Earlston High School

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Earlston High School


Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 2nd October 2007

Present: Elizabeth Maclean (Head Girl), Michelle Ingles (Depute Head Girl), Shelagh King, Sharon McClemont, Atwiya Nakirijja (visitor from Uganda), Jenny Searles, Hilary Morton, Sally Murray, Claire MacDonald, Sheena MacDonald, Jayne Turner, Trish Bilsland, Lynn McCulloch, Hilary Jackson, Karen Orr, Michelle Strong

Apologies: Jenni Robertson, Alison Tinto, Sue McLennan, Julie Goodfellow, Karen Di Cara

Karen Di Cara had intimated that unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances, she was unable to continue as Secretary this year. Sheena thanked Karen for her work over the previous year and stressed the importance of the role of Secretary. Hilary J agreed to take Minutes of the meeting. Election of a secretary would be considered at item 4 on the agenda.

Minutes of the last meeting were approved.

Matters Arising Sheena and Claire had attended the Core group meeting in September and would in future alternate attendance at these meetings, providing a link between the two committees.

Hilary M reported that in the interim the 6th Year Charities Committee was well on the way to organising a Fashion Show, to be held on January 31st. So our plans to organise one would need to be held over for another year. Lynn had put in a lot of work and approached Asda and Next. She offered to liaise with the Charities Committee to ensure that the school doesn’t miss out on any of these. Sheena thanked Lynn for all the work that she had done. Post meeting note – Asda has accepted and Lynn has passed this over to Charities Committee.

Office Bearers Lynn McCulloch and Sally Murray offered to share the task of Minutes Secretary for the remainder of the year. Sheena stressed the importance of having a secretary in order for her to be able to continue as Chairperson. There will be other occasional secretarial duties, such as correspondence, to be dealt with throughout the year.

Treasurers Report The only change since the previous meeting was a small amount of interest earned (£2.05). The balance as at the last statement, at the end of August, was £271.62. Michelle reported that the Core Group had agreed that the Sub Group should have a bank account. Hilary J to action and transfer funds. It was agreed that signatories should be office bearers of the Sub Group. Post meeting note - Hilary J forgot to mention that the accounts have been audited since the AGM. The auditor suggested slight amendments to the allocation of some items of expenditure and also to the presentation of the accounts. These have been carried out and the audited accounts will be made available at the next meeting.

Review of recent Events Uni Life Hilary Morton reported on a successful evening. Speakers had included Clare Forsman from Edinburgh University with a wealth of information on choosing courses and universities, finance, accommodation and much more. Past pupils Rea Morton and Emma ??? gave an insight into their university experiences and Frank Bennett told it from a parent’s perspective. There had been a good attendance of senior pupils and parents. Feedback suggested that there had been a good balance in the presentation and that it was a very informative event. Sheena thanked Hilary M for all her work in staging the evening under the banner of the PCSG.

Forthcoming Events Stars in Your Eyes Hilary M apologised to anyone who had turned up to assist at the first scheduled rehearsal on 17th September, which didn’t go ahead for various reasons. Entries have been received for 14 acts. Rehearsals will be as detailed in the school calendar – 4-6pm on Oct 15th, 17th, 22nd, 29th and 5th Nov. The performance is on 7th Nov. Lynn McCulloch confirmed that she would be at the rehearsal on 17th Oct in Hilary M’s absence. Allocation of jobs on the night: Front of House – Sharon & Jayne Technical/music – Ross McLennan to be asked Video – Paul Dalgleish, 4th yr, to be asked Backstage – Lynn McCulloch, Sheena Macdonald, Sally Murray, Karen Orr Corridor Link – Hilary M Seating and Running Order – Alison Tinto & Claire Macdonald Refreshments – Michelle & Charities Committee Raffle (selling, folding, drawing)– Sixth Years Collecting Voting Slips – Jenny Searles, Trish, Elizabeth, Michelle Ingles, Shelagh, Hilary J. Counting – everyone (possibly in two groups) Writing Certificates – Karen Orr (certificates for all participants will be done beforehand, winners on the evening) Announcement & Thanks – Hilary M Hilary M will put a notice in the Bulletin for a willing Compere for the evening. Hilary M will ask Scott Renwick to do pre-show interviewing. Hilary M will ask Jenni if she is able to produce posters and tickets. Tickets to be £3, as last year, and to go on sale to performers on 29th Oct and to the rest of the school on Tues 30th Oct (max 3 tickets/person). After the event when the number of winners is known, prize vouchers (WH Smith) would be purchased and distributed. It was agreed that solo acts would win £10, groups would win £5/person. Hilary M will supply marking sheets and master sheet. Committee members to provide child friendly raffle prizes (unwanted items or purchases costing max £5). Hilary J will get raffle tickets (2 colours only)

Burns Supper (24th Jan) Scott Renwick to be asked to Chair the evening. Cammy Rudkin to be asked to do Tam O’ Shanter (post meeting note – Scott will book him). Karen Orr to ask Nigel Brown for Immortal Memory, if he’s unable then Sally will ask Roddy Campbell. (post meeting note – if neither are available Cammy can get someone, but time is of the essence). Selkirk Grace – Jack Lowden (Depute Head Boy) Toast to the Haggis – Duncan Yellowlees to be asked Toast to the Lassies – Michael McLeish (Head Boy) Reply for the Lassies – Elizabeth Maclean (Head Girl) Vote of Thanks – Michelle Ingles (Depute Head Girl)

Musical items and any additional items to be discussed at next meeting. Elizabeth will mention it to Geoff Thomson.

Jenni to be asked to produce posters and tickets. It is intended that posters go up immediately after the Xmas holiday (Mon 7th Jan) and tickets be on sale at S5/6 Parents Evening on Thurs 10th Jan.

The food list will be discussed at the next meeting. Hilary M will speak to kitchen staff. On the evening, committee members will supply soup, shortbread and tablet. The hall will be decorated using tartan rugs loaned by committee members.

Other Events As the PCSG Fashion Show will not go ahead this year, alternative options for the 20th March were discussed. These included Quiz Night, Sing a long (to Sound of Music or Grease) and real life Cluedo. These and any other ideas to be discussed at the next meeting.

Correspondence A request for funding of £93 had been received from Mr Smart to assist in getting the fundraising business Mangu Aid up and running. It was decided that a response would be made after the SIYE when our funds will have increased.

AOB There was no other business.

Meeting closed at 8.50pm.

Date of next meeting - Wednesday 31st October @ 7.30pm

Agenda Items Stars in Your Eyes – final arrangements Christmas Raffle – hampers Burns Supper – confirm speakers, discuss musical items, catering, tickets, programme etc 20th March – discuss options for an event

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