Barlby and Osgodby Magazine s1
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JULY to SEPTEMBER 2014 – No. 235
Police Increase in crime locally and a proposal to close the Police custody suite at Selby Anti Social behaviour reported including : the bus shelter at Wainhomes, motorbikes on the Meadow and the new bridge at Barlby Meadow being damaged shortly after its installation Drugs paraphernalia found on the riverbank and suspicious persons at the Woodland were reported to Police Awaiting further information on speed detector vans
Countryside The Countryside areas are all looking good, there has been some tree thinning and habitat creation and maintenance to notice boards Some reed removal is required at the Parish Countryside sites Safety device on order for Osgodby Pond Queries about North Yorkshire County Council land at Market Weighton Road Continued problems with dog fouling, a number of dog fouling ‘warning signs’ are being tested in the Parish Reports of residents allowing their dogs to go into the water at the Ponds, which is anti social and threatens the safety of the wildlife
General It was decided to increase the profile of the Council by changing to Town Council status Barlby Post Office closed on 30th July, options are being investigated for a re-instatement in the Village. A letter was sent to Sue Hope thanking her for her outstanding community contribution West View Stores has also shut, the Council has been advised that it is intended to re-open the shop Notification of changes to disposal of certain types of waste Household waste recycling centres Recent consultations included : Selby District Council Community Governance Review, Selby District Council (Council) Tax Support Review, Selby District Council Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Draft Charging Schedule, Sustainable Communities Act, Rural Action Yorkshire Rural Strategy and recent Central Government legislation The Council is supporting the publication of a photographic record of Barlby and Osgodby compiled by Mr Roland Chilvers BARLBY LIBRARY and COMMUNITY HUB
Selby Groundwork gave a presentation on the types of work they do for Local Authorities and Community Groups, including projects such as Public Space/Play Area improvements. It was agreed to work with Groundwork to look at sources of funding The Barlby Library Volunteers put together a detailed exhibition to commemorate the start of World War I. The exhibition was free to view at the Library during August. Selby Abbey also held a ‘Light for Peace’ event The popular Smith Family Scrapbooks were on show again on Bank Holiday weekend
General An application is to be submitted for a (part) coal fired plant at Drax using bio-mass and including a pipeline to transport carbon dioxide for permanent storage under the North Sea Concerns about surface water drainage disposal at the David Wilson Homes site at Old York Road, Barlby
Applications Proposed new boiler house at Barlby High School Amended plans received for the proposed David Wilson Homes development at Old York Road, Barlby Advert consent for 2 display hoardings at BOCM 2 storey extension at 23 Turnhead Crescent, Barlby 2 storey extension at 4 George Terrace, Barlby Proposed bungalow/drive land adjacent to 30 Turnhead Crescent Removal of Sycamore Tree at 4 Hall Garth, Osgodby Revised application for extension at 54 Northfield Revised application for car park at Hilltop School Field Revised application for display hoardings at BOCM Applications Granted/Refused Permission granted for 13 dwellings to the rear of the Bay Horse Permission refused for extensions at 54 Northfield, Barlby 5 dwellings to the rear of Lynwood, Howden Road, Barlby
New goalposts have been installed at South Duffield Road, Osgodby Maintenance and improvements works are being carried out at Bungalow Road, South Duffield Road and Sycamore Road Toddler site Suggestions are being sough for items of new equipment at Wainhomes Play Area which will be financed from developer contributions Problems with weeds and bonfires reported at the Allotments Rubbish reported dumped near Magazine Farm and the riverbank
Network Rail have advised that the low headroom section of the bridge at Ousegate will be closed until November and the deeper headroom section will be subject to traffic management until September An increasing number of complaints that should go to North Yorkshire County Council or Access Selby are being passed to the Council Concerns raised about the pedestrian operated lights at Recreation Road, oil spilled on the highway, access problems for bin lorries, dead trees, replacement hedging, speeding, vegetation overhanging the highway, drop kerbs and the footbridge over the A19 Waymarking signs to be ordered Plans viewed of the proposed sculpture (SDC) on the A19/A63 roundabout showing an Abbey window with swans Concerns raised about the vehicle access into the housing development site at Howden Road, Barlby The Council to make representations to Highways about the layout of pedestrian footways associated with the proposed David Wilson Homes development at Old York Road, Barlby
The Scarecrow Festival went well but had fewer entries than last year. There was a School Fayre and tea and cakes at Barlby Library and Community Hub on the same day Suggestions welcomed for future events, those received to date include : a Treasure Hunt and a Yard Sale Halloween Events are planned at Barlby Library and Community Hub and Osgodby Village Institute (see posters) The Open Gardens event was cancelled but still raised an amazing £250 for Charity SEPTEMBER ARTICLES
VACANCY FOR COUNCILLOR Catherine Leng has been appointed as the new Councillor for Barlby Village.
OPEN GARDEN Col and Roz Chopping reluctantly had to cancel their annual Open Garden at 24 Highfield Crescent. They would like to thank everyone who still gave their support and raised an amazing £150 for the District Hospital and
£100 for Cystic Fibrosis.
PUBLICATION SCHEME The Publication Scheme has been revised to show what information is available on the Council’s website. A range of current information, including the Publication Scheme and recent Minutes are available free to view at Barlby Library and Community Hub.
CHARITY QUIZ Selby District Chairman’s Charity is raising funds for York Against Cancer, SD Vision and St Leonards Hospice. A quiz can be bought for the tiny sum of £1 at Barlby Library and Community Hub. Come and try your luck and support these worthwhile Charities.
FINANCE A grant of £75.00 has been awarded to SD DIAL who provided a detailed account of services to local residents.
CITIZEN’S PANEL North Yorkshire County Council is looking for volunteers to become members of the Citizen’s panel to respond to surveys sent out by Email. Between one and three questionnaires will be sent during the year to gain opinions on topics that are important to local people such as education, highways, libraries and much more. If you are interested please contact Norma Wilburn on 0800 316 3630 or [email protected] SUMMER READING CHALLENGE The Library has recently added a Book Club and Creative Writing Course to the range of activities on offer, and a record number of youngsters signed up to the Summer Reading Challenge organised by North Yorkshire Library Service and sponsored by Lightwater Valley Theme Park. Children completing the Reading Challenge before the August Bank Holiday were entered into a prize draw.
Richard Wailing, Chair of the Volunteer Group presents the prize to the winner, Robbie Kennedy.
LATERLIFE CHALLENGE This project helps older people across the UK to become more active and interested in life. Each year they organise an annual challenge to demonstrate to retired people that there really are opportunities to start new interests, join new clubs, and make new friends. This year’s challenge is going well but to date there have been no entries at all from Yorkshire so the organisers have requested that the following is advertised……...
Have you done something new since you retired ? Started a new hobby or interest, joined a club or planned an event or trip ? The Laterlife Challenge is looking for entries from the over 60’s to show how people are making the most of their retirement years. There are great prizes and also the knowledge that your story may inspire others who are finding their senior years lonely or difficult. Chief Judge is Blue Peter’s Valerie Singleton. Find out more by visiting : BARLBY LIBRARY & COMMUNITY HUB EVENTS ………………………………………………………… ……………… Children’s Story Time for pre-school children – every Friday from 2.30 p.m.
- Book Club – the first Tuesday in each Month
- Creative Writing Course – dates to be confirmed
Contact the Volunteers for more information on these items ……………………..……………….. ………………………………... Halloween Quiz – copies from the Library in October. Treats for kids who come into the Library in fancy dress.
December Christmas Event. Details to be announced. ………………………………………………………… ……………… The Community Hub is available for booking by Community Groups wanting a meeting space or to hold an exhibition, please contact the Council Manager for more information.
Monster Mash Poster Waste Recycling Poster