Austin Basketball Officials Association Board Meeting Minutes 6.15.16

Members Present: WES Sheridan, David Hall, Harvey Reed, Jonathan Petrini, Tony Sykes, Ken Patton, Roger Jeffers, Durell Hoskins

Call Meeting to Order @ 6:46 PM by President Wes Sheridan.

Approve Minutes Resolved: Minutes were accepted by a motion from David/Roger - unanimous.

Training – Marvel presented an informational program for training/evaluating our mid-level officials.

Stated Policy - Ken 13. Members shall honor all official assignments, once accepted. They must notify the Secretary at once in the event of emergencies. to 13. Reassignment fees become applicable when members show they are available on ZW. All non-accepted, rejected or turn-back assignments result in a $5 fee per assignment. A reassignment in the last 48 hours incurs a $10 reassignment fee per assignment. A missed game results in a game fee due within 7 days. Members must notify the Secretary at once in the event of an emergency. David/Harvey moved - unanimous.

Membership – Roger 269 members. 31 new/reinstate/transfers.

Arbiter - Roger Electronic pay for schools through Arbiter.

Returning Membership - WES David/Durell moved to accept member and assign him to games appropriate to his skill level. 3-3 President will cast his vote at next meeting. President voted in favor to break the tie.

Summer Camp – Ken Documents forwarded for review. Will be at Westlake Athletic Community Center and in conjunction with the Austin Wildcats on July 8-10.

Chapter Meeting Schedule – Durrel

Points – Jonathan/Durell moved to raise the camp points to 15 per camp with appropriate documentation - unanimous

Whole Bunch of Financial Stuff – Rick Financial are posted on ZW for members to view. Durell/David moved to accept the 2016-17 budget with the removal of the Coach’s meeting - unanimous Conflict of Interest was signed by all Board members. 1 Safety and Security – WES will send a report to the Board about the scope of their task and suggestions will be presented to the Board for possible implementation.

Next meeting is August 3rd Motion to Adjourn made by Jonathan/Harvey @ 8:44 - Unanimous