(insert practice logo) NEWS RELEASE

For Immediate Release For Information Contact: Name, e-mail address phone number

Patients of Local Orthodontist Raise Funds for (Name of Charity)

(CITY/STATE/PROVINCE) – (DATE)— (Name of Charity) is the beneficiary of a fund-raising event sponsored by (city) orthodontist Dr. Firstname Lastname of Practice Name. During the month of October, which is observed as National Orthodontic Health Month, Dr. Lastname’s patients donated $X in support of (Name of Charity). (If appropriate, add: Dr. Lastname matched the amount donated by his/her patients.)

(Add a short paragraph describing the charity, what it does, etc.)

“I am gratified and humbled by the generosity of our patients,” Dr. Lastname said. “Their donations will help (Name of Charity) continue its important work. It is a great way to come together as a community to support a worthy cause.”


About Dr. (Lastname) Dr. Lastname has had an orthodontic practice in city/suburb name since year. S/he graduated from name of dental school) and completed an additional two/three-year, advanced training program in orthodontics at name of orthodontic residency program. Orthodontists are uniquely qualified dental specialists who diagnose, prevent and treat dental and facial irregularities to correctly align teeth and jaws for a healthy bite and beautiful smile.

Dr. Lastname sees patients (days of week) at his/her office(s) at address(es). Dr. Lastname’s practice website is URL. The office phone number is (area code with number).

Dr. Lastname is a member of the American Association of Orthodontists, the world’s oldest and largest dental specialty organization. It represents more than 18,000 orthodontist members throughout the United States, Canada and abroad. The Association encourages and sponsors key research to enable its members to provide the highest quality of care to patients, and is committed to educating the public about the need for, and benefits of, orthodontic treatment. Only orthodontists are admitted for membership in the American Association of Orthodontists. For more information, go to mylifemysmile.org.