Resource Concerns Planning Criteria for Conservation Planning

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Resource Concerns Planning Criteria for Conservation Planning



Resource Description of Land Use Planning Criteria/Consideration Measurement and Concern – Concern Assessment Tools Cause A resource * Required Planning Criteria concern (RC) is an Assessment A planning criterion is a quantitative or qualitative method to assess the existing condition of the natural expected resources on a site to determine whether additional treatment is needed to address a specific potential degradation of the resource concern. soil, water, air, Planning Consideration plant, or animal A planning consideration is a description of potential actions or activities that should be considered to resource base to an help address an identified resource concern and/or to address unintended consequences of an action. extent that the Planning considerations are identified for resource concerns when it is not appropriate or technologically sustainability or feasible to identify specific criteria or a threshold for treatment. intended use of the resource is impaired. Because NRCS quantifies Screening Level Basic Assessment Level or describes Screening level criteria are defined, when Basic assessment level criteria are used when a site does resource concerns appropriate, to identify sites with conditions that not meet screening level criteria, or when no screening as part of a have little or no probability of needing additional level criteria are defined. Assessment levels are also used comprehensive treatment to address the specific resource concern. when formulating and evaluating alternatives. If the site meets the screening level criteria, then conservation National criteria establish the minimum for all sites. planning process no other assessment is needed to document that that includes client planning criteria are met on this site. States may add state-specific criteria to address local objectives, human conditions. and energy States can delete or edit nationally identified resources are screening criteria to address localized conditions. considered components of the resource base.

The “Cause” is the specific reason or threat to the resource that results in the resource concern.

SOIL Resource Description of Concern Planning Criteria/Consideration Measurement and

1 Concern – Screening Level Basic Assessment Level Assessment Tools Cause - Detachment and Permanent ground cover > 90% and Water erosion rate ≤ T RUSLE2 1 transportation of soil particles caused by slope < 10% AND SOIL EROSION rainfall runoff/splash, irrigation runoff or Wind erosion rate ≤ T - Sheet, rill, & wind that degrades soil quality WEPS wind erosion

Permanent ground cover > 90% and Water erosion rate ≤ T RUSLE2 slope < 10% AND Wind erosion rate ≤ T WEPS

Soil surface organic residue cover > Site is stable and without visible signs of erosion Visual Inspection 80%

Resource Planning Criteria/Consideration Measurement and Concern – Description of Concern Screening Level Basic Assessment Level Assessment Tools Cause - Untreated classic gullies may enlarge Ephemeral gullies are not occurring Conservation practices and managements are in Field measurements / 2 progressively by head cutting and/or lateral AND place to prevent or control ephemeral gullies observations SOIL EROSION widening. Ephemeral gullies occur in the Classic gullies are not present AND – Concentrated same flow area and are obscured by tillage. Classic gully management is adequate to stop the flow erosion This includes concentrated flow erosion progression of head cutting and widening and are caused by runoff from rainfall, snowmelt or offsite impacts are minimized by vegetation and/or structures

2 irrigation water. Classic gullies are not present Classic gully management is adequate to stop the progression of head cutting and widening and are offsite impacts are minimized by vegetation and/or structures

- 3 Sediment from banks or shorelines threatens No streams or shoreline are on or adjacent to site For shorelines and water conveyance channels; SVAP2 SOIL to degrade water quality and limit use for OR Banks are stable or commensurate with normal EROSION– intended purposes No bank erosion from streams, geomorphological processes Excessive bank shorelines or conveyance channels present AND erosion from For streambanks; streams SVAP2 bank condition element shorelines or score ≥5 OR water If present, bank erosion is caused by upstream land conveyance use and beyond the client’s control channels No streams or shoreline are on or adjacent to site PCS - streambank / shoreline erosion element score SVAP2 OR ≥ 4 No bank erosion from streams, shorelines or AND PCS - Pasture Condition Score conveyance channels present For shorelines and water conveyance channels; Banks stable or commensurate with normal geomorphological processes AND If present, bank erosion is caused by upstream land use and beyond the client’s control

Resource Planning Criteria/Consideration Measurement and Concern – Description of Concern Screening Level Basic Assessment Level Assessment Tools Cause

3 - 4 Loss of volume and depth of organic soils due Histisol soils are not present Subsidence is adequately managed to meet client’s Client input / planner observation SOIL QUALITY to oxidation caused by above normal OR objectives DEGRADATION microbial activity resulting from excessive Histisol soils are not exhibiting subsidence - Subsidence water drainage, soil disturbance, or extended drought.

This excludes karst / sinkholes issues or depressions caused by underground activities.

- 5 Management induced Soil compaction is not a problem Compaction is managed to meet Client’s Observation of soil and/or plant SOIL QUALITY soil compaction resulting in decreased rooting AND production and management objectives condition DEGRADATION depth that reduces plant growth, animal Activities do not cause soil – Compaction habitat and soil biological activity compaction problems Client input / planner observation

Soil compaction is not a problem PCS – compaction element score ≥ 4 PCS - Pasture Condition Score AND Activities do not cause soil compaction problems

Resource Planning Criteria/Consideration Measurement and Concern – Description of Concern Screening Level Basic Assessment Level Assessment Tools Cause - 6 Soil organic matter is not adequate to provide Permanent ground cover > 80% SCI > 0 RUSLE2 SOIL QUALITY a suitable medium for plant growth, animal DEGRADATION habitat, and soil biological activity WEPS – Organic matter depletion Permanent ground cover > 80% SCI > 0 PCS - Pasture Condition OR Score [ PCS - plant cover element score ≥ 4 AND RUSLE2 PCS - plant residue element score ≥ 4 ]

4 Soil organic matter depletion is not a problem Ground cover meets state criteria specific to Client input / planner observation AND ecological site Activities do not cause soil organic matter depletion OR Soil organic matter is managed to meet Client objectives

- 7 Concentration of salts Activities do not cause salinity/sodicity problems Conservation practices and managements are in Soil diagnostic evaluations SOIL QUALITY leading to salinity and/or sodicity reducing place to mitigate on-site effects DEGRADATION productivity or limiting desired use – Concentration of salts or other Concentrations of other chemicals chemicals impacting productivity or limiting desired use

WATER Resource Planning Criteria/Consideration Measurement and Concern – Description of Concern Screening Level Basic Assessment Level Assessment Tools Cause - 8 Surface water or poor Excess water is not a problem Excess water is managed to meet Client’s Client input / planner EXCESS WATER subsurface drainage restricts land use and AND objectives observation – management goals. Wind-blown snow Activities do not cause ponding/flooding problems Ponding, flooding, accumulates around and over surface seasonal high structures, restricting access to humans and water table, seeps, animals. and drifted snow

- 9 Natural precipitation is not optimally Moisture Management is not a problem Runoff and evapotranspiration levels are Client input / planner INSUFFICIENT managed to support desired land use goals AND minimized to observation WATER – or ecological processes Activities do not cause inefficient moisture meet Client’s management objectives Inefficient management moisture management Moisture Management is not a problem PCS – compaction element score ≥ 4 PCS - Pasture Condition AND AND Score Activities do not cause inefficient moisture PCS - plant cover element score ≥ 4 management

5 - 10 Irrigation water is not PLU is not irrigated IWI ≥ 85% IWI - Irrigation Water Index INSUFFICIEN stored, delivered, scheduled and/or applied T WATER – efficiently Inefficient use of irrigation Aquifer or surface water withdrawals water threaten sustained availability of ground or surface water

Available irrigation water supplies have been reduced due to aquifer depletion, competition, regulation and/or drought

- 11 Nutrients - organic and inorganic - are Organic or inorganic nutrients are not applied Nutrient and amendment applications are based on Client input / planner observation WATER transported to receiving waters through AND soil or QUALITY surface runoff and/or leaching into shallow PLU is not grazed tissue tests and nutrient budgets for realistic yields Nutrient budget DEGRADATION ground waters in quantities that degrade water AND – Excess nutrients quality and limit use for intended purposes. Conservation practices and managements are in in surface and place to ground waters minimize offsite impacts

PCS - streambank / shoreline erosion element score PCS – Pasture Condition ≥ 4 Score AND PCS - livestock concentration areas element score Nutrient budget ≥ 4 AND Nutrients are applied and based on a soil test, tissue tests or nutrient budget

Organic or inorganic nutrients are not applied Nutrients if applied, are based on a soil test, tissue tests or nutrient budget AND Conservation practices and managements are in place to

6 Organic or inorganic nutrients are not applied Nutrients if applied, are based on a soil test, tissue AND tests or PLU is not grazed nutrient budget AND There are no confined livestock areas AND Conservation practices and managements are in place to minimize offsite impacts Organic or inorganic nutrients are not applied Conservation practices and managements are in Client input / planner AND place to observation PLU is not grazed minimize offsite impacts AND AND There are no confined livestock areas Surface and ground waters are protected from contamination due to runoff and leaching from storage sites, spill and other concentrated - 12 Pest control chemicals are transported to Pest control chemicals are not applied Psoesturicciesdes are stored, handled, disposed and Client input / planner WATER receiving waters in quantities that degrade managed to observation QUALITY water quality and limit use for intended prevent runoff, spills, leaks and leaching DEGRADATION purposes AND WinPST – Pesticides Conservation practices and managements are in transported to place to surface and minimize offsite impacts ground waters

- 13 Pathogens, pharmaceuticals, and other Are potential sources of pathogens or Organic materials are applied, stored, and/or Client input / planner WATER chemicals carried by land applied soil pharmaceuticals applied on the land handled to observation QUALITY amendments are transported to receiving mitigate negative impacts to water sources DEGRADATION waters in quantities that degrade water quality – Excess and limit use for intended purposes. pathogens and chemicals from This resource concern also includes the off- manure, bio-solids site transport of leachate and runoff from or compost or other organic materials of animal compost origin. applicatio ns

7 - 14 Irrigation or rainfall Salt concentrations is not a limiting factor Salt concentrations are managed to mitigate off-site Client input / planner WATER runoff transports salts to receiving water in transport to surface or ground waters observation QUALITY quantities that degrade water quality and DEGRADATION limit use for intended purposes – Excessive salts in surface and ground waters

- 15 Heavy metals, petroleum and other pollutants Activities do not present the potential for Petroleum, heavy metals or other potential Client input / planner WATER are transported to receiving water sources in contamination pollutants are observation QUALITY quantities that degrade water quality and limit stored and handled to avoid runoff or leaching DEGRADATION use for intended purposes – Petroleum, heavy metals and other pollutants transported to receiving waters - 16 Off-site transport of sediment from sheet, rill, Streams or shoreline are not on or adjacent to site Upslope treatment and buffer practices address RUSLE2 WATER gully, and wind erosion into surface water that OR concentrated flows to water bodies QUALITY threatens to degrade surface water quality and Permanent ground cover > 90% and slope < 10% AND WEPS DEGRADATION limit use for intended purposes AND SVAP2 - bank condition ≥ 5 – Excessive Classic gullies are not present AND Client input / planner sediment in Livestock and vehicle water crossings are stable observation surface waters AND Conservation practices and managements are in SVAP2 place to control soil erosion and/or sediment transport so that offsite impacts are minimized. There are no untreated sources of erosion Upslope treatment and buffer practices address Client input / planner AND concentrated flows to water bodies observation Streams or shoreline are not on or adjacent to site AND Heavy use areas are stable SVAP2 AND SVAP2 - bank condition ≥ 5

- 17 Surface water temperatures exceed Water courses on or adjacent to the site are not SVAP2 - riparian area quality element score ≥ 5 Client input / planner WATER State/Federal standards and/or limit use for designated by a State Agency as a temperature AND observation QUALITY intended purposes impairment SVAP2 - riparian area quantity quality element DEGRADATION OR score ≥ 5 SVAP2 – Elevated water Water course temperature is not a client concern AND temperature SVAP2 - canopy cover element score ≥ 6 OR Existing conservation practices are in place to address water temperature

8 PLANT Resource Planning Criteria/Consideration Measurement and Concern – Description of Concern Assessment Tools Cause Screening Level Basic Assessment Level - 18 Plant productivity, vigor and/or quality Plant production and health is not a client concern Plants are adapted to the site, meet production goals Client input / planner observation DEGRADED negatively impacts other resources or does not and PLANT meet yield potential due to improper fertility, do not negatively impact other resources Crop Tolerance Table CONDITION – management or plants not adapted to site AND Undesirable Plant damage from wind erosion is below Crop plant This includes addressing pollinators and Damage productivity beneficial insects. Tolerance levels and health Plant production and health is not a client concern PCS - desirable plants element score ≥ 3 PCS - Pasture Condition AND Score PCS - plant cover element score ≥ 4 AND PCS - plant vigor element score ≥ 4 AND Plants are adapted to the site, meet production goals and do not negatively impact other resources Plant production and health is not a Forest species are adapted to site Forest inventory plots and client concern AND transects forms Composition and stand density meets the Client’s objectives and production goals

- 19 Plant communities have insufficient Plant communities support the intended land use Plant communities contain adequate diversity, Ecological Site Descriptions DEGRADED composition and structure to achieve and desired ecological functions composition and structure to support desired PLANT ecological functions and management ecological functions CONDITION objectives – Inadequate structure and This includes degradation of wetland composition habitat, targeted ecosystems, or unique plant communities.

9 - 20 Excessive pest damage to plants including that Plant productivity is not limited from pest pressure Pest damage to plants are below economic or Client input / planner DEGRADED from undesired plants, diseases, animals, soil environmental thresholds or client-identified observation PLANT borne pathogens, and nematodes criteria CONDITION – AND Excessive plant This concern addresses invasive plant, Plant pests, including noxious and invasive species pest pressure animal and insect species are managed to meet client objectives

Plant productivity is not limited from pest pressure PCS - insect and disease pressure element score ≥ PCS - Pasture Condition 4 Score AND - 21 The kinds and amounts of fuel loadings - plant Wildfire hazard is not a concern FPuCelS l-o saiteds aadnadp ftatiuelo lan ddeleemrse anrte s cmorane a≥g ed4 to provide Client input / planner DEGRADED biomass - create wildfire hazards that pose defensible space and meet client objectives observation PLANT risks to human safety, structures, plants, CONDITION– animals, and air resources Wildfire hazard, excessive biomass accumulation

ANIMAL Resource Planning Criteria/Consideration Concern – Description of Concern Measurement and Cause Screening Level Basic Assessment Level Assessment Tools - 22 Quantity, quality or connectivity of food, WHSI rating ≥ 0.5 Species-specific wildlife INADEQUAT cover, space, shelter and/or water is AND (when surface stream present) habitat assessment tools E HABITAT inadequate to meet requirements of identified SVAP2 – barriers to movement element score ≥ 7 FOR FISH fish, wildlife or invertebrate species AND SVAP2 AND SVAP2 – fish habitat complexity element score ≥ 7 WILDLIFE – AND Generalized WHS Index Habitat SVAP2 – aquatic invertebrate habitat element finalized by States, and detailed degradation score ≥ 7 models by selected species and OR habitat type Conservation practices and management are in place that meet or exceed species or guild-specific habitat model thresholds OR Food, water, space and cover is of available quality and extent to support habitat requirements for the species of interest AND 10 - 23 Feed and forage quality Livestock forage, roughage and supplemental Client input / planner LIVESTOCK or quantity is inadequate for nutritional nutritional observation PRODUCTIO needs and production goals of the kinds and requirements are addressed N classes of livestock GRAS - Grassland Resource LIMITATION Analysis System – Inadequate feed and forage

- 24 Livestock lack adequate Artificial or natural shelters meets animal health Client input / planner LIVESTOCK shelter from climatic conditions to needs observation PRODUCTIO maintain health or production goals and client objectives N LIMITATION – Inadequate livestock shelter - 25 Quantity, quality and/or distribution of Water of acceptable quality and quantity is Client input / planner LIVESTOCK drinking water are insufficient to maintain adequately observation PRODUCTIO health or production goals for the kinds and distributed to meet animal needs N classes of livestock GRAS - Grassland Resource LIMITATION Analysis System - Tool for – Inadequate water distribution livestock water

ENERGY Resource Planning Criteria/Consideration Concern – Description of Concern Measurement and Cause Screening Level Basic Assessment Level Assessment Tools

11 - 26 - Inefficient use of energy in the Farm Client is not interested in improving equipment and A USDA approved energy audit been implemented Client input / planner INEFFICIENT Operation increases dependence on non- facilities energy efficiency that observation ENERGY USE renewable energy sources that can be address equipment and facilities to meet client – Equipment addressed through improved energy efficiency objectives USDA approved Energy and facilities and the use of on-farm renewable energy OR Audit sources. On-farm renewable energy and/or energy conserving NRCS Energy Estimator As an example, this concern addresses practices have been implemented to meet client inefficient energy use in pumping plants, on- objectives farm processing, drying and storage.

- 27 - Inefficient use of energy Client is not interested in improving energy use in A USDA approved energy audit been implemented Client input / planner INEFFICIENT in field operations increases dependence on farm and ranch field operations that observation ENERGY USE non-renewable energy sources that can be address field operations to meet client objectives – addressed through improved efficiency and OR USDA approved Energy Farming/ranchi the use of on-farm renewable energy sources. On-farm renewable energy and/or energy Audit ng practices and conserving field operations practices have been implemented to meet client NRCS Energy Estimator objectives Conservation on the Farm Checklist

AIR Resource Planning Criteria/Consideration Concern – Description of Concern Measurement and Cause Screening Level Basic Assessment Level Assessment Tools

12 - 28 Direct emissions of particulate matter - dust Activities are not present that contribute to PM and PM Precursor emissions are managed to Client input / planner AIR QUALITY and smoke -, as well as the formation of fine agricultural source PM or PM precursor emissions meet client objectives observation IMPACTS - particulate matter in the atmosphere from PM Producing Activities: Emissions of other agricultural emissions - ammonia, NOx, • Prescribed Burn is conducted Particulate and VOCs - cause multiple environmental • Travel ways are unpaved or untreated with Matter - PM - and impacts, such as: binding agents PM Precursors - The unintended movement of particulate • Engines (combustion source) matter - typically dust or smoke - results in • Tillage safety or nuisance visibility restriction • Pesticides are applied • Fertilization (manure /commercial) - The unintended movement of particulate • CAFO/manure management) matter and/or chemical droplets results in unwanted deposits on surfaces AND - Increased atmospheric concentrations of Episodes or complaints of emissions of PM (dust, particulate matter can impact human and smoke, exhaust, etc.), or chemical drift have not animal health and degrade regional visibility occurred

Resource Planning Criteria/Consideration Concern – Description of Concern Measurement and Cause Screening Level Basic Assessment Level Assessment Tools

13 - 29 Emissions increase atmospheric Activities are not present that produce GHGs Greenhouse gas emissions are managed to meet Client input / planner observation AIR QUALITY concentrations of greenhouse gases. emissions GHG Producing Activities: client IMPACTS - • Fertilization (manure/commercial) objectives Emissions of • CAFO/manure management Greenhouse • Engines (combustion source) Gases - GHGs - • Tillage AND GHGs are not regulated in this planning area

- 30 Emissions of ozone precursors - NOx and Operations are not present that produce ozone or Ozone precursor emissions are managed to meet Client input / planner observation AIR QUALITY VOCs - resulting in formation of ground- precursor emissions client objectives IMPACTS - level ozone that cause negative impacts to Ozone Producing Activities: Emissions of plants and animals. • Engines (combustion source) Ozone Precursors • Pesticide application • Burning • CAFO/manure management • Fertilization (manure /commercial)

- 31 Emissions of odorous Activities are not present that contribute to Odors are managed to meet client objectives Client input / planner observation AIR QUALITY compounds - VOCs, ammonia and odorous nuisance air quality conditions Nuisance IMPACTS - sulfur compounds - cause nuisance Producing Activities: conditions Objectionable • CAFOPestici de/ m aapnplureicat ion odors management A• ND Composting is conducted Odor sources are not regulated in this planning area AND Episodes or complaints of emissions of PM (dust, smoke, exhaust, etc.), or chemical drift have not


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