Thinking Through a Lesson Protocol (TTLP) Template s17

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Thinking Through a Lesson Protocol (TTLP) Template s17

Domain/Standard Code: 2.MD.4 Author Name: Kierstin Bartholomew Page 1

Title of Task: ____Class Picture ______

Adapted from: Smith, Margaret Schwan, Victoria Bill, and Elizabeth K. Hughes. “Thinking Through a Lesson Protocol: Successfully Implementing High-Level Tasks.” Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School 14 (October 2008): 132-138.

PART 1: SELECTING AND SETTING UP A MATHEMATICAL TASK (PREPARE) What are your mathe m a t ical g oals Measure to determine how much longer one object is than another, expressing the length difference in for the lesson? (i.e., what do you want terms of a standard length unit. students to know and understand about mathematics as a result of this lesson?)

 What are your expecta t ions for  Recognize that they need to measure each person students as they work on and  Recognize that they need to use subtraction to find the differences in the heights complete this task?  What r esou r ces or tools will  Rulers students have to use in their  Large piece of paper to show work and pencils work that will give them  Tape to mark heights entry into, and help them reason through, the task?  How will the students work—  They will work in pairs independently, in small groups, or in pairs—to explore this task?  How will students record and  They will record work on their large piece of paper and in their math journal. report their work?

How will you introduce students to the LAUNCH activity so as to provide access to all Show a class picture where some students are not seen because someone is in front of them or the tall students while maintaining the ones are in the front. cognitive demands of the task? Show task. Domain/Standard Code: 2.MD.4 Author Name: Kierstin Bartholomew Page 2

Title of Task: ____Class Picture ______

PART 3: SHARING AND DISCUSSING THE TASK (DISCUSS/DEBRIEF) HPAowRT w 2:ill SyUPou P o OR r c hTING es t r a S teT U theD ENTS’ class EXPLORATION OF THE TASK (EXPLORE) dA iscussions students sow othatrk i nydoeup aeccndoemplishntly or y inour mathematicalsmall groups, g oals?what q u e st i ons will you askW to—hich solution paths do you want  I want a couple of different ways to solve the problem.  helpto ha av eg rsharedoup get d ustrainrtge dthe or make  WhatThe is orderit that should you are be trying from toconcrete figure out?thinking to more abstract thinking so that students classprogr dessiscussion? on the task? In what order will  Whatcan could easily you follow start otherdoing? students’ thinking.  ftheocu solutionss students’ be thinking present eond? the Why?  What type of math problem do you think will help you accomplish this?  Wkeyhat m sapthematecific qicaluest idionseas inwill the you ask  What would be the next step you would take? sotas thatk? students will—  ass1. emass kstue sdeensents’ of un thederstanding of  DoesHow your did answer you know make which sense? operation to use? keymathematical mathematical i iddeeaass, that proble youm -  Is there a better way to solve that? solvwinagn stratt themeg itoes, learn? or the  Did you start at zero on the ruler? 2re. p rexpaesenntda ton,ions? debate, and question  DidWhy you matchdid you up solve your it ruler that toway? exactly where the last ruler left off?  advtheance solutions students’ b euningde sharstarned?ing  ThisWill person that saysalways that work? they are this height and you say the same thing. Can you both be the 3of. the ma make tconhematnectionsical id aemas?ong the same when this person is clearly taller? different strategies that are  WhyDid do you you see use any subtraction connections to see among how muchsome tallerof the someone other strategies? is? presented?  Why do you have to start off at zero on the ruler?  Are there any patterns among the strategies? How will4. y loouo ensk foru rpea tthatterns? students  Can you explain why you got your answer? remain5 e. nga begin g ed t ino ftheorm t ask?generalizations?  Is there a way that you could check your answer?  What assistance will you give or  WhereHow did would you startyou checkgetting your confused? answer? what questions will you ask a  What is it you are trying to solve? What will you see or hear that lets you student (or group) who becomes  WhyThe did teacher you do will it this see way? the students using correct measurement techniques and correct know thatquic alklyl stufrustdernatsted in a tnhed r classequests understand the mathematical ideas that mathematical operations when they are finding the difference between the two heights. Each more direction and guidance is student will be able to explain how they solved the task through oral or written means. you intesolnvdiedng ftheor them task? to learn?  What will you do if a student (or  Ask the students to find two other objects in the room of their choice to measure and see group) finishes the task almost what the difference is between the two objects. immediately? How will you  Write down their guess of who they think the tallest person in our class is and who is the extend the task so as to provide shortest. additional challenge? Domain/Standard Code: 2.MD.4 Author Name: Kierstin Bartholomew Page 3

Title of Task: ____Class Picture ______We need to figure out how tall each of us is for a class picture. We need to make sure that every person is seen in the picture. You and your partner will need to measure each other. Then you will compare heights to see who is the taller. Write down how much taller one is than the other person. You will then write down who would go in the back row (taller) or the front row (shorter).

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