Ms. Cepeda/Mr. Ochoa/Mrs. Moran
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Genocide: Research Essay Name: ______Ms. Cepeda/Mr. Ochoa/Mrs. Moran Period: ______
You should be able to answer these essential questions at the end of the unit. How do I use advanced searches effectively? How do I determine whether a source is credible? How do I avoid plagiarism? How do I cite in standard MLA format? How do I synthesize information? How do I write in a formal (third person) objective tone?
Requirements: Informational Research Essay You will find 3 articles of research to support your topic and help answer your research questions. You will read and annotate each article for answers to your research questions and important quotes. You will complete an Annotated Bibliography for all 3 articles in order to assess their usefulness and credibility. You will integrate information from all 3 sources to provide the reader with a full understanding of your topic and answers to the research questions. You will paraphrase and use integrated quotations to present the information and cite the information to avoid plagiarism, using MLA format. You will effectively complete an MLA Works Cited page to accompany your essay in order to avoid plagiarism.
Topics: Rwandan Genocide,Cambodian Genocide: Pol Pot, The War in Darfur, Holodomor: Soviet Famine/Stalin starvation), Bosnian (Kosovo) Genocide, Nanking Masacre, Tibetan Genocide, Armenian Genocide,Red Terror (Ethiopia) Step 1: What is Genocide?
Common questions: Why do we have to research genocide?
Genocide is still taking place today. Despite having numerous chances to learn from our past and having technology that can transmit information in milliseconds, many of us are ignorant to the world around us. It is important for us to learn from previous atrocities and not let the past be repeated.
What is genocide?
Following WWII in 1948, the Genocide Convention was passed by the United Nations. This international convention declared that:
"In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: (a) Killing members of the group; (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; (d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group."
Genocide can occur when any or all of the following steps are taken:
Classification is when items are placed into defined categories based on particular qualities. In a genocidal situation, classification is most dangerous when mixed groups are non-existent and a clear line of separation between groups exists.
Example: The Nazis labeled the Jews as their sworn enemies.
Symbolization is when symbols or names are given to the classes defined by Stage 1: Classification.
Example: Jewish prisoners were forced to wear yellow stars to identify themselves as Jews. Also, they were forced to carry papers that identified them.
Dehumanization is defined as when one group begins to deny the humanity of another group, thus, setting the stage for vilifying the victims and eliminating any objections to murder. Hate propaganda begins.
Example: Propaganda posters and movies, hateful speeches. The Nazis blamed the Jews for all of the deficiencies and shortcomings of Germany following WWI.
Organization is a key part of genocide. Militias, special army units, or informal groups are often specially trained for the eventual extermination.
Example: Hitler created the SS, Gestapo, and Hitler Youth. These groups were brainwashed and trained to hate the Jews and show no mercy. Plans began to exterminate the Jews at a rapid and efficient rate.
Polarization is an extreme separation of groups into opposing factions. Propaganda is increased. Laws may be put into place to not allow marriages between groups identified in the classification stage.
Example: The Nazis smashed and burned Jewish stores and temples. Preparation is the stage when victims are identified and separated physically from the rest of the population. Property is also taken. Stanton claims that "at this stage, a Genocide Emergency must be declared."
Example: Jewish people were led into ghettos, cattle cars and eventually concentration camp. The “selection process” separated families into workers and those bound for the crematorium.
By this stage, mass killings are rampant and refugees are seeking safety. Extermination is the mass killing of genocide. It is called "extermination" because the perpetrators do not feel they are killing humans but are eliminating creatures.
Example: Death marches, gas chambers, and the crematorium were all used to kill millions of Jews during WWII. A number of death camps were created to exterminate and amass supplies and weapons for the Nazi War effort.
Denial is the final stage when perpetrators attempt to hide that anything has been done to "cleanse" their country. Stanton reports that "the perpetrators of genocide dig up the mass graves, burn the bodies, try to cover up the evidence and intimidate the witnesses. They deny that they committed any crimes, and often blame what happened on the victims. They block investigations of the crimes, and continue to govern until driven from power by force, when they flee into exile."
Example: Nazis tried to destroy the camps and crematoriums. A number of Nazis fled to Argentina and other nations to escape the Nuremburg Trials. There are a number of people who deny that the Holocaust ever happened. This is based on misinformation, propaganda, and negative agendas.
Step 2: Choose your Topic
Rwandan Genocide
Cambodian Genocide: Pol Pot
The War in Darfur
Holodomor: Soviet Famine/Stalin (starvation)
Bosnian (Kosovo) Genocide
Nanking Masacre
Tibetan Genocide
Armenian Genocide
Red Terror (Ethiopia) Step 3: Find 3 Articles
Make sure that your sources are credible Examples of sources that are often the most credible:
● Official government websites ● Institutional sites that represent universities, regulatory agencies, governing bodies, and respected organizations with specific expertise (e.g., the Mayo Clinic) ● Peer-reviewed journals ● Reputable news sources
Examples of sources that are often considered less credible:
● Blogs ● Web forums ● Individual or business websites ● Materials published by an entity that may have an ulterior motive
Factors to Least Possibly Most reliable consider reliable reliable Type of Unfamiliar Published Official websites, institutional sites, academic journals source website material -Wikipedia (Links to EbscoHost and other databases at the very bottom of the page) Username: s5661556
Password: password, .org, .edu, .net sites
Author’s Uncredited Educated Expert in the field backgroun on topic d Date None Outdated Recently revised published Depth of Controversia Good Peer-reviewed by reliable sources review l reviews public response; general approval Sources None Credible Citations referencing other well-cited works cited sources Objectivity Clearly Sponsore Balanced, neutral biased d source
If you are using the Ebsco databases, you might find these steps helpful:
Step 1: You must use school-approved databases when you research. Click this link. 298863247&ugt=723731563C6635673716355632553E6224E361D36013669363E328E337133503&return=y&IsMobile=N&sWidth=Unknown&sHeig ht=Unknown&sPlatformVendor=Microsoft
Step 2: Select the appropriate databases. Caution: Clicking the wrong databases will cause you to get lost in.
I would suggest the following: ERIC Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia Middle Search Plus TOPICsearch MAS Ultra-School Edition
Click continue
Step 3: Search for your topic.
Step 4: Once articles appear, click Full Text on the left side. Then, click update. Caution: Click full-text articles.
Step 5: Read articles and find ones that are appropriate for answering your research questions.
Step 6: Next, print and email the article to yourself. Be sure to click MLA citation. You can do this when you email yourself or by clicking CITE (located on the right hand side of the article). This will ensure that citations are done for you.
Step 4: Annotate your articles Annotations: Since you are not familiar with this topic, a great way to annotate is to find the answers to Who- is being killed, -is killing? What- is happening, - help is being provided, - is being done to stop this, or –was done to stop this, -steps to genocide are being committed? Where- this occurring? When-did this occur? Why-is it happening? How- is it happening? MOST IMPORTANT: Notes on the 7 genocide steps-See pages 10-11 o Classification, symbolization, dehumanization, organization, polarization, preparation/extermination, denial (Please see page 2 for more specifics).
These research questions should help you gather your information. If you think of more, please add them and ANNOTATE for them.
Darfur is in the western part of Sudan, bordering on Libya, Chad, and the Central African Republic. Darfur is a region in Sudan the size of France. It is home to about 6 million people from nearly 100 tribes. Some nomads. Some farmers. All Muslims. In 1989, General Omar Bashir took control of Sudan by military coup, which then allowed The National Islamic Front government to inflame regional tensions. In a struggle for political control of the area, weapons poured into Darfur. Conflicts increased between African farmers and many nomadic Arab tribes. In 2003, two Darfuri rebel movements- the Sudan Liberation Army (SLA) and the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM)- took up arms against the Sudanese government, complaining about the marginalization of the area and the failure to protect sedentary people from attacks by nomads. The government of Sudan responded by unleashing Arab militias known as Janjaweed, or “devils on horseback”. Sudanese forces and Janjaweed militia attacked hundreds of villages throughout Darfur. Over 400 villages were completely destroyed and millions of civilians were forced to flee their homes. In the ongoing genocide, African farmers and others in Darfur are being systematically displaced and murdered at the hands of the Janjaweed. The genocide in Darfur has claimed 400,000 lives and displaced over 2,500,000 people. More than one hundred people continue to die each day; five thousand die every month. The Sudanese government disputes these estimates and denies any connection with the Janjaweed. The Sudanese government appears unwilling to address the human rights crisis in the region and has not taken the necessary steps to restrict the activities of the Janjaweed. In June 2005, the International Criminal Court (ICC) took the first step in ending impunity in Darfur by launching investigations into human rights violations in Darfur. However, the government of Sudan refused to cooperate with the investigations. Annotated Articles Rubric Article # Highlighted quotations Labeled Explanations 1 /10 /5 /5 2 /10 /5 /5 3 /10 /5 /5
You should have an annotated article that looks like the one listed above. You should clearly label your information and follow that up with complete sentences.
Step 5: Create an Annotated Bibliography
What is an annotated bibliography? It is a list of citations to books, articles and documents. Each citation is followed by a brief descriptive and evaluative paragraph (the annotation). Purpose: to inform the reader of the essay of the relevance, accuracy and quality of the sources cited.
THE PROCESS Step One: Locate and record citations to books, periodicals and documents that may contain useful information and ideas on your topic.
Choose the sources you wish to include in your essay. Cite the book, article, or document using MLA style (just like a Works Cited).
Step Two: Write an annotation that summarizes, evaluates, and assess’ the source. Please choose two questions from (a), two questions from (b), and two questions from (c). Then, answer them to create your annotated paragraph that comes after your citation. (a) Summarize the source Some annotations merely summarize the source. What are the main arguments of the article? What is the point of this book or article? What topics are covered in the article? If someone asked what this article is about, what would you say? The length of your annotations will determine how detailed your summary is. (b) Evaluate the authority or background of the author After summarizing a source, it may be helpful to evaluate it. Is it a useful source? How does it compare with other sources in your bibliography? Is the information reliable? Is this source biased or objective? What is the goal of this source? (c) Explain how and why the source is important to your essay. Once you've summarized and assessed a source, you need to ask how it fits into your research. Was this source helpful to you? How does it help you shape your argument? How can you use this source in your research project? Has it changed how you think about your topic?
*Reminders*Annotated Bibliography is double spaced, size 12, Times New Roman font.
Citations are in alphabetical order. All your text, including the annotation beneath the citation, must be indented so that the author's last name or article title is the only text that is flush left. Visit if you have any questions.
Student Name
Mrs. Moran/Mr. Ochoa
English 3
24 January 2015 Annotated Bibliography
Holland, Suzanne. The Human Embryonic Stem Cell Debate: Science, Ethics, and Public Policy.
Boston: MIT Press, 2014. This book discusses how stem cell research is beneficial for
medical advances. Because stem cells have helped to create blood pressure medicines and
antidepressant medications and so many others, this book supports stem cell research, but it
offers insights into why so many people oppose it. Holland discusses the public policy
changes on this depending on the stances of elected politicians, but ultimately is in favor of
more government funded stem cell research. This is a credible source because it comes from
MIT Press, which is a top rated university publication. Also, Holland has an extensive
bibliography at the end of her book citing all of the medical journals and sources she
referenced throughout her book. This book will help me to support government funded stem
cell research, and it will also help me refute it. I will most likely only use the chapters on the
benefits of stem cell research and a couple chapters on the ethics involved.
Start Source #2 here
Assessment Rubric for Annotated Bibliography
(2 pts. Each)
Quantity of Document cites Document is Document is two Document is fourDocument is more sources 3-4 of sources either one source to three sources to five sources than five sources outlined in the over or under the over or under the over or under theover or under the 10 pts. assignment. required number required number required number number of of sources. of sources. of sources. required sources.
Quality All sources cited Most sources Some sources can Few sources Little or no /Reliability of can be cited can be be considered cited can be reliable and/or Sources considered considered reliable and/or considered trustworthy reliable and/or reliable and/or trustworthy. reliable and/or sources cited. 10 pts. trustworthy. trustworthy. trustworthy.
Variety of Excellent variety Good variety of Adequate variety Poor variety of No variety of Sources of sources; cites sources; cites of sources; cites sources; cites sources; cites only three to four three to four three types of two types of one type of 10 pts. types of sources. types of sources. sources. sources. source.
Writing fluency All annotations Most annotations Some annotations Most All annotations of annotations are thoughtful, are thoughtful, are well written annotations are are lacking in complete, and complete, and but some are lacking in completeness, 10 pts. well written. well written. lacking in completeness, thought, and/or completeness, thought, and/or writing quality. thought, and /or writing quality. writing quality.
MLA and Citations are There are a few There are some There are many There is little or formatted formatting errors formatting errors and/or frequent no adherence to Documentation correctly in the in the document’s in the document’s formatting errorsMLA format in document. citations. citations. in the the document. document’s citations. 10 pts.
Step 6: Understand the difference between direct quotations and paraphrasing
Direct Quotation-Quoted exactly as it appears in the article
According to Martin Rogers, Yahoo Baseball Writer, “Babe Ruth began his pro career in 1914 as a pitcher for the Baltimore Orioles of the International League” (Rogers 2).
Paraphrase-Put a few phrases in your own words Columbia Encyclopedia states, Ruth was taken in by a priest who turned him into a dominant player (Columbia 34).
Block Quotation-Anything 3 or more lines long should be indented
In "American Origins of the Writing-across-the-Curriculum Movement," David Russell argues:
“Writing has been an issue in American secondary and higher education since papers and examinations came into wide use in the 1870s, eventually driving out formal recitation and oral examination” (Russell 56).
Note the following: Every quotation is cited with the author and article title, as well as credentials. Page numbers are present and there are quotes when they are needed.
Step 7: Begin your research paper
Your paper should be a mixture of paraphrases, direct quotations, and possibly a few block quotations. You should have proper MLA heading. Your essay should touch on all 7 of the United Nation’s Genocide requirements. You should label your paragraphs in order to ensure organization and depth
Student Name English 2
Mr. Ochoa
23 March 2015
Introduction -Who were the parties involved? -Why might this have started? -Where did this take place? -What is the timeline?
Classification -Elaborate on the two parties involved? For instance, why was there animosity? -Did one group clearly have the upper hand? -Explain how groups were classified/separated
Symbolization -What types of symbols and names were given to classify groups? -Was there any resistance to this happening? -Why were the groups classified?
Dehumanization -How were the victims oppressed or put down? Why? -How did a message of hate/intolerance spread? -What were some examples of hate speech?
Organization -Who were the key parties involved in the extermination (military, government, citizens, etc.)? -Were these individuals following orders or were they true believers in what they were doing?
Polarization -What were some extreme laws that were put in place to keep everyone separated? -Were there any laws forbidding moving, offspring, marriages, etc.?
Preparation/Extermination -How/When did the mass killings take place? -What was the public/word reaction to these murders? -Discuss the death tolls and atrocities that were committed.
Denial -Did the governments try to cover up the murders? -Were laws put in to place to keep reports or individuals from discovering the truth? -Was anyone held responsible for the genocide?
Conclusion -Answer the question “so what?” In other words, why is this prevalent and a necessary topic? What can we learn and take away from these monstrous events? -How will the victims cope with their loss and struggles? -Is there anything we can do to help in this situation? Step 8: Works Cited Page Your Works Cited page should be the very last page of your research paper. Your last name and page number should be in the upper right hand corner. In order to do this, you will need to do the following: -Click Insert -Click Page # -Click Top of Page -Page #3 (3rd choice-farthest to the right)
Unit Calendar
Date Daily Activity Homework Due 3/25 Introduce Genoide: 5 minute clip and Genocide Pick one genocide 3/25 Conventions to research 3/25-3/26 Research Articles Research Articles 3/26 Spring Break Annotate Articles Annotate your 4/8 3/27-4/8 articles over break 4/9-4/13 Annotated Bibliography Create A.B. 4/15 4/14-4/20 Rough Draft Construct a R.D. 4/20 4/20 Peer Edit None. Done in 4/20 class. 4/21-4/22 Final Draft/Works Cited Be ready to make 4/22 corrections 4/24 Paper Due! 4/24 Submit your essay