Childrey Parish Council
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Minutes of the Meeting of Childrey Parish Council held on
Monday 11th April 2016
7.30pm in the Childrey Village Hall
Present: Councillors Collier (Chair of the Parish Council), Hadley, Turner, Winterbourne, the Clerk, the RFO, DC & CC Constance and five Parishioners.
1 Apologies: Cllr Sanders.
2 Declaration of Interests: None. Reminder of the Code of Conduct: This has recently been circulated by email to the Parish Councillors.
3 Minutes of the Childrey Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 5th January were agreed. Cllr Winterbourne proposed acceptance of them as a true record of that meeting, this was seconded by Cllr Hadley and agreed unanimously. The Minutes of the Childrey Parish Council meeting held on Monday 15th February were agreed. Cllr Winterbourne proposed acceptance of them as a true record of that meeting, this was seconded by Cllr Turner and agreed unanimously.
4 Matters Arising: Cherry Plum Tree on the Village Green: Ian Trotter has completed the work. The Clerk to ask Ian Trotter to inspect the other trees on the Village Clerk Greens around the Village. Parish Church grass cutting: A donation to be recovered from the Parish Church towards the grass cutting. Peter Cook to bring this item to the Parish Church meeting on Thursday. The RFO to count the amount of the cuts that were paid for last year and the total costs, the Clerk to email Linda Clerk Soames with this information. No. 10 West Street damaged verge: The site will be reviewed again when All PC’s the Parish Councillors do their walk around the Village. Oxfordshire Together: The grass cutting maps and amount of the offered grant have been received from OCC. The Clerk has asked the grass cutter, which the Parish Council currently use, to quote for the extra areas. Discuss at the next meeting. Hard drives: The Clerk has purchased one costing £49.99. The Parish Councillors agreed unanimously to reimburse the Clerk for this. Missing reflective stickers around pond: The Clerk has reported to Highways via “fix my street” and they have agreed to inspect.
5 Police Report: None. ACTION
6 District and County Councillor Report: Green Lane, which is the track that runs from the Letcombe Regis turn to Childrey is currently a BOAT (Byway Open to All Traffic). This allows 4 x 4 vehicles and motorbikes to use it in the winter making the track muddy and unusable. A STRO (Seasonal Traffic Restriction Order) has been suggested as a better option to a DMMO (Designated map Modification Order) which can take 10 years in order to alter a designated map, DC & CC and this requires the attention of Parliament. The STRO involves OCC Officers Constance arranging a consultation, usually by email, with all users of the track. DC & CC Constance to bring more details and costs to the next meeting and to establish if it is in Childrey parish. DC & CC Constance also congratulated the Village Hall Committee on the wonderful refurbishment of the Village Hall. DC & CC Constance has spoken to the Waste Team at the VOWHDC with DC & CC regard the issue of the Playing Field Trust being told that they would no longer Constance get their rubbish collected after 1st April. DC & CC Constance to try to get the collection reinstated whilst the issue is being discussed. The Stanford tip will be featured on a BBC program in support of the facility remaining open after 2017. Planning permission has been applied for to revert the land to farmland after 2017. Oxfordshire Together maps and grant amount information has been received by Childrey Parish Council. The Clerk has asked the grass cutter that the Parish Council currently use, for quotes for these extra areas. A consultation has begun to re structure to a single unitary by a confidential study. Now a separate study is being launched by the County which is not as expensive as the District one. 800,000 people need to be taken into account.
7 Finance: Approve all the Financial Reports to the end of March 2016: Proposed by Cllr Collier, seconded by Cllr Hadley and agreed unanimously. A S137 donation of £10 was made to the Wilts & Berks Canal Trust. Approve the draft Annual Reports: These will be produced for the next RFO meeting by the RFO. The Auditor will conduct the internal audit in June. The previously agreed balance of £1,000 is due to the Village Hall towards the Cinema. Proposed by Cllr Collier, seconded by Cllr Winterbourne and agreed unanimously. Village Hall Pathway: The pathway outside the Village Hall has been started and will be completed soon, weather dependant. Cllr Collier proposed the payment to Nick Holt upon completion of £2,046, seconded by Cllr Winterbourne and agreed unanimously. Playing Field Ownership. No update from Jeremy Snell from the PFT. Update on applications for RFO: There have been two applicants and Cllr Hadley will interview them with Cllr Comyn from Sparsholt as both applicants are interested in both jobs. Donations: Two applications were made to the Parish Council for donations but these were not approved. ACTION
8 Highways: Church Row potholes and verges: This was reported and has been repaired. It has been suggested that Sarcen stones should be placed on the triangle by Rosemary Cottage and to be used to define the parking area All PC’s by the Church. Cllr Collier praised the “fix my street” website for reporting Highways issues. These sites to be assessed during the walkabout by the Parish Councillors. Clean up by Arthur Rodman: Arthur Rodman, a Childrey parishioner, has cleared away the leaves around the Village Hall and completed some weed clearance, also around the War memorial. He has also taken away the wooden seat by the bus stop to repair it. During some high winds recently the Notice Board came open twice and Arthur has completed a temporary Cllr fix on it. He says that the Notice Board needs some further maintenance. Winterbourn Cllr Winterbourne agreed to inspect it. e Discuss any Village Highways issues that have come to the Councillors’ attention since the last Parish Council Meeting: New Road has a lot of potholes appearing. There have been problems reported with the road condition.
9 Planning: Decision Updates: P15/2632/FUL and P15/V2633/LB Hatchett Inn, High Street, OX12 9UF: Erection of 2 no. 2 bed cottages (resubmission). Closed awaiting decision. P15/V2641/FUL Dropshort Farm, Stowhill, OX12 9XQ: Variation of condition no. 2 of planning permission P15/V1697/FUL Erection of 4 new houses, works thereto and highway improvements. Granted. P15/V2833/FUL Brick Kiln Car Bodies: Construction of a mezzanine level in Building 3 to create a staff/security annex. Granted. P16/V0108/FUL Lodge Farm Road between High Street and Godfreys Farm, OX12 9XA: Demolition of modern single storey parts of building. Internal conversion of storage/offices to new farm offices including new window openings and replacement cladding. Granted. P16/V0186/DIS Field House, OX12 9UT: Discharge of condition 5 (landscaping), 7 (materials), 8 (joinery ad rainwater goods), 9 (drainage), 11 (levels) on P15/V1281/FUL Proposed new detached dwelling and associated outbuildings on garden land. No update. New Applications: P16/V0673/HH Yew Tree Barn, Dog Lane, OX12 9UW: Single storey extension (submission extension granted to 12 noon on 12th April 2016): Cllr Collier proposed that the Parish Council have no objections to this application, seconded by Cllr Winterbourne and agreed unanimously. The Clerk Clerk to submit the response.
10 Playing Field Trust rubbish disposal: This was discussed in the DC & CC report.
11 Website: Mette advertised in the Newsletter for a replacement to take over from her to run the website. No one responded so the Clerk offered to take this on but Clerk to keep it simple and add the Childrey Parish Council code of transparency items. Chic Cook added that she had access to add the Church newsletter each month.
12 Defibrillator: The Clerk agreed to look into costs and grants available. Clerk ACTION
13 Clean for the Queen: Only two people volunteered and this has been completed. Thanks to Jack and Barnaby for doing the work. Queen’s 90th Birthday celebrations: The Clerk suggested a Village get together on Saturday 11th June starting at approx. 6.00pm. Refreshments and a “bring a plate to share” - Ploughmans” type food. The Clerk to apply for a grant from the VOWHDC towards the refreshment cost, this was agreed unanimously Clerk by the Parish Councillors.
14 Matters for future discussion: Emergency Plan: This to be completed by the Clerk as in previous years. Clerk
15 Parishioner’s Points: Buses: A parishioner contacted the Clerk to complain about the bus service being stopped in July. The Parish Council are awaiting the decision on an initiative to save the Route 67 bus which links Faringdon to Wantage and includes some of the Vale villages en route. Section 106 money is being used towards this. A decision has not been announced as yet. West Street Parking: A complaint has been received about the parking in West Street. Householders are not always using their driveways appropriately. A reminder to go in the newsletter to be considerate about Clerk the limited parking in West Street. Ducks on the Pond: A parishioner has asked if a sign could be erected to stop people feeding bread to the ducks on the Village Pond. The Clerk contacted Andrew Froud as he owns the ducks and he is not concerned about the ducks occasionally being fed bread. The Parish Council do not feel a sign is required. The Playing Field Trust: Jeremy Snell to speak to the VOWHDC Planning department for advice on if planning permission required and who should Clerk apply if they intend to erect flood lighting. The Clerk to pass on details of the SEE grant that may pay for flood lights. The Hatchett Public House: The Hatchett closed its doors to the public on Sunday evening with little notice to the Village. The Clerk confirmed that the pub had been registered as an Asset of Community Value (ACV). Unless the landlords either put the pub up for sale or apply to the VOWHDC planning department for change of use the Parish Council cannot act on anything currently. A parishioner was concerned as he could not find the Clerk Hatchett on the Community Asset register. The Clerk to check with VOWHDC. Cllr Collier proposed sending an email to VOWHDC planning Clerk department to notify them that the Hatchett is now closed and not operating as a public house and that the Parish Council feel this is a direct response to the delay in planning permission, this was seconded by Cllr Hadley and agreed by Cllr Turner. Cllr Winterbourne was against this proposal. Dog Wardens: A reminder to go in the newsletter for dog owners to be Clerk considerate and pick up after their dogs, also not leaving poo bags hanging in trees etc.
16 Vacancy for Parish Councillor and thank you to Cllr Turner: Councillor Turner has decided not to stand for re-election in May at the AGM. Cllr Collier thanked Cllr Turner for his years of dedicated service to Childrey Parish Council and the Village community. The vacancy has been advertised on the Notice Board and the Village Newsletter. ACTION
17 Next Parish Council Meeting Date: Childrey Annual Parish Meeting 7.30pm on Monday 16th May and immediately afterwards (approx. 8.30pm) the Annual Meeting of Childrey Parish Council, both meetings to be held in the Childrey Village Hall.