TOWN OF REIDVILLE POST OFFICE BOX 307 7304 REIDVILLE ROAD REIDVILLE, SC 29375 PHONE: (864) 486-9614 FAX: (864) 486-9614 E-MAIL: [email protected]

Andrew Dixon, Mayor

Town Council Gregg Gowan Palmer Burchstead Vickie Pittman David Sloan


Attendance: Mayor Andrew Dixon Council: Gregg Gowan Others: Sandra Gowan Clerk/Tr Palmer Burchstead Vickie Pittman David Sloan

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m.


APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the Regular Scheduled Council Meeting March 13, 2017 was approved as written. Motion: Council Member Gregg Gowan Second: Council Member David Sloan No discussion. All in favor The minutes of the Special Council Meeting March 16, 2017 was approved as written. Motion: Council Member Gregg Gowan Second: Council Member David Sloan No discussion. All in favor The minutes of the Special Council Meeting March 20, 2017 was approved as written. Motion: Council Member Gregg Gowan Second: Council Member Palmer Burchstead Discussion. Council Member David Sloan says the minutes are not correct, a paragraph needs to be reworded before approval. Council Member Gregg Gowan says he will rescind his motion at this time until the corrections are made.

OLD BUSINESS: 1. SANITATION (436 TO DATE) 2. ROAD INPROVEMENT AT LEONARD DR. AND DUNCAN REIDVILLE: The hired contractor for the project David Green, HNO Grading has been ill. Clerk Gowan will do a follow up with Mr. Green. 3. PLANNING COMMISSION (3): Council Member Vickie Pittman made a motion to nominate Mr. John Coan as Planning Commissioner. Second: Council Member Gregg Gowan Discussion: Council Member Pittman says her neighbor Mrs. Snow said she may be interested but would like to attend a Planning Commission meeting before she commits. All in favor 4. POLICE DEPARTMENT: Council discussed the police department in detail. Council Member David Sloan says the policeman’s salary is already in the budget.

1 Purchasing of a vehicle, etc. will come out of the town’s savings. The police officer would also be the code enforcement officer for the town. Council Member Gregg Gowan made a motion to postpone this discussion until the new committees are formed under the Council/Mayor form of government. Second: Council Member David Sloan No discussion. All in favor

COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS AND DEPARTMENT REPORTS: 1. LAMPPOSTS MAIN STREET, STONES (ENGRAVING): Clerk Gowan says this project will be finished even after she retires. 2. MAIN ST. WEST END EROSION PROBLEM: Dirt has been placed and spread smooth. All we need now is to lay sod. 3. FALL FESTIVAL (OCTOBER 7, 2017): Needing a chairperson. 4. MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT: Council discussed that we need to purchase a flat shovel, pruners and a pole saw. This was previously voted on and approved. Clerk Gowan will get the shovel and pruners and Council Member Sloan will get the pole saw.

NEW BUSINESS: 1. COUNCIL COMMITTEES AND CHAIRPERSON: Mayor Dixon says he is prepared to appoint department chairperson. Administration: Mayor Andrew Dixon Finance: Council Member Vickie Pittman Public Safety: Council Member David Sloan Public Works: Council Member Gregg Gowan Planning & Community Development: Council Member Palmer Burchstead Mayor Dixon says he is willing to switch with anyone if they are not satisfied with their appointment. At the next meeting we will discuss this further after you have given this some thought. Council Member Gregg Gowan says eventually each department will have its own Budget without having to come to full council for approval. Council Member Palmer Burchstead says he learned from the Elected Officials School held in Columbia; that council does not get involved with the day to day operation of the town, the responsibility is oversight.

FINANCIAL REPORT: The financial report beginning March 1, 2017 and ending March 31, 2017 was approved as written. Motion: Council Member Gregg Gowan Second: Council Member Vickie Pittman Discussion: Council Member David Sloan asks, Why are there to Petty Cash checks written for this month? Clerk Gowan pulled the paid invoices and explained to them that the casual labor gets paid each day that he picks up litter from the streets and get paid the each day he works the beaver damn. I categorize these payments as road maintenance. All in favor


EXECUTIVE SESSION: 1. PERSONEL Mayor Andrew Dixon called the Executive Session at 8:45 p.m. Second: Council Member Palmer Burchstead

Mayor Andrew Dixon called the meeting back to order at 9:18 p.m.

No action was taken.

ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 p.m. Motion: Council Member Gregg Gowan Second: Council Member Palmer Burchstead All in favor 2