Jaryd W. Gilts Memorial Tournament

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Jaryd W. Gilts Memorial Tournament

Jaryd W. Gilts Memorial Tournament Round 6 Tossups Written by Steven Wellstead and Ike Jose

1. Spyridon Marinatos identified Kolonos Hill as the site of the last fighting in this battle, which took place near Mt. Anopaea on the coast of the Gulf of Malis. Occurring during Carneia, this battle began with an assault by the Cissians and Medes, and it was effectively ended when Hydarnes outflanked enemy troops with the help of (*) Ephialtes. Taking place simultaneously with the naval battle at Artemisium, it ended after most of the Greek Allies had left, although the Thebans, Thespians, and Spartans stayed till the end to defend the “hot gates.” For 10 points, identify this 480 BC battle in which Leonidas died defending Greece against Xerxes. ANSWER: Battle of Thermopylae

2. A work by Danish composer Otto Skadelig prompts a suicide attempt by one character in this work, whose last chapter introduces Pete’s wife, Georgina. P.R. Deltoid is an advisor to this work’s narrator, who is arrested for the murder of the “catlady” only hours after raping Marty and Sonietta to the tune of (*) Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony. This work’s second part follows Dr. Branom and Brodsky’s work with the Ludovico Technique, which is implemented on the protagonist Alex in order to cure him of his violent ways. Narrated largely in a fictional, slang language called nadsat, for 10 points, identify this 1962 dystopian novel by Anthony Burgess. ANSWER: A Clockwork Orange

3. One of these items features a man pushing a baby carriage while holding a dog in his right hand. Another of these shows that same man holding a hammer and a book entitled How To Fix It while sitting on a roof. That same man holds a battleship and an iron in two different ones focusing on (*) utilities and railroads, and in another of these that same man is elected chairman of the board. The maturation of a loan and payment of a poor tax are subjects of two more of these items, one of which tells you go back 3 spaces. Illinois Avenue and St Charles Place can be reached via, for 10 points, what orange items paired with the Community Chest cards in Monopoly. ANSWER: Chance cards

4. This man set a Goethe poem to music about a father riding home and learning that the son he is tending is dead due to the title character is “close by our side.” Matthias Claudius provided the text for another of this composer’s song cycles, in which one of the title characters says “Ich bin noch jung!” In addition to “The Elf King” and “Death and the (*) Maiden” he composed a work in which a piano and a string quartet at times represent the sound of movement against flowing water. For 10 points, name this composer of the Trout Quintet, who notably only wrote out the score for two movements to his 8th symphony, the Unfinished. ANSWER: Franz Schubert

5. This leader called the Council of Enham one year before advocating a nation-wide fast in his Edict of Bath. The victor at the Battle of Maldon, this man allegedly defecated in the font at his baptism, and he succeeded to the throne after his half-brother Edward was killed by this man’s mother, (*) Elfrida. During his reign he ordered the death of all Danes in an event known as St. Brice's Day massacre, which prompted an invasion from Sweyn Forkbeard that led to his 1013 exile, although he was restored a year later, ruling until his 1016 death. For 10 points, identify this Saxon king whose nickname actually implies that he was unwise, not ill-prepared. ANSWER: Ethelred II [or Ethelred the Unready]

6. This author wrote one play about Don Sallusto’s servant and his love for the wife of Charles II. In another work by this author, Don Carlos of Spain tries to seduce Dona Sol, which leads to mayhem in the court of Spain. In addition to Ruy Blas and Hernani, he wrote about Letheiry’s shipwreck in a novel about Deruchette and Gilliat, (*) Toilers of the Sea. Another work by this author features characters named Gudule and Claude Frollo, and he also wrote a story involving Bishop Myriel and police inspector Javert. For 10 points, identify this French author who wrote about Quasimodo in The Hunchback of Notre Dame and Jean Valjean in Les Miserables. ANSWER: Victor Hugo 7. This character has a lesbian experience with a woman named Alison at the aptly-named bar Les Bos, and once hired an assassin named Jacartha to kill an egg. Sexually assaulted by Kenny G while in Arkansas for a recorder concert, this character later pens a work described as “the best homo-erotic novel since (*) Huckleberry Finn,” In the Valley of Penises. Converted to atheism by Richard Dawkins, this character has a relationship with Dawkins until Dawkins learns about this character’s sex change. For 10 points, identify this character associated with Mr. Slave and the puppet Mr. Hat, a long-time teacher at South Park elementary. ANSWER: Mr. Herbert Garrison (accept Mrs. Janet Garrison, as the clues apply to both)

8. The Suakin and Dahlak Archipelagos are located within this body of water, which is found west of the Asir Mountains and north of the Denakil Desert. Also the site of the Farasan Islands, which lie off the coast of Jizan, this body of water is the site of Foul Bay, and its northeast extension is connected by the Strait of Tiran before ending at the town of (*) Eilat. The city of Jiddah is found on one of its shores opposite the Nubian Desert, while the Bab el Mandeb connects this sea to the Gulf of Aden near Djibouti. The Gulf of Aqaba and Gulf of Suez are northern extensions of, for 10 points, what colorful sea found between Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. ANSWER: Red Sea

9. The Battle of Keresztes saw a victory for one of them, whose father and previous holder allegedly begot 103 children. Another man that held this position lost power following the Battle of Mohacs. The only one to die in battle was killed at the 1389 Battle of Kosovo, and Timurlane captured another holder of this position at the Battle of (*) Ankara. Its last holder was forced to accept the Treaty of Sevres upon the World War One defeat of his empire, known at the time as the “sick man of Europe.” For 10 points, identify this position first established by Murad I that has been held by the likes of Bayezid the Thunderbolt, Selim the Grim, and Suleiman the Magnificent. ANSWER: Sultan of the Ottoman Empire [accept equivalents including, but not limited to: Ottoman leader, Ottoman ruler, etc.]

10. In this work’s second part, four men sprinkle lime on the property of the protagonist to get rid of an odor that results in several complaints to Judge Stevens. “For a period of six or seven years” the protagonist gives china painting lessons, and after the death of her father, Colonel Sartoris remits that character’s (*) taxes. That title character buys arsenic shortly before the disappearance of a Northerner who first comes to the town of Jefferson to pave sidewalks, Homer Barron. The rotting corpse of Homer is later found in a bed next a lock of hair belonging to the titular recluse in, for 10 points, what short story by William Faulkner. ANSWER: “A Rose For Emily”

11. The music video to this song begins with the singer getting out of a 1979 Pontiac Trans Am at the Corral Drive-In. The singer says that it’s “so hard with my girls not around me” and notes how others see her and ask “who’s that chick that’s rockin’ kicks? She’s gotta be from out of town.” It begins with the singer (*) hopping “off the plane at LAX with a dream and a cardigan” and the singer later complains that she’s homesick and nervous before hearing songs by Britney and Jay-Z. The singer nods her head and moves her hips because they’re playing her song in, for 10 points, what surprisingly catchy single off The Time of Our Lives by Miley Cyrus? ANSWER: “Party in the U.S.”

12. The left side of Picasso’s Blind Minotaur features a crossed out sketch inspired by this work, which also inspired two Edward Munch paintings by the same name that show the title figure lying on a blue bed next to a nude woman. The most famous painting by this name features an ink bottle on a wooden table, while a (*) quill pen can be seen in the title figure’s right hand, which lies next to a bloody knife. A green rug covers the container in which the title figure is located, and in that figure’s left hand is a letter featuring the name Charlotte Corday. For 10 points, identify this Jacques-Louis David work depicting a Frenchmen deceased in his bathtub. ANSWER: The Death of Marat

13. The Treaty of Mortefontaine resolved tensions arising from this event, which came about, in part, due to the seizure of over 300 ships during the Quasi War. “No, no, not a sixpence” was uttered by one participant during this event, which centered around the actions of Bellamy, Hauterval, (*) and Hottinguer. Also involving Elbridge Gerry, John Marshall, and Charles Pinckney, it arose when a ten million dollar loan and quarter million dollar bribe was demanded by Charles Talleyrand to commence peace talks between France and the U.S. For 10 points, identify this scandal whose name came from the aliases given to the three French ministers involved. ANSWER: XYZ Affair 14. One inhabitant of this location laments that “here I receive a date for every fig.” One visitor to this location compares it to the Danube and Don Rivers after being directed into this place by Antaeus. Giants inhabit the zone separating Malebolge from this area, which consists of a (*) frozen lake of ice called Cocytus. Seperated into four zones, two of which include Antenora and Caina, this area’s center features a three-headed creature named Dis who chews on the bodies of Cassius, Brutus, and Judas Iscariot. For 10 points, identify this innermost location of eternal suffering that is reserved for traitors in Dante Alighieri’s Inferno. ANSWER: Ninth Circle of Hell [prompt on “Inferno,” “Hell,” or other equivalents]

15. The northern part of this country is bordered to the west by the Tacna Region, and its city of Antofagasta is found west of the Cordillera Domeyko. Its Los Lagos district contains Chiloe Island, and it also holds dominion over the Juan Fernandez Islands, whose namesake discovered them after setting sail from (*) Valparaiso. Led by Bernardo O’Higgins upon its 1818 independence, it expanded its territory with a victory in the War of the Pacific, which ended 5 years before this country annexed Easter Island. Once led by such men as Salvador Allende and Augusto Pinochet, for 10 points, identify this South American nation with capital at Santiago. ANSWER: Republic of Chile

16. This man came under fire in 2004 for appearing in the Baltimore-based video Stop Snitchin’ as well as for being cited for possession of marijuana at an airport. A three-year attendee of Towson Catholic High School, he led his college team to a win in the 2003 NCAA basketball title game as a (*) freshman before being chosen third in the 2003 NBA Draft behind Darko Milicic. In 2006 he was suspended 15 games for sucker-punching Mardy Collins in a brawl against the Knicks; more recently he led his team to the 2009 Western Conference Finals before losing to the Lakers. For 10 points, identify this Syracuse alum currently playing for the Denver Nuggets. ANSWER: Carmelo Kiyan Anthony [prompt on “Melo”]

17. In Fijian mythology the god Dengei is this type of creature, which is represented in Hindu myth by the deity that holds up the entire world, Shesha. Duat, the Egyptian underworld, is guarded by one of these creatures named Nehebkau, and in Norse mythology Thor will be killed at Ragnarok by one of these creatures named (*) Jormungandr. In Greek myth, Laocoon was killed by a pair of these creatures after warning the Trojans about the Trojan Horse, and it comprised the mane of Cerberus as well as the tail of the Chimera. The Aztec god Quetzalcoatl was a feathered form of, for 10 points, what animal which, in Greek myth, comprised the hair of the Gorgons. ANSWER: snake [or serpent]

18. Near the end of this work, the protagonist discovers the corpses of two men before fending off 300 wolves while traveling to Toulouse. Prior to this, the protagonist received the profits from his Brazilian estate, which had been overseen by a Portuguese ship captain who had earlier freed the protagonist and a boy named (*) Xury from enslavement under Moorish pirates. Later, after noticing a foot print in the sand, the title character saves a man from cannibals and names him after the day on which he first meets him, “Friday.” For 10 points, identify this novel about an Englishman who spends 28 years on an island after being shipwrecked, a work by Daniel Defoe. ANSWER: Robinson Crusoe

19. The sequel to this film introduces such characters as Warren Toomey and Emma Spool. Early in this film one character asks a hardware employee whether a can of bug spray is painless, while later another character asks whether her son thinks she’s “fruity” after he requests she go to a (*) fruit cellar. PI Milton Arbogast is hired to track down $40,000 stolen by Marion Crane, who is told that “we all go a little mad sometimes” and “a boy’s best friend is his mother” before being murdered while taking a shower in her hotel room. For 10 points, identify this 1960 Alfred Hitchcock film centering on the Anthony Perkin portrayed hotel operator Norman Bates. ANSWER: Psycho

20. Patrick Morrisey and John Gaffney were executed by this man during his tenure as Sheriff of Erie County, and a decade later he defeated sitting Treasury Secretary Charles Folger to become governor of his home state. His affair with Maria Halpin did not daunt his rise to the presidency, during which he nominated (*) Melville Fuller as Supreme Court Chief Justice. The Dawes and Interstate Commerce Acts were passed during this president’s first term, while his second term saw the suppression of the Pullman Strike. The victor over James G. Blaine in the Election of 1884, this is, for 10 points, what president, the only to serve two non-consecutive terms. ANSWER: Stephen Grover Cleveland TB. The Kolonaki neighborhood is found on the slopes of Mount Lycabettus, the highest point in this city, which is home to such sites as Syntagma Square and Panathinaiko Stadium. Located in the periphery of Attica, to its east lies the Hymettus range while to its southwest is the (*) Saronic Gulf. Located near Mount Parnitha, this city, the original site of the Elgin Marbles, was home to such figures as Solon and Themistocles, the latter of whom helped lead this city to victory at the Battle of Marathon. For 10 points, identify this European city famed for its Acropolis and Parthenon, the capital of Greece. ANSWER: Athens, Greece

Jaryd W. Gilts Memorial Tournament Round 6 Tossups Written by Steven Wellstead and Ike Jose

1. Because the writer of this tournament has a special place for them in his heart, here is today’s only 30-20-10. Identify the historical figure. [30] Made a governor of Harar after the death of his brother Yilma, this man came to power over the deposed Lij Yasu shortly after his victory at the Battle of Anchem. [20] A son-in-law of Menelek II and son of a veteran of the Battle of Adowa, this ruler succeeded Empress Zewditu and ruled until being deposed by the Derg in 1974. [10] This last Emperor of Ethiopia is believed to be the incarnation of Jesus by followers of Rastafarianism, which takes part of its name from this man’s given first name. ANSWER: Haile Selassie I [or Tafari Makonnen]

2. Described by its singer as a song “about the magical beauty of a woman,” in its second verse the singer admits to not knowing the name of the title character, who is described as an “experimental game.” For 10 points each: [10] Identify this 2008 single. ANSWER: “I Kissed a Girl” [10] “I Kissed a Girl” was the first big hit by this American artist who currently dates Gym Class Heroes singer Travis McCoy. ANSWER: Katy Perry [or Katherine Elizabeth Hudson] [10] “I Kissed a Girl” was released on this Katy Perry debut album, which also contained the singles “Hot N Cold” and “Waking Up in Vegas.” ANSWER: One of the Boys

3. This work ends with the title character demanding to see the Mayor after he has yelled at just about everyone. For 10 points each: [10] Name this drama in which Klestakov pretends to be the title character. ANSWER: The Inspector General or the General Inspector [10] In this other drama by the author of The Inspector General, Petrovich tells Akaky Akakievich that the title object is too tattered to be repaired and he must buy a new one. ANSWER: The Overcoat [10] Both The Overcoat and The Inspector General are by this Russian author, the author of Dead Souls. ANSWER: Nikolai Gogol

4. Pretend you are located in a ship in a harbor on the southern shores of Sweden and, because you dislike Scandinavians, you wish to travel to Britain via the North Sea. For 10 point each: [10] To get to the North Sea you could take a direct land route through this Scandinavian country which comprises most of the Jutland Peninsula. Its capital is Copenhagen. ANSWER: Kingdom of Denmark [10] If you wished to take a sea route, one option would be to sail north around Denmark through either of these two straits, which run along the southern shores of Sweden and Norway. ANSWER: Kattegat OR Skagerrak [accept either] [10] If you still wished to take a sea route, but you wanted to stay as far away from those stinking Scandinavians as possible, another option would be to travel through this German canal that spans the Jutland Peninsula. ANSWER: Kiel Canal *NOTE TO MODERATORS AND PLAYERS: No actual offense was meant to anybody of Scandinavian origin. This question writer actually likes Scandinavian countries: they gave us Dolph Lundgren.*

5. For 10 points each, identify these official codenames of major military operations made during World War II. [10] This was the codename of the Allied invasion of northwest Europe that began with the beach landings at Normandy on D-Day. ANSWER: Operation Overlord [10] The Molotov-Ribbentrop non-aggression pact was ended in June of 1941 with the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union, which was given this codename. ANSWER: Operation Barbarossa [10] This operation, the codename for Germany’s planned invasion of the United Kingdom, was postponed and ultimately never implemented following the Nazi defeat in the Battle of Britain. ANSWER: Operation Sealion

6. For 10 points each, identify the following Pokemon. And by Pokemon I mean Mark Twain works. [10] One storyline in this Charles Dudley Warner co-written work, subtitled A Tale of Today, involves the Hawkins family’s attempt to sell 75,000 acres of land in their native Tennessee. ANSWER: The Guilded Age: A Tale of Today [10] One notable scene from this other Twain novel involves the title character tricking his friends into whitewashing a fence he was told to perform as punishment for skipping school by his guardian, Aunt Polly. ANSWER: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer [10] This Twain short story begins with Simon Wheeler telling a story about gambler Jim Smiley and his training of the title creature, an amphibian named Daniel Webster. ANSWER: “The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County”

7. For 10 points each, identify the following sculptors who have made creations of the biblical King David. [10] The most famous depiction of David, a nude, marble version housed in Florence, was created by this 16th century Italian also well known for his Pieta sculpture. ANSWER: Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni [10] Another marble version of David was finished in 1624 by this fellow Italian and creator of The Rape of Proserpina and Ecstasy of Saint Theresa. ANSWER: Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini [10] A bronze version showing a triumphant David standing in a pool of blood beside the severed head of Goliath was completed around 1475 by this sculptor of Christ and St. Thomas. ANSWER: Andrea del Verrocchio

8. Heather Holloway is a newspaper reporter for the fictional Washington Probe in this film, whose protagonist is part of a trio that refers to themselves as the Merchants of Death. For 10 points each: [10] Identify this film focusing on the life of lobbyist Nick Naylor, who in one scene gets into a lengthy debate with Senator Ortolan Finisterre about the merits of eating Vermont-produced cheese. ANSWER: Thank You For Smoking [10] The protagonist of Thank You For Smoking, Nick Naylor, is played by this actor who more recently appeared as District Attorney Harvey Dent in the most recent Batman incarnation, The Dark Knight. ANSWER: Aaron Edward Eckhart [10] In one notable scene from the film, anti-smoking extremists kidnap Naylor following his appearance on a radio talk show hosted by Dennis Miller and attempt to kill him in this method. ANSWER: placing nicotine patches all over his body [accept clear knowledge equivalents]

9. For 10 points each, identify these 19th century governors of New York. [10] He is the only person to have died while serving in the position and is perhaps most famous as the man most responsible for the creation of the Erie Canal. ANSWER: DeWitt Clinton [prompt on “Clinton”] [10] This man’s successful service as governor led to his presidential nomination, but the Compromise of 1877 gave the presidency to Hayes instead of this man, who finished one electoral vote short of victory in the Election of 1876. ANSWER: Samuel Jones Tilden [10] This two time governor, like Tilden, ran for the presidency on the Democratic ticket following his terms as governor, and like Tilden, this man fell short of that goal, losing in the Election of 1868 to Ulysses S. Grant. ANSWER: Horatio Seymour

10. Andrew Wiles succeeded in proving this statement nearly 350 years after it was first conjectured by its namesake in 1637. For 10 points each: [10] Identify this infamous theorem which stated that the equation an + bn = cn (a to the n, plus b to the n, equals c to the n) cannot be satisfied for any integer value of n greater than 2. ANSWER: Fermat’s Last Theorem [prompt on partial answer] [10] This other theorem conjectured by Fermat stated that for any integer a and prime number p, the expression ap – a (a to the p, minus a) will be evenly divisible by the prime number p. ANSWER: Fermat’s Little Theorem [10] Another theorem named after Fermat is used in real analysis to find points with this quality. Points described by this adjective are locations where a function’s derivative is equal to zero. ANSWER: stationary points

11. Northwestern suffered an overtime loss to Auburn in the 2010 incarnation of the bowl game sponsored by this restaurant. For 10 points each: [10] Identify this restaurant chain where, for desert, you can get a Chocolate Thunder from Down Under or Sydney’s Sinful Sundae. ANSWER: Outback Steakhouse [10] One of the signature Outback dishes is this appetizer much like Chili’s Awesome Blossom or Lone Star’s Texas Rose. ANSWER: Bloomin’ Onion [10] Another delicious yet artery-clogging appetizer is this one, which was ranked as “The Worst Food in America” by Men’s Health Magazine in 2008. No wonder, as it contains nearly 3000 calories and 200 grams of fat. ANSWER: Aussie Cheese Fries

12. Name the following authors of adventure novels that are academic in nature, for 10 points each. [10] This man behind Travels with a Donkey authored a work about The Suicide Club, a collection of stories that includes “The Man with the Cream Tarts.” He also wrote two novels about David Balfour. ANSWER: Robert Louis Stevenson [10] This man’s works include two set in Ruritania, Rupert of Herzau and The Prisoner of Zenda. ANSWER: Anthony Hope [10] A work subtitled “An Agony in Eight Fits” was written by this author who also wrote “The Walrus and the Carpenter” and a more famous work whose characters included the Queen of Hearts. ANSWER: Lewis Carroll [or Charles Lutwidge Dodgson]

[Note to moderator: DO NOT reveal the name of the composer after the first answer is given, but take the alternate answer if given] 13. This composition was partly inspired by a visit to Fingal’s Cave. For 10 points each, [10] Name this symphony which contains its composer’s Hebrides Overture. ANSWER: Scottish Symphony or Symphony (Accept, but DO NOT say Felix Mendelssohn’s 4th symphony.) [10] This composer of the Scottish Symphony put together 8 books of 6 piano pieces in his Songs without Words. ANSWER: Felix Mendelssohn [10] This Felix Mendelssohn Symphony makes use of the Dresden amen in its first movement and was written on the 300th anniversary of the Augsburg Confession. ANSWER: Reformation Symphony or Symphony 5 of Mendelssohn

14. Identify the following barbarians who played a part in the collapse of the Roman Empire, for 10 points each. [10] Known by the nickname “Scourge of God,” this 5th century leader of the Huns conquered much of Eastern Europe before being defeated by Roman General Flavius Aetius at the 451 Battle of Chalons. ANSWER: Attila the Hun [10] Fighting alongside Flavius Aetius at the Battle of Chalons was this Visigoth king who died at the battle, leading to the reign of his son Thorismund. ANSWER: Theodoric I [10] The father of Theodoric I, this other Visigoth leader ruled for fifteen years until 410, dying shortly after becoming the first Germanic leader to sack the city of Rome. ANSWER: Alaric I

15. Upon leaving Ixopo, the protagonist of this novel discovers that his sister has turned to prostitution and that his son has been arrested for murder. For 10 points each: [10] Identify this novel focusing on the family of Zulu priest Stephen Kumalo. ANSWER: Cry, The Beloved Country [10] Cry, The Beloved Country was the debut novel by this South African author who also wrote Too Late the Phalarope and, more recently, Ah, But Your Land is Beautiful. ANSWER: Alan Stewart Paton [10] Stephen’s son, Absalom, is arrested and ultimately hanged for the murder of this character, whose father, James, takes up the cause for racial equality in South Africa following the death of this character. ANSWER: Arthur Jarvis [accept either]

16. Ole Miss defeated Texas Tech in the most recent incarnation of this game, which will be held in Cowboys Stadium starting in 2010. For 10 points each: [10] Identify this yearly bowl game held in a namesake Dallas stadium that pits an SEC team against a Big 12 team. ANSWER: AT&T Cotton Bowl Classic [10] Every year the Cotton Bowl is home to the Red River Shootout, an annual rivalry game between what two Big 12 football programs, which were led last season by quarterbacks Sam Bradford and Colt McCoy? ANSWER: University of Oklahoma Sooners [accept either] AND University of Texas Longhorns [accept either] [10] The first winner of the Cotton Bowl game was this university, whose most famous football alumnus was LaDainian Tomlinson. ANSWER: Texas Christian University Horned Frogs [accept either; accept TCU]

17. Identify the following rivers that flow into the Atlantic Ocean, for 10 points each. [10] Met at Harper’s Ferry by the Shenandoah River, this waterway forms much of the border between Virginia and Maryland, flowing past Washington D.C. before dumping into the Chesapeake Bay. ANSWER: Potomac River [10] Formed by the confluence of the Tugaloo and Seneca Rivers at Lake Hartwell, this river forms much of the border between Georgia and South Carolina before dumping into the Atlantic near Fort Pulaski National Monument. ANSWER: Savannah River [10] The longest river in the state of Florida, it forms southeast of Orlando in Indian River County then flows north before emptying into the Atlantic soon after flowing through Jacksonville. ANSWER: St. Johns River [do not accept “St. John River”]

18. The United States gained possession of the Philippines, Puerto Rico, and Guam through the peace treaty ending this war. For 10 points each: [10] Identify this war which saw the formation of the “Rough Riders” under the command of Teddy Roosevelt. ANSWER: Spanish-American War [accept in either order] [10] The Spanish-American War was perpetuated by the explosion and sinking of this American battleship in Havana Harbor. Most Americans blamed the Spanish for the blast, although the ship almost surely sank due to an internal explosion. ANSWER: USS Maine [10] The famous Battle of San Juan Hill was fought near this southeast Cuban city, which later played host to the war’s largest naval battle as well as a two week siege that resulted in the end of fighting on Cuba. ANSWER: Santiago de Cuba

19. For the stated number of points, identify these characters from Herman Melville’s Moby-Dick. [10] For 10 points, identify the book’s narrator. The novel begins with this man telling the reader to “call me” this. ANSWER: Ishmael [10] For another 10 points, identify the crazy captain of the Pequod who will stop at nothing to find and kill the titular “white whale.” ANSWER: Captain Ahab [5, 5] Starbuck is the name of Captain Ahab’s first mate, but for five points each, identify the two characters who serve as Ahab’s second and third mate. ANSWER: Stubb AND Flask

20. Identify the following about the Discovery Channel quiz show Cash Cab, for 10 points each. [10] This is the host of Cash Cab. ANSWER: Benjamin Ray Bailey [10] Cash Cab allows its participants this number of “shout-outs,” which are used by participants in the case they do not know the answer to the question. ANSWER: two [2] [10] In normal episodes of Cash Cab, participants that stop at red lights are given a “Red Light Challenge,” a multi- answer question that, if answered correctly, earns the participants this amount of money. ANSWER: $250

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