Cloverbank PTA Board Meeting Minutes – October 23, 2012 Board Officers Present: Celeste Chase, President; Michele Grime Vice-President; Jeanine Reigle, Council Delegate; Janice Shaver, Treasurer; and Sue Zydel, Recording Secretary. Meeting Called to order at 9:15am Pledge of Allegiance followed by a moment of silence. Boeard of Education Report: School Board Member Tom Best came to speak about the Board being reduced in size from 9 to 7. Board positions are voluntary and receive no compensation for it. The other change happening is reducing the number of polling sites from 5 to 1 saving about $2500 on the budget. If the public is not supporting this change they need to attend the next Board meeting which is Nov. 5 at Big Tree at 7pm. Introduction of Officers: All officers introduced themselves Quorum established with the presence of 15 members. Reading and Approval of Minutes: Board meeting minutes from previous Sept. 19, 2012 meeting made available to all members present. A motion was made by Tammy Christie and second by Janice Shaver to waive the reading of the minutes and to accept the minutes as they are presented. Treasurer’s Report: Janice Shaver  The Save Around Buffalo fundraiser is almost complete for this year and the Book Fair was a success. Specific amounts made are not tabulated yet. Correspondence: Dawn Mejia reported some sympathy cards have been sent to faculty and staff. President’s Report: Celeste Chase  The first PTA Council Meeting was September 26th at 7pm. Due to the Ice Cream Social at our school Jeannine Reigle and Celeste Chase could not attend.  SEPTA: Pam Guzzino volunteered to be the new SEPTA representative and mentioned the internet safety presentation Oct. 23 at Big Tree at 6pm.  The NYS PTA Convention will be November 16th to the 18th in Sarasota Springs. If interested see Celeste  Cultural Assembly suggestions are still being taken.  WNY Region Presidents and Principal’s dinner will be Oct. 25th. Principal’s Report: Michelle Seibert  Internet Safety presentation will be at Big Tree at 6pm on Oct. 23rd.  The expectations assemblies for each grade level to discuss what is expected of each student here at Cloverbank are going well. The students receive a green ticket if they are caught doing the right thing.  Halloween is approaching and students are to wear appropriate costumes with no play weapons allowed.  Parents are to sign up for the Parent Portal to receive their children’s report cards online unless they need a paper copy which they can request at the office. Committees:  Membership - Tara Schiller reports there are 252 members, but would always like more. We like to be the school that has the highest participation in the district.  Fundraiser - Michelle Grime reports that it’s almost complete and went well. No total yet.  Newsletter - Patti Schekkengost is requesting help with articles for the newsletter. If anyone has something they’d like to put in it please let us know.  Box Tops - The contest is running now until the end of October. Be sure to turn them in.  Homeroom Parents – have been given their folders and are meeting with teachers. The PTA wants to give more support to Homeroom Parents and keep in better contact. Old Business:  Picture Day went better this year with fewer problems than in the past. Retakes are Nov. 8th.  Mary Beth Dreyer would like help with pictures for the yearbook. If you take pictures in your child’s classroom you can submit them to her [email protected] or put in the PTA drawer in the yearbook folder.  Summer Reading Assembly went great. The students were very excited to receive their awards.  Invention Night was a little low on participation, but the 42 who did were fantastic!  Book Fair was successful. No total yet.  Red Ribbon Week is October 22 – 26th. It is the Drug and Alcohol Awareness Week. We have contests, dress days and activities to promote healthy choices.

New Business:  Dan Herlehy presented the PTA a way of fundraising through this website. More info will follow. This would be used as a fundraiser for the Cloverbank Community Playground.  Spiritwear will be out soon for ordering. Hopefully for the Holiday Season.  Santa Shop will be Dec. 1. Help is still needed. Lynn Norberg is the chairperson to contact.  Barnes and Noble Night is Nov. 13. We would like to do a basket raffle at the event for the playground if anyone can donate. Announcements:  Ice Cream Social raised about $1400 and seemed to be well received.  Chicken BBQ Fundraiser for the Playground is Monday, October 29th at 3:30-6:30pm at the Lakeshore Firehall. We need Volunteers and Nut-Free cookies or brownies for the event.  Playground Website is forthcoming as is a Cloverbank Facebook page. A thank you card for businesses who donate to our playground is in the process of being made.  Next PTA Meeting is Nov. 27 at 6:30pm

Meeting Adjourned at 10:26am