Lyneham and Bradenstoke Parish Council
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LYNEHAM AND BRADENSTOKE PARISH COUNCIL 19 Preston Lane, Lyneham, Wiltshire, SN15 4AR. Tel: 07706756837. E-mail: [email protected] To members of the Council You are hereby summoned to attend the Parish Council meeting of Lyneham and Bradenstoke Parish Council at St Michaels Church Hall on Tuesday 15th August 2017. A time of 7.00pm has been set for the meeting. Members of the press and public are welcome.
T Clarkson Clerk to the Council
Public Participation a) To receive a report from MoD Lyneham. b) To receive a report from Wiltshire Council Member for the Lyneham Division. c) To receive comments from members of the public for consideration by the Council when discussing topics detailed on this meetings agenda only*
*Please note comments from members of the public for consideration by the Council should be made in writing, referring only to topics details on the agenda, and given to the Clerk either before the Parish Council meeting or during public participation time; members of the public can ask questions for consideration by the Council at any time and these questions should be directed to the Clerk of the Parish Council in writing.
Parish Council Meeting
1. To receive and accept apologies for absence.
2. Declaration of Interest
3. Confirm minutes of previous meeting
4. Cllr Ron Glovers’ resignation & vacancy
5. To receive Temporary Clerks report
6. To receive update reports from Working Groups, Committees and representative members of outside bodies
7. Members of Committees.
Administration and Employment Committee – Cllrs. Jackson-Haines (Lead), Thrussell
Finance Committee – Cllrs Jackson-Haines (Lead), T Webb and TBC
Planning Committee – Cllrs J Wright, Gill, Jackson-Haines and T Webb
8. Appointment of Members to serve on the following Working Groups:
Allotments - Cllr: D Lambourne (Lead) Thrussell, Gill and T Webb.
Communications Working Group - Cllrs Thrussell (Lead) Digman and Jackson-Haines.
Highways and Maintenance Working Group – Cllrs Lambourne (Lead), Thrussell, Gill, Digman and T Webb
Open Spaces Working Group – Cllr T Webb (Lead), Thrussell, Gill and Digman
Young People and Family Working Group – Cllrs Thrussell (Lead) Lambourne and Digman Flower Beds and Litter – Cllrs Jackson-Haines (Lead) Thrussell, Gill, Digman and Lambourne
Webb Site – Cllr J Wright.
9. Members of Outside Representative Groups
Bradenstoke Community Benefit Fund – Cllr G Jackson-Haines.
Community Area Transport Group – Cllr R Gill.
Lyneham and Neighbouring Parishes Forum – Cllr T Webb(Lead) All Cllrs are welcome at attend.
Lyneham Relief in Need – Parish Council Representative Malcolm Petch (Former Parish Councillor).
Lyneham Village Hall Trust – Cllr T Webb.
Neighbourhood Planning – Cllrs Jackson-Haines, Digman and Clarkson.
Royal Wootton Bassett & Cricklade Area Board – Cllrs Jackson-Haines (Lead) T Webb, All Councillors encouraged to attend.
10. To discuss the Neighbourhood Plan and arrange an informal meeting beginning of September (Clerk to organize date & time)
11. Finance a) To receive the bank balance of accounts to date b) To agree payments in accordance with the budget c) Cheques written for the following: £94.27 – Eon £860.00 – AON Insurance Policy £7.87 – Castle Water £7,272.00 – Sovereign (Play Park)
d) To discuss and approve funding for additional hard drive for the Clerk. Prices as follows: 1. 2TB £79.99 2. 1TB £59.99 3. 500GB £49.99 4. 4TB £114.99 The Chairman proposes due to the amount of information and the time scale that is required. It would be prudent to purchase No.4
12. Grant Applications a) Community Christmas Party (Jenny May) up to £500 b). Painting/decorating the Village Hall (Jan Kelly) £2,275.00
13. Planning
a) To receive an update on Planning Applications as previously circulated to members. b) To discuss planning application 17/04155/FUL Erection of single storey front porch extension, two storey side and rear extensions, single storey lean-to side and rear extensions, creation of new vehicle access with associated off road parking - 1 Lancaster Square Lyneham Chippenham Wiltshire SN15 4AD c) To discuss planning application 17/06046/FUL Creation of a dwelling (amendments to previously approved 16/12057/VAR) - Stable Court Barton Close Bradenstoke SN15 4EZ d) To discuss planning application 17/02377/FUL Erection of a single dwelling (upgrading of 17/02377/OUT to full application) - 77 Southview The Green Lyneham Wiltshire SN15 4PG
14. Exchange of Information - To receive and discuss items from Councilors for consideration on the next Agenda a) Joining of voluntary groups to form a committee in helping the community – litter; plants etc. 15. Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting of Lyneham and Bradenstoke Parish Council is on Tuesday 12th September 2017 starting at 7.00pm to be held in St Michaels Church Hall Lyneham.