Subject: Progress Meeting Date: 3 December 2013

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Subject: Progress Meeting Date: 3 December 2013


Project Title: East Kent Engineering Partnership

Subject: Progress Meeting Date: 3 December 2013

Location: Shepway District Council offices Time: 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m.

Present: Ted Edwards – Canterbury City Council (CCC) Colin Paine – Shepway District Council (SDC) Max Tant – Kent County Council (KCC) Bronwyn Buntine – Kent County Council (KCC) – items 1 to 4 only Mike Knowles – Swale Borough Council (SBC) Keith Watson – Dover District Council (DDC) Margaret Creed – Shepway District Council (SDC) – items 1 & 2 only Caroline Barker – Shepway District Council (SDC) – item 4 only

Recorded Distribution: Actions: by: CP Those present, Mike Humber (Thanet DC), Andy Crates, Alistair Stewart, Jeremy Chambers & Property & Engineering Team.

Item Description

1.0 Apologies

1.1 Received from Mike Humber (TDC) and Andy Crates (Environment Agency).

2.0 Select list for coastal works contracts

2.1 Margaret Creed, SDC Procurement Manager outlined the process for a new select list for coastal works contracts to replace the existing one which expires in September 2014. The process needs to start early in the New Year and all partners and associates will be required to provide some financial information to Margaret by mid-January. SDC has offered to provide Legal and Procurement advice and to lead the process. All partners are requested to sign the agreement which is appended to these minutes and to return to Margaret by 17 January.

2.2 Further thought is to be given to the type of PQQ questions particularly around health & safety and finance. It should be noted that questions asked at PQQ stage cannot be repeated at Tender stage. It may be possible for contractors to seek exemption from some questions if they All are CHAS or Constructionline registered.

3.0 Minutes & actions from last meeting

3.1 Minute 3.1: Colin has arranged to meet with Peter Padget (Eastbourne BC) after next week’s South East Coastal Group to discuss possible assistance to EBC.

3.2 Minute 3.2: Ted has reviewed and updated the MoU and provided a summary sheet of the changes. Colin requested further time to make comments and will return to Ted this week.

3.3 Minute 7.2: Colin has fed back to all on the outcomes from the Defra Partnership Funding workshop.

4.0 Sustainable drainage and approval

4.1 Bronwyn Buntine, KCC Sustainable Drainage Engineer gave a presentation on the SuDs approvals process, the National Standards and the implementation timeline. National Standards are not yet complete which will impact on the deadline. We will know within the next couple of weeks if this is likely to go before Parliament in April but the best outcome would be a delay until October 2014 which would give more time to prepare.

Bronwyn is committed to meet with all Kent Planning Authorities in Bronwyn January. . 5.0 Memorandum of Understanding review

5.1 Once Colin has fed back his final comments and Mike provided the new Swale logo, Ted will make the necessary changes and then pass the new MoU around the 5 partners for their Chief Executives to review and All sign. The order of circulation will be Dover, Thanet, Shepway, Swale and Canterbury.

6.0 Environment Agency liaison and MTPs

6.1 There was a general discussion on Partnership Funding and the fact that although some schemes are receiving high OM scores – they are not appearing on the MTP. Keith and Ted had met with Andy to review the scoring for the Kingsdown scheme.

7.0 Progress update on shared working

7.1 Shepway DC

Work has come to a halt for TDC on Manston Road. CCC is still providing assistance for Coronation Parade with a view to progressing the scheme to PAR stage.

7.2 Dover DC

CCC is continuing to assist with a study for Kingsdown, to inform a PAR and with urgent seawall repairs. 7.3 Thanet DC

In Mike’s absence, there was nothing to report.

7.4 Canterbury CC

Work on Margate, Pegwell Bay and Ramsgate Harbour is coming to a conclusion. CCC is also assisting the Environment Agency with the design of the Greatstone rock groyne and beach management plans (under a collaborative agreement).

7.5 Swale BC

Mike had nothing to report.

8.0 Work for Lead Local Authority (Kent CC)

8.1 Max reported that he is heading for an underspend on his budgets for 2013/14 and if anyone has any flood risk related schemes or studies to put forward, then he would consider them. All

8.2 Colin reported that he will be presenting the Folkestone SWMP to Members this evening with a view to engaging a Community Liaison person to attend a public event in late January 2014.

9.0 Any other business

9.1 Mike asked if anyone had received an email from KCC regarding AMEY (formerly Jacobs). Keith had received this.

9.2 Mike asked for the June meeting at SBC to be brought forward by a week. All agreed.

9.3 2014 meetings are as follows

Tuesday 11 February – Canterbury CC Tuesday 8 April – Dover DC Tuesday 17 June – Swale BC Tuesday 16 September – Thanet DC Tuesday 2 December – Shepway DC

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