Smalley, Week 5A Lessons 3 & 9
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Smalley, Week 6 – Lesson 1, Part 2
Lesson 1 – Description of Sounds, Continued 1.19 Point and Manner Labial, Dental, Alveolar, Alveopalatal or Velar AND Stop, Fricative, Nasal or Lateral 1. ______25. ______2. ______26. ______3. ______27. ______4. ______28. ______5. ______29. ______6. ______30. ______7. ______31. ______8. ______32. ______9. ______33. ______10. ______34. ______11. ______35. ______12. ______36. ______13. ______37. ______14. ______38. ______15. ______39. ______16. ______40. ______17. ______41. ______18. ______42. ______19. ______43. ______20. ______44. ______21. ______22. ______23. ______24. ______
1.20 Bilabial or Labiodental? 1. ______6. ______2. ______7. ______3. ______8. ______4. ______9. ______5. ______
1.21 Bilabial, Labiodental or Tip/Dental? 1. ______6. ______2. ______7. ______3. ______8. ______4. ______9. ______5. ______1.22 Bilabial, Labiodental, Tip/Dental or Back/Velar? 1. ______9. ______2. ______10. ______3. ______11. ______4. ______12. ______5. ______13. ______6. ______14. ______7. ______15. ______8. ______
1.23 Tip or Blade/Alveolar or Alveopalatal?
**Note: Whether you are tip or blade is a personal pronunciation preference – some of you will use tip, others will use blade. In English it makes not functional difference. These terms are used interchangeably in Smalley, but you should record here what YOU do.
To tell whether you are tip or blade: Prolong the initial sound in “see” in English If you are tip: “tip is very near alveolar ridge, leaving only a narrow slit for the fricative” (Smalley, p.21) If you are blade: “tip is behind lower teeth, and the blade is near the alveolar ridge…the narrow slit is between the blade and alveolar ridge” (Smalley, p.21)
1. ______6. ______2. ______7. ______3. ______8. ______4. ______9. ______5. ______10. ______
1.24 Tip or Blade/Alveolar or Alveopalatal? 1. ______6. ______2. ______7. ______3. ______8. ______4. ______9. ______5. ______10. ______
1.25 Description of Sounds Bilabial, Labiodental, Tip/Dental, Tip or Blade/Alveolar, Tip or Blade/Alveopalatal or Back/Velar AND Stop, Fricative, Nasal or Lateral 1. ______6. ______2. ______7. ______3. ______8. ______4. ______9. ______5. ______10. ______11. ______27. ______12. ______28. ______13. ______29. ______14. ______30. ______15. ______31. ______16. ______32. ______17. ______33. ______18. ______34. ______19. ______35. ______20. ______36. ______21. ______37. ______22. ______38. ______23. ______39. ______24. ______40. ______25. ______26. ______
1.26 Description of Sounds, in reverse Smalley gives you parameters, you produce sounds – you may transcribe consonant or say it orally, your choice 1. ______9. ______2. ______10. ______3. ______11. ______4. ______12. ______5. ______13. ______6. ______14. ______7. ______15. ______8. ______
Lesson 19 – Alveopalatal Stops 19.1 Demonstration: Alveopalatal Stops [c] and [J] with a line through it 19.2 Differential: Same or Different? 1. a.______4. b.______2. a.______5. b.______3. a.______6. b.______4. a.______7. b.______5. a.______8. b.______6. a.______9. b.______7. a.______10. b.______8. a.______9. a.______1. c.______10. a.______2. c.______3. c.______1. b.______4. c.______2. b.______5. c.______3. b.______6. c.______7. c.______9. c.______8. c.______10. c.______
19.3 Differential: Stop or Affricate? 1. ______9. ______2. ______10. ______3. ______11. ______4. ______12. ______5. ______13. ______6. ______14. ______7. ______15. ______8. ______
19.4 Differential: Aspirated or Unaspirated? 1. ______9. ______2. ______10. ______3. ______11. ______4. ______12. ______5. ______13. ______6. ______14. ______7. ______15. ______8. ______
19.5 Differential: Voiced or Voiceless? 1. ______9. ______2. ______10. ______3. ______11. ______4. ______12. ______5. ______13. ______6. ______14. ______7. ______15. ______8. ______
Lesson 11 – Dental, Retroflexed, Grooved and Flat Articulators **Note: Flat and Grooved refer to the shape of your tongue during articulation of a fricative or an affricate. In other words, these are two categories for subdividing affricates and fricatives. You will have practice here in Smalley, but this will not be a major category of concern for the class. Flat articulations: the interdentals [] and [] TONGUE REMAINS FLAT Grooved: [s], [z], etc. – dental, alveolar and alveopalatals – TONGUE HAS GROOVE**
11.1 Negative Practice: Dental Fricatives {making [s] and [z] dental} 11.2 Differential: Alveolar or Dental? 1. ______3. ______2. ______4. ______5. ______14. ______6. ______15. ______7. ______16. ______8. ______17. ______9. ______18. ______10. ______19. ______11. ______20. ______12. ______21. ______13. ______
11.3 Differential: Flat or Grooved? 1. ______12. ______2. ______13. ______3. ______14. ______4. ______15. ______5. ______16. ______6. ______17. ______7. ______18. ______8. ______19. ______9. ______20. ______10. ______21. ______11. ______
11.3a. Demonstration: Making and Practicing Retroflexed Sounds 11.4 Differential: Retroflexed or No? 1. ______12. ______2. ______13. ______3. ______14. ______4. ______15. ______5. ______16. ______6. ______17. ______7. ______18. ______8. ______19. ______9. ______20. ______10. ______21. ______11. ______
11.5 Differential: Alveolar or Retroflexed? 1. ______8. ______2. ______9. ______3. ______10. ______4. ______11. ______5. ______12. ______6. ______13. ______7. ______14. ______15. ______
11.6 Differential: Alveopalatal or Retroflexed? 1. ______7. ______2. ______8. ______3. ______9. ______4. ______10. ______5. ______11. ______6. ______12. ______
11.7 Differential: Alveolar or Retroflexed? 1. ______7. ______2. ______8. ______3. ______9. ______4. ______10. ______5. ______11. ______6. ______12. ______
Lesson 21 – Double Stops and Nasals [kp], [gb], and [m] 21.1 Demonstration: Double Stops and Nasals 21.2 Discrimination: Same or Different? 1. a.______6. b.______2. a.______7. b.______3. a.______8. b.______4. a.______9. b.______5. a.______10. b.______6. a.______7. a.______1. c.______8. a.______2. c.______9. a.______3. c.______10. a.______4. c.______5. c.______1. b.______6. c.______2. b.______7. c.______3. b.______8. c.______4. b.______9. c.______5. b.______10. c.______
21.4 Mimicry: Medial Double Stops and Nasals 21.5 Mimicry: Initial Double Stops and Nasals 21.6 Mimicry: Final Double Stops and Nasals 21.8 Differential: Double or Single? 1. ______5. ______2. ______6. ______3. ______7. ______4. ______8. ______9. ______13. ______10. ______14. ______11. ______15. ______12. ______
21.9 Differential: Simultaneous or Sequential? Is it cluster (functioning as one unit) or a combo? 1. ______9. ______2. ______10. ______3. ______11. ______4. ______12. ______5. ______13. ______6. ______14. ______7. ______15. ______8. ______