The FINAL *MACOMB* Catalog A/K/A List #91

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The FINAL *MACOMB* Catalog A/K/A List #91

The FINAL *MACOMB* Catalog ?? a/k/a List #91 (See website for 22,000 additional records not on this paper list; also some genres not listed here, like Religious 45’s, and Modern Punk/new wave.) YES! THE 2018 LIST MAY BE SENT FROM A **NEW** ADDRESS! Frank Merrill SATURDAY NIGHT RECORDS, P.O. box 669, Macomb IL 61455 USA REMOVE ALL DASHES, for email: [email protected]

10 FEBRUARY 2017 – FASTEN YOUR SEAT BELTS…this list is gonna get crazy again! THIS LIST IS VERY LATE, NOT FULLY ISSUED UNTIL EARLY MARCH. CONSIDER THIS TO BE MY ONLY 2017 LIST. My next list should be issued earlier than this, I hope…in 2018! (Whew…I barely avoided the possibly-anticipated horrors of having this-here list coming out in JUNE – which would’ve messed stuff up.) My big list needs to come out in winter, and I hope to stick to that.

WHAT IS THIS about changing my address?? Yes, it’s close to happening…or at least being put on is due course. You’ve seen me talking for YEARS about eventually hoping for a retirement move. It looks like I have it figured out, at last. I’ve considered coast to coast (Providence RI and New Jersey, to Portland and southern California, and many other places)…and Canada…and even foreign countries like Portugal, New Zealand, UK have crossed my mind. It looks like I’ll end up in…CHICAGO! Because of the election, and some grim reasoning that I’ll spare you here, some places got summarily eliminated…such as Ann Arbor, Pittsburgh, Denver, Reno. I actually may be moving the first stuff in as soon as a week from now (YES even before this list is finished). Presumably I’ll move at my own pace, which may take a year…OR MORE. My address won’t change until that’s where I’m spending my time instead of Macomb; this may take more than a year. Chicago has GREAT “perks” (costing no more than other places I considered, contrary to logic and hearsay), and this is in a “GOOD neighborhood” – Dante (a record associate there) saw me actually cry as I kept realizing how much cool stuff I’ll be able to WALK to, or a short train ride. Some of the other places MAY have been “as good” but the neighborhoods are unknown and may be “barren” of nearby culture, etc. – but I KNOW how to find my way around Chicago. When I am moved in, a “life partner” also plans to be living with me – something that I never thought COULD happen. By the way, it’s possible SATURDAY NIGHT RECORDS may be renamed after this, as I’ve come up for a mail order record-store name which is just way, WAY too cool to ignore...serious wordplay on “Chicago” – my forte! I won’t guarantee to expect this on List #92. That’s the goal, but moving into a high-rise is a HASSLE…

I have put at least 200 more hours into this list than into any other list in my lifetime (even including the two or three Super-Sized ones I’ve done…AND even including List #90 which set the previous record.) I research my records much more thoroughly than in the past…AND, NOWADAYS, I go through many more records to assemble my material. This is part of downsizing toward retirement and such – in the past, I would list the “good” contents of maybe 35,000 records. THAT’S GONE; I go through much more stuff to gather a List. This list includes what I “distilled” from 100,000+ records, this time…AND A BIG DELUGE OF RECORDS COMING OUT OF MY PERSONAL COLLECTION. I have also “cleaned out” all of the solid $4 and $5 records which were in limbo, either bulked-out or on this list. I still have more records to go through, which TAKES A LOT OF TIME to do correctly. It’s possible that I’ve “OVER-SORTED” (too many records for this list) but I wanted to make sure I didn’t fall SHORT as I have on some recent lists; in fact this could even be a “super-sized” list about 9% larger than normal?? “More work” on my lists will be the rule from now on, as records from my collection, etc. require MUCH more research. I’m also getting a better sense of how long I hope to be putting out lists. I’m thinking that three more lists is the most likely. MY PRICING AND RESEARCH STRATEGY HAS CHANGED…Nowadays I look up many thousands of records on Popsike, a website that summarizes RECORDS (and nothing else) which have sold on eBay in recent years. There is finally enough history that I’m more likely to spot records (worth $20 and more) on there, than in the horribly-misleading Price Guides – this has only recently been true. As recently as three years ago, there simply wasn’t enough history there. NOTE THAT I AM NOT PRICING AT THE UTMOST PRICES shown on there…I want a good chance of selling the records that I list! So if there are a few results between $73 and $205, and quite a few results in the $35 to $58 range, I may price it at BID//MIN:50 (bid item), or something like that. Some records are more consistent and I might do them Set Sale. I can also see what records sold for recently, and take THAT into account. I have almost entirely abandoned the Manship (soul) and other price guides in favor of Popsike, which I think is more accurate, because it’s entirely up to CURRENT/today…I think you’ll like my prices, which I think I feel a lot better about than in the past (my entire life, basically) when I had to rely on printed price guides ONLY. I also have renewed hopes that my “Pricing 2.0” has helped me to spot huge-conflict records before they happen (putting $6 on a $850 record etc.) &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 2016 MAY FOREVER BE THE STRANGEST YEAR OF MY LIFETIME. Well, I HOPE, anyway…we DO have a President who could make 2017 or 2018 more strange, but if so, it CANNOT be in a good way. But of course, YES, that is one of the things that made 2016 so strange – the election! The electoral campaign made the ENTIRE YEAR totally weird. The election went that way, despite EVERY known campaign rule being blasted-zappity-blazes-to-hell. Oh, not to mention that I watched THE CHICAGO CUBS WIN THE WORLD SERIES, while sitting in front of a TV in a motel room in Piscataway, New Jersey. I won’t go into all the utterly bizarre coincidences (some of which, as I call them, qualify as “Divine Practical Jokes, or DPJ’s, because God has a sense of humor”) here, but suffice to say there were lots of them. Late October was RAINING DPJ’s. Contributing to the strangeness, was the May trip in which I skydived [not literally!] off the edge of my “comfort zone” entirely. As far as 2016 travels, other than a VERY quick (weekend) trip to Kansas, and the Portland trip below, IT WAS *ALL* EAST for me. “ WHERE DID ALL THESE RECORDS COME FROM?”: These records come MOSTLY from my own Stock, and MOST OF “the better stuff” from my collection. “Road trip” records are in free-fall, as my own stock (and *my own collection*) provides far more, especially now that I’m very heavily divesting Overstock. Most dealers at record fairs bring “leftovers” they couldn’t sell on ebay. Most big finds were made 15 to 30 years ago, and I only have good records via my “brute force” of buying and buying years ago. Some of the records that I put aside many years ago (or “accidentally” somehow didn’t manage to sell all of in 1984 or 1978, cheap) have “aged” very well, like Eunice Collins, etc. I am listing over 2,000 records from my collection!!! RECORD-related TRAVEL in 2016: I’ve spiced the list up A LITTLE with record fair finds, but not much…I only went to two Hillside record shows [Chicago] in 2016, a very BRIEF appearance at a WFMU Record Fair in Brooklyn – NY City (almost entirely to socialize, not buy much), and likewise a brief appearance at the Canby [Portland], Oregon record show in April…a really cool customer/friend knew so much that I would enjoy it, that he bought my ticket for me to fly out! The most fun was the day-before at John Ritchie’s record party…and Rhett (who paid my fare) brought steaks from his butcher shop in Oklahoma City for all of us. [STEAKS ON A PLANE?] There were about thirty people there, and a good percentage (one-third?) were people I’ve met before, and it was a blast. I spent so little time at the record show because I opted, instead, to hang with a Portland friend all afternoon. As it’s mentioned here, I’ll describe this trip nowhere else. I also brought back ~400 records from Alabama. 2016 SUMMARY : Last year’s record list, #90, ran its course during winter and early spring. It was late (though NOT as late as this one is) and January, instead of fielding orders, was spent in final preparations on the list. Starting on 27 March, I pulled off a HAT TRICK of three 16-day trips (ALL of which straddled two months each), and two weekend record trips. These descriptions might get long, because I have particularly enjoyed my travels this year, and they’ve kept me particularly ACTIVE. FIRST 16-Day Trip – 27 Mar to 12 Apr—I got the most difficult of all trips out of the way first. It is NEVER easy to plan a Florida trip, because it’s the only place I routinely go which has such a SHORT season that I can tolerate. By the middle of April, or in late September as summer is winding down, Florida – as I tend to want to get all the way to Miami - IS STILL TOO DAMNED HOT AND HUMID!! (In contrast, I can tolerate Phoenix or Las Vegas or Houston at those times of year.) This is my first trip there in three years; ALL three of my siblings live there. It was precious that all four of us were able to spend two days together, which I believe has happened only twice in more than 45 years, not counting funerals and such. I was there five days in all, and visited a friends-couple in Marietta GA, visited four people in Pompano Beach to Miami (the Miami friend is homeless!) and two more friends in Clearwater later. I went north all the way to Gardendale, Alabama to see a record source and I added about 400 records for this list. (By the way, WHAT’S the deal with all the endless box-store shopping around Dothan? With about 60,000 people there, it looks like the shopping row for Indianapolis or something. This surprised me.) I dived back south to New Orleans, to do some research and to meet a long-ago-former customer (who stopped buying from me at least 35 years ago) that I always wanted to meet and hey THAT was cool. I visited a friend in rural southeast Arkansas, and GONER Records in Memphis (high recommendations for this place, and the guys running it are very cool as well), a friend in St. Louis, then home. SECOND 16-Day Trip – 21 Apr to 07 May—This was after the aforementioned weekend record trip to Portland OR. FIRST EASTERN TRIP…shared between Michigan and the New York City/NJ area. The trip started in Newport, KY (across from Cincinnati) visiting a friend, who was in deep trouble, just before and as he was wheeled away to surgery. It turns out that I was the last friend of his to ever see him alive, because he didn’t survive it. That is profound. It was an “out-of-the-way” destination, because I was headed to Michigan. The next night I was at a cool “attic party” in Ann Arbor; next day I was perusing a Horror Convention in Novi (Detroit suburb) and I picked up a few strange DVD’s when I asked for advice from the Troma video honcho there, seeking the best examples of “What the fuck did I just watch??” stuff. Very cool event; I need to go to more of those. OK one of those DPJ’s (Divine Practical Jokes)…this is the only example I’ll describe here. One of the videos I bought was called FANGBONER. The next day, after visiting an Ohio friend, and on the way to the Turnpike, I found myself crossing…Fangboner Road!! In NYC/NJ, this was the trip that took me to the WFMU Record Fair; also I saw The Residents live in Manhattan, doing very cool alternative-avant garde vocal music. I visited record customers Susan (and did some gallivanting-around-Manhattan and hanging out with her), and Rich in central NJ (and his Peter as well; they’ve been together 40+ years) which was again the epitome of surreal and alternate-universe experiences. This includes some pretty strange videos etc.; they introduced me (AND themselves) to RECTUMA which has instantly become one of my Top Five movies ever – it’s an absurd faux-Japanese movie (filmed in California) with utterly ridiculous special effects. There were a couple other friends I visited as well; I did considerably more walking around New York City before eventually returning to the same parts of Michigan for some more visiting. (I can’t claim the route of this trip was “ordinary” at all.) On the way home I visited with three friends in Chicago, and another friend in Bloomington, Illinois as well. VERY fun and “CRAMMED” trip. THIRD 16-Day Trip - 20 May to 05 June—This was after my FASTEST-EVER trip to the Hillside (Chicago) record show; the 500 mile trip, the day at the record show, and the preceding motel room, and back home, were all done in 24 hours! THIS IS THE OVERSEAS TRIP! I got an expensive motel room not far from O’Hare, but basically for free because they also allowed me to park there for the twelve days that I would be gone, to…ITALY. It would have cost far more than $122 for ANY O’Hare parking for so long. Going to Rome, there was a four-hour layover in NY City, and I had to find my way from LaGuardia to JFK via three segments; I was undaunted and it wasn’t all that hard to do. (Navigating this, and other transit trips through NYC, easily, give s me even more comfort about learning about trains/buses in Chicago.) I stayed in a hotel near Fiumicino (Leonardo da Vinci) Airport, and I used their expensive shuttle into central Rome the first day; the second day I “found” a much cheaper bus which I used instead. I walked about 15 MILES those two days – mapping it all out, my trekking was like two wings, one eastward and one westward. The ruins, etc. are spectacular…I was rather surprised, though, not to see restaurant offerings from all over the world. I don’t even think that I saw a French, Indian, or Spanish restaurant in my trekking, and certainly not stuff like Mexican, Peruvian, Turkish and such. After taking a tour of the Vatican City, where the Cistine Chapel has the most outrageous, over-the-top magnificent artwork I’ve ever seen, let alone the artifacts in the Cathedral and a number of other churches I saw later during this trip, I walked entirely AROUND the outer walls of the Vatican. This is the only time in my lifetime I will EVER circumnavigate the perimeter of a sovereign nation ON FOOT, I’m sure. My next stop after Rome, after renting a car, was Mirabalandia (Miracleland) in Ravenna, Italy – on the way I briefly went into Dogana, San Marino and did a couple miles walking around, but May 26 is their big national holiday (like 4th of July in USA) so not much was open. Mirabalandia has a couple pretty cool roller coasters, and probably the best fun house I’ve ever been in. That night I was visiting with Jacopo The Caveman in Pordenone – this day was CRAZY busy, indeed!! VERY cool to meet this guy – he’s one of the prime Garage record collectors in the world. He showed me where to park the car the next day and I took a day train trip to and from Venice from Pordenone and, wow, THAT place is amazing too. I wasn’t “ready for” St. Mark’s Square when I came upon it; the beauty made me cry. After getting my car, and reaching Trieste, this is where my figurative “bungee jump” started…a few minutes later when I got to my hotel room over the border in Slovenia. My “comfort zone” always mandated that, unless very temporarily, I would travel ONLY to countries which spoke English – in fact I haven’t ventured very deeply into French Canada (“deep Quebec”) all that much, the only part of “populated Canada” I’ve barely explored. So here I am in Italy, where indeed it’s not English that’s spoken (though usually somebody can speak it) – at least Italian has SOME intelligibility to me - but in Slovenia it’s hello to a language in which I know NO words. It gets even “deeper” than that – Slovenia still has the Euro – but, as I coursed through the hilly countryside Saturday, I “lost” the Euro when I entered Croatia. When I reached Customs into BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA, this was the “full-on Customs experience” since they are also outside the Schengen Zone. They were questioning me being there, because I was NOT taking the shortest route to Zagreb this way, but it was because I wanted to cross through. Once there, the ambience became noticeably “Third World” (as we usually, though incorrectly, use the term nowadays) with paved but rather primitive highways, drabness, and…and…the signs had CYRILLIC alphabet on them! Most were bi-alphabet also with Roman alphabet…but some were Cyrillic (“Russian”) only. So I not only “lost” English (or any “intelligible to me” language), but the Euro currency, and even the alphabet. Traveling around these parts of the FORMER U.S.S.R. (i.e. Yugoslavia), I was also finding the best “local music” the radio could find me, and listening to (and grooving on!!) Balkans music made it all very foreign indeed. (At night, I listened to an AM radio station out of Macedonia.) The next day, back out of Bosnia, I must say that I FELL IN LOVE with Zagreb, Croatia. There was SO much going on – street performers and an Israeli magician (I talked to him a bit after) in the main plaza, and dancing/music elsewhere; walking through a movie shoot (which was just finished) as I came out of a hilltop park; walking through a massive wedding party on the hill overlooking the main part of Zagreb. A visit to the Museum of Broken Relationships (I’M NOT MAKING THIS UP!), an incredible botanical garden with 6,000+ species, seeing the robust and modern bus/light rail transit, no sign of the “leftover Communist grime” that I expected – and I even had the best ice cream I will ever have in my lifetime. Gelato SOOO dark chocolate that it was BLACK! Random and drifting conversations outside, and in the hotel restaurant (which let me stay parked there after I checked out) which was trout, cream of asparagus soup, grilled mushrooms – probably my best meal of the trip, too. I definitely have a serious “crush” on that place. The next day I was in Ljubljana, Slovenia also walking around – and that day, despite being very rainy, I wasn’t deterred from about 7 miles of walking. After that, I’m heading back to Rome, and I noticed I’d reserved a room near Bologna. Rick Steve’s guidebook to Italy says almost nothing about Bologna and considers it a waste of time – something like “If you INSIST on going to Bologna, there are a couple cool towers and a couple museums you can see.” BOLOGNA WAS MY FAVORITE ITALIAN CITY! I would live there (or maybe Trieste) before the other places that I saw there. I even found that driving there isn’t “scary” at all, and up-close-and-personal I got to see what a large but “ordinary” Italian city looks like, and I’m glad that I did. Toward the end of the trip, “bellisimo” Florence was almost anti-climactic, though I did do a ton of walking around, and I walked to the top of a 300-foot bell tower. All told, I mapped my walking: 46 miles in 11 days. (The other, 12th, day was flying to and from.) Back in Rome, then back to Chicago, I said this was a 16-day trip. I’m not done. I took a day off to DECOMPRESS, then I headed to see Jay and Linda up near Lake Winnebago in Wisconsin; I have wonderful times when I can visit them. I was there close to two days, without running out of things to do or talk about, and we went to Vandy’s restaurant in Markesan, where I discovered they have the best fried chicken I have ever had in MY LIFETIME. Furthermore, Linda let me try her fish meal a bit, and they also have the best lake perch and the best walleye I’ve ever had in MY LIFETIME. Um, this is absurd…I’ve been to thousands of restaurants, and this OWNS the entire TRIFECTA of my fondest comfort foods. HOW CAN THAT BE? (More about this, ahead, New Years Eve.) After this visit, I got to Chicago, to see two friends GET MARRIED. What a trip this was. One of the best of my lifetime, and Italy has made a big-time impression on me (and, also of course, Croatia). 06 June to 12 October—ALMOST NO TRAVEL during this period. I tend to disdain summertime traveling for a number of reasons. During this period I only took short trips to Ohio and Wisconsin, and another trip to Kansas City and over into Kansas. Both of these trips were gatherings/events with a lot of “radio geeks” and hobbyists getting together; I know a lot of these people. 29-DAY Trip, 13 Oct-11 Nov.—This was ALL EAST…within about 40 hours I had already migrated myself past Toledo to visit somebody, and to Rochester NY for another visit, and a day and a half later (after an incredible “color trip”) I was in Greenville, Maine for a couple days to visit ANOTHER former customer from far, far back. The visit was even more wonderful with his girl friend happening to be there from Long Island at the same time. I headed to Bangor to find a temporary storage rental so I could empty stuff out before going to Canada (and I retrieved it all a few days later). I was soon crossing New Brunswick (and, YAY, I can get Mary Brown’s Chicken again!), in Charlottetown PEI but not much more than a stopover…I was being drawn “big time” to Antigonish, Nova Scotia. It turns out it was for GOOD REASON – I had no clue that I would just stumble into a documentary FILM FESTIVAL there! Antigonish must be the Gilligan’s Island of Canada – I thought it was just “a three-hour tour” but instead I was there for TWO DAYS! I knew that when I was there in 1984, I REALLY liked that place. This has been reinforced in a lot of ways now. I’ve made some friends up there, not to mention that the films were wonderful…some of them even cry-worthy. Facing Fear, a short film about a gay 13-year-old kid in school who is beaten and almost killed by a Nazi skinhead school gang in California…then, many years later he accidentally happens to meet the gang leader in a random place in Los Angeles and they find the path to making up and forgiving entirely and they are now great friends…just WOW. Or the one about the lead singer of Spirit Of the West (a Canadian western swing group) who keeps his…SPIRIT…going, even with advanced early-onset Alzheimer’s. Saturday night at a pub in town, I was soon sitting at a table with a couple who I had started a conversation with; I had WON $10 toward a Chinese meal in a door prize drawing at a COMMUNITY DINNER (put on by the film festival) where I saw with some pretty darn cool strangers – a couple from Fredericton, etc. I only went to the pub so I could give the gift to somebody, but it turned into a three hour conversation (which included an outrageously crazy “DPJ” but a little too geeky and lengthy to describe here), then near closing the couple who owns the pub told me I could have Last Call “on the house” if I was OK with leaving my car parked overnight and they would let me stay with them overnight. I did – and THAT was cool, too. They showed me where I’d sleep, and I saw a Canadian map on the wall, with a route HEAVILY marked from Antigonish to Vancouver, and a BUNCH of different dates on it. I had to ask. Last year their SON had bicycled all the way across Canada! October 22 may be the best day that I HAVE EVER HAD ON A TRIP, and GET THIS: I was hobbling around with an attack of sciatica in my left leg making all walking very painful, and the weather was VERY rainy and windy, and walking back and forth between film, etc. venues, and the temperatures around 46F/8C (weather that nobody likes). In retrospect, I wish I had asked them about tuning the TV to the Cubs game…I would have seen them clinch the World Series, to add to such a perfect day! The next day, at the last screening of the Film Festival (“Human”), I ran into the Fredericton couple again! I did do some traveling around Nova Scotia, and visited somebody who was a penpal from way back, and I did some hefty walking around Saint John, New Brunswick (to “see if I could move there” – but all Canadian dreams left when I realized how much I would have to compromise my very BEING to move there and comply, for the rest of my life, with a work visa). I visited Erik (customer) and Phil (former customer) at Cape Cod…and we played a pretty cool and competitive Scrabble game too. The second half of the trip was all New York City, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. Visits with some friends from Keystone Record Club at a pub in York, a married Antiques couple and researcher Ken Clee in the same “neighborhood” (though separate visits), my two crazy friends in central NJ again with all the trappings of a near-alternate reality and happening to get there on their anniversary, quality time visiting Susan in The Bronx again, friends in Jersey City and Hoboken, I also finally met Ed Engel and somebody else in/near Queens and a customer in central NJ, I got to a PHC (Politics for a Human Community) meeting in Manhattan, etc. I never managed to get to Philadelphia at all. In a motel room in Piscataway NJ, I saw the CUBS WIN IT ALL..and, six days later in another room (in Richmond, Indiana) I saws the unthinkable election results unfold. I visited with a friend in Indianapolis the Day After (which turned out to be A COOL DAY, which should have been impossible); actually part of the day even involved some interaction with A CRIMINAL who was actually on great behavior that day and helped make it cool, and the after-sundown part of the day was visiting a couple I know, as was the ENTIRE next day until the morning of the 11th. OTHER DOINGS DURING THE TIME—Just three of us got together for a Thanksgiving buffet; but, twice, Todd managed to get here from Indiana. That is who plans to live with me in Chicago, which also gets him out of a dire home situation. His trips here are, basically, long Film Festivals and music. On November 16, I did something I NEVER BEFORE DID IN MY LIFETIME – just deciding “on a whim” to get up to a microphone and talk extemporaneously to a crowd. This was at a Trump protest in our local park – “What do you fear about the Donald Trump administration the most?” – I was up there for about 8 or 10 minutes. Serious here: Public speaking was my most PROFOUND and all-encompassing fear when I was a kid. Yayyyy, me. Christmas Eve had a few of us getting together at Yummy Chen’s (Chinese-Japanese-Thai here), and Christmas at Macomb Diner (special Christmas dinner) followed by movies at Stephanie and Mike’s. I had a guy stop in Macomb on his way to the Jukebox show in northern Illinois, to buy out my country and western 78s, and I’ve gotten rid of a lot of other records in various directions. As for Chicago, it never reached my radar until Jello Biafra suggested it and he got a friend of his in touch with me; the rest is history- to-be-soon. There wasn’t even a shred of that awareness as recently as Christmas! I was back in Wisconsin visiting Jay and Linda at New Year’s [Eve] again, and we ate at Vandy’s again, and THIS TIME I had the platter and extra helpings with the walleye and lake perch, grooving out on the best fish meal of my lifetime. Again, HOW can this restaurant have everything? And, this time, there were a bunch of us…I was in Wisconsin for a New Year’s party, and I took the ENTIRE PARTY (all five of us) with me, and everybody got along well. New Years Eve night going past 4 in the morning, I did a RADIO SHOW on the internet, only the second time I have ever done a radio show!! I did it in blocks; a LOT of novelty records but also blocks for such things as instrumentals, country and western, foreign music, “forgotten” oldies, etc. Ever since that trip, it’s been nose-to- the-grindstone work putting this list together “THE 5 (6!)-YEAR PLAN”: I CONTINUE WORKING ON THIS. At least I apparently know WHERE I’m going, now. MORE ABOUT THIS LIST: This is another great list, with an all-around selection from all genres and eras. This is another list with a good selection of Northern/Rare Soul, Garage 60s, cool instrumentals, etc.! IT IS ALTOGETHER POSSIBLE THAT I HAVE MORE SURF ON THIS LIST THAN ANY OTHER LIST IN MY LIFETIME, OR AT LEAST SINCE 1995. I also ended up with much more garage than I ever expected. I nowadays play almost everything, so I can describe better. There are also a lot of cheap records here, teeners, other Fifties and Sixties, etc. YOU ARE GOING TO ENJOY THIS!! BOTH OF THESE LISTS (PAPER; WEBSITE) WILL HAVE ONLY **ONE** NONCHART ALPHABET. I am TOO aware of the pitfalls of “saving a couple days” by not combining new and old documents and having two separate alphabets; I’ll NEVER do that again and I’ll sacrifice the extra time needed to merge the two. When I had two alphabets 3 or 4 years ago there were a whole bunch of unnoticed duplications, sometimes with very contradictory pricing (EX: vg+ $12, m- $5), etc.!! NOT GOOD.

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