SECTION - Bid Scopes

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SECTION - Bid Scopes

Work Scopes ME- Building Group



1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including Contract Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section.

1.2 BID PACKAGES A. Contracting Methodology: This project will be expedited through the method of [Construction management] [General Contractor] as defined in the Supplemental Conditions. B. The [Construction Manager] [General Contractor] will manage the project using the [insert document management] system. Contractors will be responsible for input of data and reports to and retrieval of information from the system to keep the information current. C. Shop drawings will be submitted as [electronic] [paper] submittals for all brochures and letter size submittals. 24x36 sheets are to be submitted as [electronic files.] [hard copies. Electronic full size drawings shop drawings will not be accepted unless approved in advance by Chrysler and the Architect/Engineer]. D. Bid Packages will be issued to receive bids for the various trades, individually and/or grouped. Successful Bidders shall execute a Contract as defined in Supplemental Conditions, Page 00800-1, Article 1 “Definitions.” E. Bid Package Bidder shall, at his request, have the opportunity to review released Bid Packages to familiarize themselves with Work Scopes and the relations to the Bid Package being bid. No additional Bid Package sets will be provided. F. Each Bidder shall include coordination of the Work with the requirements of all related Contract Documents. G. LEED: The Project is following LEED principles for construction. Contractors are to review the LEED associated documentation in the Specifications for LEED specific criteria and practices that will be followed. H. Refer to Division 1 Section “General Requirements,” 01010 “Summary of Work” for a general description of the total Project. I. Refer to Section 008000 “Supplementary Conditions”, “Section 17 Warranties” for an explanation of the warranty terms for the project. The warranty period will be a minimum of [insert years] years after acceptance but terminating no sooner than [insert date].

1.3 BID PACKAGE WORK SCOPE A. Bid Package BP- [insert bid package name]: 1. The Work of this Bid Package is for architectural trades, which is to be defined as including all Work specified and as shown on the Drawings 2. General: a. Prompt processing of orders and submittals to ensure timely approval and release for fabrication and installation.

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Work Scopes ME- Building Group

b. Preparation of Submittals List, Submittals Schedule also Maintenance and Operation information as required by Contract Documents. c. All material handling. d. Compliance with all safety requirements. e. Temporary Electrical power: [insert temporary electrical power generation for all construction needs.] f. Site verification and acceptance of all attachment element locations and substrates prior to beginning work. g. Testing: [insert how testing is to be contracted, ie. Independent construction testing services shall be provided by the bid package contractor.] h. Daily Field Reports shall be submitted to Construction Manager, Owner/Architect’s Field Representative. i. Final test reports shall be uploaded to the Construction Manager’s [insert document management] site. j. The Contractor shall maintain as-built documentation of the work as it progresses on a full size hard copy of the current construction document set. The Owner/ Construction Manager/ Architect’s Field representative will review the completeness of the as-built document periodically during construction. At significant completion of the Bid Package scope the as-built documents will be submitted to the CM for transmission to the Architect. k. Coordinate with other Bid Package contracts that require interfacing with work of this Contract. Attendance at coordination meetings will be required. 1. Major work scope items: [insert detailed description of the major elements of work to be included/performed in this Bid Package. Focus should be given to items that the contractors may overlook or exclude.] 2. Related work not included in this package that will be performed by other trade contracts are as follows: a. Related work not included: [insert list/description of on-going and future work by other bid package contractors and or owner’s forces that may impact this bid package.]

1.4 OWNER FURNISHED EQUIPMENT A. The Owner will furnish the following equipment: 3. List of Owner furnished: l. Roof Top HVAC Units m. Roof Top H&V Units. n. Helicopter lift for Roof Top HVAC and H&V units B. Shop Drawings and Product Data will be made available to the Contractor. C. Owner will arrange and pay for delivery of Owner-furnished items according to the Construction Schedule. D. Following delivery, the installer shall inspect items delivered for damage. The Owner shall be present for installer’s inspection. E. If Owner-furnished items are damaged, defective, or missing, notify Owner immediately, Owner will arrange for replacement. F. Owner will arrange for manufacturer's field services and for delivery of manufacturer's warranties to Contractor. G. Owner will furnish the earliest possible delivery date for Owner-furnished products. Using Owner- furnished earliest possible delivery dates, designate delivery dates of Owner-furnished items in Construction Schedule.

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Work Scopes ME- Building Group

H. Contractor shall review Shop Drawings and Product Data and return them to Construction Manager noting discrepancies or anticipated problems in use of product. I. Contractor shall be responsible for receiving, unloading, and handling Owner-furnished items at Project site J. Contractor is responsible for protecting Owner-furnished items from damage during storage and handling, including damage from exposure to the elements K. If Owner-furnished items are damaged as a result of Contractor's operations, Contractor shall repair or replace them.

1.5 SAFETY A. Contractor’s Safety Program 1. The Contractor shall be responsible for keeping records of required safety issues and man- hours worked by trade. 2. On a weekly basis, the Contractor shall report safety records and man-hours worked to the On-Site Safety Director. 3. The Contractor shall be responsible for designating a [full-time][part-time] safety representative for the on-site project team. [If part time, the safety representative does not have to be a dedicated safety officer, but a person who will be responsible for all safety related issues.]

1.6 SCHEDULE A. Milestone Schedule: [insert milestone schedule for this bid package, and or any critical dates that may impact the bid package scope. Include any Plant restrictions on working hours and or days. This can be provided as a separate document (Gant chart) from the Owner or CM.]


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