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Brownsville Independent School District
2013-2014 Elementary Science Fair Booklet
1 Timeline
Required Entry Forms
2 Table of Contents
Scientific Safety Committee…………………………………………………………………………………….28
3 Introduction and Thank You
The Elementary Science Fair continues to be one of the best opportunities for students to explore and share their ideas about how the world works. Students use active inquiry to ask questions, make predictions, test their ideas, and communicate their findings. These investigations help students come to a deeper understanding of key science concepts. By communicating their ideas, they develop presentation skills and self-confidence. The BISD Elementary Science Fair is truly a great educational and motivational activity.
The Brownsville Independent School District has a long history of participation in this important event. Many students who completed projects in elementary science fairs have gone on to compete in regional and international fairs, garner prizes and scholarships, and become scientists, educators, and engineers in our community. The Elementary Science Fairs in the Brownsville Independent School District continue to be the premier avenue for students to express their scientific creativity and problem solving abilities.
At the Science Fair, the emphasis is on motivating students to continue their academic work and supporting their intellectual curiosity. Judges and sponsors work hard to assure that students receive encouraging feedback. We wish to thank all those individuals and groups that continue to support and nurture the scientific interests of our children.
Bea Garcia Administrator for Elementary Curriculum & Instruction
4 BISD Elementary Science Fairs on November 9, 2012 Elementary Host Campuses for 2013-2014: Burns Elementary School, Cromack Elementary School, Benavides Elementary School, and Villa Nueva Elementary School
Purpose: To increase student participation and interest in science To learn and apply Scientific Investigation and Reasoning To learn and apply problem solving skills To gain self confidence by participating in their research project and successfully communicating results both visually and orally
Date and Location The Annual Brownsville Elementary Science and Engineering Fairs will be held Saturday, November 9, 2012. Set up and safety check is on November 8, 2012. Students will compete in their respective clusters.
Eligibility Third, fourth, and fifth grade students enrolled in any of the district’s public elementary schools are eligible in this year’s Elementary Science Fair.
Students may submit projects written in Spanish.
Students must meet U.I.L. eligibility requirements. Campus administration must verify eligibility. (The NO PASS, NO PLAY rule applies.)
Selection Each campus can enter projects for each grade level: two (2) in Life Science, two (2) in Earth Science, two (2) in Physical Science, and three (3) Team Projects (a total of 9 projects).
Projects are to be selected through a campus selection process.
The campus selection process will be at the discretion of the school. It is highly recommended that the students go through a process similar to the Elementary Science Fair.
Team Projects: No more than three students can compete in a Team project.
Required Forms Individual and Team entry forms along with forms 1A, 1B, 1C (if applicable), Human Subject Form 4 (if applicable), MSDS (if applicable), and a sample of survey or questionnaire (if applicable), will be reviewed by the Cluster Scientific Review Committee (CSRC) composed of the Campus Coordinators and representatives of the Department of Curriculum and Instruction on October 29, 2013. Completed surveys or questionnaires must be available for review on November 8, 2013 at check-in, if applicable,
Students must keep the Form 1A, Form 1B, 1C (if applicable), Human Subject Form 4 (if applicable), MSDS (if applicable), and Completed surveys or questionnaires with the display on the day of the competition. Forms MUST be kept in a separate folder in case the judges need to see them. SEE SECTIONS ON REQUIRED FORMS.
5 Elementary Science Fair Schedule of Events
Entry Due Date is October 29, 2013
Entries with all appropriate forms must be submitted to the Cluster Scientific Review Committee by each Campus Science Fair Coordinator.
These forms include: Entry form, Forms 1A, 1B, 1C (if applicable), Human Subject Form 4 (if applicable), MSDS (if applicable), Sample of survey or questionnaire (if applicable) and any other required paperwork are due at this time.
Substitutions of science projects will not be accepted after the entry due date.
Cluster Scientific Review Committee Meetings for Elementary Science Fair Coordinators to finalize review of all entry paperwork will be held on November 5, 2013.
Schedule of Events
October 29, 2013 Entry due date Cluster Scientific Safety Review Committee Meetings
November 5, 2013 Cluster SRC Final Cluster Scientific Safety Review Committee Reviews Meetings
November 8, 2013 Safety review of displays 4:00 to 6:00 PM at and setting up of projects Cluster Elementary Science Fair locations: Cluster 1 Vela Middle School (Burns Hosting) Cluster 2 Faulk Middle School (Cromack Hosting) Cluster 3 Stillman Middle School (Benavides Hosting) Cluster 4 Manzano Middle School (Villa Nueva Hosting)
November 9, 2013 Judges’ Orientation and 8:00 to 9:00 AM Breakfast Project Judging 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM Public Viewing 12:30 PM to 1:30 PM Award Presentations 1:30 PM to 2:30 PM Project Removal 2:30 PM
6 Elementary Science Fair Cluster Sites 2013-2014
Each year campuses compete in their designated clusters. Please check the list below to find out where your campus will be competing on November 9, 2013.
We are truly grateful to all of the following secondary schools who have graciously agreed to host the Elementary Science Fair at their campuses.
After reviewing the populations of each campus, the 37 BISD elementary campuses have been grouped into the following four clusters:
Cluster 1 Cluster 2 Cluster 3 Cluster 4 Host: Burns Host: Cromack Host: Benavides Host: Villa Nueva Site: Vela MS Site: Faulk MS Site: Stillman MS Site: Manzano MS
Aiken Brite Benavides Del Castillo Burns Cromack Breeden Longoria Champion El Jardin Canales Pullam Egly Gallegos Castañeda Putegnat Gonzalez Garden Park Garza Resaca Hudson Keller Martin Sharp Morningside Peña Perez Southmost Russell Paredes Palm Grove Victoria Heights Vermillion Skinner Ortiz Villa Nueva Yturria
The elementary campuses will rotate hosting the Elementary Science Fair on a yearly basis. Each cluster fair will be held at the designated site. The Science Specialists will be responsible for revising this document annually.
Cluster 1 Cluster 2 Cluster 3 Cluster 4 2012- Gonzalez at Garcia Champion at Perkins Keller at Manzano Southmost at Lucio 2013 2013- Benavides at Villa Nueva at Burns at Vela Cromack at Faulk 2014 Stillman Manzano 2014- Vermillion at Skinner at Victoria Heights at Breeden at Garcia 2015 Perkins Cummings Oliveira 2016- Palm Grove at Hudson at Vela Brite at Lucio Yturria at Stillman 2017 Besteiro
7 All Campus’s Responsibilities
1. All campuses must designate at least one Elementary Science Fair Coordinator. They are responsible for attending all Elementary Science Fair planning meetings and trainings and helping to organize their campus fairs. A second teacher will be used to review science fair paperwork on the second and third dates.
2. All campuses are responsible for setting up a Scientific Safety Committee (SSC). The Scientific Safety Committee (SSC) consists of the following persons: teachers who teach science and have science fair experience (recommend one per grade level) a school administrator a school nurse and/or school counselor (who should sign as chair of the committee)
3. The Scientific Safety Committee (SSC) examines projects for the following: projects are safe for students use of acceptable research techniques evidence of library research type and amount of supervision each project receives evaluate the potential physical or psychological risk of research involving human subjects humane treatment of animals compliance with rules and laws governing human and animal research. If any boxes are checked in from 1A, then these proposed projects must be reviewed and approved by an SSC before experimentation/research begins. This includes any surveys or questionnaires to be used in a project.
NOTE: It is the teacher’s and campus’ responsibility to make sure that all projects follow science fair safety regulations and the BISD Elementary Science Fair rules. Student safety is a primary concern when students are involved in independent research. The district SSC committee may disqualify projects that are deemed unsafe according to the BISD Elementary Science Fair rules.
4. All elementary campuses will be responsible for securing a minimum of four (4) individuals as science fair judges at their cluster site competition. Teachers from the cluster campus may volunteer to judge, but may not judge at the cluster where their campus is competing. Campuses are responsible for working out “trade agreements” with a campus from another Science Fair Cluster. A form is provided for each campus to turn in with the names of the judges that will report to their Cluster site and committee members needed to successfully conduct a science fair.
5. All participating campuses will have at least two teachers on each of the following committees: Score Verification Committee: Members’ main responsibility is to help verify judges’ scores. Safety/Display Committee: Members’ main responsibility is to make sure that all projects are in accordance with safety and display rules. Student Monitoring Committee: Members’ main responsibility is to monitor the students in the judging location during judging.
8 Hosting Campus’s Responsibilities
1. Hosting campuses will be responsible for the following: arrange for site preparations with the assigned middle school arrange for custodial staff (District pays up to 20 hrs. total overtime) arrange for A/C and access during set up on the Friday before and A/C all day on the date of the fair arrange for security on the day of the fair ensure facilities, including restrooms, are well-prepared and equipped (paper towels, etc.) with adequate custodial support arrange for the holding rooms or area for student participants arrange for and set up drinks (sodas and water) for score verification committee members and judges set up a judges’ hospitality room and a separate score verification room set up area for projects (gym floor covering if necessary) set up tables and chairs for projects assign a committee of teachers to help sign in projects on the designated registration days designate a place for the awards presentation and set up equipment i.e, microphone, podium, etc…
2. The hosting campus may do any of the following, if desired: sell snacks and drinks to participants and the public plan for student intercession activities host cluster meetings to discuss preparations for the event
9 Participants Matrix- Cluster 1, 2, and 4
Each grade level is eligible to submit 2 projects per individual category and 3 projects per group category. A campus is eligible to submit 27 projects. Entries per Campus Grade Life Earth Physical Group Total 3 2 2 2 3 9 4 2 2 2 3 9 5 2 2 2 3 9 Total 6 6 6 9 27 Cluster (1, 2, and 4) science fair may have up to 243 projects. Cluster 3 science fair may have up to 270 projects.
Entries Per Category and Table Matrix (Calculated using the maximum number of possible entries)
# of Entries # of Tables* Categories 3rd Life 18 (20) 5 (6) 3rd Earth 18 (20) 5 (6) 3rd Physical 18 (20) 5 (6) 3rd Group 27 (30) 10 (12)
Subtotal 81 (90) 25 (30)
4th Life 18 (20) 5 (6) 4th Earth 18 (20) 5 (6) 4th Physical 18 (20) 5 (6) 4th Group 27 (30) 10 (12)
Subtotal 81 (90) 25 (30)
5th Life 18 (20) 5 (6) 5th Earth 18 (20) 5 (6) 5th Physical 18 (20) 5 (6) 5th Group 27 (30) 10 (12)
Subtotal 81 (90) 25 (30)
Total Entries/Tables 243 (270) 75 (90)
*(4 Projects per table)
10 Science Fair Project Judging Criteria
Scientific Thought (30 points-Individual; 25 points-Team)
Does the project follow the scientific method? (Hypothesis, method, data, conclusion) Is the problem clearly and unambiguously stated? Are the procedures appropriate, organized, and thorough? Is the information collected accurate and complete? If controls were necessary, did the student recognize their need and were they correctly used? Are the variable clearly recognized and defined? Are the conclusions accurate and based upon the results? Does the project show the child is familiar with the topic? Does the project represent real study and effort? Is a list of references or bibliography available?
Creative Ability (30 points-Individual; 25 points-Team)
How unique is the project? Does the exhibit show original thinking or a unique method or approach? Is it significant and unusual for the age of the student? Does the project demonstrate ideas arrived by the child? Does it give that impression?
Thoroughness (15 points-Individual; 12 points-Team)
How many times was the investigation performed? Does the display physically demonstrate the operation or results of the project? Have the variables affecting outcome been identified? Are materials listed specifying accurate amounts? Is the sample large enough? Skill (15 points-Individual; 12 points-Team)
How well did the student design and construct the exhibit? Is the display visually appealing? Does the project show effort and good craftsmanship by the student? Has the student acknowledge help received from others?
Clarity (10 points-Individual)
Did the student clearly communicate the nature of the problem, how the problem was solved, and the conclusions? Are the problems, procedures, data, and conclusions presented clearly and in a logical order? Did the student clearly and accurately articulate in writing what was accomplished? Is the objective of the project likely to be understood by one not trained in the subject area? Is attention sustained by the project and focused on the objective?
Teamwork (16 points-Team)
Category: ______
Judge: ______
Project Scientific Creative Thoroughness Skill Clarity Total Number Thought Ability 15 pts. 15 pts. 10 pts. Points 30 pts. 30 pts.
Category: ______
Judge: ______
Project Scientific Creative Thoroughness Skill Clarity Teamwork Total Number Thought Ability 12 pts. 12 pts. 10 pts. 16 pts. Points 25 pts. 25 pts.
Date: ______
Category: ______
Project Judge Judge Judge Judge Total Place or Number #_____ #_____ #_____ #_____ Points Award
14 Science Fair Applications And Forms
15 Judges and Committee Members Form
Cluster: ______School: ______Please Return by October 29, 2013
Judges: (Identify and confirm at least 4 members) Saturday, November 9, 2013 8:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Name Campus Representing Email Address Telephone No.
Score Verification Committee Members: (Identify and confirm at least 2 members) Saturday, November 9, 2013 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Name Grade Comments
Safety/Display Committee Members: (Identify and confirm at least 2 members) Friday, November 8, 2013 3:30 p.m.-6:00 p.m. Name Grade Comments
Student Monitoring Committee: (Campus must have representation for 5 hours) 16 Saturday, November 9, 2013 8:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Name Campus Telephone No. Monitoring Time
Principal’s Signature______
17 Annual Elementary Science Fair Individual Entry Form Due Date: October 29, 2013
Type or print legibly. Fill in completely.
School: Science Fair Cluster: 1 2 3 4
Exhibitor Name: Phone Number:
Teacher Name:
Title of Exhibit:
Check One in Each Section Only
Grade: Category: Language:
3 Life Science English 4 Earth Science Spanish 5 Physical Science
Please read and sign below:
Principal, teacher, facilitator, and students have reviewed the rules of the Brownsville Elementary Science Fair and agree to abide by these rules. The rules concern safety regulations, types of projects which may be entered, display requirements and limits, animal project requirements, and other general rules.
Principal’s Signature______Student’s Signature______
Teacher’s Signature______Parent’s Signature
Entries must be submitted to: PK-12 Science Specialists’ Office Curriculum and Instruction Department 1900 Price Rd., Suite 202 Brownsville, Texas 78521
18 Annual Elementary Science Fair Group Entry Form (Limit three students per group) Due Date: October 29, 2013
Each Team Member must complete an entry form. Type or print legibly and fill in completely.
School: Science Fair Cluster: 1 2 3 4
Exhibitor Name: Phone Number:
Exhibitor Name: Phone Number:
Exhibitor Name: Phone Number:
Teacher Name:
Title of Exhibit:
Check One in Each Section Only Grade: Language:
3 English 4 Spanish 5
Please read and sign below:
Principal, teacher, facilitator, and students have reviewed the rules of the Brownsville Elementary Science Fair and agree to abide by these rules. The rules concern safety regulations, types of projects which may be entered, display requirements and limits, animal project requirements, and other general rules.
Principal’s Signature______Student’s Signature______
Teacher’s Signature______Parent’s Signature
Entries must be submitted to: PK-12 Science Specialists’ Office Curriculum and Instruction Department 1900 Price Rd., Suite 202
19 Brownsville, Texas 78521
RESEARCH PLAN (1A) This form is required of ALL projects. Entries without a completed Research Plan will not be accepted. Due Date: October 29, 2013
1. Student’s Name: Grade: 3 4 5
2. School: Science Fair Cluster: 1 2 3 4
3. Category: Life Science Earth Science Physical Science
4. Sponsor Name:
5. Title of Exhibit:
6. Check ALL items that apply to your research. While doing my project, I will be experimenting with:
Humans: requires prior Scientific Safety Committee (SSC) approval and complete form 1C
Nonhuman Vertebrate Animals: requires prior SSC approval, complete Form 1C
Recombinant DNA: not allowed for student research in grades 3-5. Isolation of Plant DNA is allowed.
Pathogens: Pathogens are not allowed for student research in grades 3-5, including bread mold. Bakers’ yeast may be used for student experiments with SSC approval form 1C)
Human/Animal Tissue: requires prior SSC approval form 1C; Only tissue such as meat or vegetables purchased at a grocery store or similar store may be used by students for experimentation with SSC approval form 1C.
7. Problem and Hypothesis: 8. Materials: (Include all applicable MSDS sheets) 9. Procedure: (For human research, include survey or questionnaires if used.)
Additional Page May Be Attached If Needed
Student Signature: SSC Chairperson Signature: ______Date: ______Date: ______
APPROVAL FORM (1B) This form is required of ALL projects
Due Date: October 29, 2013
1. Required for ALL projects.
a.Student Acknowledgment: I understand the risks and possible dangers tome of the proposed Research Plan (1A). I will adhere to all BISD rules when conducting this research.
______Student’s Printed Name Signature Date Acknowledged
b.Parent/Guardian Approval: I have read and understand the risks and possible dangers involved in the Sponsor-approved Research Plan (1A). I consent to my child participating in this research.
______Parent/Guardian’s Printed Name Signature Date of Approval
c.Adult Sponsor Approval: I have read and reviewed the Research Plan (1A) prior to experimentation with the student. I agree to sponsor the student named above and assume reasonable responsibility for compliance with all BISD and ISEF Science Fair rules
1) I have reviewed and signed the Research Plan (1A).
2) The student and a parent/guardian have signed the Approval Form (1B).
3) This project involves the following area(s) and requires prior Scientific Safety Committee (SSC) approval before experimentation begins (Form 1C).
Human Subjects (Form 4) DNA isolated from plants Nonhuman Vertebrates Human or Animal Tissue Pathogenic Agents* Chemicals (MSDS Required) *All bacteria, fungi, etc. should be considered potentially pathogenic and are not allowed, except Baker’s yeast.
______Adult Sponsor’s Printed Name Signature Date of Approval
Final Scientific Safety Committee (SSC) Approval (if applicable) SSC approval before experimentation: I certify that this project adhered to the approved Research Plan (1A) and complies with all rules of this BISD Science Fair. ______21 Chairperson-SSC (printed name) Signature Date of Approval SAFETY FORM (1C) Due Date: October 29, 2013 Safety Committee Checklist
All projects are required to have forms 1A and 1B with appropriate signatures. It is the responsibility of the student teacher and campus to assure that all projects are safe and pose no harm to the environment.
Check projects to assure that they pose no threat to student safety. Students should not begin any projects that include humans, vertebrate animals, pathogens, human/animal tissue, isolating DNA from plants, controlled or hazardous substances without SSC approval.
Possible concerns are:
Humans: (Includes surveys and any projects where humans are used as subjects) No risk should be apparent from the project description. The experiment must pose no more harm or risk to students than daily life. Surveys and questionnaires should not address issues that may cause psychological harm or invade personal privacy. Counselors should be consulted regarding surveys. All human projects involving exercise or physical activity must be supervised directly by the teacher sponsor at school and must have SSC signature. It is highly recommended that all human subjects have prior parent consent before participating.
Nonhuman vertebrate Animals: No apparent harm or risk to the animals should be apparent. Only projects that involve observing pets, zoo animals, or animals in their native environment will be permitted. Proper care of pets should be documented in the student’s procedure. Wild animals should not be captured, disturbed or handled. Catch and release projects are not allowed in grades 3-5. Students must consider using invertebrates such as insects. (Must have SSC signature)
Recombinant DNA: No elementary school projects should involve Recombinant DNA. Isolating DNA from plants is allowed. (Must have SSC chairperson signature)
Pathogens: Projects involving pathogens are not allowed in grades 3-5. Any culture (e.g. bacteria cultures or bread mold) must be considered pathogenic. (Looking at pond water under a microscope may involve pathogens!) Only baker’s yeast cultures are allowed with SSC approval of experimental design. (Must have SSC chairperson signature)
Human/Animal Tissue: Human blood should never be used by elementary students. Hair is suitable for use in elementary projects. (Tanned leather, hair, dried bones, nails, and teeth are also permissible) (Must have SSC signature)
Chemicals: SSC members need to certify that no dangerous chemicals are used and that all chemicals are handled properly under direct supervision. (MSDS Required)
The purpose of the Scientific Safety Committee (SSC) is to assure student safety. Any project that poses a threat to students or others cannot be allowed to participate in the Elementary Science and Engineering Fair. This project has been approved as safe by the campus SSC.
______Chairperson-SSC (printed name) Signature Date of Approval
22 Human Subjects Form (4) Required for all research involving human subjects. SSC approval required before experimentation. Due Date: October 29, 2013 Completed surveys or questionnaires, if applicable, are due November 8, 2013 at check-in.
Student’s Name :
Title of Project:
To be completed by Student Researcher in collaboration with the Designated Supervisor/Qualified Scientist: (All questions must be answered; additional page may be attached.) 1) Describe the purpose of this study and list all of the research procedures in which the subject will be involved. Include the duration of the subject’s involvement. Attach any survey or questionnaire.
2) Describe and assess any potential risk or discomfort, and, if any, potential benefits (physical, psychological, social, legal or other) that may be reasonably expected by participating in this research.
3) Describe the procedures that will be used to minimize risk, to obtain informed consent and/or assent, and to maintain confidentiality.
For questions or concerns regarding this research, contact: at . (Adult Sponsor Email/phone)
To be completed by Science Safety Committee (SSC) prior to experimentation: Determination of risk, including physical and psychological risks. MUST CHECK ONE OF THE BOXES
Minimal risk where informed consent is recommended, but not required. Justification for waiver of informed consent for research with subjects less than 18 years of age must be attached. Minimal risk where informed consent is REQUIRED.
More than minimal risk where informed consent & a Qualified Scientist are REQUIRED
SSC SIGNATURES (All three signatures are required; Conflict of interest must be avoided.) 1) Medical Professional: (MUST circle one) (a psychologist, psychiatrist, medical doctor, licensed social worker, physician’s asst., or registered nurse)
Printed Name (including title) Signature Date of Approval
2) Science Teacher:
Printed Name (including title) Signature Date of Approval
3) School Administrator:
Printed Name (including title) Signature Date of Approval
23 Feria Anual de Ciencias Naturales Nivel Primaria Forma de Entrada Individual Favor de entregar antes de: 29 de octubre de 2013
Llene la forma con letra de molde
Escuela: Grupo de Feria: 1 2 3 4
Expositor: Número de Teléfono:
Título de la Exhibición Hipótesis: Marque uno de cada sección solamente:
Grado: Categoría: Escrito en: 3 Ciencias Biológicas Inglés 4 Ciencias Terrestres Español 5 Ciencias Físicas
Favor de le e r lo siguiente y firmar en la línea adecuada:
El Director, el maestro, el Guía de Instrucción, y el estudiante han revisado las reglas de la Feria de Ciencias Naturales a Nivel Primaria. Estas reglas conciernen las pólizas de seguridad y los tipos de proyectos los cuales pueden ser parte de la exposición del estudiante. Incluyen también los requisitos de tamaño, los requisitos de proyectos cuales incluyen animales, y otras reglas de tipo general.
Firma del Director Firma del Expositor______
Firma del Maestro/a______Firma del Padre
Estos documentos deben ser entregados a:
PK-12 Science Specialists Curriculum and Instruction Department 1900 Price Rd., Suite 202 Brownsville, Texas 78521
24 Feria Anual de Ciencias Naturales Nivel Primaria Forma de grupo (Limite tres estudiantes por grupo) Favor de entregar antes de: 29 de octubre de 2013 Cada miembro del equipo tiene que entregar esta forma.
Escuela: Grupo: 1 2 3 4
Expositor #1: Número de Teléfono:
Expositor #2: Número de Teléfono:
Expositor #3: Número de Teléfono:
Título de la Exhibición: Hipótesis:
Marque uno de cada sección solamente Grado: Escrito en: 3 Inglés 4 Español 5 Los proyectos de grupo pueden ser de cualquier categoría pero solo tres de cada grado pueden ser registrados
Favor de le e r lo siguiente y firmar en la línea adecuada: El Director, el maestro, el Guía de Instrucción, y el estudiante han revisado las reglas de la Feria de Ciencias Naturales a Nivel Primaria. Estas reglas conciernen las pólizas de seguridad y los tipos de proyectos los cuales pueden ser parte de la exposición del estudiante. Incluyen también los requisitos de tamaño, los requisitos de proyectos cuales incluyen animales, y otras reglas de tipo general.
Firma del Director Firma del Expositor______
Firma del Maestro/a______Firma del Padre
Estos documentos deben ser entregados a:
PK-12 Science Specialist Curriculum and Instruction Department 1900 Price Rd. , Suite 202 Brownsville, Texas 78521
25 Plan de Estudio (1A) TODOS los proyectos requieren ésta forma. Proyectos que no tienen ésta forma completa, no pueden entrar. Favor de entregar antes de: 29 de octubre de 2013
1. Nombre del Estudiante: Grado: 3 4 5
2. Escuela: Grupo: 1 2 3 4
3. Tipo de proyecto: Ciencias Biológicas Ciencias Terrestres Ciencias Físicas
4. Patrocinador (adulto):
5. Título del Proyecto:
6. Marque TODOS los que apliquen a la investigación. Cuando lleve a cabo mi proyecto, voy a estar experimentado con: Humanos: requiere autorización previa del Comité Científico de Seguridad (SSC) y la forma 1C
Animales con Vertebras: (No humanos): requiere autorización previa del Comité Científico de Seguridad (SSC) y la forma 1C
Recombinados de ADN : no están permitidos para uso de estudiantes a nivel primaria. Extractos de ADN de plantas son permitos.
Patógenos: El uso de patógenos no son permitidos para uso de estudiantes a nivel primario. Estos patógenos incluyen el moho de pan. Los estudiantes pueden usar levadura en sus experimentos, siempre y cuando obtengan la autorización previa del SSC y hayan llenado la forma 1C)
Tejidos de origen Humano/Animal: estos requieren autorización previa del SSC y la forma 1C; solo tejidos como la carne o los vegetales comprados en el supermercado o tienda similar pueden ser usados por el estudiante en su experimento con autorización previa del SSC y la forma 1C.
7. Problema e Hipótesis:
8. Materiales: (Incluyendo las formas MSDS) 9. Procedimientos: (Para las investigaciones cuales incluyen a seres humanos, favor de incluir los cuestionarios si estos fueron usados.)
Firma del Estudiante______Firma del Presidente del SSC
______Fecha Fecha
26 FORMA de APROVACION (1B) TODOS los proyectos requieren ésta forma Favor de entregar antes de: 29 de octubre de 2013 1. Requerida para TODOS los proyectos. a. Reconocimiento del Estudiante: Entiendo los riesgos y peligros de mi plan de estudio propuesto en el PLAN DE ESTUDIO (1A). Estoy de acuerdo a seguir todas las pólizas de BISD al llevar a cabo mi investigación.
______Nombre del Estudiante Firma Fecha
b. Aprobación de los Padres o Guardián: He leído y entiendo los riesgos y posibles peligros que implica el Plan de Estudio (1A) aprobado por el Patrocinador (adulto). Doy mi consentimiento para que mi hijo/a lleve a cabo esta investigación.
______Nombre del Padre/Madre Firma Fecha de Aprobación
c. Aprobación del Patrocinador: He leído y revisado el Plan de Estudio (1A) antes de que el estudiante lleve a cabo su experimento. Estoy de acuerdo a ser el patrocinador del estudiante ya mencionado y asumo responsabilidad a seguir las reglas establecidas por BISD y las reglas de la Feria de Ciencias del ISEF.
1) Yo he revisado y firmado el Plan de Estudio (1A).
2) El estudiante y los padres de familia han firmado la Forma de Aprobación (1B).
3) Este proyecto implica las siguientes áreas que requieren aprobación previa del Comité Científico de Seguridad (SSC) antes de que el experimento se lleve a cabo. (Forma 1C).
Seres Humanos (Forma 4) ADN de plantas Vertebrados (no humanos) Tejidos de Origen Humano ó Animal Patógenos * Químicos (necesitan formas MSDS)
* Todas las bacterias, mohos, etc. deben ser considerados como patógenos potenciales y no son permitidos, con excepción de levadura para hornear.
______Patrocinador Firma Fecha de Aprobación
2. Aprobación Final del Comité Científico de Seguridad (SSC). (Si es necesario) La aprobación del SSC antes de experimentación: Yo certifico que éste proyecto sigue el Plan de Estudio (1A) y cumple con todos los reglamentos de la Feria de Ciencias de BISD.
27 ______Presidente-SSC Firma Fecha de Aprobación
28 Forma para el uso de Sujetos Humanos (4) Favor de entregar antes de: 29 de octubre de 2013
Todos los cuestionarios o encuestas deben estar completas y entregadas el 19 de octubre de 2012 con el proyectó. Requerida por todos los proyectos cuales incluyen seres humanos en su investigación. La aprobación del SSC es requerida ANTES de llevar a cabo el experimento.
Nombre del Estudiante:
Título del Proyecto: El estudiante y el Patrocinador deben colaborar para responder las siguientes preguntas: (Todas las preguntas deben ser contestadas completamente, si es necesario favor de usar otra página) 1) Describe el propósito de esta investigación y todos los procedimientos a seguir en cual el sujeto humano va a ser implicado. Incluye el tiempo el cual el sujeto va a ser involucrado en la investigación. Si se uso un cuestionario o una encuesta favor de agregarla.
2) Describe los riesgos y peligros potenciales, tal como malestares y también los beneficios potenciales, tal como físicos, sociales, legales, o sicológicos.
3) Describe los procedimientos que vas a utilizar para aminorar los riesgos y obtener el permiso de éstos sujetos humanos.
Si tiene preguntas sobre esta investigación comuníquese con: . Patrocinador Telefono El Comité Científico de Seguridad debe llenar ésta forma ANTES de que el expositor comience su investigación: La determinación de riesgo puede ser física o psicológica. INDIQUE EL NIEVEL DE RIESGO
Riesgo mínimo. El consentimiento del los padres por escrito es recomendado pero no requerido. Justificación para la renuncia del consentimiento informado para la investigación con los temas bajo 18 años de la edad debe ser unido. Riesgo mínimo El consentimiento de los padres es REQUERIDO.
Riesgo más que mínimo en cual el consentimiento del los padres y él un Científico Capacitado son REQUERIDOS.
Las TRES firmas son requeridas
1) Medical Professional: (MUST circle one) (a psychologist, psychiatrist, medical doctor, licensed social worker, physician’s asst., or registered nurse)
Printed Name (including title) Signature Date of Approval 2) Science Teacher:
Printed Name (including title) Signature Date of Approval 3) School Administrator:
Printed Name (including title) Signature Date of Approval
29 The Scientific Safety Committee (SSC)
The Scientific Safety Committee (SSC) consists of the following persons:
A) a teacher who teaches science and has science fair experience
B) a school administrator
C) a school nurse and/or school counselor
The Scientific Safety Committee (SSC) examines projects for the following:
A) projects are safe for students B) use of acceptable research techniques C) evidence of library research D) type and amount of supervision each project receives E) evaluate the potential physical or psychological risk of research involving human subjects F) humane treatment of animals G) compliance with rules and laws governing human and animal research
If any boxes are checked in from 1A, then these proposed projects must be reviewed and approved by an SSC before experimentation/research begins. This includes any surveys or questionnaires to be used in a project.
It is the teacher’s and campus’ responsibility to make sure that all projects follow science fair safety regulations and the BISD Elementary Science Fair rules. Student safety is a primary concern when students are involved in independent research. The district SSC committee may disqualify projects that are deemed unsafe according to the BISD Elementary Science Fair rules.