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Faculty of Medicine s3

Faculty of Medicine Ain Shams University

Postgraduate Studies

Medical Doctorate in Neurology

درجة الدكتوراة في طب المخ والعصاب

Program Code: NP700

Program Guide and Logbook C a n d i d a t e C u r r i c u l u m v i t a e

[Name] Please attach your recent photo

[telephone no] [mobile no] [mailing address]

[email address] [postcode]

Experience [organization] [your present job title] [start date] [location] [responsibilities]

[organization] [previous job title] [start and end date] [location]

2 [responsibilities] [organization] [previous job title] [start and end date] [location] [responsibilities]

Education [certificates] [start and end date] [school or college]

3 Training [any other training that will be useful in your job]

Filled by post graduate authorities

Date of Registration ______First semester ______Second semester ______Third semester ______Fourth semester ______Fifth semester ______Sixth semester


Page I – Welcome Statement II - Mission Statement III – Senior supervisor and affiliated departments and Hospitals IV – Program specifications 1 - Basic Information 2 - Professional Information 3 – Academic standards 4 - Curriculum structure and contents 5 - Program courses: 6. Program admission requirements: 7. Regulation for progression and program completion 8- Appendix course specifications Physiology course specifications Pharmacology course specifications Neurology course specifications Advanced EEG course specifications Genetics in Neurology course specifications Neuro-rehabilitation course specifications V – General information VI – Your log book 1 – Introduction 2 – Supervisors 3 - Tables for training records 4 – Log book preview VII - Head of department approval for the exam entry VIII – Thesis follow up IX - Evaluation forms

5 I – Welcome Statement:

The Department of Neurology and Psychiatry welcomes you to the Medical Doctorate in Neurology. As a department we are committed to medical student education and continuously strive to improve your educational experience.

This handbook presents information guide and logbook activity of this degree administered by the Neurology and Psychiatry department, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University.

II - Mission Statement:

The mission of the Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University is • The preparation of a competent graduate, who is able to compete on both national and regional levels, capable of life long learning, training and tutoring, while adhering to the codes of practice of medical health services and ethics.

• The college as well, seeks continuous development of programs and courses. It also enhances expansion of applied scientific research and health programs for community services and environmental development.

The mission of this degree is to qualify the candidate to be capable of providing the optimum health care service to the society and improving the scientific research in the different fields of medicine. Ain Shams University awards the Medical Doctorate in Neurology as postgraduate academic degree analogous to a PhD and as a specialty training degree for physicians who have completed Basic and Higher Neurologic Training. The MD comprises taught

6 courses, a research thesis and a final exam qualifying for registration as a consultant in Neurology in the Egyptian Medical Syndicate.

III – Senior Supervisor and A ffiliated Departments and Hospitals:

Senior Supervisor:

Professor/ Samia Ashour Helal E-mail: [email protected]

A ffiliated Departments and Hospitals:

Department of Neurology and Psychiatry at Ain Shams University Hospitals and Ain Shams University Specialized Hospital.

IV – Program Specifications:

A- Basic Information: 1. Program title: Medical Doctorate in Neurology. 2. Program type: Single. 3. Faculty: Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University. 4. Department: Neurology and Psychiatry department. 5. Assistant coordinator: 6. Coordinator: Ramez Reda Mostafa. 7. Last date of program approval: 2009.

B- Professional Information: 1. Program aims:

7 1. Development of the necessary knowledge and skills to approach and manage the wide array of neurologic disorders. 2. Effectively perform a detailed and an efficient neurological history taking and examination. 3. Understanding the appropriate use and interpretation of the common diagnostic studies. 4. Acquiring the skills for competently performing and interpreting the neurophysiology procedures. 5. Ability to carry out the diagnosis and plan the treatment of the commonly encountered neurological diseases and emergencies in a compassionate, appropriate and effective manner. 6. Effectively work within a team and implement liaison with members of the other medical specialties. 7. Capacity to learn independently and to use the medical literature to improve the clinical practice. 8. Development of the necessary skills for finding scientific information, critical appraisal of medical literature and scientific writing. 9. Providing bedside and didactic teaching for junior colleagues and other members of the medical team. 10. Ability to design, plan and perform a research project mounting to a thesis that contributes to scientific knowledge in neurology. 11. Acquire the skills of independent clinical decision making and medical team leadership. 12. Cultivating an interest in a subspecialty of neurology. 13. Capacity for life-long independent learning. 14. Location and appraisal of the medical literature, and utilizing it effectively in updating knowledge and in patient care.

8 2. Intended learning outcomes (ILOs): A. Knowledge and understanding: By the end of the program the candidate will be able to: A1 – Understand in depth the basic neuroscience underlying normal and abnormal functioning of the nervous system. A2 - Recognize the risk factors and clinical picture of the different neurological diseases. A3 - Understand the appropriate use and interpretation of common diagnostic studies for neurological diseases. A4 - Identify the methods of treatment of the different neurological diseases. A5 - Recognize and carry out the diagnosis and treatment of commonly encountered neurological diseases and emergencies. B. Intellectual capabilities: By the end of the program the candidate will be able to: B1 – Analyze and developing an approach to patients with common complaints associated with disorders of the nervous system. B2 - Select the proper diagnostic tool for each of the neurological disorders. B3 - Conclude the diagnosis of the different neurological disorders based on clinical data and investigations. B4 – Interpret the common diagnostic studies and neurophysiology procedures. B5 - Design the treatment plan of neurological diseases. B6 - Find solutions to manage the wide array of neurological conditions and difficult neurological cases.

C. Professional and practical skills: By the end of the program the candidate will be able to: C1 - Evaluate the patients presenting with neurological manifestations.

9 C2 – Acquire the skills of independent clinical decision making and medical team leadership. C3 - Design and perform a research project that contributes to scientific knowledge in neurology. C4 - Judge and critically appraise the medical literature. C5 - Search for scientific information and use the medical literature to improve clinical practice. C6 – Perform and interpret the neurophysiology procedures. C7 - Write a scientific literature which is legible for publishing.

D. General and transferable skills: By the end of the program the candidate will be able to: D1 - Work effectively within a team and implement liaison with members of other specialties. D2 - Develop the communication and interpersonal skills necessary to communicate effectively with other medical members, patients and their families. D3 - Use computer skills to review the recent medical literature worldwide in order to improve clinical practice. D4 - Acquire the skills of independent clinical decision making and medical team leadership.

3. Academic standards: Academic reference standards guided by The members of the Education Committee of the World Federation of Neurology (WFN) established guidelines for the development of Neurology Training Programs. Such guidelines should prove a valuable resource for other countries with an interest in and commitment to developing and implementing their own Neurology Training Programs, these guidelines are available at the website of WFN; www.wfneurology.org.

10 4. Curriculum structure and contents:

4A - Program duration: 36 months

4B - Program structure:


الساعات المقررات الدراسية الكود المعتمدة

متطلبات الكلية دورة أساسيات البحث العلمي 3 NP7001 الجزء الول الفسيولوجيا التطبيقى الخاص بالمراض العصبية 3 NP7002 علم الدوية للجهاز العصبى 15 الرسالة 20 NP7003 الجزء الثاني مقرر علمى وعملى فى المراض العصبية وتدريب اكلينيكى في المراض العصبية المقررات الختيارية يتم أختيار مقرر اختيارى من بين E7045 رسم المخ المتقدم - 1 4 E7046 العلوم الجينية و الوراثية فى المخ و العصاب - 2 E7105 3- تأهيل الجهاز العصبى 15 كراسة النشطة 60 المجموع

5. Program courses:

A- Compulsory:

Course title Number of hours

11 Code Lecture P SDL NP7001 Physiology of nervous system 45 Pharmacology of nervous NP7002 45 system NP7003 Neurology 90 420 L: Lecture, P: Practical and SDL: Self directed learning

B- Elective:

Number of hours Code Course title Lecture P SDL E7045 Advanced EEG 30 60 E7046 Genetics in Neurology 60 E7105 Neuro-rehabilitation 30 60

6. Program admission requirements: المادة (6) : يشترط لقيد الطالب للحصول على درجة الدكتوراة : الماجستير في مادة التخصص أو إحدى المواد 1- أن يكون حاصل ً على درجة الساسية المتصلة بها من إحدى الجامعات المصرية أو على درجة معادلة. 2- موافقة جهة العمل على متطلبات الدراسة. 3- تسديد الرسوم ومصاريف التدريب سواستهلك الجهزة سواستيفاء المستندات المطلوبة فى الملحق. 4- التفرغ للدراسة لمدة خمس فصول دراسية على القل قبل دخول امتحان الجزء الثاني. ويمكن أن يتم التدريب لنفس المدة على القل فى احد المستشفيات أو المراكز العلمية المعتمدة من الكلية بعد أستيفاء الشروط التى تحددها القسام المختصة.

7. Regulation for progression and program completion:

12 مادة (8): يتم التسجيل لدرجات الدكتوراه مرتين فى العام : الولى من أول يوليو حتى آخر أغسطس والثانية من أول نوفمبر حتى آخر ديسمبر. مادة (9): توزع الدراسة فى كل عام جامعى على فصلين دراسيين مدة كل منهما خمسة عشر اسبوعا . يبدا الول فى أول أكتوبر ويبدا الثانى فى منصف فبراير. مع تنظيم فصل دراسى صيفى مكثف لمدة ستة اسابيع . و يتم التسجيل للفصل الدراسى قبل اسبوعين من بدايته على القل بعد إستيفاء الشروط حسب المقررات المسجلة. ولينبغى أن يزيد العبء الدراسى فى الفصل الواحد عن 6 ساعات معتمدة. ويجوز للطالب تعديل المقررات خلل اسبوعين من بداية الفصل الدراسى ( بالحذف او الضافة ). كما يجوز له النسحاب خلل سته اسابيع من احد المقرارت دون احتسابه راسبا فيه. مادة (17): مدة الدراسة للحصول على الدكتوراه ستة وثلثون شهرا (ست فصول دراسية) يجتاز خللهم الطالب برنامجا تدريبيا متكامل بالقسم طبقا للساعات المعتمدة الموضحة بالباب الخامس ويستوفى خللها المطلوب منه فى كتيب متابعة النشطة ول يسمح له بدخول المتحان قبل إستيفاء ثلثة أرباع المطلوب منه من الساعات المعتمدة. مادة (18): مدة الدراسة في الجزء الول للدكتوراه إن وجد فصل دراسي واحد يجتاز بعده الطالب إمتحانا ول يشترط النجاح فيه بالكامل للنتقال للدراسة في الجزء الثاني ويشترط خللها التدريب بإحدى المستشفيات الجامعية أو المراكز المعتمدة من القسم ولجنة الدراسات العليا بالكلية سواء بالداخل أو الخارج على أن يتم إستكمال الدراسة طبقا للساعات المعتمدة. مادة (19): يقوم الدارس لدرجة الدكتوراه بتسجيل موضوع الرسالة مع القيد للدرجة ول تجوز مناقشة الرسالة قبل مرور عامين على التسجيل للدرجة ول يخصص لها درجات. مادة (20): يقوم الدارس لدرجة الدكتوراه بإستيفاء متطلبات الجامعة قبل التسجيل ومتطلبات الكلية ومناقشة الرسالة قبل دخول إمتحان الجزء الثاني. ومتطلبات الجامعة هي

13 الحصول على شهادة التويفل في اللغة النجليزية (مجموع 550 درجة) ومتطلبات الكلية هى حضور دورات معتمدة من لجنة الدراسات العليا بالكلية فى مجال التخطيط والدراسات الطبية والحصاء الطبي أو إجتياز إختبارات خاصة تحددها اللجنة. مادة (21): الساعات المعتمدة لدراسة الدكتوراه ست و تسعون ساعة منها ست و ثلثون ساعة تمت دراستهم اثناء الماجستير و يضاف ستون ساعة معتمدة على القل ويخصص منها خمس عشرة ساعة لكتيب متابعة النشطة وخمس عشرة ساعة للرسالة وست ساعات على القل للجزء الول إن وجد. مادة (22): مدة القيد لدرجة الدكتوراه خمس سنوات ويجوز لمجلس الجامعة بناءا على طلب مجلس الكلية وبعد موافقة لجنة الدراسات العليا بالكلية بعد طلب مجلس القسم وإستنادا إلى تقارير سنوية من جميع المشرفين على الطالب السماح بإضافة عام واحد وبحد أقصى ثمان سنوات من تاريخ القيد للحصول على درجة الدكتوراه. مادة (23): تلتزم القسام المعنية بالشتراك مع أقسام المواد المرتبطة بوضع إمتحانات موضوعية تشمل وسائل التقييم المختلفة من أسئلة طويلة وقصيرة ومتعددة الختيارات ، وإختبارات إكلينيكية مقننة تقيس المهارات المختلفة على أن تشمل كراسة المناهج تفاصيل ذلك وتعتمد من لجنة الدراسات العليا بالكلية . مادة (24): مجموع درجات المتحان النهائى للدكتوراه 1500 درجة منها 300 درجة للجزء الول إن وجد. ويضاف اليها المعدل الفصلى التراكمى بما يوازى 400 درجة للدكتوراه. مادة (25): يعقد إمتحان الدور الول في أكتوبر ونوفمبر من كل عام ويعقد إمتحان الدور الثاني فى أبريل ومايو من كل عام. مادة (26): يكون النجاح فى مواد الدكتوراه بعد الحصول على 60% من درجة التحريري والعملي والكلينيكى والشفوي كل على حدة.

14 مادة (29): فى حالة إستنفاذ مدة القيد يمكن لطالب الدراسات العليا إعادة التسجيل مرة أخرى ول يعتد بالنجاح فى الجزء الول أو الرسالة ويجب إعادتهما.

Assessment Schedule and Weighing of Assessments

حالة ا ل e ط r ا ل s o t e ب c t s n

i Item Mark a t o A s

P P t n G e d u t S During End of Total semester semester First semester (If present) 80 300 380 Second semester 80 80 Third semester 80 80 Fourth semester 80 80 Fifth semester 80 80 Sixth semester Written 1200 * 1200 Final exam Oral Practical /Clinical Total 400 1500 1900 :ملحوظة: تعادل درجات الطالب طبقا للنقاط على الوجه التالى

1- 90 % فأكثر : 4 نقاط A 2- من 85% حتى أقل من 90 % : 3.67 نقاط -A 3 - من 80% حتى أقل من 85% : 3.33 نقاط +B 4 - من 75% حتى أقل من 80% : 3.00 نقاط B 5 - من 70% حتى أقل من 75% : 2.67 نقاط -B 6 - من 65% حتى أقل من 70% : 2.33 نقاط +C

15 7- من 62% حتى أقل من 65% : 2.00 نقاط C 8 - من 60% حتى أقل من 62% : 1.67 نقاط -C 9 - أقل من 60% : صفر F

ويتم حساب المعدل الفصلى (GPA) على أساس مجموع حاصل ضرب نقاط كل مقرر مضروبا فى عدد ساعاته المعتمدة مقسوما على الساعات المعتمدة للمقررات التى درسها الطالب فى الفصل الدراسى. كما يتم حساب المعدل التراكمى للطالب (CGPA) على أساس مجموع حاصل ضرب النقاط التى حصل عليها الطالب فى كل مقرر مضروبا فى عدد ساعاته المعتمدة مقسوما على مجموع الساعات المعتمدة الكلية.

فى حالة الرسوب فى مادة أو مجموعة من المقررات فى الدبلوم أوالماجستير أو الدكتوراه يتم العادة فى المادة أو المجموعة فقط. ويتم حساب التقدير الفعلى الذى يحصل عليه فى أول إعادة فقط أما إذا تكرر رسوبة فيحسب له عند النجاح تقدير 60% فقط (اى 1.67 نقاط اى -C).

8. Course specifications:

Physiology course specifications: Faculty of Medicine – Ain Shams University

Course specifications: Program on which the course is given: Medical Doctorate in Neurology. Major or minor element of programs: Major. Department offering the program: Neurology and Psychiatry department.

16 Department offering the course: Physiology department. Academic Level: Medical Doctorate – 1st semester. Date of specification approval:

A- Basic Information: Title: Physiology course. Code: NP7001 Credit Hours: 3 hour Lecture: 3 h/week Total: 45 hour

Coordinator: Physiology department.

B - Professional Information: 1- Course Aims: The aims of this course are to enable the candidate to: 1- Acquire in depth the functional background of the nervous system. 2- Explore in detail the physiological basis of function, transmission and control in the central and peripheral nervous systems. 3- Integrate the physiological data and the mechanisms with the ongoing basic sciences as anatomy, biochemistry and pharmacology. 4- Integrate the physiological data and the clinical manifestations of nervous system affection due to variable neurologic disorders. 5- Develop the basic scientific research skills in the field of physiology of nervous system. II. INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES: 2- Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) from the Course: A- Knowledge and understanding By the end of the course the candidate will be able to: A1- Understand the advanced science of physiology of the nervous system. A2- Describe and explain the physiology of excitable tissues and synaptic junctions. A3- Describe and explain the physiological basis of the reflexes and different modalities of sensations. A4- Describe and explain the physiological basis of control of posture and movement.

17 A5- Identify the physiology of the higher functions of the nervous system as language, memory, learning, emotion and behavior.

B- Intellectual skills By the end of the course the candidate will be able to: B1- Interpret the physiological basis of the nervous system and relation to clinical practice. B2- Interpret the physiological basis of the nervous system and relation to the clinical manifestations of different neurological disorders. B3- Integrate the physiology of the nervous system with the other basic and clinical sciences.

C- Professional skills By the end of the course the candidate will be able to: C1- Interpret the effect of disorders of physiological nervous system and the basis of neurological disorders. C2- Apply the knowledge and understanding of the physiological basis to plan and undertake actions in the treatment of different neurological diseases.

D- General and transferable skills By the end of the course the candidate will be able to: D1- Use the computer skills to review the recent medical literature worldwide; in order to improve medical knowledge. D2- Develop the communication and interpersonal skills necessary to communicate effectively with teachers, colleagues, other medical members, patients and their families. D3- Understand the importance of life-long self-learning and show a strong commitment to it.

3. Course contents: Topics Number of hours

18 L Ionic basis of nerve excitation & conduction 3 Nerve fiber types & function 3 Molecular basis of muscle contraction 3 Ionic basis of neuromuscular transmission 3 Monosynaptic & polysynaptic reflexes 3 Pathway of superficial, deep & visceral sensations 3 Pain mechanisms & control 3 Special senses 3 Corticospinal & corticobulbar tracts 3 Basal ganglia in control of posture & movement 3 Cerebellum in control of posture & movement 3 Autonomic nervous system 3 Higher functions of nervous system 3 Speech & language 3 Physiology of sleep 3 L: Lectures

4. Student assessment methods: 4.1 Written exam 90 4.2 Practical exam 45 4.3 Oral exam 15 Total 150

5. List of references: 5.1 Course notes (paper and/or electronic) Lecture notes. 5.2 Essential books (Text books) Guyton: Textbook of Medical Physiology. Ganong: Review of Medical Physiology. 5.3 Recommended books 5.4 Periodicals, web sites, etc

19 Pharmacology course specifications: Faculty of Medicine – Ain Shams University

Course specifications: Program on which the course is given: Medical Doctorate in Neurology. Major or minor element of programs: Major. Department offering the program: Neurology and Psychiatry department. Department offering the course: Pharmacology department. Academic Level: Medical Doctorate – 1st semester. Date of specification approval:

A- Basic Information: Title: Pharmacology course. Code: NP7002 Credit Hours: 3 hour Lecture: 3 h/week Total: 45 hour

Coordinator: Pharmacology department.

B - Professional Information: 1- Course Aims: The aims of this course are to enable the candidate to: 1- Acquire in depth the knowledge about the principles of pharmacology. 2- Explore in detail the dosing, pharmacokinetics, metabolism, mechanism of action, side effects, drug interactions and use in specific situations for each medication that is used in the field neurology and psychiatry. 3- Integrate the pharmacological data and the mechanisms with the ongoing basic sciences as anatomy, physiology and biochemistry. 4- Develop the basic scientific research skills in the field of pharmacology. II. INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES:

20 2- Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) from the Course: A- Knowledge and understanding By the end of the course the candidate will be able to: A1- Discuss the pharmacokinetic, pharmacodynamic and pharmacotherapeutic properties of different groups of drugs used in the field of neurology and psychiatry. A2- Discuss the adverse and toxic effects of commonly used groups in addition to limitations of use of such as contraindications and drug interactions. A3- Define the principles, indications, relative advantages and disadvantages of various pharmacotherapy modalities. A4- Recognize the rational and general guidelines of the use of drugs in the proper dose in the normal population and in special population such as pediatrics, geriatrics, pregnancy, and in cases of liver or kidney impairment.

B- Intellectual skills By the end of the course the candidate will be able to: B1- Calculate accurately the drug dosage and plasma half life in different patient populations. B2- Obtain and record a comprehensive drug history of the patient. B3- Document drug adverse reactions. B4- Write prescriptions for different neurological diseases.

C- Professional skills By the end of the course the candidate will be able to: C1- Analyze information relating to practical aspects and current advances within the pharmacological sciences. C2- Apply the knowledge and understanding of the pharmacological sciences to plan and undertake actions in the treatment of different neurological diseases. C3- Demonstrate confidence and competency in understanding, analysis and interpreting pharmacological data.

21 D- General and transferable skills By the end of the course the candidate will be able to: D1- Use the computer skills to review the recent medical literature worldwide; in order to improve medical knowledge. D2- Develop the communication and interpersonal skills necessary to communicate effectively with teachers, colleagues, other medical members, patients and their families. D3- Understand the importance of life-long self-learning and show a strong commitment to it.

3. Course contents: Number Topics of hours L General principles of pharmacology 3 Antiplatelets 4 Anticoagulants 3 Lipid lowering agents 3 Drug therapy of epilepsy 6 Drug therapy of dementia 3 Drug therapy of involuntary movements 4 (parkinsonism, chorea, dystonia, tremors) Analgesics 3 Drug therapy of migraine 3 Corticosteroids 3 Immunomodulators 3 Antimicrobials 3 Drug therapy of multiple sclerosis 4 L: Lectures

4. Student assessment methods: 4.1 Written exam 90 4.2 Practical exam 45 4.3 Oral exam 15

22 Total 150

5. List of references: 5.1 Course notes (paper and/or electronic) Lecture notes. 5.2 Essential books (Text books) Principles of Clinical Pharmacology. 5.3 Recommended books 5.4 Periodicals, web sites, etc

Neurology course specifications: Faculty of Medicine – Ain Shams University

Course specifications: Program on which the course is given: Medical Doctorate in Neurology. Major or minor element of programs: Major. Department offering the program: Neurology and Psychiatry department. Department offering the course: Neurology and Psychiatry department. Academic Level: Medical Doctorate – 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th semester. Date of specification approval:

A- Basic Information: Title: Neurology course. Code: NP7003 Credit Hours: 20 hour Lecture: 2 h/w from 2nd to 5th semester Total: 120 hour Clinical: 6 h/w from 2nd to 5th semester Total: 360 hour

Coordinator: Neurology and Psychiatry department.

23 B - Professional Information: 1- Course Aims: The aims of this course are to enable the candidate to: 1- Acquire an appropriate knowledge about the wide array of neurological disorders. 2- Perform an efficient neurological history taking and examination. 3- Carry out the diagnosis and plan the treatment of the commonly encountered neurological diseases and emergencies. 4- Acquire the appropriate professional attitudes, communication and problem solving skills. 5- Use the medical literature to improve the clinical practice and develop independent and life-long learning. . INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES: 2- Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) from the Course: A- Knowledge and understanding By the end of the course the candidate will be able to: A1- Discuss the common neurological diseases; etiology, underlying pathology, clinical picture, diagnosis, prevention and treatment. A2- State the clinical manifestations and differential diagnosis of the common neurological disorders. A3- Describe the use and benefit of the neuroimaging studies and neurophysiological procedures. A4- Recognize the role, privilege and limitations of the different medication groups and therapeutic procedures used in the field of neurology.

B- Intellectual skills By the end of the course the candidate will be able to: B1- Analyze symptoms and signs, and hence constructing a differential diagnosis for the common presenting complaints. B2- Design an appropriate diagnostic plan for evaluation of the common neurological disorders, and institute the appropriate diagnostic, preventive and therapeutic interventions.

24 B3- Construct a treatment plan, incorporating medical knowledge, available diagnostic procedures and patient’s preferences in a cost effective manner. B4- Design a research project mounting to a thesis that contributes to scientific knowledge in neurology. B5- Write a scientific medical literature.

C- Professional skills By the end of the course the candidate will be able to: C1- Take a thorough history of appropriate depth and detail. C2- Perform a complete and problem focused neurological examination. C3- Perform and interpret the basic neurophysiology procedures. C4- Interpret the common diagnostic studies especially the neuroimaging studies. C5- Search for scientific information and use the medical literature to improve clinical practice. C6- Recognize and carry out competent management in the wide array of neurological diseases and the neurological emergency situations including increased intracranial pressure, evolving stroke, intracranial hemorrhage, status epilepticus, spinal cord compression and impending respiratory failure due to neuromuscular weakness. C7- Carry out evidence bases independent clinical decisions. C8- Perform a scientific research project either alone or in collaboration with other medical members, which contributes to scientific knowledge in neurology and elaborates a scientific medical literature which is legible for international publishing. C9- Appraise critically the medical literature. C10- Transfer medical knowledge to the junior colleagues and other medical members in a competent and simplified way, through bedside and didactic teaching.

D- General and transferable skills By the end of the course the candidate will be able to:

25 D1- Develop the communication and interpersonal skills necessary to communicate effectively with teachers, colleagues, other medical members, patients and their families. D2- Work within the organizational, interpersonal and inter- professional dynamics of the clinical team. D3- Use the computer skills to review the recent medical literature worldwide; in order to improve medical knowledge. D4- Understand the importance of life-long self-learning and show a strong commitment to it.

3. Course contents: 2nd semester Title: Module 1 Code: NP7003 a Credit Hours: 5 Lecture: 1.5 h/w Total: 22.5 hour Clinical: 7 h/w Total: 105 hour Module 1 Number of hours Topics L C History taking and localization 3 20 Neurological examination 5 35 Pathology of CNS 5 Seizures, epilepsy and other episodic 6.5 26 disorders Headache and migraine 2 12 Dizziness and vertigo 1 12 L: Lecture and C: Clinical

3rd semester Title: Module 2 Code: NP7003 b Credit Hours: 5 Lecture: 1.5 h/w Total: 22.5 hour Clinical: 7 h/w Total: 105 hour

26 Module 2 Number of hours Topics L C Ischemic cerebrovascular stoke and transient 7 35 ischemic attacks Intracranial venous thrombosis 1.5 12 Intracerebral hemorrhage 2 18 Vasculitis and collagen vascular disorders 4 15 affecting the nervous system Neuro-ophthalmology 3 15 CNS infections 5 15 L: Lecture and C: Clinical

4th semester Title: Module 3 Code: NP7003 c Credit Hours: 5 Lecture: 1.5 h/w Total: 22.5 hour Clinical: 7 h/w Total: 105 hour Module 3 Number of hours Topics L C Dementia and neuropsychological disorders 5 20 Peripheral nerve diseases 5.5 20 Multiple sclerosis and other demyelinating 5 22 diseases Raised intracranial pressure, cerebral edema 1 14 and hydrocephalus Pediatric neurology 2 6 Coma 1 12 Sleep and sleep disorders 1 3 Head injury 1 6 Neurocutaneous syndromes 1 2 L: Lecture and C: Clinical

27 5th semester Title: Module 4 Code: NP7003 d Credit Hours: 5 Lecture: 1.5 h/w Total: 22.5 hour Clinical: 7 h/w Total: 105 hour Module 4 Number of hours Topics L C Spinal cord disorders 5 25 Muscle diseases 4 18 Motor neuron disease 2.5 10 Movement disorders 5 22 Tremor, ataxia and cerebellar disorders 4 22 Tumors of nervous system and paraneoplastic 2 8 syndromes L: Lecture and C: Clinical

4. Student assessment methods: 4.1 Written exam 600 4.2 Clinical exam 300 4.3 Oral exam 100 Total 1000

5. List of references: 5.1 Course notes (paper and/or electronic) Lecture notes. National books approved by Neurology & Psychiatry Department. 5.2 Essential books (Text books) Brain’s Diseases of the Nervous System, Michael Donaghy Adams and Victor’s Principles of Neurology, Ropper AH and Brown RH. Clinical Neurology, Aminoff MJ, Greenberg DA and Simon RP. Merritt’s Neurology, Houston H and Rowland LP. 5.3 Recommended books

28 5.4 Periodicals, web sites, etc

Advanced Electroencephalogram (EEG) course specifications: Faculty of Medicine – Ain Shams University

Course specifications: Program on which the course is given: Medical Doctorate in Neurology. Major or minor element of programs: Minor. Department offering the program: Neurology and Psychiatry department. Department offering the course: Neurology and Psychiatry department. Academic Level: Medical Doctorate – 6th semester. Date of specification approval:

A- Basic Information: Title: Advanced EEG course. Code: E7045 Credit Hours: 4 hour Lecture: 2 h/w Total: 30 hour Clinical: 4 h/w Total: 60 hour

Coordinator: Neurology and Psychiatry department.

B - Professional Information: 1- Course Aims: The aims of this course are to enable the candidate to: 1- Acquire in depth the knowledge about the principles of electroencephalogram (EEG). 2- Explore in detail the physical principles of EEG, montages, pattern of normal and abnormal waves, ictal and interictal epileptiform patterns. 3- Integrate the pattern of EEG and the clinical data in order to reach proper diagnosis and treatment.

29 4- Identify the different types of EEG as interictal EEG, sleep EEG, video EEG and ictal EEG. I. INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES: 2- Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) from the Course: A- Knowledge and understanding By the end of the course the candidate will be able to: A1- Discuss the methods for application of the EEG electrodes and different montages. A2- Discuss the pattern of different EEG waves and artifacts. A3- Define the background activity, focal and paroxysmal epileptiform discharges. A4- Recognize the value of EEG in the management of different neurological disorders. A5- Recognize the different types of EEG and the indication of each of them. A6- Identify the method and value of invasive EEG monitoring.

B- Intellectual skills By the end of the course the candidate will be able to: B1- Differentiate the normal waves, artifacts, epileptiform discharge, sleep pattern. B2- Write an EEG report efficiently. B3- Identify the need of each of the different types of EEG according to the clinical data of each patient.

C- Professional skills By the end of the course the candidate will be able to: C1- Correlate between the information provided by EEG and the clinical data of the patient, hence reaching the proper diagnosis. C2- Apply the knowledge provided by EEG in the medical or surgical treatment of different neurological disorders especially epilepsy. C3- Demonstrate competency in understanding and interpreting the different types of EEG.

30 D- General and transferable skills By the end of the course the candidate will be able to: D1- Use the computer skills to review the recent medical literature; in order to improve the medical knowledge. D2- Develop the communication and interpersonal skills necessary to communicate effectively with colleagues, other medical members, patients and their families. D3- Understand the importance of life-long self-learning and show a strong commitment to it.

3. Course contents:

Number of hours Topics L C Placement of EEG electrodes 1 2 Montages 2 2 EEG waves 6 10 Artifacts 2 6 Epileptiform patterns 10 20 Value of EEG 4 8 Types of EEG 5 12 L: Lectures and C: Clinical

4. Student assessment methods: 4.1 Written exam 120 4.2 Practical exam 60 4.3 Oral exam 20 Total 200

5. List of references: 5.1 Course notes (paper and/or electronic) Lecture notes.

31 5.2 Essential books (Text books) Atlas of EEG Patterns, Stern JM and Engel J. 5.3 Recommended books 5.4 Periodicals, web sites, etc

Genetics in Neurology course specifications: Faculty of Medicine – Ain Shams University

Course specifications: Program on which the course is given: Medical Doctorate in Neurology. Major or minor element of programs: Minor. Department offering the program: Neurology and Psychiatry department. Department offering the course: Neurology and Psychiatry department. Academic Level: Medical Doctorate – 6th semester. Date of specification approval:

A- Basic Information: Title: Genetics in Neurology course. Code: E7046 Credit Hours: 4 hour Lecture: 4 h/w Total: 60 hour

Coordinator: Neurology and Psychiatry department.

B - Professional Information: 1- Course Aims: The aims of this course are to enable the candidate to: 1- Acquire an appropriate knowledge about the basis of molecular genetics. 2- Explore in detail the genetic basis of the different neurological disorders.

32 3- Identify the role of gene therapy in treatment of neurological disorders. 4- Recognize the importance of genetic counseling in patient with hereditary neurological disorders. . INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES: 2- Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) from the Course: A- Knowledge and understanding By the end of the course the candidate will be able to: A1- Discuss the basis of molecular genetics. A2- Discuss the genetic basis of the different neurological diseases. A3- Define the different patterns of inheritance in hereditary neurological disorders. A4- Identify the role of gene therapy.

B- Intellectual skills By the end of the course the candidate will be able to: B1- Understand the importance of genetic counseling in the hereditary neurological disorders, incorporating medical knowledge and best available evidence to give a useful advice for patient’s families. B2- Identify the indications and value of genetic studies.

C- Professional skills By the end of the course the candidate will be able to: C1- Demonstrate a competent genetic study for the common hereditary neurological disorders. C2- Perform an effective counseling service for the patients’ relatives.

D- General and transferable skills By the end of the course the candidate will be able to: D1- Use the computer skills to review the recent medical literature worldwide in order to improve medical knowledge.

33 D2- Develop the communication and interpersonal skills necessary to communicate effectively with teachers, colleagues, other medical members. D3- Work within the organizational, interpersonal and inter- professional dynamics of the clinical team. D4- Understand the importance of life-long self-learning.

3. Course contents: Number Topics of hours L Basis of molecular genetics 4 Disorders of DNA maintenance, transcription and 4 translation. Chromosomal diseases 4 Disorders of amino acid metabolism 4 Disorders of purine and pyrimidine metabolism 4 Lysosomal and other storage diseases 4 Perioxisomal diseases 4 Genetics of dementia 4 Genetics of epilepsy 4 Genetics of movement disorders 4 Genetics of cerebrovascular stroke 4 Genetics of muscle diseases 4 Genetics of polyneuropathies 4 Genetics of ataxia 4 Genetics of demyelinating diseases 4 L: Lectures

4. Student assessment methods: 4.1 Written exam 120 4.2 Practical exam 60 4.3 Oral exam 20

34 Total 200

5. List of references: 5.1 Course notes (paper and/or electronic) Lecture notes. 5.2 Essential books (Text books) 5.3 Recommended books 5.4 Periodicals, web sites, etc

Neuro-rehabilitation course specifications: Faculty of Medicine – Ain Shams University

Course specifications: Program on which the course is given: Medical Doctorate in Neurology. Major or minor element of programs: Minor. Department offering the program: Neurology and Psychiatry department. Department offering the course: Neurology and Psychiatry department. Academic Level: Medical Doctorate – 6th semester. Date of specification approval:

A- Basic Information: Title: Neuro-rehabilitation course. Code: E7105 Credit Hours: 4 hour Lecture: 2 h/w Total: 30 hour Clinical: 4 h/w Total: 60 hour

Coordinator: Neurology and Psychiatry department.

B - Professional Information: 1- Course Aims: The aims of this course are to enable the candidate to:

35 1- Acquire an appropriate knowledge about the principles of rehabilitation programs of neurological disorders. 2- Explore in detail the approaches in neuro-rehabilitation using the adaptive techniques and medications to bypass neurological impairment and facilitate the return of neurological function.. 3- Identify the different modalities of neuro-rehabilitation. 4- Perform the basic procedures of neuro-rehabilitation. II. INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES: 2- Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) from the Course: A- Knowledge and understanding By the end of the course the candidate will be able to: A1- Discuss the value and modalities of the different neuro- rehabilitation therapies as physical therapy, dysphagia therapy, incontinence therapy, language and cognitive therapy. A2- Identify the important role of the neurologist in prescribing rehabilitation therapies to maximize functional recovery. A3- Define the principles and procedures of the adaptive techniques and medications as botox, that are used in the neuro-rehabilitation programs. A4- Recognize the two principal approaches in the neur- rehabilitation programs; bypassing the neurological impairment by teaching adaptive techniques using preserved neurological function and facilitating the return of neurological functioning.

B- Intellectual skills By the end of the course the candidate will be able to: B1- Construct a rehabilitation program for disabled patients which requires an interdisciplinary team including neurologist, physical therapist, occupational therapist, speech therapist, neuropsychologist, social worker, and rehabilitation nurse. B2- Identify the rehabilitation services that provide optimum medical care for prevention and treatment of complications of a disabling neurological disorder.

36 B3- Review the medications used to accelerate recovery in the neuro- rehabilitation programs.

C- Professional skills By the end of the course the candidate will be able to: C1- Correlate between the information provided by a detailed neurological examination, and the planned neuro-rehabilitation program. C2- Demonstrate competency in setting the rehabilitation programs for patients with disabling neurological disorder. C3- Perform intramuscular injection of botulinum toxin (Botox) in order to relieve muscular spasticity whenever thought to be a cause of reduced functional ability.

D- General and transferable skills By the end of the course the candidate will be able to: D1- Use the computer skills to review the recent medical literature worldwide in order to improve medical knowledge. D2- Work within the organizational, interpersonal and inter- professional dynamics of the clinical team. D3- Explore both disease and illness with patients, and meet their communication needs and those of their relatives through the acquisition of effective comprehensive clinical method.

3. Course contents: Number of hours Topics L C Structure and personal of the neuro- 6 10 rehabilitation program Aim of the neuro-rehabilitation program 4 Physical therapy 4 10 Pharmacological therapy used in neuro- 4 rehabilitation program

37 Neuro-rehabilitation interventions 4 20 Language and cognitive therapy 4 10 Bladder and bowel therapy 4 10 L: Lectures and C: Clinical

4. Student assessment methods: 4.1 Written exam 120 4.2 Practical exam 60 4.3 Oral exam 20 Total 200

5. List of references: 5.1 Course notes (paper and/or electronic) Lecture notes. 5.2 Essential books (Text books) 5.3 Recommended books 5.4 Periodicals, web sites, etc

V – General information:

1 - Monitoring of Training and Submission of Training Reports:

- Proper and updated records are kept in our logbook reflecting the activities encountered sin our training. - We are ready for assessment after completion of each semester.

2 - Action Completion of Clinical Training:

Once all the training sessions are completed, the log book will be signed by the head of the department and the senior supervisor, and then will be submitted to the post graduate Secretariat.

3 - Reference:

38 The Training Guide is available at the post graduate Secretariat and could be downloaded from the following website.

VI – Your log book:

1. Introduction:

Neurology encompasses the prevention and management of disorders of the central and peripheral nervous systems. Training in neurology at Ain Shams University is divided into Basic and Higher training. Basic training comprises a 3-year residency program combined with a Master Degree in Neurology & Psychiatry. Higher neurologic training is provided for neurologists with academic post at the university as part of the Medical Doctorate (MD) Degree in Neurology and typically lasts for 3 years.

2. Supervisors:


39 Department of Neurology Weekly Schedule جدول العمل السبوعي بقسم طب المخ و العصاب 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 0 0 3 3 0 3 0 0 3 ...... 9 9 1 3 5 0 0 1 2 2 3 4 4 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1


0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 ...... 8 9 9 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 y a Resident Group Staff Ward Asst. Lecturer d r Ward Round Case Presentation Break Round Ward Round u t

مرور المدرسين مرور أعضاء هيئة التدريس على فترة راحة مرور الساتذة مرور الطباء a S ا

المساعدين الغرف المقيمين ل س ب ت Post- Post- Post- y Resident graduate graduate graduate Asst. Lecturer a d Ward Round Lecture 1 Lecture 2 Break Lecture 3 Break Ward Round n

مرور المدرسين فترة راحة محاضرة فترة راحة محاضرة محاضرة مرور الطباء u S ا

المساعدين للدراسات العليا للدراسات العليا للدراسات العليا المقيمين ل ح د إجتماع مجموعة Epilepsy Group Meeting Resident

الصرع y

a Ward Round Outpatient Clinics d

مرور المدرسين عيادات خارجية مرور الطباء n المساعدين .Asst المقيمين o M

فترة راحة Break ا

Lecturer Ward ل ث ن ي

Round ن y

a Resident Group Staff Ward Asst. Lecturer d

s Ward Round Case Presentation Break Round Ward Round e

مرور المدرسين مرور أعضاء هيئة التدريس على فترة راحة مرور الساتذة مرور الطباء u T ا

المساعدين الغرف المقيمين ل ث ل ث ا ء y

a Asst. Lecturer d

s Round / e

n Resident Conference d Ward Round Journal Club Weekly Conference Break Preparation e

مرور المدرسين فترة راحة المؤتمر السبوعي للقسم نادي الدوريات مرور الطباء W


المساعدين / تحضير العلمية المقيمين ل ر ب ع المؤتمر ا ء

y Resident a d Ward Round Outpatient Clinics Break CME & Skills Workshops s ورش مهارات عملية و تعليم طبي فترة راحة عيادات خارجية مرور الطباء r u

مستمر المقيمين h T ا ل خ م ي س 3. Tables for training records:

Candidates are required to fulfill the listed activities in order to be eligible for the exam entry (the candidate is free to attend more and record his/her extra attendance).

Conferences attendance (Minimum number required is 36) Supervisor No Date Place Topics signature 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

41 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36

Clinical rounds attendance (Minimum number required is 36) Supervisor No Date Place Topics signature 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

42 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36

Thesis attendance (Minimum number required is 10) Supervisor No Date Place Topics signature 1 2 3

43 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

General & special clinics attendance (Minimum number required is 18) Supervisor No Date Place Topics signature 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

44 Emergency attendance (Minimum number required is 18) Supervisor No Date Place Topics signature 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Neurology ICU attendance (Minimum number required is 8) Supervisor No Date Place Topics signature 1 2 3 4

45 5 6 7 8

Neurophysiology sessions attendance (Minimum number required is 10) Supervisor No Date Place Topics signature 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Case presentations (Minimum number required is 12) Supervisor No Date Place Topics signature 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

46 8 9 10 11 12

Post graduate lectures attendance (Minimum number required is 18) Supervisor No Date Place Topics signature 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

4. Log book preview: The candidate logbook will be reviewed and summarized during the semester evaluation and at the end of course in the

47 table below. The results of this review will be totaled in the summary chart below.

Semester 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th Total Activity (Minimum number No No No No No No required) Conferences attendance Clinical rounds attendance Thesis attendance General & special clinics attendance Emergency attendance Neurology ICU attendance Neurophysiology sessions attendance Case presentations Post graduate lectures attendance

VII – Head of department approval for the exam entry:

The council of the Department of Neurology held on / / 20 was assured that the candidate has fulfilled the requirements needed for the exam entry and the candidate is now eligible for the exam entry.

Head of department signature

48 VIII – Thesis Follow up التقرير النصف السنوى لعام / التاريخ/ عن الطالب / المقيد لدرجة ( ماجسيتر / الدكتوراة ) بقسم / تقرير السادة الساتذة المشرفين

جمع المادة العلمية و كتابة بدأ قطع شوطا المقدمة محدودا أوشك على النتهاء إنتهى من الجمع

الجزء العملى بدأ قطع شوطا محدودا أوشك على النتهاء إنتهى من التحليل

مناقشة النتائج بدأ قطع شوطا محدودا أوشك على النتهاء إنتهى من التحرير

المراجعة النهائية مع المشرف بدأ قطع شوطا محدودا أوشك على النتهاء إنتهت تماما

رأى السادة المشرفين إستمرار قيد الطالب مد القيد شطب قيد الطالب

/ / تم تشكيل لجنة المناقشة نعم تاريخ التشكيل ل

49 مد / شطب القيد توقيع السادة المشرفين وكيل الكلية VIII – Evaluation Forms

Evaluation Form (at the end of each semester) To be completed at ------

Candidate Supervisor Location

Aim of training ______

Agreed educational objectives and timescale in which objectives should be achieved. ______

Comments by Candidate ______

Comments by Supervisor ______

Date of next meeting

50 Signed by candidate Signed by Supervisor Date Degree Program Evaluation Form by The Candidate To be completed at the end of your degree.

Please consider each pair of statements and decide which most clearly reflects your view and tick one box or answer the question.

I. Individual Information 1. Are you a graduate of ASU?

yes no 2. Year and semester when studies began:

II. General Questions 1. What are the advantages/disadvantages of the general study environment at the University ASU?

2. What were your expectations when you applied to the degree?

3. Do you feel that the degree program prepares you well for your future studies or employment according to the demands and expectations of those institutions?

yes no to some degree

4. Has the time limit of the program (two or three academic years) caused you any difficulties or inconveniences?

yes no to some degree

III. Structure of Degree Program 1. Did you receive enough guidance in planning your study schedule in the beginning of the program?

yes no to some degree

51 2. What were the main difficulties in the planning of your study schedule?

3. What is your general opinion on the structure of the degree program?

4. In your opinion, does the degree program offer a good balance of lectures, seminars, conferences, and book exams?

yes no to some degree a) General Studies i) Do you feel that you have received enough guidance on academic writing?

yes no to some degree ii) Do you feel that you have acquired sufficient knowledge on research skills (eg. quantitative and qualitative research methods)?

yes no to some degree b) Courses i) Have you had some special difficulties in completing some of the courses? Please specify. ii) Has there been a sufficient variety of courses offered for your optional studies?

yes no to some degree iii) Have you received enough guidance for the preparation of your thesis?

yes no to some degree

IV. Concluding Points 1. Did the degree program meet your expectations?

yes no to some degree 2. What aspects of the degree program do you particularly like?

52 3. What aspects of the degree program do you particularly dislike?

4. What are your suggestions on how to improve the program?

Thank you!


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