Unit 5: Digital Media, Internet and Website Development (Options 4 & 5)

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Unit 5: Digital Media, Internet and Website Development (Options 4 & 5)

Digital Media, Internet and Website Development (Options 4 & 5)

Project Description: This project takes the products produced in Year 9 Digital Media (Unit 1) as a starting point for the creation of a website.

Students undertake a study of the historical development of the internet. Tools and uses of the internet are explored particularly in the area of the World Wide Web. Students manipulate tools to design, produce and evaluate a website for a given purpose. Evaluation of student learning is based on a portfolio of plans and designs, along with the production and demonstration of the final website.

Suggested unit length and timing: 28 weeks, Terms 2, 3 & 4 (Year 10) Outcomes: Resources:

A Student:  Software packages: Paint Shop Pro, Macromedia Studio 5.1.1 selects and justifies the application of appropriate software (DreamWeaver, Fireworks, Flash), Word, Notepad, Web programs to a range of tasks browsers 5.2.1 describes and applies problem-solving processes when  Scanner, digital camera creating solutions  Internet access 5.2.2 designs, produces and evaluates appropriate solutions to a  Various reference books TBA range of challenging problems 5.2.3 critically analyses decision-making processes in a range of information and software solutions 5.3.1 justifies responsible practices and ethical use of information and software technology 5.3.2 acquires and manipulates data and information in an ethical manner 5.5.1 applies collaborative work practices to complete tasks

Page 1 of 10 5.5.2 communicates ideas, processes and solutions to a targeted audience

Page 2 of 10 Students learn about: Students learn to: Integrated learning experiences, instruction and Evidence of learning Feedback assessment The purpose of digital media such as

 e-music  define digital media  Teacher leads a brainstorm session on purposes  Class will arrive at a definition of  Teacher provides oral and of digital media digital media written feedback during  digital newspaper  assess the  Examine a range of digital media including  Students will be able to critically brainstorm session effectiveness of a  interactive TV Web sites assess the media examined in range of digital  Assess the effectiveness of the media examined classroom discussion  games media products Types of digital media products such as

 desktop publishing  describe a range of  Students find and examine examples of digital  Students produce a comparative  Teacher provides oral magazine, newspaper digital media media including: DTP (magazines, newspapers table feedback on comparative etc), music (MP3, MIDI etc), animations (DVD table  graphical design  select and use and Flash), digital videos appropriate file  audio sequences  Students to create a table of comparison of formats for the features of the different media  musical compositions digital media product

 animation sequences

 video production Manipulation techniques such as

 cropping, rendering,  manipulate data types  Students are arranged into small groups and  A variety of manipulated images  Teacher provides oral special effects, time for specific digital asked to take some photos with a digital camera will be produced feedback on student coding, sampling media products  The photos are then to be opened in Paint Shop images Pro and edited – cropping, contrast adjustment,  morphing, tweening various effects filters Digitisation process of data types such as

 frame grabbing  explain the  Teacher to lead a discussion on the differences  Students demonstrate ability to  Teacher provides oral

Page 3 of 10 Students learn about: Students learn to: Integrated learning experiences, instruction and Evidence of learning Feedback assessment

 scanning digitisation process between scanned images and those created select the most appropriate hardware feedback on procedures for a selected data using a digital camera. Discussion to include and software to digitise images for a chosen by students type how a digital camera captures images (CCD) as specific purpose opposed to how a scanner works  bit mapping  digitise selected data  Students are to bring pictures for scanning types using  Teacher will demonstrate OCR procedure appropriate hardware  Students to scan some text of their own and  optical character perform OCR recognition (OCR) Factors affecting file size such as

 memory size  discuss factors that  Teacher lead discussion on file sizes  Students can calculate file sizes of  Teacher provides oral affect file size  Students to find examples of images in various different media types – images, feedback on students’ formats – JPG, TIFF, BMP etc and compare file audio and video explanations  processing speed  describe factors sizes  Students can explain factors that affecting file size and  Determine image file size by applying formula: determine memory usage to display observe the effects W x H x Bit Depth (Number of colours per images and play audio and video on the digital media pixel) divided by 8x1024 gives the file size in  colour palette Kb (Kilobits) File size = Horizontal x Vertical x Bit depth  compression 8 x 1024  sampling rate  Students to research similar formulae for audio and video files  frames per second

Data compression techniques  lossy  explain the purpose  Pose question to students: How can the same  Students can explain the difference  Teacher provides oral and of data compression image have two different file sizes when they between lossy and lossless written feedback on techniques have the same resolution and no apparent compression techniques student ability to identify difference in quality? Compare file types eg  Student can convert images between file types and  lossless  perform data JPG and TIFF. One type uses compression file types compression types compression on a file while the other does not.

Page 4 of 10 Students learn about: Students learn to: Integrated learning experiences, instruction and Evidence of learning Feedback assessment

 Save a TIFF file as a JPG and compare the resultant file sizes  Is there a loss in quality? Display and distribution

 considerations  examine display and  Students are to present their findings regarding  Student presentation will be  Teacher and peers will including mode of distribution media formats, file sizes and compression appropriate provide oral and written delivery and intended considerations for the techniques to the class. This may be as a feedback on the quality of audience digital media product PowerPoint presentation or as a simple Web presentations site  select and deliver the digital media product for a targeted audience evaluation of digital media products

 critically analyse a  Teacher will lead students in the creation of a  Students will apply their rubric to a  Teacher will provide oral range of digital rubric to evaluate digital media products range of given digital media feedback on students’ use media products based of rubrics on identified evaluation criteria

The internet  define and describe  Teacher will provide a definition and  Students will be able to describe and  Teacher will provide oral the internet description of the Internet define the Internet feedback on student descriptions of the Internet

Historical perspective of  identify and discuss  Students are to research the history of the  Students will present their timeline  Teacher will provide oral the internet key historical events Internet and create a timeline of significant and written feedback on for the internet by events for the Internet student timelines developing a timeline

Intranet  examine the features  Teacher will lead a brainstorm session on the  Students will be able to identify  Teacher will provide oral of a school or other similarities and differences between the Internet similarities and differences between and written feedback on intranet and an intranet the Internet and intranets student observations

Page 5 of 10 Students learn about: Students learn to: Integrated learning experiences, instruction and Evidence of learning Feedback assessment

 compare and contrast  Students are to examine the features of the  Students will have a description of an intranet with the school Intranet/network and record their the school intranet/network internet findings in their books Uses of the internet such as

 email  email a file to a set  Students set up an email account for themselves  Student can identify differences and  Teacher will provide location using Yahoo Mail similarities between email, chat and written feedback on  Students use the Internet search engines messaging and can identify the student email (by way of  research  describe email (www.google.com.au) to research email potential dangers of using these a reply email) etiquette etiquette, chatting and messaging technologies  chatting  research using the  Students will prepare and send an email to the internet for a given teacher explaining what email etiquette is, what task chatting and messaging are and how they are different and similar. They will also include a  messaging  assess the use of the section on the dangers of chatting and internet for messaging using the Internet communication in a  Teacher lead discussion on the advantages and variety of situations limitations of search engines  access to information  use search engines to via search engines undertake internet research

 discuss the advantages and limitations of search engines Internet software such as

 browser software  describe and use a  Students research the variety of Web browsers  Students are able to create a HTML  Teacher and peers to range of internet and authoring software available and create a table using authoring software provide oral feedback on software packages comparison chart of features (DreamWeaver) comparison chart and  The above chart is to be created as a single html resultant HTML page  authoring software page in DreamWeaver

Page 6 of 10 Students learn about: Students learn to: Integrated learning experiences, instruction and Evidence of learning Feedback assessment Types of protocols such as

 transmission control  identify the types of  Students complete worksheet – match  Completed worksheet  Teacher will provide protocol/internet protocols used over terminology with definition.  Completed exercise from textbook written and oral feedback protocol (TCP/IP) the internet and  Students then find explanation of each protocol on completed work describe their in textbook purpose

 hypertext transfer protocol (http)

 simple mail transfer protocol (smtp)

 file transfer protocol (FTP) World Wide Web (www)

 information medium  discuss the purpose  Brainstorm nature and uses of the WWW  Students will produce a revised  Teacher to provide oral for the dissemination of the World Wide  Examine a sample of Websites and create a list rubric feedback on rubrics of information Web of features and/or problems – slow to load, poor  Students will be able to critically contrast, too much information per screen etc evaluate a variety of Websites  interactive medium  examine the features  Adapt the digital media rubric created earlier and strategies used in for use with Websites the design of a range of websites

 critically analyse the effectiveness of a website to convey its message Control of access to information on the web such as

 cookies  identify and discuss  Teacher lead discussion on security  Students present appropriate  Teacher provides oral settings for web  Students to research security, cookies, firewalls information feedback on presentation

Page 7 of 10 Students learn about: Students learn to: Integrated learning experiences, instruction and Evidence of learning Feedback assessment browsers as well as etc on Internet of information settings for  Students to present findings to class information access and the protection of data

 security content

 proxies

 firewalls  virus protection Interface design

 the function of the user  explain the function  Examine a number of Websites paying  Students are able to identify various  Teacher to provide oral interface of the user interface particular attention to the user interfaces features of user interface employed feedback on student employed – eg highly graphical, interactive, in Websites evaluations of Websites  interactivity with the  compare and contrast static, text only etc user types of user  Critically evaluate the various Websites interfaces examined  communication with application and operating systems Designing possible solutions using techniques such as

 concept mapping  generate ideas using Challenge  Students will work well in small  Peers and teacher provide a range of methods Students are to create a Website on a topic of their groups oral and written feedback choice. Students may work in small groups of three  Students are able to discuss and list on group work and  brainstorming  apply set criteria to to four. (see below for management of their groups) the criteria for graphics, text and Websites choose the most  Students are to identify their topic layout of their Websites appropriate software  Create a concept map for their chosen topic  Students produce Websites that solution  Brainstorm possible content and appearance of demonstrate understanding of user  observation  develop a storyboard their Website interface and Website design

Page 8 of 10 Students learn about: Students learn to: Integrated learning experiences, instruction and Evidence of learning Feedback assessment

of ideas and/or  They are to create a storyboard of their Website solutions  Students research ideas and gather/create appropriate content for their Website  research  use electronic  Students create prototype pages showing communication to placement of text and graphics and select an research data and appropriate layout information relevant  Students consider navigation of their Website to solutions  Students create a conceptual diagram of their  prototyping  summarise research Website showing its home page and the data when generating relationship to other pages within the site creative solutions

 input/processes/output  model possible table solutions using a range of methods

 storyboarding  evaluate the suitability of solutions by testing and experimenting

 examine, evaluate and modify existing solutions Website development

 home page (index  identify a home page See Challenge above page) within a website

 website Features of a website such as

 address  investigate a website  Students identify the various features of  Students can identify the various  Teacher provides oral and identify the Websites such as: features of Websites feedback features . URL

Page 9 of 10 Students learn about: Students learn to: Integrated learning experiences, instruction and Evidence of learning Feedback assessment

 GUI design  use a variety of . Design type (user interface) features when . Use of text and graphics designing and . Navigation including linking building a website . Alignment of content on Web pages using tables etc  graphics

 links (hot words, hot  develop a website for spots) a particular task or purpose

 tables Management

 planning  apply management  students are to use appropriate management  Students apply management  Teacher provides oral plans and techniques techniques when completing the challenge techniques appropriately feedback on appropriate described above use of management  resources such as  Students identify resources required to create a techniques – time Website – finances – people Project development

 processes and design, produce and  see challenge outlined above techniques evaluate a simple project for a real-world application either separately for this option, or integrated with other options

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