Fort Hill Rifle & Pistol Club Newsletter

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Fort Hill Rifle & Pistol Club Newsletter

THE SHARPSHOOTER FORT HILL RIFLE & PISTOL CLUB NEWSLETTER NUMBER 13 ______JULY, 2004 VOLUNTEER SPIRIT ALIVE & WELL WITHIN FHRPC The Morningside Drive rifle and pistol ranges were closed on Saturday, May 22, 2003, for maintenance. A small, but hardworking, group of members turned out to support the spring clean up. Thanks go to Chet Amick, Wayne Belloff, Jon Eastham, Howard Fezell, Barry Fickes, Ken Fuller, Bill Gero, Andy Gilpin, Russ Lease, Bill Lewis, Jim Schmidt, Frank Snyder, Jake Teter and Terry Wilson for supporting this work party. We are a volunteer organization. These guys stepped up to the plate and gave a little bit of their free time to make the FHRPC a nicer place for all members to shoot.

2ND ANNUAL GREAT GUNS RAFFLE & SHOOTING MATCHES Ticket sales for the second annual great guns raffle are underway. The raffle and associated shooting matches will be held on Sunday, October 10, at the FHRPC Warrior Mountain range. Recall, last year we conducted our first 20-gun raffle. The raffle and associated shooting matches were a big success. They were successful because you, the FHRPC membership, bailed in and served as ticket salesmen. Never before have we seen such volunteer support from within our ranks. Hopefully, you will support the raffle again this year.

The FHRPC has selected a squad of 20 fine firearms for this year’s raffle. The list includes eight centerfire rifles, three shotguns, three muzzleloading rifles, three handguns and three 22- caliber rimfire rifles. The rifles are listed on the last page of this newsletter. Terry Mulligan at Mulligan’s Gun Shop in Ridgeley, West Virginia, is handling the firearms. You can see these fine firearms at Mulligan’s Gun Shop Tuesday through Saturday, between the hours of 11 AM and 8 PM. You can also buy a raffle ticket at Mulligan’s Gun Shop.

When you buy a raffle ticket, you get a one-in-one thousand chance to win each of these fine firearms.

You also get a free entry into each of two shooting matches with each ticket purchase.

Details of the shooting matches to be held on October 10, 2004, in conjunction with the lottery have been finalized. Two matches will be conducted, including a muzzleloading rifle match and a centerfire rifle match. The muzzleloading match will consist of five shots fired for record from the offhand position at a range of 100 yards in a 20-minute time limit. Any muzzleloading rifle with any sights legal for Maryland deer hunting will be allowed. The centerfire rifle match will consist of two sighter shots and ten shots fired for record from the prone position at a range of 300 yards in a 20-minute time limit. Centerfire rifles of 45 caliber or less, with any sights are allowed. The competitor may use any support in the centerfire match, including bipod, sand bags, shooting sticks or sling. Ties in both matches will be broken by shoot offs. A more extensive list of match rules ‘n regulations is attached near the end of this newsletter.

The FHRPC will need significant volunteer help to support these matches. If you are interested in helping, please feel free to call Marty Harsh at 301-759-2877.

Page 1 LARRY WEBB BENEFIT MATCH Larry Webb, one of our life members, has a big health problem. He needs a new heart. A heart transplant is an expensive operation. His family and friends are working hard to raise $150,000 to support the transplant.

The FHRPC is going to hold the Larry Webb Benefit Match on Sunday, October 3, at the Morningside Drive rifle range. All proceeds from this benefit match will be donated to Larry’s transplant fund.

The course of fire will be fifteen shots for record with unlimited sighters. The range will be 50 yards. All shooting, including sighters and record shots, must be completed in a 25-minute time limit. Any 22-rimfire rifle with any sights may be used. Any support may be used. We expect most competitors to use the shooting benches and a generous pile of sand bags. Competitors will be squadded in relays beginning every 30 minutes, starting at 10 AM. Competitors must supply their own ammunition.

The match entry fee is $10. Multiple entries will be allowed. Each competitor may only post his or her highest score.

First, second and third place awards will be $50, $25 and $15, respectively. All other proceeds will be donated to Larry’s transplant fund.

For more information, please feel free to call your club secretary, Marty Harsh, at 301-759-2877.

EIGHT PROMOTED TO LIFE MEMBERS Eight members were promoted to life membership in 2004. New life members include Chester D. Amick, Mark A. Bell, Michael G. Carney, James N. Goldsworthy, Steven P. Light, David T. Mackert, Clarence L. Morgan and Mark E. Stottlemeyer. The FHRPC now has 65 life members.

The FHRPC thanks these men for their dedication and support. They are the backbone of the FHRPC. Recall, folks who maintain FHRPC membership for 25 continuous years earn life membership. These gray beards provide much needed continuity to the club and a measure of stability that has enabled us to grow for 60 years. Life membership is dues free.

Your mailing label will have an uppercase L in parentheses, (L), after your name if you are a life member.

The FHRPC membership roster is 382 names long. The roster includes 293 regular members, 65 life members, 23 police officers and 1 soldier. We do not count life members, police officers and soldiers in our membership cap of 300 members.

There are 63 names on the membership waiting list.

Page 2 SILHOUETTE LEAGUE WILL HAVE RIFLE LOTTERY FOR NEW SHOOTERS The FHRPC silhouette league will conduct a rifle lottery at the end of the 2004 season. One lucky competitor will be selected at random from the pot of new shooters supporting the league in 2004. The new competitors’ names will be entered into the lottery once for each match fired in the 2004 season. If you shoot three matches, your name goes in the lottery three times. If you shoot ten matches, your name goes in the pot ten times. The lottery rifle is a new-in-box Ruger model 10/22 rimfire rifle.

The silhouette league is on track to greatly expand participation this year. We have already exceeded last year’s number of competitors by 30% with 36 shooters turning out to play the game. We have just reached the middle of the shooting season. So, there is still plenty of time to get in the game.

Everyone is invited to come out and test his or her skill. Silhouette shooting requires a good shooting 22-rimfire and a steady hand. All shooting is fired from the offhand position. The match fee for adults is only $4. Juniors, 18 years old or younger, shoot for free. The league shoots every Thursday evening, except the first Thursday of each month. A league-hosted barbeque is held on the last Thursday of each month at no cost to competitors.

WVU RIFLE TEAM REINSTATED The public outcry against the WVU administration’s decision to cut the Rifle Team was loud – real loud. So loud, in fact, that the West Virginia legislature budgeted $100,000 for Rifle Team support.

The roar from the mountains was loud enough to make the liberal minded WVU administration reverse their previous decision and reinstate the Rifle Team.

Recall, in April, 2003, West Virginia University (WVU), located just 70 miles west of us in Morgantown, West Virginia, pulled the plug on their national championship rifle team. WVU leadership cited funding limitations and the need to promote sports in which both men and women can compete (Title IX). We’re not sure how the Rifle Team fit into either of these two categories. Men and women compete on an equal basis in shooting competition and the rifle team budget is trivial when compared to other sports. The WVU Rifle Team is the most winning National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) sport at WVU. Since 1980, when the NCAA first sanctioned shooting, WVU has won 13 National Championships.

The WVU Rifle Team first responded to the cut by forming the WVU Rifle Club. Marsh Beasley, the Rifle Team coach, favors keeping the Rifle Club as both a fundraising mechanism and a means of recruiting highly skilled shooters. The Rifle Club is sponsoring a raffle on July 31. It’s too early to tell at this time, but it looks like the Rifle Club raffle will gross well over $400,000. The grand prize is a custom built motorcycle from Orange County Choppers. Rumor has it that a Morgantown businessman has already offered $200,000 for the bike to keep it in town.

Page 3 BARNES EARNS DISTINGUISHED RIFLEMAN’S BADGE On Sunday, May 30, Terry Barnes won his third LEG match and became the fourth distinguished rifleman in the FHRPC. Barnes won the match with a score of 474-10X out of a possible 500 points. Barnes won his first LEG match in 2002 with a score of 478-9X. He posted another win in 2003 with a score of 471-10X. Each of Barnes’ wins came with solid NRA highpower master class scores. Not only did Barnes shoot superbly in these matches, but he also did it with US model service rifle according to Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) LEG match rules.

Barnes prefers the M16 style service rifle. M16 rifles can be disassembled into upper and lower halves. He shoots a Bushmaster lower with Compass Lake Engineering upper. Barnes’ lower half incorporates a Jewell trigger group adjusted to the 4.5-pound minimum acceptable trigger pull. His upper half sports a Krieger stainless steel barrel with 1 turn-in-7.7 inches twist-rate rifling.

Barnes also shoots Nosler bullets, contrary to most highpower and service rifle shooters who use Sierra projectiles and think anything that comes in something other than a green box won’t shoot. His 600-yard load is built with Vihtavouri N140 powder under an 80-grain Nosler bullet, loaded into surplus Lake City brass and initiated with a CCI primer. For the short lines (200 and 300 yards) he shoots commercially loaded ammo with 75-grain Hornady bullets.

Three other FHRPC members are distinguished riflemen, including Dave Brantner, Ron Schwenninger and Dave Thompson. Brantner became a distinguished rifleman in 1982. Schwenninger became distinguished in 1992. Thompson became distinguished in 2003. Prestigious badges are serially numbered and awarded to distinguished shooters as they are earned. Thompson’s badge number is 1657. Barnes’ badge number is 1675. So, nation wide, only 17 civilian shooters earned the distinguished badge in the nine-month period between 2003 and 2004. Military competitors are numbered separately.

The FHRPC also has two distinguished pistol shots. Joe Lechliter earned the United States Army distinguished pistol shot badge in 1984. Jack Snyder earned the United States Air Force distinguished pistol shot badge in 1999. Both Lechliter and Snyder earned the military badges as reservists.

Anyone who has participated in LEG matches, either rifle or pistol, knows there are no easy LEG points.

CLUB OFFICERS FHRPC officers for the year 2004 are (1) President, Wayne Belloff, 301-722-6859, (2) Vice- President, Bill Lewis, 301-777-8180, (3) Treasurer, John Dowell, 301-724-5866, (4) Executive Officer, Frank Snyder, 301-777-1298, (5) Executive Officer, Dave Thompson, 304-788-1346, and (6) Secretary, Marty Harsh, 301-759-2877.

The club officers welcome your feedback. If you have any suggestions, comments or concerns please feel free to contact any of your club officers.

Page 4 DOWELL PLACES IN PRESIDENT’S 100 WITH PISTOL On Sunday, July 18, John Dowell fired a score of 359-3X to place in the President’s Pistol Match at Camp Perry, Ohio. The top 100 competitors in this match are awarded the coveted President’s 100 medal. Dowell finished in 50th place out of a field of 566 shooters.

The President’s Pistol Match consists of 40 shots for record, with no sighter shots. 20 slow-fire shots are fired at 50 yards in two 10-shot strings, with 10 minutes to fire each string. 10 timed- fire shots are fired at 25 yards in two 5-shot strings, with 20 seconds to fire each string. Finally, 10 rapid-fire shots are fired at 25 yards in two 5-shot strings, with only 10 seconds to fire each string.

Dowell fired a 9-mm semi-auto pistol, equivalent to the United States military M9 sidearm. All pistols used in the President’s 100 must be the M9, the 45-caliber M1911, or the 45-caliber M1911A1, or commercially available equivalents of the government issued pistols. These pistols must also fire full power, full metal jacket, military ammunition or the commercial equivalent. No optical sights or reduced power target ammunition are allowed.

The top three spots in the 2004 President’s Pistol Match were won by USMC SSGT Michael Lawson, Darius Young, and USAR SSG James Henderson. Lawson fired a score of 387-11X to finish in first place. Young’s score of 380-16X took second place. Henderson placed third with a score of 379-12X.

Rounding out the top 100 was Gary Spear, with a score of 351-7X. Only 8 points separated Dowell’s 50th place score from Spear’s 100th place score. The competition is tough. One slip, one moment of distraction, and you are out of the President’s 100.

Congratulations John Dowell on a fine performance in the 2004 President’s Pistol Match.

NO KEY EXCHANGE THIS YEAR No key exchange is planned for this year. If the situation changes, you will be notified via United States mail.

MEMBERS HAVE ACCESS TO KELCO FCU The FHRPC is now affiliated with KELCO Federal Credit Union (FCU). You, as a FHRPC member, and your family members are now eligible to apply for loans at the KELCO FCU. When you make application for a loan, simply show your FHRPC membership card to your KELCO loan officer. Our introductory letter and current loan rates are included near the end of this newsletter.

Page 5 MEMBERSHIP SURVEY SHOWS INDOOR RANGE & MORNINGSIDE RANGE SAFETY ARE TOP CONCERNS Membership survey results, using data collected in conjunction with annual dues payments, show the leading contenders for club development projects are an indoor shooting range and safety improvements at the Morningside Drive rifle range.

The survey described nine candidate development projects, and included space for members to offer other projects. The candidate projects included (1) action pistol range, (2) air gun range, (3) Morningside Drive club house improvements, (4) environmental fund, (5) HVAC (heating, ventilating, air conditioning) for the Morningside Drive rifle range, (6) indoor range, (7) land acquisition, (8) safety improvements at the Morningside Drive rifle range, and (9) shotgun range.

Members were asked to select first, second and third choices from the list of development projects. When compiling the survey results, first choices were given three points. Second choices were given two points. Third choices were given one point. The total points given to a project are an indication of project desirability to the membership at large.

The survey results are shown in the following bar graph. The length of a project bar shows the total points, or desirability, of a project. We were hoping to get sufficient spread in the point totals to clearly rank the projects. Survey results show two projects grouped together at the top with nearly identical points, followed by three projects in a second group.

The two most desirable projects are (1) an indoor shooting range, with 236 points, and (2) safety improvements at the Morningside Drive rifle range, with 223 points.

Three projects formed a second group, with (3) land acquisition earning 200 points, (4) Morningside Drive club house improvements earning 195 points, and (5) the shotgun range earning 190 points. Our club membership roster includes a number of lawyers. It is interesting that all our legal minded members picked land acquisition as their first choice. There is probably a message here for us to consider.

The last of the leading contenders was (6) the action pistol range, earning 153 points.

Not all of our members participated in the survey. Some did not fill out the survey form. Others filled it out in a manner that made it impossible for us to identify their first, second and third choices. We now have 382 members. Each member could distribute six points with their first, second and third choices. So, the total points available is 2292 points (382 members times 6 points per member). The actual number of points is 1343, or 59% of the total available points. Some may now argue that the survey is inconclusive.

Numerous “other” ideas and comments were included on the survey forms. “Other” ideas accumulated 19 points. The “other“ ideas included (1) better toilet facilities, (2) potable water supplies, (3) improved range access with road treatments and snow removal, (4) cowboy action range, (5) youth programs, and (6) noise abatement. Several comments were made about the poor condition of the Morningside entrance road. Your Executive Committee is working this issue for near-term improvement.

Page 6 Page 7 WANTED TO BUY, SELL OR TRADE This section of the FHRPC newsletter is reserved for membership advertising. You can advertise your surplus sporting gear for sale (WTS, want to sell) or trade (WTT, want to trade). Likewise, if you are looking for something to buy (WTB, want to buy), you can advertise here. Sporting gear can be any type of shooting, archery, hunting, fishing, or camping equipment. Examples include firearms, ammo, reloading equipment and components, scopes, bows, boots, portable tree stands, and tents. Forward your advertisements to Marty Harsh at 313 Sunset Drive, LaVale, Maryland, 21502, for the next newsletter.

The FHRPC is not responsible for any sales, lack thereof, or the compliance with any federal, ATF, state, or local regulations.

(1) WTS, Remington, model 541S, 22 rimfire, very good condition, $600, Ken Fuller, 301-724- 5254. (2) WTS, Mossberg, M44US, 22 rimfire, CMP rifle, USGI training rifle that has seen some use but is in good shape, recently purchased from CMP, $95, Marty Harsh, 301-759-2877. (3) WTS, IOSSO Case Cleaner, 1-gal, new, unopened jug, $20, Tom Malony, 304-726-4030. (4) WTS, Millet scope rings, new, medium height, plain v-- not engraved, for Weaver bases, $10, Tom Malony, 304-726-4030. (5) WTS, 30-06 brass, once fired, de-primed, polished, LC69 head stamp, $6/100, $25/500, Marty Harsh, 301-759-2877. (6) WTS, 30-06 brass, once fired, de-primed, polished, WCC56 head stamp, $6/100, $25/500, Marty Harsh, 301-759-2877. (7) WTS, Browning Citori over/under shotgun, model 525, 30-inch barrels, Invecta Midas chokes, includes leather hard case, like new, $1900, Jim Farrell, 800-428-4311. (8) WTS, Winchester, model 1890, pump action repeater, 22 rimfire, fair condition, $400, Cliff Bennett, 304-788-3890. (9) WTS, Ruger, Blackhawk, 6-inch barrel, 357 MAG, $250, Cliff Bennett, 304-788-3890. (10) WTS, Pardini target pistol, 22 cal, red-dot sight, 4 mags, $800, Harry Twigg, 814-634- 1516. (11) WTS, Pardini target pistol, 45 cal, 6-inch barrel, red-dot sight, $1000, Harry Twigg, 814- 634-1516. (12) WTS, Mossberg model 835, pump action shotgun, 12 gauge, crown grade, 20-inch vent rib barrel, mossy oak camo, ported turkey tube, fiber optic sight, synthetic stock and forearm, never fired, new in box, $300, Jack Snyder, 301-359-0242. (13) WTS, Klingon Disrupter, looks like new, unlimited capacity magazine, high muzzle velocity (186,000 miles per second), can set for stun or kill, no recoil, no noise, full auto, not legal for PA deer, $299, will trade for raw meat, call Warf at 301-777-1298. (14) WTS, Remington, model 700 Varmint Synthetic, 223 REM, left hand, new in box, never fired, price reduced to $630, Barry Miller, 301-729-1981. (15) WTS, Ruger, model P85, 9MM, plus 3 HICAP mags, excellent condition, $325, Jack Parrill, 304-738-9270. (16) WTS, Japanese model 99 service rifle, bolt action, 7.7MM, still has chrysanthemum, $150, Wayne Belloff, 301-722-6859. (17) WTS, Winchester, model 67, 22 rimfire, single shot, bolt action, $125, Wayne Belloff, 301- 722-6859. (18) WTS, Savage-Anshutz Mk12 target rifle, 22 rimfire, single shot, bolt action, $200, Wayne Belloff, 301-722-6859. (19) WTS, Remington, model-1100 12-gauge shotgun barrel, 30-inch length, vent rib, rem- choke inserts, $75, Wayne Belloff, 301-722-6859.

Page 8 (20) WTS, Enfield No. 1 MK III*, 303 British, somewhat sporterized, $150, Wayne Belloff, 301- 722-6859. (21) WTS, US model 1896 Krag-Jorgensen bolt action service rifle, 30-40 KRAG, sporterized, beautiful bluing, $300, Wayne Belloff, 301-722-6859. (22) WTS, Creedmoor canvas shooting jacket, size 46, right hand, new in wrap, $45, Wayne Belloff, 301-722-6859. (23) WTS, Lee Pacesetter reloading dies, 7MM REM MAG, decapper, resizer, bullet seater, factory crimp, all in plastic case, like new, $15, Russ Lease, 301-729-0365. (24) WTS, Lyman bullet mold, number 358-156GC, single cavity, no rust, with handles, $25, Jim Gift, 301-359-3639. (25) WTS, 6.5MM Jap brass, new, unfired, Norma manufactured, box of 20 pieces, $10, Jim Gift, 301-359-3639. (26) WTS, Winchester model 69 22-rimfire barrel, can also be used on model 75, new, $25, Jim Gift, 301-359-3639. (27) WTS, gun books, Complete Guide to Handloading by Phil Sharpe, The Rifle in America by Phil Sharpe, The Amateur Gun Craftsman by James Howe, Modern Gunsmith by James Howe, Custom Rifles by Dick Simmons, Reprinted Old Gun Catalogs by L. D. Saterlee, Identifying Old Muskets, Rifles and Carbines by Colonel Gluckman, Americans and Their Guns by NRA Publications, Treasury of the Gun by Harold Peterson, $180 for all, Jim Gift, 301-359-3639. (28) WTS, 308 WIN match ammo, HSM Police, 175-grain HPBT bullet, $12 per box of 20, have 15 boxes, $150 takes all 15 boxes, Jack Parrill, 304-738-9270. (29) WTS, 308 WIN blanks, Austrian manufacture, $1.50 per box of 20, have 5 boxes, Jack Parrill, 304-738-9270. (30) WTS, 223 REM blanks, M200, USGI, $3.65 per box of 20, have 50 boxes, Jack Parrill, 304-738-9270. (31) WTS, Thompson Center muzzleloading rifle, percussion lock, White Mountain model, very good condition, $150, Chuck Laurie, 301-777-1383. (32) WTS, 22X13 arrows, model XX75, 27.5-inch long, with knocks, inserts and vanes, $3 each, Ken Fuller, 301-724-5254. (33) WTS, Savage-Anshutz Mk10B target rifle, 22 rimfire, with original Anshutz iron sights, metal and wood refinished, and glass bedded, all by Gostomski in Spring, 2003, $300, Marty Harsh, 301-759-2877. (34) WTS, Remington, model 540X, 22 rimfire, with Redfield iron sights, Merit adjustable aperture on rear sight, Freeland hand stop , $450, Marty Harsh, 301-759-2877. (35) WTS, Federal Ordnance M1A, 308 WIN, new Barnett match barrel, fired less than 100 rounds, $800, Tom Langley, 301-689-6869. (36) WTS, Norinco M1A, 308 WIN, fired less than 50 rounds, $800, Tom Langley, 301-689- 6869. (37) WTS, Hi-Standard model 107 Trophy pistol, 22 rimfire, iron sights, 2 barrels, 2 mags, $525, B. C. Atkinson, 301-697-8377. (38) WTS, Ruger model 22/45 pistol, 22 rimfire, Laser Aim dot sight, 2 mags, $375, B. C. Atkinson, 301-697-8377. (39) WTS, S&W model 586-2 revolver, 357 cal, Hogue grips, like new, $550, B. C. Atkinson, 301-697-8377. (40) WTS, Winchester, model 61, pump action rifle, 22 rimfire, good shape, $400 firm, Frank Snyder, 301-777-1298. (41) WTS, handmade hunting knives, made to order, some in stock, call for prices, Mike Carney, 301-777-0997. (42) WTS, Savage, M110, left hand, 7MM REM MAG, like new, with 3-9X scope, $370, Darrel Bailey, 301-777-0551. Page 9 (43) WTS, 303 cal, MK VII, FMJ flat base, 174-grain bullets, milsurp, pulled with inertia puller, no pull marks, $12/100, Marty Harsh, 301-759-2877. (1) WTB, Smith & Wesson model 625 revolver, 45ACP, Jim Sherman, 304-738-9443. (2) WTB, IMR 1-pound powder cans, empty, $1 each, Marty Harsh, 301-759-2877. (3) WTB, 12-gauge shotgun shell reloader, Roger Winebrenner, 301-689-6426. (4) WTB, Smith&Wesson, model 686, Tom Langley, 301-689-6869.

GET OUT THERE AND VOTE There’s a big election coming this fall. If you haven’t registered to vote, get registered. We have enjoyed four years of freedom from assaults on our Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. Let’s have four more. The choice is clear. If two of the most liberal Senators in the United States make it to the White House, the eight years under Slick Willy’s reign will seem like a walk in the park.

It is unfortunate that our Democratic Party panders to the far left and has become the party of gun control. Our Democratic Party hasn’t got the message yet. It’s been delivered. After Slick Willy lost control of the House and Senate in 1994, after Al Gore lost the election in 2000, and after Cas Taylor lost the election in 2002, you would think the message had been received. But it hasn’t. Kerry, Edwards, Feinstein, Schumer, Kennedy, McCarthy, Biden, Mikulski, Sarbanes – they all vote against your gun rights.

Page 10 PLACES TO SHOOT This section of the FHRPC newsletter is reserved for information describing shooting matches outside the FHRPC and in the not-to-distant surroundings. If you know of other places holding shooting matches that might be of interest to the FHRPC membership, forward the information to Marty Harsh at 313 Sunset Drive, LaVale, Maryland, 21502, for the next newsletter.

Action Pistol (1) Frostburg, MD, Longview Pistol Range & Sportsmen’s Club, 200-shot defensive pistol matches, similar to IDPA, start at 10 AM, $10 per match, Apr 11, May 16, Jun 20, Jul 11, Aug 22, Sep 19, Oct 17, Nov 14, George Gallagher, 301-463-6264, Tom Thrasher, 301-689- 2868, Tom Langley, 301-689-6869. (2) Frostburg, MD, Longview Pistol Range & Sportsmen’s Club, yearly memberships, January through December, $50 per year, George Gallagher, 301-463-6264, Tom Thrasher, 301- 689-2868, Tom Langley, 301-689-6869. Bench Rest (1) Grantsville, MD, Casselman Valley Sportsmen’s Club, 22 rimfire, any power scope, start at 7 PM, Aug 5, 12, 19, 26, Sep 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, Oct 7, 14, 21, 28, Terry Mulligan, 304-738-3219. (2) Grantsville, MD, Casselman Valley Sportsmen’s Club, center fire, factory rifle, 12-power scope limit, start at 1 PM, Sep 11, 25, Oct 2, 16, 30, Nov 6, 20, 27, Terry Mulligan, 304-738- 3219. Muzzleloader (1) Maysville, WV, first Sunday of each month, $10 per match, starts at 1 PM, Terry Mulligan at 304-738-3219. Highpower Rifle (1) Chambersburg, PA, 80-shot regional course, 200 yards, Oct 10, $10 per match, Bill Bowers, M-F, 8AM to 6PM, 888-353-9103. (2) Chambersburg, PA, three 30-shot classic rifle matches, 200 yards, (1) stock M1, (2) any M1, (3) military bolt rifle, $5 per match, Sep 25, Bill Bowers, M-F, 8AM to 6PM, 888-353-9103. (3) Forte Meade, MD, 600-yard match, three 20-shot strings plus sighters, Nov 7, $30 per match, Paul Hudson, P. O. Box 691, Fallston, MD, 21047. (4) Forte Meade, MD, 80-shot MD State Championship, 200, 300, 600 yards, $30 per match, Aug 21, Paul Hudson, P. O. Box 691, Fallston, MD, 21047. (5) Forte Meade, MD, CMP EIC match, 200, 300, 600 yards, Aug 22, $20, Paul Hudson, P. O. Box 691, Fallston, MD, 21047. (6) Allemans, PA, Reade Range, 80-shot regional course, 200, 300, 600 yards, Aug 29, Sep 12, Sep 26, Oct 24, Nov 14, Dave Little, 570-458-0180. (7) Allemans, PA, Reade Range, 1000-yd match, unlimited sighters plus 20 record shots with iron sights followed by unlimited sighters plus 20 record shots with any sights, Aug 28, Sep 5, Sep 19, Oct 3, Oct 7, Dave Little, 570-458-0180. (8) Allemans, PA, Reade Range, 1000-yd F-class match, unlimited sighters plus 20 record shots with iron sights followed by unlimited sighters plus 20 record shots with any sights, Aug 28, Sep 18, Oct 10, Nov 6, Dave Little, 570-458-0180. Running Deer (1) Grantsville, MD, Casselman Valley Sportsmen’s Club, Oct 24, Nov 13, Dec 11, start at 1 PM, Terry Mulligan, 304-738-3219. Smallbore Rifle

Sporting Clays (1) Everett, PA, Everett Sportsmen’s Club, P. O. Box 312, Everett, PA, 15537, 50-bird rounds, shooting from 10 AM to 3:30 PM, food & ammo available, Ed Sponsler, 814-652-5562.

Page 11 Trap (1) Lonaconing, MD, Lonaconing Trap Club, Tuesday & Thursday evenings starting at 4 PM, Saturday mornings starting at 10 AM, $2.50 per round (25 birds), Gary Dawson, 301-724- 6351. (2) Bedford, PA, Bedford Sportsmen’s Club, every Wednesday at 4 PM, $2.50 per round (25 birds), Gary Dawson, 301-724-6351. (3) Grantsville, MD, Casselman Valley Sportsmen, $2.50 per round (25 birds), Gary Dawson, 301-724-6351.

Page 12 July 21, 2004

To: Members of Fort Hill Rifle & Pistol Club

From: KELCO Federal Credit Union

Reference: Membership with KELCO Federal Credit Union

Dear Fort Hill Rifle and Pistol Club Members:

The Fort Hill Rifle & Pistol Club (FHRPC) recently agreed to grant KELCO Federal Credit Union (FCU) the opportunity to provide you with financial services offered by KELCO FCU. This agreement permits all members of the FHRPC and their entire family to become members of KELCO FCU. As you review the competitive loan rates offered at KELCO FCU, think about how these rates might SAVE you MONEY. If our rates can save you money, please come to KELCO FCU, located at 321 Greene Street in Cumberland, Maryland, and see one of our loan officers to refinance an existing loan or get a new loan. KELCO FCU also has no-minimum balance checking accounts with ATM access. Thanks for taking the time to review this offer. We look forward to the opportunity to serve your financial needs as new members of the growing family at KELCO FCU.

Please note the new and used car rates on the next page. If this rate is better than the rate you are paying now, please come to KELCO FCU to refinance your loan with us. Our loan officers will do all the work. All you have to do is come to KELCO Federal Credit Union.

 New and Used Car Rate = 4.50%

 Year 1998 to 2004

 KELCO FCU will lend retail value up to 5 years

Page 13 KELCO Federal Credit Union Current Loan Rates Real Estate Loans First Mortgage Up to 95% Up to 15 years 6.50% First Mortgage Up to 95% Up to 20 years 6.99% First Mortgage Up to 95% Up to 30 years 7.75% Second Mortgage Up to 80% Up to 10 years 10.00% Lot/Land Up to 75% Up to 10 years 10.00% Rental Property Up to 75% Up to 12 years 11.00% Home Improvement Up to $15,000 Up to 84 months 7.50%

Automobile Loans New Vehicle Only Retail Up to 84 months 5.90% New Vehicle Only Retail Up to 72 months 5.25% Year 2003-2004 Retail Up to 60 months 4.95% Year 2001-2002 Retail Up to 60 months 4.99% Year 2001-2004 Retail Up to 48 months 4.75% Year 1999-2000 Retail Up to 48 months 5.25% Year 2003-2004 Retail Up to 36 months 4.50% Year 2001-2002 Retail Up to 36 months 4.75% Year 1999-2000 Retail Up to 60 months 5.45% Year 1996-1998 Trade Up to 48 months 7.00% Year 95-Older See Personal Loan Rates

Cash Secured Loans Shares Pledged Up to 48 months 3% above current rate CDs Pledged Up to 48 months 3% above current rate

Special Loans Computer Loan Up to $2000 Up to 24 months 6.80% Vacation Loan Up to $2000 Up to 18 months 6.50%

Personal Loans Personal Loan Up to $6000 Up to 48 months 8.75% For larger loans and longer terms, see Loan Officer

Share Draft Accounts (checking) No minimum balance required and No Fees. ATM & Debit Cards Bank by Phone System Convenient Hours

Page 14 FORT HILL RIFLE & PISTOL CLUB RAFFLE DAY MATCH RULES OCTOBER 10, 2004 MUZZLELOADING RIFLE (1) 5 shots for record, no sighters. (2) Offhand position. (3) 100-yard range. (4) Standard A25 NRA smallbore rifle target. (5) 20-minute time limit. (6) Any muzzleloading rifle legal for Maryland deer hunting. (7) Any sights legal for Maryland deer hunting. (8) Ties broken by shoot off. (9) Multiple re-entries allowed. Competitor can post only one score. (10) Raffle ticket stubs are non-transferable for match entry. (11) 120 maximum entries. (12) First relay starts at 9 AM. Additional relays start every 30 minutes. Final relay starts at 2:30 PM. (13) Match director may alter course of fire due to weather conditions. (14) Competitor may be disqualified for unsafe actions on shooting range. (15) No alcoholic beverages allowed on shooting range. (16) First, second and third prizes are $100, $75 and $50, respectively.

MODERN RIFLE (1) 10 shots for record, 2 sighters. (2) Prone position. (3) Any support, including sand bags, bipod and/or sling. (4) 300-yard range. (5) Standard MR-63 NRA highpower rifle target. (6) 20-minute time limit. (7) Any centerfire rifle of 45 caliber or less. (8) Any sights. (9) Ties broken by shoot off. (10) Multiple re-entries allowed. Competitor can post only one score. (11) Raffle ticket stubs are non-transferable for match entry. (12) 120 maximum entries. (17) First relay starts at 9 AM. Additional relays start every 30 minutes. Final relay starts at 2:30 PM. (13) Match director may alter course of fire due to weather conditions. (14) Competitor may be disqualified for unsafe actions on shooting range. (15) No alcoholic beverages allowed on shooting range. (16) First, second and third prizes are $100, $75 and $50, respectively.

Page 15 2 nd Annual Great Guns Raffle, October 10, 2004 Sponsored by Fort Hill Rifle & Pistol Club at Warrior Mountain Range on Cresap Mill Road

 $20 Donation includes Chances to Win Great Firearms & Participate in Two Shooting Matches (Muzzleloading Rifle & Modern Rifle)

(1) Only 1000 Tickets Sold (2) Need Not Be Present to Win (3) All Firearms Will Be Raffled to Ticket Buyers (4) All Winners Subject to Federal & State Checks (5) Match Schedule May Change Due to Weather & Number of Participants (6) Raffle Ticket Replaces Match Entrance Fee ($10) st nd rd (7) Prizes Awarded for 1 , 2 & 3 Place Shooters (8) No Alcoholic Beverages Allowed on Shooting Range! Firearms on Display, Tickets Available at Mulligan’s Gun Shop 69 Potomac Street, Ridgeley, WV

To purchase ticket: Contact any FHRPC member, Or call: 301-759-2877 or 301-777-1298 Or mail request to FHRPC, 313 Sunset Drive, LaVale, MD, 21502 (include $20 check payable to FHRPC)

TIME FIREARM CALIBER 10 AM Winchester Model 70 Coyote Rifle 25WSSM 10:15 Remington 1100 Classic Field Shotgun 20 GA 10:30 Knight Wolverine Muzzleloading Rifle 50 CAL 10:45 Thompson-Center Classic Benchmark Rifle 22 Rimfire 11:00 Ruger 77R-MK II Target Rifle 204 11:15 Remington 870 Wingmaster Shotgun 12 GA 11:30 Savage 12BVSS Rifle 223 11:45 Ruger 77R-MK II Rifle 204 12:00 Remington Model 504 Rifle 22 Rimfire 12:15 Taurus Raging Thirty 30 CARBINE 12:30 Remington 700MLS Rifle 50 CAL 12:45 Remington 870 Classic Trap Shotgun 12 GA 1:00 Winchester Model 70 Coyote Rifle 223WSSM 1:15 Remington 700 BDL Rifle 270 1:30 Ruger 77R-MK II Rifle 308 1:45 Taurus PT100 40S&W 2:00 Ruger 10/22-T with Bull Barrel 22 Rimfire 2:15 Thompson-Center Encore Rifle 50 CAL 2:30 Remington 700 BDL Rifle 243 2:45 Springfield Armory 1911A1 Pistol 45ACP

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