Meeting Called to Order at 9:15Am Pledge of Allegiance Followed by a Moment of Silence
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Cloverbank PTA Board Meeting Minutes – October 23, 2012 Board Officers Present: Celeste Chase, President; Michele Grime Vice-President; Jeanine Reigle, Council Delegate; Janice Shaver, Treasurer; and Sue Zydel, Recording Secretary. Meeting Called to order at 9:15am Pledge of Allegiance followed by a moment of silence. Boeard of Education Report: School Board Member Tom Best came to speak about the Board being reduced in size from 9 to 7. Board positions are voluntary and receive no compensation for it. The other change happening is reducing the number of polling sites from 5 to 1 saving about $2500 on the budget. If the public is not supporting this change they need to attend the next Board meeting which is Nov. 5 at Big Tree at 7pm. Introduction of Officers: All officers introduced themselves Quorum established with the presence of 15 members. Reading and Approval of Minutes: Board meeting minutes from previous Sept. 19, 2012 meeting made available to all members present. A motion was made by Tammy Christie and second by Janice Shaver to waive the reading of the minutes and to accept the minutes as they are presented. Treasurer’s Report: Janice Shaver The Save Around Buffalo fundraiser is almost complete for this year and the Book Fair was a success. Specific amounts made are not tabulated yet. Correspondence: Dawn Mejia reported some sympathy cards have been sent to faculty and staff. President’s Report: Celeste Chase The first PTA Council Meeting was September 26th at 7pm. Due to the Ice Cream Social at our school Jeannine Reigle and Celeste Chase could not attend. SEPTA: Pam Guzzino volunteered to be the new SEPTA representative and mentioned the internet safety presentation Oct. 23 at Big Tree at 6pm. The NYS PTA Convention will be November 16th to the 18th in Sarasota Springs. If interested see Celeste Cultural Assembly suggestions are still being taken. WNY Region Presidents and Principal’s dinner will be Oct. 25th. Principal’s Report: Michelle Seibert Internet Safety presentation will be at Big Tree at 6pm on Oct. 23rd. The expectations assemblies for each grade level to discuss what is expected of each student here at Cloverbank are going well. The students receive a green ticket if they are caught doing the right thing. Halloween is approaching and students are to wear appropriate costumes with no play weapons allowed. Parents are to sign up for the Parent Portal to receive their children’s report cards online unless they need a paper copy which they can request at the office. Committees: Membership - Tara Schiller reports there are 252 members, but would always like more. We like to be the school that has the highest participation in the district. Fundraiser - Michelle Grime reports that it’s almost complete and went well. No total yet. Newsletter - Patti Schekkengost is requesting help with articles for the newsletter. If anyone has something they’d like to put in it please let us know. Box Tops - The contest is running now until the end of October. Be sure to turn them in. Homeroom Parents – have been given their folders and are meeting with teachers. The PTA wants to give more support to Homeroom Parents and keep in better contact. Old Business: Picture Day went better this year with fewer problems than in the past. Retakes are Nov. 8th. Mary Beth Dreyer would like help with pictures for the yearbook. If you take pictures in your child’s classroom you can submit them to her [email protected] or put in the PTA drawer in the yearbook folder. Summer Reading Assembly went great. The students were very excited to receive their awards. Invention Night was a little low on participation, but the 42 who did were fantastic! Book Fair was successful. No total yet. Red Ribbon Week is October 22 – 26th. It is the Drug and Alcohol Awareness Week. We have contests, dress days and activities to promote healthy choices.
New Business: Dan Herlehy presented the PTA a way of fundraising through this website. More info will follow. This would be used as a fundraiser for the Cloverbank Community Playground. Spiritwear will be out soon for ordering. Hopefully for the Holiday Season. Santa Shop will be Dec. 1. Help is still needed. Lynn Norberg is the chairperson to contact. Barnes and Noble Night is Nov. 13. We would like to do a basket raffle at the event for the playground if anyone can donate. Announcements: Ice Cream Social raised about $1400 and seemed to be well received. Chicken BBQ Fundraiser for the Playground is Monday, October 29th at 3:30-6:30pm at the Lakeshore Firehall. We need Volunteers and Nut-Free cookies or brownies for the event. Playground Website is forthcoming as is a Cloverbank Facebook page. A thank you card for businesses who donate to our playground is in the process of being made. Next PTA Meeting is Nov. 27 at 6:30pm
Meeting Adjourned at 10:26am