St Eustache PAC Meeting
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St Eustache PAC meeting
November 14th, 2017
Mme Noel (Principal), Mme Arsenault (Grade 1), Cara G, Lyndsay L, Lisa L, Jodi K, Sheila S, Dara T, and Mary-Jo T
Regrets :
Manuela S, Julie D, Lyuba S, Grace G, Tracy R
Call to Order at 6:37pm
1) Adoption of the Agenda (Jodi/ Lisa 2nd/passed)
2) Minutes of October 2017 meeting approved via email
3) Treasurer’s Report – Income: Peak of the Market $530, Colibri $390, Grade 5/6 Halloween Dance $390
Cash on Hand : 7810.36
Discussion about remaining items on the sound system wishlist. Cara contacted the PRSD office and if we purchase the sound system through the division we can save 68% of the GST – thank you Cara.
MOTION: I move to include a second cordless microphone, a mixer, and the drop microphones into the sound system PAC project. This increases the amount allowed for this project by $1700, for a total of $4215 allowable spending for the whole sound system wishlist, with Mme Gillis to be the purchase contact.
2nd by Cara/ voted on at meeting and tentatively approved unanimously.
**** We need PAC members who did not attend the meeting to VOTE VIA EMAIL to have quorum for this vote.
Cara motion to accept the Financial Report as presented / Lyndsay 2nd / passed
4) Principal’s Report – School Plan is on Website with a focus in three areas a) Literacy – English, French, and French writing b) Numeracy c) French Retention
- Prinicipal’s Report under Parent Tab on Website -Discussion to add an extracurricular component on the website
5) Working Group Reports
Fundraising – Current : Poinsettas
- Dara to get parents the fundraiser list via email this month
- Decision to postpone the Paint Night in December due to busyness. The 50/50 will still run at the Christmas Concert
Hot Lunch
- Received a report from Melissa Paradise. Hot Lunch had a difficult beginning, but 2nd hot lunch was a vast improvement. Seniors have requested that in the new year (2018) that there would be an equal profit partnership, rather than having the hot lunch profits go entirely to the school.
Discussion on this issue. PAC is asking Sheila to inquire about what is overwhelming and Cara to analyze cost/profit numbers to make an informative decision. Would it help if parents volunteered to hand out food and clean up? More discussion to follow.
- Christmas Hot Lunch : December 15th. Lisa will ask for volunteers at a later date
6) New Business
- Some parents have strong concerns about Haunted House – Suggested that in future would not be for K-grade 2 at all, but offer an alternative activity.
- Discussion on ways to still include the haunted house with some changes (ie perhaps leave lights on) as many children do enjoy it. Will try and find an acceptable solution for all children.
7) Future 2018 PAC meetings dates set
Thursday January 18th
Monday February 12th
Tuesday March 13th
Wednesday April 11th
Thursday May 17th
8) Meeting adjourned 7:28PM
Prepared and Respectfully Submitted by, Mary-Jo Thiessen