Name: ______Period: ______

Complete the following using the video on my web page “Progressive Era” and your textbook Chapter 18

Identify each:

a. Eugene Debs

b. Socialism

c. Progressive

d. Muckrakers

e. Political Bosses

f. “Boss Tweed”

g. Tammany Hall

h. Gifford Pinchot Complete the following charts: Explain in detail

Women Labor Cities (poor): What was the Women’s Why did the US need Labor Laws? What was wrong with the Movement? Cities?

Jane Addams:

19th Amendment: Child Labor Laws:

Elizabeth Stanton: Triangle Shirtwaist Factory: Jacob Riis

Supreme Court Cases Margaret Sanger: Business State Government Local Government


Anti-Trust Laws 17th Amendment

Secret Ballot

Supreme Court Cases




Temperance Movement

What was the temperance Movement?

18th Amendment Complete the Chart:

Muckraker Major Work Reform Legislation Impact on American Society Ida Tarbell

Ida Wells

Frank Norris

Lincoln Steffans

Jacob Riis

Upton Sinclair Presidents during the Progressive Era:

Compare each of the Following Presidents and their influence on the Progressive Era in Business, Labor, Environment, Consumers, Banking etc.

Theodore Roosevelt William Taft Woodrow Wilson