glory to be of being saved so that "the life of Jesus also counted worthy to join Christ in His may be manifested in our body." And it is sufferings. It is our glory, shame in the eyes adversity that makes us exhibit His life in our of the world, to pick up a cross and carry it mortal flesh. Is my life exhibiting the daily. How often it is that those who have essence of the sweetness of the Son of suffered the most for the sake of Christ’s God, or just the basic irritation of "myself" kingdom are also those whose faces shine that I would have apart from Him? The only forth with radiant peace and joy? thing that will enable me to enjoy adversity is the acute sense of eagerness of allowing the C. H. Spurgeon life of the Son of God to evidence itself in Thus did these apostolic saints in a very me. No matter how difficult something may high sense die daily, and so must we, when be, I must say, "Lord, I am delighted to obey called to suffer for the truth’s sake, bear You in this." Instantly, the Son of God will about in our body the dying of the Lord move to the forefront of my life, and will Jesus. manifest in my body that which glorifies Him.
About you: You must not debate. The moment you obey Protection of grace the light of God, His Son shines through you Pathway of grace in that very adversity; but if you debate with Discipline of grace God, you grieve His Spirit (see ). You must Diligence of grace keep yourself in the proper condition to allow Direction of grace the life of the Son of God to be manifested in Life of grace you, and you cannot keep yourself fit if you Aim of grace give way to self-pity. Our circumstances are the means God uses to exhibit just how C. H. Spurgeon wonderfully perfect and extraordinarily pure So you see, brethren, to have an His Son is. Discovering a new way of anticipation of death upon one is no manifesting the Son of God should make our hindrance to one’s work, but a great help to heart beat with renewed excitement. It is it; to bear about in our body the dying of the one thing to choose adversity, and quite Lord Jesus is a great help towards the another to enter into adversity through the 15 II CORINTHIANS Chapter 4 orchestrating of our circumstances by God's your very soul, and become a vital part of sovereignty. And if God puts you into you, or else you have never received it in adversity, He is adequately sufficient to truth. "supply all your need" (Philippians 4:19). Actual Court Case Of Early Christians Keep your soul properly conditioned to The following is an excerpt from an actual manifest the life of the Son of God. Never court case which records the trial of four live on your memories of past experiences, Christians captured in 304 A.D. The but let the Word of God always be living and verbatim proceedings are preserved in active in you. Migne’s Patrologia Latina, VIII, 688:
4:11 For we who live are constantly being Officer: These persons, being Christians, delivered over to death for Jesus' have held an assembly for the Eucharist, sake, that the life of Jesus also may contrary to the edict of Emperors Diocletian be manifested in our mortal flesh. and Maximian. For we who are alive are always being given over to death for Magistrate (to prisoner): What is your rank? Jesus' sake, so that his life may be revealed in our mortal body. Dativus: I am a senator. For we which live are always delivered unto death for Jesus' Magistrate: Were you present at the sake, that the life also of Jesus Eucharist? might be made manifest in our mortal flesh. Dativus: I am a Christian, and I was present at the Eucharist. C. H. Spurgeon There is no possibility of serving God well, Magistrate: You are to be suspended on the especially under great trials and rack and your body torn by hooks. persecutions, without a deeply-rooted confidence in the truth of his gospel. Magistrate: (To Felix, a lay reader.) Were you at the Eucharist and do you possess Once have a doubt concerning that, and the any copies of the Scriptures? strong sinews of our spiritual manhood are out. Once begin to question the evidences of Felix: We always convene at the Eucharist, our holy religion, and you cannot henceforth and the Lord’s scriptures are read. serve God as you did before. Oh, to be strengthened every day with might in the Magistrate: You will be beaten with clubs. inner man;-to feel that in our own (To Hilarion, the seventeen-year-old son of experience, we have continually fresh proofs Saturninus) Will you follow your father and of the truth of the gospel, and that, whether your brothers? we have trials or delights, we are thereby the more firmly rooted in faith, even as the Hilarion: I am a Christian. Of my own free trees are rooted both by the March winds will I join the assembly with my father and and the April showers;-and so rooted in faith my brothers. that we grow into it, and cannot be separated from it, because it has become a Magistrate: We shall sever your hair, your part of ourselves. Religion is nothing to any nose, and your ears, and then you will be of you unless it is woven into the very warp returned to prison. and woof of your being; it must go right into
Hilarion: Do what you please! I am a out your reaction to that long face with self- Christian. Thanks be to God! pity or vindictiveness, you call on the Lord and activate your spirit and do not agree C. H. Spurgeon with your kind of reaction. In doing this your The apostles were always to the front where focus is immediately shifted from the person the shots were flying the fastest, and with who gave you a long face to your reaction to the deadliest aim; there they stood, the that long face. The fact that you could react officers of the army of Christ and Paul in such a way is not Christ. So you are taken rejoiced that, for one, he was able thus to immediately out of the realm of right and make himself to be nothing that Christ might wrong. You are not on the tree of the be the great All-in-all. knowledge of good and evil. Your focus has shifted. The one thing that matters is that The disinterestedness of Christian affection you put to death this self that would indulge is here seen, in that Paul was willing even to itself in pity or hurt feelings. You put to death be delivered unto death if only the church in this thing that is not Christ, this thing that Corinth and other Christians might receive reacts in any other way than by turning the more of the divine life. This is the motive that other cheek. This is how transcendent the actuated our blessed Lord himself. He saved Lord's life is. This is the life that is to be others; but, in order to do so, himself he wrought into our experience. If someone hits could not save; and he who would be a you on one cheek, then turn the other cheek blessing to others must expect that just in to him - not in a coping way, but in a proportion to the good that he is able to crucified way. Then you are living another impart to them must be the cost to himself. kind of life. You are not living just a good life, but a transcendent life (Matt. 5:38-48). 4:12 So death works in us, but life in you. So then, death is at work in us, Thus, in the experience of coordinating with but life is at work in you. our environment, the outward cross must be So then death worketh in us, but life matched with the inward cross. By this, a in you little more of the outer man decays, and a little more of the inner man is renewed. This C. H. Spurgeon is the proper vision for our daily living. So long as Paul could be the means of the salvation of the souls of men, he did not C. H. Spurgeon mind what became of himself, though it These apostolic men lived as it were on the should be death to him, he would count it as borders of the grave, — lived expecting to nothing so long as it should bring life to die a cruel death; and in this way spiritual them. life was brought to the Corinthians and others who witnessed their holy lives and Devotional heroic The context of this verse indicates that we deaths. need to inwardly coordinate with our environment (vv. 10-11), which means we 4:13 But having the same spirit of faith, need to exercise our spirit of faith (v. 13). according to what is written, "I How does death operate in you? Death BELIEVED, THEREFORE I operates by your coordinating the inward SPOKE," we also believe, therefore cross with the outward cross. When does it also we speak; operate? It operates when you are handed It is written: "I believed; therefore over to someone's long face, and you want I have spoken." With that same to react. But instead of reacting and carrying spirit of faith we also believe and
therefore speak, his presence. We having the same spirit of faith, Knowing that he which raised up the according as it is written, I believed, Lord Jesus shall raise up us also by and therefore have I spoken; we Jesus, and shall present us with also believe, and therefore speak; you.
C.H. Spurgeon Longing For Christ’s Return This is a text which should be written over Dwight L. Moody used to say, “I never every minister’s study door, and over his preach a sermon without thinking that pulpit, too. What have we to say if we have a possibly the Lord may come before I preach doubt about it? How can we move others if another.” we have no fulcrum for our lever, if we are not ourselves sure and certain? If there is no Dr. G. Campbell Morgan, the distinguished element of dogmatism in our message British clergyman said, “I never begin my because of our confidence concerning, what work in the morning without thinking that we have to deliver, in God’s name let us go perhaps God may interrupt my work and to bed and hold our tongues until we do begin His own. I am not looking for death. I believe it. am looking for Him.”
C. H. Spurgeon That is the way a Christian should live his Note the assurance of apostolic preaching life—in the constant anticipation of the return and writing. There is no “if” here, no of Jesus Christ. hesitation, no doubt. The apostles knew what they believed, and knew why they 4:15 For all things are for your sakes, that believed it, and they spoke with the accent the grace which is spreading to of conviction; nobody was led into doubt by more and more people may cause their hesitancy. the giving of thanks to abound to the glory of God. As, in the ease of most of the apostles, it did All this is for your benefit, so that absolutely and literally perish by martyrdom, the grace that is reaching more and more people may cause C. H. Spurgeon thanksgiving to overflow to the As the flesh goes down, so, by God’s grace, glory of God. the spirit goes up. You know that there are For all things are for your sakes, heavy weights that keep men down to the that the abundant grace might earth; but he who understands mechanics through the thanksgiving of many knows that by the use of wheels and pulleys redound to the glory of God. those same heavy weights may be made to lift a man; and God often makes the weights 4:15-18 Paul had faced sufferings, trials, and burdens associated with bodily decay lift and distress as he preached the Good up the inward spirit. News. But he knew that they would one day be over, and he would obtain God’s rest and 4:14 knowing that He who raised the Lord rewards. As we face great troubles, it’s easy Jesus will raise us also with Jesus to focus on the pain rather than on our and will present us with you. ultimate goal. Just as athletes concentrate because we know that the one on the finish line and ignore their discomfort, who raised the Lord Jesus from we too must focus on the reward for our faith the dead will also raise us with and the joy that lasts forever. No matter Jesus and present us with you in what happens to us in this life, we have the
18 II CORINTHIANS Chapter 4 assurance of eternal life, when all suffering will end and all sorrow will flee away (Isaiah C. H. Spurgeon 35:10). The sickness that crumbles away the body of a Christian often confirms his soul in the 4:16 It is easy to lose heart and quit. We all faith that he received when he was strong have faced problems in our relationships or and well. Some of the healthiest hours that in our work that have caused us to want to God’s people ever have are the hours of think about laying down the tools and their sorest sicknesses. God often sends his walking away. Rather than giving up when people fevers to make them well; he sends persecution wore him down, Paul them losses to make them rich, he takes concentrated on experiencing the inner away their earthly friends to bring them strength from the Holy Spirit (Ephes. 3:16). closer to their best Friend, and he brings Don’t let fatigue, pain, or criticism force you them to their wits’ end that they may begin to off the job. Renew your commitment to be truly wise. Often, when God strips us of serving Christ. Don’t forsake your eternal all our worldly possessions, it is the most reward because of the intensity of today’s soul-enriching season we have ever known; pain. Your very weakness allows the but, on the other hand, the day of temporal resurrection power of Christ to strengthen prosperity has often been a day of spiritual you moment by moment. poverty. Adversity has many a time been an angel in disguise, but prosperity has been Why God Saves the devil in a mask. Let us take care that we Many people think the main reason God cleave closely to Christ under both saves people is so that He can keep them experiences, for then both of them shall be out of hell, or so that they can experience sanctified to us. His love or lead happy lives. But all those reasons are secondary. How Are You Today? Even though our outward man is perishing, God saves people because it is an affront to yet the inward man is being renewed day by His holy name that someone should live in day. --2 Corinthians 4:16 rebellion against Him. That people experience salvation is not the main issue Wilfred Yoder is one of the most enthusiastic with God—it is His glory that is at stake. Christians I know, even though he has suffered with the pain of arthritis for many The apostle Paul said of Jesus, “God also years. When people greet him and inquire, has highly exalted Him and given Him the "How are you today?" he cheerfully answers, name which is above every name, that at "Just fine!" the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, Those who know of his pain sometimes and of those under the earth, and that every question his sincerity. "How can you say tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is you're fine when you're in so much pain?" Lord, to the glory of God the Father” (Phil. Wilfred's standard response is: "How I feel 2:9–11). Salvation is for God’s glory. has very little to do with how I am. You see, the part of me that hurts is just a shell, not God is glorified when people believe His the real me, and the real me is just fine!" gospel, love His Son, and accept His diagnosis of their greatest need, which is What Wilfred calls a shell, Paul called a tent forgiveness of sin. You certainly benefit from (2 Corinthians 5:1). And the "real me" that God’s provision of salvation, but you exist for Wilfred refers to, the apostle called the the glory of God. inward man (4:16).
Paul had said before that they did not faint, Although Wilfred's earthly tent is painful and and now he reiterates it that, though his perishing, he realizes that it is after all just a ministry was enough to bear him down, and temporary housing for the inward man. One lay him prostrate in the dust, yet he did not day he will exchange it for his permanent faint. home awaiting him in heaven. That is his confidence. But until then, the inward Wilfred 4:16 Therefore we do not lose heart, but is conscious of being renewed daily. though our outer man is decaying, yet our inner man is being renewed How are you today? Is your tent drooping? day by day. Remember, if Christ is your Savior and Lord, Therefore we do not lose heart. a perfect body awaits you one day. But until Though outwardly we are wasting then, no matter what's on the outside, on the away, yet inwardly we are being inside we can say, "I'm just fine!" renewed day by day. For which cause we faint not; but Our body is perishing, though our outward man perish, yet but our spirit can be flourishing. the inward man is renewed day by day. John MacArthur Jr. Many people think the main reason God TODAY IN THE WORD saves people is so that He can keep them Dave Dravecky lost his major league out of hell, or so that they can experience baseball career, and then his pitching arm, His love or lead happy lives. But all those to cancer. But his faith in Christ touches reasons are secondary. countless lives.
God saves people because it is an affront to Dravecky says a friend once asked him to His holy name that someone should live in imagine a scene in heaven in which God rebellion against Him. That people shows him two rooms--one filled with people experience salvation is not the main issue and the other comparatively empty. The first with God—it is His glory that is at stake. room contains the people touched by Dravecky’s suffering, while the second room The apostle Paul said of Jesus, “God also shows the influence he would have had if he has highly exalted Him and given Him the had stayed healthy and enjoyed a long name which is above every name, that at career. Then comes the clincher in this the name of Jesus every knee should bow, imaginary scene. God offers Dravecky the of those in heaven, and of those on earth, chance to go back and enjoy a cancer-free and of those under the earth, and that every life and career, knowing he will have far less tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is eternal impact. Lord, to the glory of God the Father” (Phil. 2:9–11). Salvation is for God’s glory. “ How could I choose the second room?” Dave Dravecky asks. Then he goes on to God is glorified when people believe His affirm that knowing what he knows now, he gospel, love His Son, and accept His would not go back even if he could. diagnosis of their greatest need, which is forgiveness of sin. You certainly benefit from That’s a heavenly perspective. That’s what it God’s provision of salvation, but you exist for means to fix our eyes on the things of the glory of God. eternity instead of on the temporary stuff around us. Only people who understand the C. H. Spurgeon unseen value of heaven are able to turn
20 II CORINTHIANS Chapter 4 away from the things that can easily be seen and desired. Often in the clatter and thump of life, we wonder what is happening. But if we are What suffering believers like Dave Dravecky faithful to God and obedient to His Spirit, are saying to us is that the rewards of others will see and hear the beauty and heaven are worth any cost, any sacrifice harmony of Christ’s life in us. Let’s hope in God calls on us to make. That’s the God. No matter how discordant things seem, testimony of Paul, too, and his authority to He keeps the melody playing. speak on this subject is beyond question (read 2 Cor. 11:23-33). Paul’s life and We go from strength to strength ministry were laced with suffering. But when As we go from struggle to struggle. he compared all his troubles to the reward waiting for him in heaven, he realized there Our Daily Bread was no comparison. It was a typical summer Sunday evening service. People were scattered throughout Don’t misunderstand what the apostle is the 500-seat auditorium. There was a saying here. Paul is not telling us to pretend testimony time, and several people spoke that it doesn’t hurt when it does. He knew up, sharing from their hearts what God had the temptation of discouragement that done. comes when we face hard times. He wasn’t dismissing the reality of suffering when he Then Buddy stood and talked. He was described his own troubles as “light and grateful that he could be in church. When he momentary.” He was simply being truthful in told us that even though he didn't have a light of the reality of heaven. ride he was glad he was able to walk the mile or so to church, you could hear the Our Daily Bread others respond in surprise. On this Sunday A traveler visiting Amsterdam was intrigued night when so many had found reasons to by a chiming tower in the middle of the city. stay away from church, Buddy had come Every hour, when the melody was played on alone, one dark step at a time. Buddy is the chimes, he would watch and listen. He blind. became so interested that he asked permission to climb to the tower room to We can learn a lot from him. He struggles to watch the musician. Once he got there, do things we can do with little effort, but however, he didn’t hear any music. All he often neglect. He is more aware perhaps heard was the thump and bang of the keys. than those of us without physical disabilities In the chime-room there was nothing but a that "our outward man is perishing" (2 Cor. terrible clatter, yet beautiful music floated 4:16), so he works hard at feeding his across the city. "inward man" by meeting with other believers. He knows what the apostle Paul In a small way this can illustrate the knew: It is only through a strong reliance on difference between what we see happening the Lord that we can succeed in our in our lives and the beautiful work God is Christian life. accomplishing in us as He works through us. The apostle Paul’s circumstances were Buddy did not lose heart when he had to marked by dark, confusing, and walk to church in his blindness. May his disappointing events: the thumping and example help us to stop letting outward banging of life. Yet his “inward man” was things halt our inner growth. being renewed day by day, and the life of Jesus was being modeled in his daily walk. Discipleship requires discipline.
glory far beyond all comparison, TODAY IN THE WORD For our light and momentary In a sermon given near the end of his life, D. troubles are achieving for us an L. Moody exulted in the hope of heaven: eternal glory that far outweighs them all. “We say this is the land of the living! It is not. For our light affliction, which is but It is the land of the dying. What is our life for a moment, worketh for us a far here but a vapor? . . . But look at the other more exceeding and eternal weight world. No death, no pain, no sorrow, no old of glory; age, no sickness, no bending forms, no dimmed eyes, no tears. But joy, peace, love, 4:17 Our troubles should not diminish our happiness. No gray hair. People all young. faith or disillusion us. We should realize that River of life for the healing of the nations, there is a purpose in our suffering. Problems and everlasting life. Think of it! Life! Life! Life and human limitations have several benefits: without end!” They remind us of Christ’s suffering Does your heart leap at these words? It’s for us; because we’re longing for our true home: They keep us from pride; heaven. This is another of the foundational They cause us to look beyond this truths of pilgrimage. brief life; They prove our faith to others; and The physical or temporal is mortal. Decay is They give God the opportunity to the so-called “law of nature.” By contrast, demonstrate his power. See your what is spiritual is eternal. On the one hand, troubles as opportunities! every day means another step closer to death, but on the other hand, we’re being True Victory renewed daily, so every day means another Our light affliction, which is but for a step closer to eternal life (4:16–18). moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. —2 Our physical body is only an “earthly tent.” Corinthians 4:17 But our spiritual body will be a “building from God, an eternal house in heaven . . . a In 2005, the surprising Boys Town High heavenly dwelling.” If you’ve picked up the School Cowboys carried a perfect record idea that bodies are evil, it’s time to get rid of into a Nebraska state semifinal football that notion! We’ll be spending eternity in a game. But more important, the players had body, albeit a new and better one (cf. Rom. taken giant strides toward overcoming their 8:23; 1 Cor. 15:42–44). family backgrounds of abuse, abandonment, and neglect that had brought them to the In the meantime, we groan, longing for our safe, caring environment of Boys Town. new bodies and a home in glory. Between the burdens of this life and our yearning for Their coach, Kevin Kush, believes that the next, we can hardly stand it. To be “at football is a way to build character, and home in the body” means to be away from says: “Victories at Boys Town are not won the Lord–and thus not to be at home at all! on a present-day athletic field. They are won This is the way we should feel, for God years from now in cities and towns across made us for this very purpose (2 Cor. 5:5). this country when our players become productive citizens.” His team plays to win 4:17 For momentary, light affliction is while pursuing higher goals of producing for us an eternal weight of sportsmanship, discipline, and teamwork.
together with Him. The thought of this future Paul held a similar long-range view of our may well relieve the darkness of the past experience as followers of Christ. In the and the gloom of the present. The joys of midst of personal setbacks, he urged the heaven will surely compensate for the Corinthians not to lose heart (2 Cor. 4:17). In sorrows of earth. The Steinway piano has spite of loss, we are to pursue the higher been preferred by keyboard masters such goals of God’s kingdom now, anticipating our as Rachmaninoff, Horowitz, Cliburn, and eternal triumph in Christ. Liszt--and for good reason. It is a skillfully crafted instrument that produces When the Boys Town Cowboys lost their phenomenal sound. playoff game 10-0, they were disappointed Daily Bread but not devastated. Their coach had taught them to keep going because their true Steinway pianos are built today the same victory in life is still to come. And so is ours way they were 140 years ago when Henry in Christ. Steinway started his business. Two hundred craftsmen and 12,000 parts are required to Trials can be God’s way to triumph. produce one of these magnificent instruments. Most crucial is the rim-bending Glory Through Suffering process, where 18 layers of maple are bent Suffering not only makes us stronger now— around an iron press to create the shape of it makes us able to endure with patience, a Steinway grand. Five coats of lacquer are increases our faith, teaches us to trust God, applied and hand-rubbed to give the piano and leads us to depend on Christ and His its outer glow. The instrument then goes to Word—but also affects how we will function the Founder Room, where each key is later. That’s why Paul went on to say our tested 10,000 times to ensure quality and focus isn’t on today but the future: “We do durability. not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things Followers of Jesus Christ are also being which are seen are temporary, but the things "hand-crafted." We are pressed and formed which are not seen are eternal” (v. 18). and shaped to make us more like Him. We are polished, sometimes in the rubbing of The greater our endurance through affliction, until we "glow." We are tested in suffering, the greater our eternal reward. the laboratory of everyday human experience. The process is not always Charles Spurgeon pleasant, but we can persevere with hope, knowing that our lives will increasingly In our Christian pilgrimage, it is good to be reflect the beauty of holiness to the eternal looking forward. Whether it be for hope or praise of God. --DCE joy, for consolation or for the inspiring of our love, the future must, after all, be the grand C. H. Spurgeon object of the eye of faith. Looking into the Notice the ant thesis here. “Light affliction” future, we see sin cast out, the body of sin — a “weight of glory.” and death destroyed, the soul made perfect and fit to be a partaker of the saints in light. “Affliction” is not set in contrast with peace, Looking further yet, the believer’s or freedom from affliction, but with “glory.” enlightened eye can see death’s river The “light affliction” is “for a moment” — the passed and the celestial city standing “weight of glory” is “eternal.” And then, as if ahead. He sees himself enter the gates, this were not enough, the apostle has to hailed as more than conqueror, embraced in exhaust all ordinary powers of speech in the arms of Jesus, glorified, and made to sit order adequately to express the contrast 23 II CORINTHIANS Chapter 4 between the “light affliction” and the “weight The supreme need in every hour of of glory.” It is “far more exceeding” — not difficulty is a vision of God. only a soul brim-full of bliss, and overflowing, but, far more than that if there Think About It can be such a thing, — ”a far more Is God bending, shaping, exceeding and eternal weight of glory;” or polishing me right now? What's my attitude: A Little Perspective Am I thanking and praising God, Our light affliction . . . is working for us a far or am I complaining about the process? more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. Trials are intended —2 Corinthians 4:17 not to provoke us but to prove us.
A college student wrote a startling letter to When Trouble Works For Us her parents: Our light affliction . . . is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. Dear Mom and Dad: --2 Corinthians 4:17 I have so much to tell you. Because of the fire in my room set by rioting students, I Is there something that seems to be working suffered lung damage and had to go to the against you today--time, health, money, hospital. While there, I fell in love with an opportunity, people? Sometimes it's easy to orderly. Then I got arrested for my part in the feel that everything and everyone is against riots. Anyway, I’m dropping out of school, us. We know we're supposed to trust God, getting married, and moving to Alaska. but it's hard to understand why He would Your loving daughter allow our circumstances to become so PS: None of this really happened, but I did difficult and confusing. flunk a chemistry class, and I wanted you to keep it in perspective. A friend of mine who has experienced many setbacks offered a fresh look at the role of We might question this student’s method of our difficulties. He emphasized a single word breaking bad news to her parents, but her in a familiar passage: "Our light affliction, approach highlights a truth: Proper which is but for a moment, is working for us perspective is essential. a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory" (2 Cor. 4:17). When Paul encouraged the church in Corinth, he wrote a litany of his own very "We think our afflictions are working against real trials and tribulations. To gain us," my friend said, "but God says they are perspective, he shifted his focus to the working for us. They're producing a glory eternal. “Our light affliction,” he said, “is that will last forever. Compared to our trials, working for us a far more exceeding and the glory is always greater. That's why we eternal weight of glory” (2 Corinthians 4:17). don't lose heart."
In some ways, our perspective is more From God's perspective, our deepest important than our experiences. Paul disappointments and sorrows are "but for a continued, “The things which are seen are moment." It's difficult for us to accept this temporary, but the things which are not seen while we are in the midst of our trials, but we are eternal” (v.18). Our sufferings will can trust the word of our kind and loving diminish in importance when compared to Father. the glory that awaits us. It's amazing to know that God can take the
24 II CORINTHIANS Chapter 4 things that seem to be against us and cause emphasizes that our only hope for complete them to work for us. By faith, we can relief from hardship is to be with Jesus in embrace His perspective today. heaven. “Until then,” he says, “we either groan or pretend we don’t.” He adds, “The God can weave the thorns of life experience of groaning, however, is into a crown of glory. precisely what modern Christianity so often tries to help us escape.” C. H. Spurgeon This is one of the most remarkable verses in My friend is groaning and she’s not all Scripture; the contrast here drawn is pretending she isn’t. Like all of us, she perfect, and the language is in the highest simply wants things to change. But the fact degree pertinent to the subject. When the is, something is changing—she is! apostle speaks of affliction, he contrasts with it glory. Paul assured us in 2 Corinthians 4:17 that our present sufferings are lightweight and The affliction he calls a lightness of affliction, brief compared with the weighty and eternal but the glory he calls a weight of glory; and changes they are producing in us. We groan while he describes the affliction as now, but there’s glory ahead (Romans momentary, he rightly says that the glory is 8:18). eternal; and then, as though he would make God often uses the contract still more vivid, he says that this a setback to move us forward. momentary, light affliction “worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of 4:18 while we look not at the things which glory.” He can scarcely find words big are seen, but at the things which are enough to express the contrast between not seen; for the things which are what believers now have to endure and what seen are temporal, but the things they shall for ever enjoy. which are not seen are eternal. So we fix our eyes not on what is Groans Now, Glory Later seen, but on what is unseen. For Our light affliction . . . is working for us a far what is seen is temporary, but more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. what is unseen is eternal. —2 Corinthians 4:17 While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things I once heard of a Christian seminar titled, which are not seen: for the things “How To Live A Stress-Free Life.” Such an which are seen are temporal; but unrealistic hope promptly made me the things which are not seen are stressful! Yet we all long for relief from life’s eternal. many pressures. 4:18 Our ultimate hope when we are A Christian friend of mine whose family is experiencing terrible illness, persecution, or experiencing tough times admits feeling let pain is the realization that this life is not all down by God. She said, “I’ve prayed, there is—there is life after death! Knowing agonized, and claimed promises, but that we will live forever with God in a place nothing changes. The frustrating thing is that without sin and suffering can help us live I know He has the power to get us out of above the pain that we face in this life. this. I’ve seen Him do it before, but this time He’s silent.” C.H. Spurgeon In our Christian pilgrimage it is well, for the Larry Crabb, in his book Inside Out, most part, to be looking forward. Forward
25 II CORINTHIANS Chapter 4 lies the crown, and onward is the goal. Whether it be for hope, for joy, for My friend's first thought was of thousands of consolation, or for the inspiring of our love, dollars and 5 years of his life taking flight, the future must, after all, be the grand object and his heart sank. But then he thought of of the eye of faith. the words of the hymn by Rhea Miller: "I'd rather have Jesus than silver or gold, I'd Looking into the future we see sin cast out, rather be His than have riches untold; . . . I'd the body of sin and death destroyed, the rather have Jesus than anything this world soul made perfect, and fit to be a partaker of affords today." And then my friend laughed— the inheritance of the saints in light. Looking for he realized that nothing of eternal value further yet, the believer’s enlightened eye had been lost. can see death’s river passed, the gloomy stream forded, and the hills of light attained How we respond to loss is all a matter of on which standeth the celestial city; he seeth perspective. One person is absorbed with himself enter within the pearly gates, hailed the permanent; the other with the passing. as more than conqueror, crowned by the One stores up treasure in heaven; the other hand of Christ, embraced in the arms of accumulates it here on earth. One stays with Jesus, glorified with Him, and made to sit a difficult marriage because heaven is on together with Him on His throne, even as He ahead; another moves out and looks for has overcome and has sat down with the happiness in another mate. While one Father on His throne. believes that happiness is found in being rich and famous, Christ's followers are The thought of this future may well relieve willing to suffer poverty, hunger, indignity, the darkness of the past and the gloom of and shame because of "the glory that will be the present. The joys of heaven will surely revealed" (1 Peter 5:1). compensate for the sorrows of earth. Hush, hush, my doubts! death is but a narrow Wouldn't you "rather have Jesus"? stream, and thou shalt soon have forded it. Time, how short — eternity, how long! Living only for temporary gain Death, how brief — immortality, how leads to eternal loss. endless! Temporary Or Eternal Methinks I even now eat of Eshcol’s The things which are seen are temporary, clusters, and sip of the well which is within but the things which are not seen are the gate. The road is so, so short! I shall eternal. --2 Corinthians 4:18 soon be there. The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World What Will Last? were wonderful indeed! These impressive The things which are seen are temporary, creations of human genius include the Tomb but the things which are not seen are of Mausolos, built in 350 bc; the Temple of eternal. —2 Corinthians 4:18 Artemis at Ephesus; the Hanging Gardens of Babylon; King Ptolemy's lighthouse near I have a friend who was denied a doctorate Alexandria; the 100-foot statue of Apollo from a prestigious West Coast university called the Colossus of Rhodes; the 40-foot because of his Christian worldview. As he statue of Zeus in the city of Olympia; and the was approaching the conclusion of his great pyramids of Egypt. studies, his advisor invited him to come into his office and informed him that his Six of these remarkable achievements have dissertation had been rejected. been destroyed--Ptolemy's lighthouse by an
26 II CORINTHIANS Chapter 4 earthquake, and the other five demolished physical decline is inevitable. He said, "Our by plunderers. Only the pyramids remain to outward man is perishing." But Paul didn't fill us with awe. lose heart. Here's why: "The inward man is being renewed day by day." Because of this We may marvel over these Seven Wonders, daily inner renewal, our focus doesn't need but we must never forget that everything in to be on the visible things, which are our world is temporary. I remember looking temporary, but instead on the invisible at the skyline of New York City from the things, which are eternal. stern of a ferryboat and recalling the lines of a hymn: "These all shall perish, stone on When eternity is our primary focus, we are stone; but not Thy kingdom nor Thy throne." more able to recognize the temporary nature The writer of Hebrews said, "Since we are of our troubles. Paul called these receiving a kingdom which cannot be "momentary" and "light" compared to the shaken, let us . . . serve God acceptably greater weight of eternal gain and glory they with reverence and godly fear" (12:28). are working for us (v.17). That's not just These words and the words of Psalm 102 another wild claim. It's a promise of God's help us to keep the temporary and the Word, guaranteed by His power. This we eternal in perspective. can believe!
Hold tightly to what is eternal Earthly troubles fade and loosely to what is temporal. in the light of heavenly joys.
C. H. Spurgeon Open It The substance is beyond the river, the shadows are here. God help us to look for 01. What are some things or people in the substance, and to claim it as our own, which you have a lot of faith? and let none of us try to grasp the shadows ______which would be worthless if we could ever ______hold them in our hands! ______What's Your Focus? ______The things which are seen are temporary, ______but the things which are not seen are eternal. --2 Corinthians 4:18 02. For what reasons do you most often get discouraged? A company boasted that its anti-aging cream ______could "banish" wrinkles, and was asked to ______prove it in court. Findings showed that the ______cream did tighten skin, but only temporarily. ______The wrinkles were soon obvious again. ______Millions of people swallow such wild claims ______because they've believed the myths behind them: that the aging process is 03. What areas of life are difficult to unacceptable and that undoing it is possible. entrust completely to God? The focus is on visible effects—all temporary ______—which is discouraging for those who trust ______in them. ______In 2 Corinthians 4:16, Paul emphasized that ______
______(4:4) ______Explore It ______04. Why did Paul tell the Corinthians not ______to lose heart? (4:1) ______10. Whom did Paul preach? Why? (4:5-6) ______05. What did Paul believe would result ______from telling the plain truth? (4:2) ______11. What kind of jars contained Paul’s ______treasure? (4:7) ______06. How did Paul respond to his ______opponents’ accusations? (4:2) ______12. How did Paul contrast his own ______weakness with God’s power? (4:8-9) ______07. Why did Paul’s opponents not ______understand his ministry? (4:3-4) ______13. What did Paul call his sufferings? ______(4:10) ______08. Who is the god of this age? (4:4) ______14. What value did Paul see in his ______sufferings? (4:10-12) ______09. What has the god of this age done? ______
______20. In what ways do some religious 15. What motivated Paul to preach the people distort the Word of God? gospel in spite of hardship? (4:13-14) ______21. When have you been discouraged or 16. How did Paul encourage the perplexed in your Christian life? Corinthians to carry on despite ______difficulty? (4:16-18) ______22. What makes it difficult for us to fix our attention and hope on God? ______Get It ______17. How would you define faith? ______23. How can God help us through difficult ______times? ______18. What elements of the Christian faith ______that we cannot see are central to our ______life with Christ? ______24. When have you felt inner peace in ______spite of trying circumstances? ______19. What does it mean for us to renew our ______faith? ______Apply It ______
25. What do you want to remember the next time you feel discouraged? ______
26. How could you encourage another Christian who is confused or bogged down by the cares of life? ______